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"Unraveling the Secrets" is a free weekly Research Report from:
Date: August 28, 2004
Issue # 33
Editor - Dennis Crenshaw
The THEI Investigation of a Possible NWO Backed Project
The Super Tunnel to Russia
(Including updated Research Resources)
And Selected Short Subjects
Quote of the week: “ … Life probably started underground, so look
there for ET.”
Prof. Thomas Gold
Cornell University
This was taken from:
Filers Files #36 – 2004, Skywatch Investigations
George A. Filer, Director MUFON Eastern
Vice President of Skywatch International
August 26, 2004, Webmaster: Chuck Warren
Is ET Underground?
Theory Oil Reserves Bigger Than Expected - E.T. Might Live Underground
Cornell University Professor Thomas Gold says oil is purely geological,
not biological, in origin; and life probably started underground, so
look there for ET.
It's not exactly a theory of everything, but in his book, "The Deep Hot
Biosphere" (Copernicus/Springer-Verlag, $27), Cornell University
Professor emeritus of astronomy Thomas Gold says that life on earth probably
started deep underground, where it still exists in profusion and that
therefore is would be reasonable to look for life on other planets
underground as well, even if those planets look quite inhospitable on the
surface. The basic idea that a large amount of microbial life exists in
the pore spaces of the rocks down to depths of between 6 and 10
kilometers and arose in the following way. Natural petroleum almost always
contains elevated levels of helium and also contains molecules that are
unquestionably of biological origin. The evidence that a deep biosphere
exists has now been strongly supported by microbial studies in deep bore
holes. Drilling deep into the crystalline granite of Sweden between
1986 and 1993 revealed substantial amounts of natural gas and oil. 8!
0 barrels of oil were pumped up from a depth between 5.2 km and 6.7 km.
Mars, like the Earth, will have internal heat sources, and temperatures
will be increasing with depth. Water is so common on planetary bodies
that it seems almost certain it will be present in large quantity on
Mars, and there must then be a depth range in which it is liquid. If the
surface temperature has decreased over geologic times, the depth range
of liquid water would have moved a little lower. The surface itself and
a thin layer below are cold, so that any water coming up from deeper
levels would generally not spill over the surface, but freeze in the
Another big idea for Gold is that oil and natural gas generally
regarded as products derived from ancient biology, are hydrocarbon substances
created geologically in the early stages of earth’s formation. As such,
they began very deep and gravitated toward the surface, rather than the
other way around. And there should be enormous undiscovered oil
reserves buried very deep, he says. Gold was the founding director of
Cornell's Center for Radio physics and Space Research for two decades.
These "bugs," actually archaebacteria, thrive in intense heat and
pressure deep underground, without any light -- that is, in a truly alien
environment within planet earth. There's no reason to doubt that such
critters could exist on many other planets as well, perhaps including Mars
and some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Oil contains lots of
bacteria because they eat the stuff, not because they make it, Gold says.
Also from the same source:
Ohio - Underground UFO Interference
FOSTORIA -- George Ritter has been able to take video of UFOs near his
home on a regular basis. The video taken on August 22, 2004, shows a
UFO over a nearby farmer's field. Many of the videos appear to show the
craft entering and leaving the field. The Fostoria area is known to have
many underground caverns that could provide a base for these craft. The
electrical interference is apparent in the image. Often when UFOs are
present there are interruptions of electrical service and television
interference. The field is now under development for new homes. Thanks to
George Ritter.
To receive relevant UFO articles and trade serious information like the
above you can join this very important group.
To Become A Member Of Skywatch-International, Click Below
Visit The Skywatch-International Web Site
“Universal Heartbeat” at posted this,
Dear Friends,
Here are the latest articles from UFO Casebook.
Rainbow UFO's/Photo
Phoenix, Two Video Reports Aug. 2004
UFO Triangle Formation Over Melbourne, Australia
Love and Light.
I want to thank active researcher Dellis9202 for filing the following
story to the
From, the following story:
Canadian soldiers lost, then found
Canadian Press
Tuesday, Aug 24, 2004
Pangnirtung, Nunavut — The search for two missing Canadian soldiers on
Baffin Island has ended on a positive note.
A Griffin helicopter sighted the pair shortly after the search resumed
this morning. …
Complete Report at:
With all the talk about “left-wing” and “right-wing” bias in the press
lately I thought it might be fun to take the above news report and add
a little “conspiracy” bias. In might go something like this …
Mysteries Abode in Secret Activity at the Top of the World.
