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Insider’s Report for 2004 #23
Editor: Dennis Crenshaw
“This area of study is a double-edged sword. If the earth is Hollow then there has to be a conspiracy. If there is no conspiracy then the earth is a semi-solid, lava filled, ball of dirt just as we are taught. It’s that simple.”
Dennis Crenshaw, Editor, The Hollow Earth Insider
"Unraveling the Secrets" is a free weekly Research Report from:
In memory of Ray Charles ---Sept. 23, 1930 --- June 10, 2004 ---
He had nothing to do with Hollow Earth as far as I know, but … damn … that man sure could sing the blues!
In this Issue:
RUTH LEEDY( Flora Benton): The ESSA-7 Polar Photo: Photographic bait?
(Dorothy) NORMA COX: Atlantis Gold, Jesse James and the Cult of The Sun
Note: Several of you sent me e-mails recently with questions and requesting back issues of the reports. If I haven’t answered your e-mail or sent you the requested back issues please send the requests again as I accidentally deleted ALL my e-mail. Hey! I never claimed to be a wizard at this contraption … this computer. Sorry, and thanks … Dennis
Private Spacecraft's Inaugural Launch Set for June 21
By Leonard David
Senior Space Writer
posted: 10:30 am ET
02 June 2004
A privately developed rocket plane will launch into history on June 21 on a mission to become the world's first commercial manned space vehicle. The pilot of the craft, still to be announced will become the first person to earn astronaut wings in a non-government sponsored vehicle, and the first private civilian to fly a spaceship out of the atmosphere. That's the word today from Scaled Composites in the Mojave, California desert -- designer and builder of SpaceShipOne. The announcement is the first time the group has pre-announced a high-altitude run of its piloted rocket ship. …
From the Conspiracy Journal comes the following story.
Knappster: Usual scientific explanations lacking in Mexico UFO case
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Copyright © Las Vegas Mercury
By George Knapp
“The official arrival of summer is still a few weeks away, but "pool weather" is already upon us, and that means it is perfectly acceptable to plop down and read whatever strikes your fancy. This is my justification for writing a UFO column. Some readers are probably aware of my longtime interest in the UFO topic. Although I no longer report on UFO matters for local TV, my fat face seems to pop up weekly on some cable network UFO special. (In just the past week, I received three more requests for interviews and/or assistance from international journalists working on separate UFO programs.) “Mainstream science and the U.S. government have done all they can to discourage serious public interest and inquiries into the UFO subject, but the damned flying saucers just don't want to cooperate. They keep popping up at inopportune moments. Most are explainable, but a few are not.
“The UFO news out of Mexico in the past few weeks caused a minor stir on this side of the border for a day or so, then quickly faded into oblivion, overwhelmed by grim news in Iraq. But the Mexican incident is one of the most intriguing cases in recent memory--and one of the best documented. It deserves some attention. The source of the information is the Mexican Air Force, which was given the green light to release the data by Mexico's version of Donald Rumsfeld, the secretary of defense. …” The Knappster’s complete report can be read here...
From the news
Could a 200-year-old engine solve today's petrol crisis?
A LITTLE-known invention by a Church of Scotland minister almost 200 years ago could help to reduce the world’s insatiable and ever-growing appetite for oil.
As prices on the oil markets continue to approach their highest for 21 years - threatening a repeat of the fuel protests of four years ago - a leading expert on the Stirling engine has claimed it could reduce petrol and diesel consumption in motor vehicles by more than half.
Dr Peter Waddell, a retired reader in mechanical engineering at Strathclyde University, believes the internal combustion engine - workhorse of the western world for more than a century - could be replaced by a modern interpretation of Robert Stirling’s 1812 engine. Continued at:
From the ever-vigilant Misty3 comes an excellent Website for those wishing to better understand the Illuminati and their place in the elitists goal of a New World Order …
The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign Relations By Myron Fagan
I urge you to read and listen to everything offered on this very informative site however I’d be lax if I didn’t bring your attention to this information included in Mr. Fagan’s overview of the history of the Illuminati posted on his site:
"In 1826; one Captain William Morgan decided it was his duty to inform all Masons and the general public what the full proof was regarding the Illuminati, their secret plans, intended objectives, and to reveal the identities of the masterminds of the conspiracy. The Illuminati promptly tried Morgan in absentia and convicted him of treason. They ordered one Richard Howard, an English Illuminist, to carryout their sentence of execution as a traitor. Morgan was warned and he tried to escape to Canada, but Howard caught up with him near the border; near the Niagara Gorge to be exact, where he murdered him. This was verified in a sworn statement made in New York by one Avery Allen to the effect that he heard Howard render his report of the execution to a meeting of "Knights Templars" in St. John's Hall in New York. He also told how arrangements had been made to ship Howard back to England. …
But was Captain William Morgan “murdered?”