A paradox by Dennis Crenshaw
7:15 PM EST 4/24/04
Pangnirtung, Nunavut --- According to reports coming from the site of
Canadian Military secret operations going on in the Arctic the mission
hasn’t been exactly smooth sailing.
Since the start Operation Narwhal, reportedly “the largest Canadian
Arctic military exercise of modern times,” has had its problems. Two
planes have had to turn back before reaching Pantnirtung … helicopters have
been grounded. One of the helicopters even had an engine catch fire.
Men have been “lost” then “found.” …The latest news is that 2 of the
members of the 400-man force disappeared for quite some time after being
dropped off outside of the community with “some communications
equipment” and then found. Must we read between the lines to find the truth
story of just what is going on up there?
According to a report on the “GlobeandMail” Website:
“The mission will see a simulated crash of a satellite and the
mounting of an operation to recover the debris that will include the
participation of the frigate HMCS Montreal.
“There will also be a simulated cruise ship sinking and an
environmental disaster, along with secret tests.”
It’s those “secret tests” that we here at THEI are wondering about.
What are they REALLY doing up there near the entrances?
Source: European Space Agency 
Date: 2004-08-25 
Space Houses On Earth
An ESA-designed house that uses technology designed for space could
become the basis of the new German Antarctic station, Neumayer-III. The
new station has to meet stringent laws set up to protect the Antarctic
environment, which is where the use of space technology comes in.
n 2001 the Alfred Wegener Institute that is responsible for polar and
oceanic research, and the German Antarctic station, saw the initial
design of the SpaceHouse and decided to join with ESA in developing a
conceptual design for a polar house based on the SpaceHouse technologies.
The design they came up with was presented at the 28th meeting of the
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research that took place in Bremen last
Read the complete report and view some concepts:
The Super Tunnel to Russia
(Including updated Research Sources)
By Dennis Crenshaw
The following Research Report is from The Hollow Earth Insider Research
Report, Volume 1 Number 6, and July --Aug. 1993.
According to a front-page exclusive article in the March 22, 1993 issue
of the ultra-conservative national newspaper “The Spotlight” under the
“Super-Tunnel to Russia Planned.”
“Walter Hickel, governor of Alaska, has been quietly working with
Russian interests to dig a tunnel between Alaska, under the Bering Strait,
and [into] Russia.”
The Spotlight article went on to report that “at a recent meeting in
Anchorage with Alexander Nazarov, top official of the far eastern Russian
region of Chukotka, Hickel said, “I hope this tunnel will become a
reality in my lifetime,””
The proposed 74.5-mile tunnel, if used in conjunction with the English
Channel tunnel would enable someone “to drive from London to Buenos
Aires, a distance of approximately 22,000 miles.”
Expected cost: $40 billion.
Of course, as the Spotlight article pointed out, “a more realistic
price would be at least twice that, strung out over ten years minimum.”
A lot of money. But, the information from the article that really
spurred my interest was this paragraph hidden deep into the article:
“Although the project HAS NOT BEEN REPORTED in the lower 48 states, the
plan has the support of everyone who’s anyone in Russia, including
Prime Minister Viktor Chernomydin,” said Georgr Kourmal, the director of
the association supporting the tunnel. …”
[Submitted by Ollie of Northern California].
Naturally my question is: Why hasn’t this great plan been hawked over
the establishment press, TV and radio? Who will REALLY benefit the
most from this underground passageway anyway?
At my request, Doug, one of our Alaskan Insiders, did an extensive
search of the local newspapers at the library. He located only one article
on page B2 of the “The Anchorage (Alaska) Daily News.” for Feb. 22,
“Hickel, Chukotka governor propose Bering Strait tunnel”
By Rosanne Pagano
The Associated Press
“Governors on both sides of the ice-clogged Bering Straight on Friday
said they support plans for a tunnel to link remote northwestern Alaska
and the Russian Far East.”
However according to MS Pagano not everyone is happy with the idea. She
reports: “Mary Schaeffer, special assistant to the Inuit Circumpolar
Conference, said she thought area Natives who fish the Bering Strait and
depend on mammals for food would question the tunnel.”
MS Pagano also quotes Gunner Knapp, a University of Alaska economist:
“I consider this idea to be an unfortunate diversion … we lose
credibility when we talk of this kind of thing.” She further reported that Mr.
Knapp said, “Russia has no resources to spare. This is not the time to
be talking about grand projects.”
But, Stephen Shropshire, executive director of Anchorage based
“Northern Forum,” which presses global issues involving the Arctic disagrees.
Shropshire said, “The tunnel could be justified as a way to market
remote natural resources, including Russian oil, timber, gas and minerals.”
[Map of the Bering Strait added to
original article].
This brought something to mind that was told me while a young man in
the early 60s. I was fortunate enough to have had a very intelligent
step-grandfather, Mr. Ethan Allen of Jacksonville Florida. He taught me
things few others believed to be true at the time. And only a few more
than that few today.
He taught me about the Federal Reserve Scam -- the rape of the national
treasury -- and the plans of what he called the International Bankers
to force the world into a “One World Order.” A nightmare plan to
destroy our Constitution and Bill of Rights, create a one-world government, a
one worldwide currency and Religion while demanding complete control
over every thought and action of all the people of the world. I have
been watching many things he predicted to come through over the years.
To get back to the point, Mr. Allen also told me that one of the first
steps they would make in creating this One World Order would be to
strip Alaska, Siberia and northern China of their natural resources, then,
combining American technology with cheap third-world labor, manufacture
unneeded consumer goods for the backwards peoples of the world. This
would remove those resources from the public lands and put the value of
those resources into the coffers of the International Banking Cartel.
This grand plan of a tunnel to Siberia from Alaska seems to fit right in
with what the far-seeing Mr. Allen had predicted. I decided to proceed
with the research.
I went to the Jacksonville Florida library and accessed the Newsbank
Computer and Retrieval System. I found only one article on the Bering
Strait Tunnel. Sort of odd when you consider the magnitude of the
project and the fact that Newsbank has access to MOST mainstream
publications. However the time spent in the search was not wasted. The article I
found was from the Detroit (Michigan) News and was dated June 29, 1992.
“Digging beneath the ice: An international effort is underway to build
a rail and road tunnel from Alaska to Siberia, which promoters say
would provide a polar route to rich mineral resources.”
By Hugh McCann
Mr. McCann writes that although, “still in the dream stage,” plans of a
tunnel linking “the cold war enemies beneath the Arctic Ocean” were
underway. He goes on to report “while the key objective would be new
access to Siberia’s vast natural resources, the projects head brainstormer
also offers a more pedestrian dividend:
“It would give people the option of driving almost anywhere on earth,”
said George Koumal, a Chechoslovakian-born engineer.”
Then the article goes on to put in our minds eye a life of adventure;
of retired couples and whole vacationing families tooling around AND
UNDER the world in their campers and motor homes just having a high ol’
time … Stop right there!!!
Oh, sure there might be a few, even a few hundred, or a few thousand
people who could afford the time and money to use this tunnel, but you
can bet your last tunnel ticket that the Controllers are not concerned
with tourist travel between the east and west. In fact once it’s build
the odds are it will be a different story. An example is the North
Slope Hall Road connecting the oil fields of Alaska with the rest of the
state. No one uses it without the oil companies permission. No one.
I decided it was time to find out who was behind this little known
extraordinary engineering plan. I placed a phone cal to the Office of the
Governor of Alaska and talked to John Manly, Governor Walter J.
Hickel’s Press Secretary.
Mr. Manly readily confirmed “Governor Hickel was excited by the
possibilities” but told me “No Alaska taxpayer money had been promised.” When
asked who was pushing this endeavor he informed me that the most
visible support came from the Interhemispheric Bering Strait Tunnel &
Railroad Group, with offices in Washington D.C. and Moscow, Russia. He also
told me the chairman is a Mr. George Koumal and that he had a letter
from him in the files and would be glad to send me a hard copy. I thanked
Mr. Manly for his invaluable help.
Hugh McCann in the June 29,1992 Detroit News article “Digging Beneath
the Ice,” gave some background and insight concerning the IBSTRG
chairman, Mr. Koumal. He writes: “The project’s most vocal lobbyist, 50
year-old Koumal is president of Engineering Technology International U.S.,
Inc. of Tucson, Az, which is involved in mining projects in the United
States, Africa and South America,” … Mr. McCann concludes; “His
mining career began with training at a mining technology school and
subsequent work for Chechoslovakia’s National Uranium Mines.”
Now please don’t get the impression that I am TOTALLY against progress
or of this unprecedented idea. Nor, am I obsessed with the idea that
everything in the world is controlled by that
gang-of-thieves-of-many-names. I do, however, believe it is strange that this plan hasn’t been
covered in the establishment press more.