To clearly see the Hollow Earth connection at this point in the Illuminati story read “Was William Morgan THE MAN?” by Bruce Allen Walton (Branton) on our site at:
Posted Mar 3.04
Time has been one of the most complicated and less studied scientific issues since ancient times Eight years ago, American and British scientists who conducted investigations in Antarctica made a sensational discovery. US physicist Mariann McLein told of how researchers noticed some spinning gray fog in the sky over the pole on January 27 which they believed to be just an ordinary sandstorm. However, the gray fog did not change in form and did not move in the course of time. The researchers decided to investigate the phenomenon and launched a weather balloon with equipment capable of registering the wind speed, the temperature and the air moisture. But the weather balloon soared upwards and immediately disappeared.
In a little while, the researchers brought the weather balloon back to the ground with the help of a rope attached to it earlier. They were extremely surprised to see that a chronometer set in the weather balloon displayed the date of January 27, 1965, the same day 30 years ago. The experiment was repeated several times after the researchers found out the equipment was in good repair. But each time the watch was back it displayed the past time. The phenomenon was called "the time gate" and was reported to the White House.
Today investigation of the unusual phenomenon is underway. It is supposed That the whirl crater above the South Pole is a tunnel allowing penetration Into other times. What is more, programs on launching people to other times have been started. The CIA and the FBI are fighting for gaining control over the project that may change the course of history. It is not clear when the US federal authorities will approve the experiment.
Famous Russian scientist Nikolay Kozyrev conducted an experiment to prove that moving from the future to the past was possible. He substantiated his views with the hypotheses on instant information spreading through physical characteristics of time. Nikolay Kozyrev even supposed that "time could execute the work and produce energy." An American physics theorist has arrived at a conclusion that time is what existed before existence of the world.
It is known that each of us feels a different course of time under different conditions. Once lightning hit a mountain-climber; later the man told he saw the lightning got into his arm, slowly moved along it, separated the skin from the tissues and carbonized his cells. He felt as if there were quills of thousands hedgehogs under his skin.
Russian investigator of anomalous phenomena, philosopher and author of numerous books Gennady Belimov published his article under the headline "Time Machine: First Speed On" in the newspaper On the Verge of Impossible. He described unique experiments conducted by a group of enthusiasts led by Vadim Chernobrov, the man who began creation of time machines, devices with electromagnetic pumping in 1987. Today the group of enthusiasts can slow down or speed up the course of time using special impact of the magnetic field. The biggest slowing down of time made up 1.5 seconds within an hour of the equipment's operation in labs.
In August 2001, a new model of the time machine meant for a human was set in a remote forest in Russia's Volgograd Region. While the machine only operated on car batteries and had low capacity, it still managed to change the time by three per cent; the change was registered with symmetrical crystal oscillators.
At first, the researchers spent five, ten and twenty minutes in the operating machine; the longest stay lasted for half an hour. Vadim Chernobrov said that the people felt as if they moved to a different world; they felt life here and "there" at the same time as if some space was unfolding. "I cannot define the unusual feelings that we experienced at such moments."
Neither TV nor radio companies reported the astonishing fact; Gennady Belimov says the Russian president was not informed of the experiment. However, he tells that already under Stalin there was a Research Institute of the Parallel World. Results of experiments conducted by Academicians Kurchatov and Ioffe can be now found in the archives. In 1952, head of the Soviet secret police organization Lavrenty Beria initiated a case against researchers participating in the experiments, as a result of which 18 professors were executed by shooting and 59 candidates and doctors of physical sciences were sent to camps. The Institute recommenced its activity under Khruschev. But an experimental stand with eight leading researchers disappeared in 1961, and buildings close to the one where experiments were conducted were ruined. After that, the Communist Party political bureau and the Council of Ministers decided to suspend researchers of the Institute for an uncertain period.
The program was resumed in 1987 when the Institute already functioned on the territory of the Soviet Union. A tragedy occurred on August 30, 1989: an extremely strong explosion sounded at the Institute's branch office on the Anjou islands. The explosion destroyed not only the experimental module of 780 tons but also the archipelago itself that covered the area of 2 square kilometers. According to one of the versions of the tragedy, the module with three experimenters collided with a large object, probably an asteroid, in the parallel world or heading toward the parallel world. Having lost its propulsion system, the module probably remained in the parallel world.
The last record made in the framework of the experiment and kept at the Institute archives says: "We are dying but keep on conducting the experiment. It is very dark here; we see all objects become double, our hands and legs are transparent, we can see veins and bones through the skin. The oxygen supply will be enough for 43 hours, the life support system is seriously damaged. Our best regards to the families and friends!" Then the transmission suddenly stopped.
:Story originally published by:.
Pravda / Russia | Olga Zharina - Mar 1.04
The TAL Zone
The Research and Writings of TAL LaVesque
Lizard Spit Drug Treats Type 2 Diabetes
An experimental drug derived from Gila monster saliva appears to help patients with type 2 diabetes gain control over their blood sugars.
Click here for more:
...the new drug, called Exenatide, does not cause weight gain and appears to help protect the cells in the body that release insulin. The results of clinical trials of exenatide was reported at an annual scientific meeting of the American Diabetes Association.
"The reduction in blood sugar and the associated weight loss seen with exenatide is an important combination of effects. With other therapies, improved blood sugar control is often accompanied by weight gain -- and this weight gain can be a significant frustration for people working to achieve better control of their diabetes," says investigator David Kendall, MD, from the International Diabetes Center in Minneapolis, in a news release. Treats Diabetes Without Weight Gain Exenatide is a synthetic version of a chemical called GLP-1 that is found in the intestines of humans and in the saliva of Gila monsters. GLP-1 helps the body better use insulin, protects important insulin-releasing cells in the pancreas, and helps the body feel full after a meal. In an interview with WebMD, Martin Abrahamson, chief medical officer at the Joslin Diabetes Clinic in Boston, says that exenatide and similar drugs in development may have other positive effects on type 2 diabetes.
In type 2 diabetes, the body begins to lose its sensitivity to insulin, an important hormone that the body needs to process sugar. The disease also impairs the ability of the pancreas to make insulin. An estimated 90%-95% of the 18 million Americans with diabetes have type 2. Type 2 diabetes, if untreated, can lead to heart and kidney disease, stroke, nerve damage, eye damage, and other serious problems. Abrahamson tells WebMD that exenatide's positive effects on blood sugar levels, coupled with its apparent ability to preserve beta cells, the insulin-producing cells, is promising. "What I think may be more interesting with this product, and we need more data to see it, is its impact of this drug on beta-cell number and beta-cell survival," Abrahamson says. "If it's shown to be able to prevent the further loss of beta cells, then the question I would ask is, do you begin to use this earlier on in the onset of diabetes, because we know that when diabetes is diagnosed on average, patients have lost over 50% of beta-cell function.
From Lizard Venom to Diabetes Drug Gila monsters are poisonous lizards. They don't have fangs like vipers. Instead, they grab onto their prey with vice-like jaws while their grooved teeth leak venom-containing spit. The lizards live in the desert, and eat as few as four times a year. Between meals, their hunger system shuts down. A chemical called exendin-4 is found in their venom. When ingested with saliva, it wakes up the lizards' metabolic system. Oddly, this reptile molecule works in humans, too. It lowers blood sugar and promotes weight loss. And by a separate mechanism, it protects insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas and stimulates the growth of new beta cells. Beta cell death is a major factor in progression of type 2 diabetes.
Alzheimer's Protection, Too?
A compound similar to exenatide has two unpronounceable names: HSEGTFTSD and [Ser(2)]exendin(1-9). In animal studies, this compound protected brain cells from toxic injury by plugging into a brain molecule called GLP-1R. The report, by University of Auckland researcher Matthew J. During, MD, and colleagues, appears in the August 17 issue of Nature Medicine. GLP-1R may therefore be a promising target for treatment strategies directed towards degenerative brain and thought disorders, During and colleagues conclude.
FROM The Hollow Earth Insider’s HARD-COPY ARCHIVES:
[In the last issue I mistakenly stated that this report was written by Norma Cox. Actually it was researched and presented to me for publication in THEI by Ruth Leedy. I’m sorry about the mistake. I had just read an e-mail from an Insider asking me to post some of Norma Cox’s well researched writings and her name was on my mind at the time. With Norma’s kind permission I have included some of Norma’s excellent and important writings in this issue … but first here‘s Ruth‘s right on report concerning the famous hole-at-the-pole picture with a slightly different slant … Dennis Crenshaw].
Photographic Bait: Are you being played for a fool?
By Ruth A. Leedy
[Originally published in The Hollow Earth Insider
Research Report
Volume III #1].
The Hollow Earth issue has been placed before us, in a subtle way, time and time again in the form of planetary photographs that appear to show a polar opening.
Do you ever have the feeling that someone is throwing a hook and line before you, just daring you to take the bait? When we take it, of course, we take the heat as crackpots, and the anonymous space agency functionaries who cook up the photographs can piously exclaim that there was no intention to produce a hollow planet photograph. Thus they can create an issue while making it appear that someone else created it.
The real question is, why would anyone want to goad other people into stirring up the hollow earth issue? Just to have some fun? Just to enjoy the sport of pointing the finger at hollow earthers and calling them fools?
Let’s take the photo that appeared on the cover of Volume II #6 of THEI and also on the title page of this article as an example, the ESSA-7 satellite photo. [You can find this photo at: ]. Now this photograph is one of many polar composites that give the illustration of daylight on all sides of the planet at once. This tells us that it is a combination of perhaps three to five pictures taken over a 24-hour period. [The official word is that this is “a composite of hundreds of photos”, however the amount of images used to form the whole is unimportant. … Dennis]. Most of these polar composites, when taken in winter, show a fuzzy-edged shaped area in the center, representing the polar regions which receive no light at that time of year.