I also believe that there COULD be some connection with this plan and
the top-secret underground facilitates being built under our feet with
black-box money. This DOES have to do with the One-Worlders.
Another question of concern to us, as Hollow Earth Investigators is:
Is there a connection to all of this and the secret tunnels of the
ancients … those mystical roads leading into the inner realms?
The following Research Report is from The Hollow Earth Insider Research
Report, Volume II Number 1 Sept.-Oct. 1993
More Ongoing Research:
The Bering Strait Tunnel Project
As promised, John Manly, Press Secretary for Alaska’s Governor Walter
J. Hickel sent me the letter he had on file from George Koumal the
Chairman of IBSTRG. The three-page letter was addressed to the Editor of
the Anchorage Daily News and was in essence a rebuttal of the negative
responses reported in their newspaper article on Feb. 22, 1993 as
covered in my last report.
My next move was to place a phone call to the number listed on the
group’s letterhead as being their Washington D.C. office. I was informed
that I had reached the law firm of “Shaw, Bradsford & O’Royrke. The
lady on the phone also informed me that, “yes they were located at 815
Connecticut Avenue N.W. in Washington D.C., but that she had never heard
of either Mr. George Koumal or the Interhemispheric Bering Strait Tunnel
& Railroad Group.
I next went to the library and made a search of the 1993 edition of the
Martindale-Hubbell International Law Directory Volume II that lists all
the laws firms in North, Central and South America (plus the
Caribbean). I found no such law firm listed. However with a further search I
did locate a law firm at the same address with ‘Shaw’ listed as one of
the partners.
I then sent a letter to the IBSTRG, 815 Connecticut Av N.W. Washington
D.C. addressed to the attention of Mr. Koumal. This brought me a
package containing the following cover letter and a very costly,
professionally prepared 8 ½ x 11 50+ page bound book presented by the “Fesibility
Study Group” issued in April, 1993.
The cover letter was on a letterhead that featured a line-drawn globe
representing the top of the world with both Northern Russia and Alaska
outlined and joined together by a railroad track tied in a bowknot. The
name of the group is featured on one side in English and on the other
in Russian, with offices listed in Washington D.C. and Moscow.
Very “One World Order” looking.
Dear Mr. Crenshaw:
We received your June 28, 1993 letter via our Washington D.C. office.
Enclosed please find a brochure that contains a summary of our group’s
work and achievements. Your mention of the Panama Canal is quite
pertinent since we make a strong argument that the Bering Strait Project has
the potential to effectively replace the Panama Canal.
Your interest in our Project is much appreciated and we would suggest
that you contact Mr. Ronald R. Kotas, the Florida representative of our
consortium. His telephone number is … .
Sincerely Yours,
George Koumal
Chairman, IBSTRG
Copy: IBSTRG Nome/Moscow/Washington
Mr. R.R. Kotas
The accompanying book consists of the “Proceedings of the IBSTRG
Conference, held in Washington D.C. June 22-23, 1992,” along with high
quality color-coded charts, photos and detailed studies explaining
step-by-step just how this project can be carried out. Space does not permit a
detailed report on their presentation, however as you can probably
guess the report has New World Order written all over it. … Still
unanswered: Why hasn’t the establishment media reported on this monumental
Update: 4/28/04
The Bering Strait Tunnel is still alive and kickin!!!!
On the Internet:
Welcome to the IBSTRG:
I find this quote by former Alaska Governor, Walter J. Hickel to be
interesting to say the least:
“And for at least 30 years, the "Little Man," what Wally Hickel calls
his inner voice, has told the former Alaska governor that building a
rail tunnel connecting the hemispheres is the right thing to do.”
Hummm… . It can be found in the article, “Bering Strait dream won't
die -- (The tunnel to Russia)” at:
S. Berliner, III's
Bering Strait Tunnel Page
"The Strunnel"
Consultant in Ultrasonic Processing
"changing materials with high-intensity sound"
Technical and Historical Writer, Oral Historian
Popularizer of Science and Technology
Rail, Auto, Air, Ordnance, and Model Enthusiast
Light-weight Linguist, Lay Minister, and Putative Philosopher
And for further research:
The Bering Strait - a 21st Century frontier?