The ESSA - 7 photo is the only one ever released in which the edges of the dark spot are not fuzzy. In other words, this is the only photograph of its type that shows no twilight shading.
Hollow Earth advocates have been screaming about this for years, ever since Ray Palmer first published the photograph on the cover of the June 1970 issue of “Flying Saucers Magazine”. [A photocopy of this famous cover can be seen in Volume I #2 of THEI].
Whoever put the photograph together would have had to have noticed, “Gee, this looks like a sharply defined hole. Maybe we better explain this,” But did they explain it? No. NASA released the picture without comment, and finally after years of furor they came out with a lame statement to the effect that the peculiar appearance of the photograph is caused by the fact that the sun’s light does not reach the pole in winter. Paul Dickson parroted this explanation in his book “Out of This World: American Space Photography,” and “Fate” also parroted it in an Aug. 1980 article.
Now is this an insult to your intelligence or what? Here we have a photograph that is unique among all the dozens or hundreds of polar composites that NASA has produced showing fuzzy dark centers dozens of hundreds of times, and its appearance is explained in the same way as the others. Thus there is no explanation for its unique appearance. (If there were any such explanation such as one-of-a-kind cloud formation, we would still have to ask why the explanation was withheld for so many years).
We can find one clear sign of fraud regarding this photo, and that is the fact that it could not have been taken on the date, which is given. This tells us that whoever prepared the photo was probably pulling our leg in one way or the other. I still think the picture shows a polar opening, but this mistake in dating the picture helps us to see that this picture is being lied about.
The date given for the photo is November 23, 1968. It so happens that the North Cape of Norway, at 71 degrees latitude is in darkness for two months out of every year, from Nov. 21 to Jan 21. And yet you can easily determine that the sun’s light reaches to 78 degrees latitude in this photo, which is well above the North Cape of Norway.
How can we measure the latitude of the edge of the dark spot in the picture? Latitude is measured in degrees of an arch, from 0 to 90 degrees. So you find a protractor and place it on the picture so its curvature matches the curvature of the planet, with the 90-degree mark at the top. Now you need to know where the edge of the black circle would be if it were at the top of the picture. It would then appear as a slit of course. But the width would be no different from the width of the circle in the center. So measure that width and draw a line or slit across the top of the planet. In my 1985 book, “Hollow Earth Apocalypse: Asimov’s Warning,” I drew a diagram showing how I calculated the latitude to which the sun’s light was extended. The picture could perhaps have been taken in October or late February.
Our editor, Dennis Crenshaw, points out to me that no one has explained why the edges of the dark spot is irregular, or scalloped, instead of being sharp and straight. He remarks that the irregularities could be the edge of the ice pressure ridges and glaciers as they recede into the interior lands. I would add that they could also be the edges of mountains or cloud formations that cling to the surface of the polar opening.
On Feb. 25, 1992 “The Sun. a national tabloid, ran this photo along with an article about an expedition to the earth‘s interior. The “Sun” story entitled “There’s a Hole in the Pole,” fits neatly on an 81/2 by 11-inch sheet of paper, an open invitation to us to copy and circulate it to others. Since the article is interesting and informative, why not take the bait? In the article we read that Danish explorer Edmund Bork was inspired by the photo to mount an expedition to the far north, and he now claims to have reached the inner earth. The article would have us believe that a piece-loving people live there, but they have prevented us from learning about them for the time being - even erecting a light shield or optical illusion that usually prevents the polar openings from being photographed.
Here again, our leg is being pulled. Any group of people who would establish a conspiracy of silence about the structure of our planet (enforced on pain of death no doubt) cannot be described as peace-loving. A light shield would not be enough to fool all our astronauts, explorers and NASA experts into being unaware of the existence of polar openings. There is too much satellite date that would give away the truth.
Therefore, in order to keep their secret, these so-called piece-loving people would have to take charge of our space program, to the extent of controlling information on this one issue. I am quite sure they are in charge. I expect that they knew this “dark spot” photograph would stir up the hollow earth controversy, and they wanted the controversy stirred up. Why? Perhaps because they enjoy playing games with us. Perhaps they want the issue alive so they can have evidence to present to their selected offspring among us - the “star people” - that a coming ! polar shift will cause a re-carving of polar openings - a prospect horrible enough to induce the star people to agree to be evacuated to another planet for the time being, as portrayed in Leslie Watkin’s book “Alternative 3.”
Skeptics always point out another inconsistency in this singular photo. “If that’s a hole, why can’t you see the center sun in the picture?” Since this is a composite photograph, I surmise that the central sun was cropped out.
I believe this to be the only photo ever released of the hole at the pole. It is real. However, this satellite photograph was not released for the purpose of SETTLING the hollow earth question. It was probably intended as a sort of seed to prepare the way for later revelations. My guess on this, as presented in my 1985 book, is that a photograph like this can be used as a back up to help convince selected individuals that the earth really is hollow. However, we cannot know the motives of these people in a definite way. But we can definitely see that various people are dropping bait on the hollow earth issue.
Atlantis Gold, Jesse James and the Cult of The Sun
From my article posted on-site, “Shaver and Palmer: Part 2”:
“Norma Cox was the writer/publisher of Secrets, a newsletter that had a very large following until she closed it down in 1996 because of failing health. As she told me when I went to visit her recently at her home in Arkansas, “while my spirit wants to continue with my work, my age and the fact that I tire easily tells me I’ve had it.”
Amazingly this truth-seeking woman continued her research into the overall conspiracy into her early 90s. She only stopped reading and studying recently when she started to loose her sight. This series of reports, “Unraveling the Secrets,” was named in honor of Norma’s newsletter “Secrets.” She is quite the lady.
Norma is also the author of several books including her last work, “The New Spoilers.” She was also one of the few members of the inner circle of associates, friends and students of the late Richard Shaver and still lives near his Arkansas home and “Rock Shop.” Read her recollections of Richard Shaver on my site at:
In a recent phone call with Norma I was given permission to edit and re-present any of her writings in my possession. The following comes from her last book, “The New Spoilers” © 1995 by Norma Cox.
Where is the Gold of Atlantis? And what does the outlaw Jesse James have to do with it?
Strange little people from who-knows where, fairy rings (crop circles), cattle mutilations, the disappearance of humans down sinkholes and upward into the sky, flying saucers, extraterrestrials, and the involvement of the “Elite” have been facts of life for millennia. Millennia ago the common people had some understanding of the inexplicable goings on. Now all knowledge is carefully contained by the damnable, occult-elite; and the rest of us -- the common folk -- flail about, mired in theories and suppositions, falling prey to whatever we see on TV “information channels” or what we hear on radio talk-shows.
Though we are held at bay, legend, mythology, and the books of different religions verify the truth of the Secrets. The Native Peoples of the Americas knew the secrets. That is why the government pushed them off their sacred land of green hills and mountains, lazy hollows, boulders and gushing streams. More important than relaxed settings for abundant primitive living was another factor: The atmosphere of these carefully chosen sites was high charged; the vibratory action induced an electrified feeling. The Native American’s feet pounded the ground, his feathered head bobbed up and down. Chanting, he danced in a zodiacal circle.
In a simple, unscientific way he knew, for he had seen, heard and felt. The Secrets were in the sky above and the world beneath his feet. The god of the sun-chariot provided heat and life; the god of the sky provided the change that set off the thunder and lightning that produced that rain that mates with the soil. The sky-father and his son, the tender of the Sun. Gods with the power to determine life and death must constantly be appeased for even imaginary offence; further, to keep them content, father and son must constantly be made aware of unswerving adoration.
Why were the Native tribes the only inhabitants of the land that came under the hand of the abusers once it became the United States of America? Assuming they originated in Asia, as has been written, they must have done what other survivors did when the flood washed Earth’s surface clean of life: They went into caves with which they were familiar.
From there they felt their way along natural and artificially created passageways. They emerged to enter a land that would blossom with intense beauty once the wild growth became reestablished. The people who had occupied the upper America had also fled the flood by taking to the caves for safety and a way out. It appears they may have exchanged places with the Red people when they surfaced in the Caucasus.
Surrounded by the lapping waters of the Atlantic Ocean and governed by the gods, Poseidon and Zeus, was there actually a continent called Atlantis? Legend, mythology and religious texts confirm the existence of such a land. Was it broken apart by volcanic activity, seismic upheaval and continuous rain, after which it disappeared in the sea? Again, the same sources say, “Yes.” Clear up to the Straits of Gibraltar, corroborating evidence has been found on the floors of the Caribbean and Atlantic. The demise of Atlantis was due to the same situation and sources that today are on the verge of destroying the civilization that succeeded the Golden Age which during its prime flourished in the midst of the great body of waters. When crime, depravity, wars, corruption and an over-abundance of super-technology become more than the Empire could bear the Phoenix set fire to itself. Out of its ashes grew the world of today. Now, once again, the Phoenix readies himself to strike t! he match and, by immolation, do away with himself.
The quality and quantity of the wealth of Atlantis is legendary. Did it disappear into the depth of the sea with the rest of the emerald empire? No doubt much of it did; but where did the rest of it go? The answer is that it vanished into the safest, the most inaccessible place imaginable: the caves and fissures of the inner-earth.
Described as three boxcars in length, and high as a horse, the gold bars discovered in the late ’30s by the person known as Doc Noss could not have been other than a treasure trove of lost Atlantis. This occurred a few years after President Franklin Roosevelt had a crooked Congress declare ownership of gold illegal. Not long after Noss had managed to drag a gold bar from the mountain - which he had arranged to exchange for paper money, something he could spend - he was shot and killed. Not long after that the Military took over the mountain when the area became White Sands Missile-testing Range.