Added : (Fri Jun 27 2003)
SUMMARY: A special 95-page report issued by THE GLOBAL RAILWAY examines
attempts in the last 150 years to cross the 53-mile Bering Strait
between the USA and Russia. Since Cold War's end, there is renewed interest
in establishing cross-strait relations and cooperation. Flights were
inaugurated in 1989; a ferry service proposal is now firmly on the
regional agenda; and the consolidation and extension of the northern Pacific
trade corridors between North America, Russia and China are currently
being evaluated. …
Source: Canttakemyrest
Posted at:
Russians add new twist to old UFO myth
Tale of 1908 Tunguska explosion gets even more tangled
By James Oberg
NBC News space analyst
Special to MSNBC
Updated: 9:04 p.m. ET Aug. 12, 2004
HOUSTON - A flurry of reports from Russia about the discovery of
fragments of an alien spaceship at the site of the 1908 Tunguska explosion
may be nothing more than wish fulfillment by devotees of a
half-century-old Russian space myth, or they may actually have been based on genuine
spacecraft fragments — but of Russian origin….
Complete report w/photos:
From Blackwell Publishing Press Room:
Evidence for the impact of climate change on deep-sea biodiversity
August 2004
Deep-sea ecosystems (at depths of >1000 m) comprise more than 60% of
the Earth surface, and are the main reservoirs of global biodiversity.
Climate changes are expected to induce significant modifications in
biodiversity on the global scale, yet little is known on the impact of
recent climate changes on the deep-sea biodiversity…
Complete Report:
Source: “tonic77”
Posted at:
Aztec Ruins
Aztec Ruins National Monument, New Mexico, was established in 1923 and
covers 320 acres. Early Euro-American settlers erroneously assumed the
people who built these villages were Aztecs, hence the name of the
ruins and of the modern town of Aztec.
Later archeological study confirmed that the builders were ancestors of
the Pueblo peoples. Archeologists adopted and popularized the Navajo
word Anasazi to refer to the people who built and lived here…
But, visit the Website yourself and take a virtual tour of this ancient
mysterious place:
Ancient Olympics Mixed Naked Sports, Pagan Partying
Stefan Lovgren
for National Geographic News
Updated August 13, 2004
This year the Olympic games return to their birthplace in Greece. But
much has changed since the first games were held there almost three
millennia ago. National Geographic News spoke with Tony Perrottet, author
of The Naked Olympics: The True Story of the Ancient Games, to hear what
the first Olympics were really like…
Complete Report at:
Global News From National Geographic
Atlantis "Evidence" Found in Spain, Ireland
Conflicting new theories say the legendary land was a
region in Spain --or the entire island of Ireland….
Rare Ice Age Cave Art Discovered in U.K.
"The most richly carved ceiling in the whole of cave art"
has been found in England, archaeologists say….
Awesome. I really enjoyed reading all about Dellschau and being brought
up to speed on it. I'll definitely pick up the book when it comes out.
I'm also enjoying the forums, especially the New World Order one, but
all of them really.
Those pyramids in California etc. -- who is this Red Elk guy? I'm
worried because there are lots of pseudo-Indian phonies out there in the New
Age world -- Robert Morningstar, Medicine Grizzlybear Lake, etc. What
is the party line on these supposed pyramid-shaped mountains? Maybe I'll
spend more time on the Web to learn more about it.
At any rate, thanks for putting me on the list. You'll be hearing from
me from time to time?
Chris Roth
[Chris is a long time serious ufologist and former host of the “Before
the Landing” radio show in Chicago, Il. Chris was the first radio host
to ask me for an interview on the Hollow Earth and related subjects
back in the early 90s. Since then I’ve been on many shows but I still
remember his professionalism and fair questioning of a first time
interviewee of what most consider to be a “lunatic fringe” area of research. I
also remember that he had “done his research” on the subject and was
able to conduct an interview that gave his listeners a very good overview
of the whole Hollow Earth/Subterranean Theories.
Chris and I have been out of touch for several years.
Let’s all welcome him on-board (and I’ll put a little pressure on him
to take a moment from his busy life and share his research and insights
with us once in a while. ;>) …. Dennis]
Mountain man writes:
Welcome back! Hope your vacation was fruitful and enjoyable. I won't
say relaxing because most aren't--we generally go back to work to get
some rest. Ha Ha. Just wanted you to hear from the troops again to let you
know to keep up the good work providing good info that our
government(s) can't or won't supply us with out of fear or reprisal. One popular
excuse I've heard (and laughed at) is the fear of mass hysteria. While
informing the public of the real TRUTH may cause anxiety for some I think
a saying from Star Trek pretty much sums it up. "The needs of the many
outweigh the wants of the few." Keep on filling the holes and bridging
the chasms in the information highway. Please forward back issues 6-10.