[Note: while it has nothing to do with this story I feel compelled, as background, to report that my great-great-uncle, Tom Fairchild, was an original settler of New Mexico and at the time owned most of the area now know as White Sands. The government “bought” the land at 10 cents an acre although the family did not want to sell. The government used the “Public Domain” laws claiming, “National Security needs” as the reason. Dennis].
While no doubt the Military immediately latched onto and removed the fabulous treasure, there are people who, by virtue of bloodline inheritance, claimed the gold as legally their own. Among the claimants are (or were) kin of Jesse James. There being no linkage between the lineage of the James and Noss families, the question is, why and how can this be. The answer, strange as it may seem, lies hidden within the hills and mountains of the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, and clear across into New Mexico.
Frank and Jesse James grew up in Kearney, Missouri, which is a little north of Kansas City, Bank and train robbing compatriots of the James boys, the Younger brothers grew up in the rugged hills of north-central Arkansas. Caves abound in the Ozarks. Many are the stories written about the mystery and fearsome beauty and the treasures of gold and silver stashed away in inky-black niches. Although progress now limit’s the adventurous spirit enjoyed by children of a century ago, during the time of the youth of the James and Younger boys, prowling about in caves satisfied an insatiable curiosity. Beyond a doubt some explorations yielded surprises of flabbergasting dimension.
Upon the eruption of the Civil War, the boys who poked around in caves became men shouldering rifles. A border state, Missouri was bitterly divided up to and during the war. Although she aligned herself with the North, many youth chose to fight for the Confederacy. Near the close of the conflict, Jesse, who was nineteen at the time, joined the Confederate guerrilla force of William Quantrill. After Quantrill was killed Jesse and brother Frank formed a band of outlaws specializing in train and bank robberies.
When Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox, the South was a shambles. The oppression visited upon the South after the war generated more hatred for the North, and a bitterness towards “Yankees” which in some areas of the South exists to this day.
Robbing banks and trains provided the bandits more than gold to flourish; it provided an act of defiance, a small way of evening the score with bankers and others of the power-elite they held responsible for inciting the Southern rebellion that brought on the fratricidal war.
During the course of the war, and likely while the conflict was in the making, these robbers and terrorists had fallen in with the master intriguer, Albert Pike. Pike was, and to this day remains the ultra-Mason. A Northerner by birth and upbringing, at age 22 he hopped a caravan and, for some unknown reason, journeyed to Santa Fe, New Mexico, after which he moved to Little Rock, Arkansas. There he taught school, wrote for a newspaper, became a lawyer, which in turn enabled him to revise the State’s statutes. As attorney for Arkansas’s Native American’s, the Cherokee, he at one time received a fee of $100,000 for his services which, in those days was about enough money to have brought the entire state. As well as being their legal representative, Pike was also overseer of Indian Affairs. Trusted by the Cherokee and other Native American tribes, there is reason to believe he so wormed his way into their confidence that he was able to learn from them secrets essential to! further the knowledge of Freemasonry.
Prior to the hateful cult that became known as the Ku Klux Klan (Ku Klux meaning circle), the white separatist society was known as the Golden Circle (a covert name for Sun). The twelve charter members (symbolizing the twelve constellations of the Zodiac) of the KKK included Jefferson Davis, Bedford Forrest, Jesse James and William Quantrill. Although, it has been written that Albert Pike was the originator of the society, and despite the similarities between Masonry and KKK rites and rituals, it is doubtful this is true. However, there is no doubt that Pike took part in the plan of the Klan’s charter members to reopen the war and to visit upon the North the miseries and skullduggery the North inflicted upon the North.
Important to remember about such secret organizations is the fact that only the men at the top know the truth; the truth being the secrets of the ages, the mysteries carefully concealed from rank and file members. These secrets encompass realities so fantastic that, to the uninformed, they appear sheer fantasy. Since the times of Atlantis, the reality of one important secret is the fact of a world beneath our feet inhabited by a wide range of characters.
In the mid-1970s there was a news report that stated that Jefferson Davis, Bedford Forrest, Jesse James, and others of the original twelve members of the KKK came into possession of gold valued at billions of dollars. Whatever the amount of loot grabbed by the James boys, the Youngers and Daltons during the period of their train and bank robbing sprees, it was a long way from being even a fraction of 150 billion in bullion. While this amount of gold was more than sufficient to supply the needs required to reopen the conflict, the procedures and timing of such a ponderous and unprecedented venture required careful consideration and preparation.
How had the men of the Cult of The Sun come into possession of such a huge amount of gold? The answer must be some of the men, such as the James and Younger boys, had discovered it while prowling about in a few Ozark caves. Or possibly, Albert Pike had wheedled the information out of the Native American’s who trusted him fully. Assuming that Pike was in on the conspiracy to rekindle the Civil War, until the time came to put the plan into action, the gold posed a problem. What to do with it until the time arrived? The fear that others might discover it must have nagged constantly. The solution was … return it to the underworld … only distribute it widely so that if one cache were found, or two, the chance that more would be discovered would be most unlikely.