I am slowly but surely getting caught up.
Mountain Man
Greetings again!
If this is a duplication of previous e-mail please disregard as I don't
think it was sent (possible brain cramp). Please send issues 6-10.
Still playing catch-up on reading. Must commend you once again on bringing
the TRUTH to light. Someone has to since the government(s) can't or
won't. I think one of the most common excuses (theory) is that they don't
want mass hysteria from information that the public supposedly can't
deal with out of fear of the unknown. As rational thinking adults I think
it should be left up to us to decide- not a bunch of bureaucrats that
seem to want to keep this all to themselves and their cronies. It's a
sad state of affairs when the people running our government(s) are
nothing more than puppets on a string controlled by powerful individuals and
organizations that don't want us to know or learn the truth about what
really is and has been going on around us. Some people might write me
off as a crackpot or a radical, but alas, I'm simply one individu!
al who wants to know the TRUTH. So you keep up the good work and let
reader decide who and what they want to believe. Later-Mountain Man
Thanks for the good word Mountain Man … I’ll be sending those back
issues to you as quickly as I can.
Where is Roger Corman when you REALLY need him?
Posted by Misty3 to:
The Surfing The Apocalypse Network
Posted By: Never_Surrender <Send E-Mail>
Date: Monday, 23 August 2004, 9:34 p.m.
This is a pretty interesting site...
This is put in mainstream newspapers across the country every week, it
in the paper every Saturday.
Huge Mutant Ant Colony
Australian scientists announced the discovery of a huge mutant ant
colony that stretches for more than 60 miles beneath the city of Melbourne.
Monash University researcher Elissa Suhr said the pests’ natural
aggression toward each otherhad kept them at bay after they first arrived in
1949, but mutation has since allowed them to live in one huge colony
instead of a network of much smaller, warring ones. “In Argentina, their
native homeland, ant colonies span tens of meters (yards), are
genetically diverse and highly aggressive towards one another,” Suhr said. She
added Argentine ants are ranked
among the world’s 100 worst natural invaders, and they threaten the
local biodiversity of southeast Australia.
Zambian Rat Invasion
Millions of wild rats have invaded Namwala district in Zambia’s
Southern Province
since late July, causing serious damage to harvested maize and
villagers’ property. The official Zambia News Agency reported that officials
fear the rodents could also bring an outbreak of disease. Chilufya
Kazenene, deputy minister of Southern Province, said the rats are biting
humans in their sleep, adding that they have chewed away blankets, linen
and anything they found in their way. Their ravenous assaults have come
at both day and night, targeting crops in the fields, harvested staples
and household goods.
The rats have been breeding in tall grass along the plains and in the
bush, making them
difficult to combat with traditional methods, Kazenene said.
Armageddon or New Age Daily E-Magazine.
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Up-to-the-minute UFO Reports 24-7
The goal of this publication is to bring to our
readers attention news and reports they may have
missed, or didn’t have the time to look for while
surfing the web along with information from our files
which, until now, has not been available on the web.
Then we throw an editorial comment or two into the
mix just to wake up the nodders.
All copyrighted materials are highly respected and
proper credit is given for all snip-bits and links
used. If you find anything in this publication
that you had a hand in creating or bringing to my
attention and feel that you are not given proper
credit, please let me know and I’ll do whatever it
takes to correct the mistake.
Let it also be noted that the views and reported
ideas might not always be those of the Editor or
staff at THEI, but we do believe that everyone
should have a place to offer their own ideas about
those matters which we look into. We want THEI to
be that place.
"Unraveling the Secrets" is YOUR newsletter. Your
thoughts and research are just as important as anyone
here. This is a "free press" area, and we‘ll turn
this soapbox over to anyone who has anything relevant
to say.
We urge you to pass these reports along to your
friends and associates who might enjoy our little
excursions into the outer edges of knowledge as
we attempt to Unravel the Secrets. But, please
pass them along unedited.
However if you only want to send part of it to
someone, please do so. I only ask that you include
a link to our site. (and if you want you can
do a little raving about how great THEI is when
you do). <grin> … and I ain‘t bashful either.
If you received this Insider’s Report by e-mail from
a friend and you like what you read please join our
list so you don’t miss another issue. It’s easy.
Just type in your e-mail address at the prompt on
our web page.
Hope you enjoyed this report.
Until next time, see ya’ll!
Dennis Crenshaw