Some years ago there appeared in the magazine, “Beyond Reality,” a most interesting article written by Tom Townsend. Titled, “Traces of a Lost World,” the writing suggests that prior to, or just after the Flood, what is now Arkansas had once been a colony of Atlantis. Bearing out the hypotheses are artifacts of a strange nature which, found across Arkansas over the years, went into museums and to the Smithsonian, only to disappear, never to be seen again. Quoting from the article:
“Among the pieces recovered from a 10-foot hole were small figures and carvings of men, stars and animals, a jewel box made from volcanic pumice and one small idol with a nose-ring pounded from a single gold nugget. The largest piece of the collection, the ’King Crowley,’ as the four-foot idol was nicknamed, was sent to the Smithsonian for identification. There it was unanimously agreed that the idol was similar to nothing seen before. A book of metal plates found lying next to a skull in front of a stone alter inside a rock-house was also shipped to the Smithsonian. Although many letters were sent to the Smithsonian inquiring about the plates no record of their ever being received could be found. The plates had vanished as mysteriously as they had appeared…. In Eureka Springs, Arkansas, another idol was found in 1880. Nicknamed the ’Eureka Baby,’ this find also vanished mysteriously. When the Eureka springs Courthouse burned down some years ago, all records of the 18! 00s were destroyed … These and other amazing finds seem to be clues to a strange white civilization that dwelled in Arkansas over 8000 years ago. Possibly a lost colony of Atlantis, possibly survivors from some nuclear or interplanetary war. When the Cherokee entered the Ozark Mountains about 8000 years ago, the region was inhabited by a race of white people they called ’Moon Eyes.’ Far back in the wilderness of southern Carrol County there stands a cliff beside a clear flowing stream that emerges from a nearby cave. At the base of this cliff is a doorway carved into the bluff, leading to a winding tunnel that ends abruptly in a tiny round room. It winds so tightly that an adult human can barely wiggle into it, yet there seems to be no doubt that it was carved by human hands.”
Picking up from a page that for some strange reason had been completely blotted out is the following:
“Several large basins with unknown carvings were still standing in 1834 when the property was part of the grounds of Cane Hill College, the State’s first institute of higher learning. Several writers of half a century ago believed the ruins were the exposed corner of an entire city, the rest of which had already been buried. Cherokee legends tell of yearly councils held in the ruins which they considered sacred for thousands of years. Today there is no trace of the ruins of Cane Hill. This is not surprising since there is also no trace of Cane Hill College, which burned down in 1868 … All across the region the evidence is here … Who were the strange night people that the Cherokees called ’Moon Eyes?’ Who built the ruins of Cane Hill and the tiny tunnel in Carrol County? Most of all how could so many discoveries have been made during the early years of this country and not have been followed up? Could it be that too much unclassifiable evidence was being turned up and ! [had to be] suppressed?”
In the above quote are many clues, some of them tangible. And there is Old Testament prophecy that explicitly reveals the existence of enormous treasures of precious metals stored in underground cavities.
In his book, “Morals and Dogma,” master mason and occultist, Albert Pike, covertly discloses arcane knowledge which verifies the existence of a dark, fearsome and inhabited world beneath the alternately warm and green, cold and grimly white world of the surface, which is the theme - death by winter, resurrection by spring, of the Christian religion.
During the time Albert Pike taught school and practiced law in Ft. Smith, Arkansas … and at the same time helped foment the Civil War, extensive trade, in which killing was commonplace, was carried on between Ft. Smith, Arkansas and Santa Fe, New Mexico. The question is, how much of the booming business was carried on above ground and how much below the surface. In this regard it is interesting to note that Santa Fe is close to the mountains in which Doc Noss found the gold that was piled up to the size of a cabin. Whether it was hauled there by the James boys, via an underground tram system, or whether, since the time of Atlantis, it had remained undiscovered until, by chance, it was stumbled upon by Doc Noss, will however, I suppose, remain a mystery. Whatever, the fact remains that, according to a segment of “Unsolved Mysteries” televised a few years ago, heirs of Jesse James lay claim to the massive gold treasure. The reasoning behind these claims remains a mystery.
The mysteries of that time, the bits and pieces which forma a blurry picture of a world which, close at hand is so far away, have been little expanded over the years. More tantalizing than ever, as we struggle to understand during these final years, the question remains: How long before something of a concrete nature crops up?
Further Reading:
Doc Noss’ Gold
Ozark area caves and
Jesse James
James-Younger Gang
William Quantrill
Albert Pike: The Anti-Masonic view of the man:
Albert Pike: The Confederacy - Native American connection:
Albert Pike: How Three World Wars Were Planned to Help Establish the New World Order
Cherokee legends including the story of the ‘Moon Eyes.’
Is there a Fort built by the ‘Moon Eyes’ at Fort Mountain?
Cane Hill College
UNDER GROUND ARKANSAS from “The New Spoilers by Norma Cox
The following is a letter received from a reader, a former resident of Siloam Springs, Arkansas, whose input toward solving the mysteries has been considerable as well as intriguing:
Dear Norma,
A couple of errors crept into my letter that you printed. The downtown creek is called Sager, not Sugar Creek. Also the building with the 13 pillars is the Crown Hotel. The Masonic building is right on Sager Creek. On the same road, but not close in is John Brown University. (In Northwest Arkansas, Siloam Springs is above Ft. Smith).
My father was a 3rd degree Mason. He never had an inking of a conspiracy. I explained to him that the real Masonry begins at the 32nd degree; but I have no doubt that many below the 33rd know the score.
My father was bribed by his father to join the Masonry many years ago. I’ve lived with my father for the last ten years and can see how masonry affected the normal working processes of his mind. Those occult rituals involve heavy bombardment of the mind with mesmerizing hypnotic rays that program and provoke inhibitions. As a result, his mind wasn’t properly balanced. Before dying he mentioned Heinlein and said he could tell from his science fiction writing that he was a mason. I asked him to explain … after ten years of staying away from Masonic meetings, you would think he could. I could see in his face the compulsion that prevented him from telling me. In one of Heinlein’s books, he has the number 13 scattered about in clever ways, an example: “bakers dozen.”
Years ago when my father mentioned caves under J.B.U. (John Brown University); I assumed he had learned about them through Civil Defense. Now I suspect it was through Masonic contacts.
My father attended J.B.U., which, if I remember correctly, he said was located near Noel, Missouri, at the time. Noel is not far from Siloam Springs (Arkansas). Old J.B.U., I gathered was a military academy for boys. The old stone building still stands.
Noel, Missouri, is riddled with caves. Someone told me they are so thick there that well diggers have to use a special weighted drill so as to go straight down, otherwise the caves they drill through will deflect the drill to the side. When I first learned of the caves under J.B.U. I knew nothing of an underground world, or conspiracies. Later, when I heard, I found the information about the J.B.U. caves unsettling. If entrances had been backyards or out in the woods that would have been consistent. But why on the property? It now appears to me that J.B.U. left Noel and moved to Siloam for the express purpose of plugging into a particular cave network … that would ever dream that boring Siloam Springs would be a hotbed of revolutionary activity or think-tank!
Perhaps Masonry’s modus operandi is finally being revealed. There may be a not-yet-understood connection between underground caverns and communities on the surface. A natural confluence of forces may promote growth of communities above caverns. The natural confluence of forces would be rearranged in a way to avoid too much similarity between communities and caverns beneath. This doesn’t mean that all communities are situated over caverns. The possibility, however, is there.
Also, by having a community above an occupied cavern, Masonry can better hide the activity involved in supplying the community beneath. Should underground living be based along the principle of self-sufficiency, such as recycling and generative free energy, comparatively little would be needed from the surface. Come to think of it, with the right kind of setup, food could be grown underground!
What is going on beneath Siloam Springs could be the most important project Masonry has going for itself within a 300-mile radius. A planned survival community for all the 33rd’s and their minions for the surrounding major cities such as Tulsa, some from Kansas City, Fayetteville, Fort Smith. Of course, there could be plenty of other communities over caverns that are being developed simultaneously.
Natural caves all over the world beneath unsuspecting communities could be put under development as needed. This building of underground cities could have started many decades ago.
[This statement makes one think of the underground humming noises heard coming from underground reported from residents of cities worldwide. … Dennis].
I suspect that in the long run these natural caverns could be the death traps for Masons. These natural caverns could tend to exist along fault-earth-quake lines and catastrophic flooding could be a real problem. The choosing of natural underground caverns could be a pragmatic compromise in the thinking of the Masons because of prying eyes among unwashed surface dwellers.
My father said access to John Brown University’s entrance is sealed to keep people out. Of course there could be many artificial secret entrances. I wondered at the time my father told me why the caves were not developed for Civil Defense. For that matter, why not use them for storage facilities, open to businesses down there; for that matter, why not move half of Siloam Springs down there? While that may seem far-fetched, it could be that “down there” has been developed in just that matter. An innocent looking building of shipping facility could have a cargo elevator going down into a cavern. Civil Defense or Masonry could already be in place down-under, and by now has perhaps been operating for many years.
You can find more of Norma Cox’s writings, including several of her books available for free at:
This from Inside contributor, Jeff: According to a report in the BBC for June 6, 2004:
Satellite images 'show Atlantis' By Paul Rincon BBC News Online science staff
A scientist says he may have found remains of the lost city of Atlantis.
“Satellite photos of southern Spain reveal features on the ground appearing to match descriptions made by Greek scholar Plato of the fabled utopia. …” Complete report:
Take a gander at a watchamacallit
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Hope you enjoy this report. Until next time, see ya’ll!
Dennis Crenshaw