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"Unraveling the Secrets" is a free weekly Research Report from:

Date: Nov. 7, 2004             
Issue # 42
Editor - Dennis Crenshaw

In This ISSUE:


Australian state to increase secret police powers

&  Selected Short Subjects

Digital Tremors: Computer Model Successfully Forecasts Earthquakes

A Southern California earthquake forecast based on computer models has 
successfully pinpointed the location of nearly every major temblor to 
hit the region over the last four years. …

U.S. Air Force Takes a Look at Teleportation

It seems that mere stealth technology is not enough; the United States 
Air Force wants to get from here to there without even traversing the 
space in between. Are they looking for a Star Trek(TM) transporter? Or 
maybe even a forecaster from science fiction writer Dan Simmons' awesome 
novel Hyperion, which lets you step from one planet to the next?

Sign up to become part of the greatest search in history!
Join TeamSETI:
Oz’s own Patriot Act

Australian state to increase secret police powers

Australia's most populous state has announced it will give 
counter-terrorism police increased powers to carry out covert surveillance to help 
them break up extremist cells.
New South Wales Premier Bob Carr said police would be able to obtain 
covert search warrants, allowing them to enter homes, conduct searches 
and install listening devices without the resident being informed. …

The VeriChip

Posted by: 121

Dear CASPIAN members and subscribers:

 As you may know, last week the FDA approved the VeriChip ID implant 
 medical use in humans (along with a whole class of similar implants). 
 While VeriChip promoters discuss only the "benefits" of chip
 implantation, CASPIAN researchers have uncovered a host of serious
 potential medical dangers associated with the VeriChip. 
 We have outlined details in the press release below and in a special 
report at:

  As I have discussed on NPR, CNN, NBC, and elsewhere in the last week,
 the VeriChip is bad news for consumers, putting their health, privacy
 and security at risk.

 Please read this material and share it with others. 
 In freedom,
 Katherine Albrecht, CASPIAN

 OCTOBER 19, 2004
 FDA Letter Raises Questions about VeriChip Safety, Data Security
 Implantable RFID device "poses potential risks to health"
 Electrical hazards, MRI incompatibility, adverse tissue reaction, and
 migration of the implanted transponder are just a few of the potential
 risks associated with the Verichip ID implant device, according to an
 October 12, 2004 letter issued by the Food and Drug Administration
 CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering)
 has obtained a copy of the letter and posted it on the group's RFID
 website at
 "For a device purported to help patients, the VeriChip has serious
 medical downsides," said Katherine Albrecht, Founder and Director of
 CASPIAN. "By omitting this information from their press material, the
 companies marketing the VeriChip have painted an inaccurately rosy
 picture of their product that could mislead consumers into believing 
 devices are completely safe." 
 Albrecht cites MRI incompatibility as perhaps the most serious issue. 
 MRI machine uses powerful magnetic fields coupled with pulsed radio
 frequency (RF) fields. According to the FDA's Primer on Medical Device
 Interactions with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems, "electrical
 currents may be induced in conductive metal implants" that can cause
"potentially severe patient burns." 
 "Patients contemplating a VeriChip implant need to know that the FDA 
 raised MRI incompatibity as a potential risk," she said. "If it's a
 choice between a potentially life-saving diagnostic procedure or a
 VeriChip implant, I believe most patients would choose the MRI." 
 In addition to outlining a number of health risks, the FDA letter also
 cites the risk of "compromised information security" among its 
 The VeriChip ID implant, about the size of a grain of rice, uses radio
 waves to transmit medical and financial account information to reader
 devices. There is a risk that these transmissions could be intercepted
 and duplicated by others or that the devices could be used to track an
 individual's movements and location. 
 "Once you're chipped, you can be identified by doorway portal readers
 without your knowledge," says Albrecht, referring to a VeriChip reader
 sold by value added resellers such as FindMe, LLC
  ( "That tracking
 potential, coupled with VeriChip's potential health risks make the
 VeriChip a very poor choice for medical patients seeking safety and
Albrecht said her group will be contacting the FDA to get more 
 about the dangers outlined in its letter. She also plans to contact 
 Digital Angel Corporation, manufacturer of the VeriChip; VeriChip, the
 technology licensee; and VeriChip's parent company, Applied Digital. 
 CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering)
 is a grass-roots consumer group fighting retail surveillance schemes
 since 1999. With thousands of members in all 50 U.S. states and over 
 countries worldwide, CASPIAN seeks to educate consumers about 
 strategies that invade their privacy and to encourage 
 shopping habits across the retail spectrum.
 For more information, see: and
 You're welcome to duplicate and distribute this message to others who
 may find it of interest.

Ancient Supernova Sparked Humanity? 
By Rossella Lorenzi, Discovery News

Nov. 2, 2004 — A stellar blast might have helped initiate human 
evolution three million years ago, according to German scientists who have 
found clear traces of an ancient supernova explosion deep beneath the 
Pacific Ocean…


Posted by:

The June/July, 1999 issue of Ancient American published exciting news 
concerning the disclosed location and planned excavation of the 
controversial "Burrows Cave." It allegedly contains thousands of inscribed and 
illustrated stone tablets deposited by Old World visitors to southern 
Illinois almost 2,000 years ago. Discovered by Mr. Russell Burrows in 
1982, the precise whereabouts of the Cave, has caused a great commotion 
among the many participants including Harry Hubbard (his site is in 
Marion or Wayne County) and Robert Ghostwolf who claims to have a site 
somewhere in the Midwest. …


About Anti-Time - 03/07/98
for KeelyNet by Jerry W. Decker

Ruminations on altering the flow of time using John Keely's theories of 

I happened to be up late one night and saw a rerun of a Star Trek Next 
Generation (STNG) episode. It was a two parter where the same 
Enterprise in 3 different time periods had projected the same kind of beam 
(inverse tachyon) towards a certain location in space (the Devron system), 
but from different angles. 
This caused a 'rift in time' that caused time to flip and become 
anti-time, where anything that came into this inverse time field would begin 
to de-age, to follow a reverse growth path from where it was. …
Continued --


Here's a thoughtful article on time travel and why it probably isn't 
possible, and if it's possible, it's way too difficult to ever achieve.


A 28-lesson course on how to become a time traveler, including 
meditation and progressive techniques. With diagrams. (Now they are charging 
for it.)


A famous book about an extraordinary encounter of two scholarly English 
women, the Principal and Vice-principal of St. Hugh's College at 
Oxford, while walking in the Petit Trianon Gardens at Versailles in 1901 
France. They suddenly found themselves in a scene from 1789 in the same 
location and encountered many characters, one who may have been 
Marie-Antoinette. What sets this account above other similar tales is the 
impeccable character of the two ladies, the vivid independent accounts and 
intricate descriptions given by each, and the painstaking research and 
documentation over many years undertaken by them. Their attention to every 
detail and discoveries of facts supporting their account, some not 
known until years after the event, make this a most absorbing story, which 
is extensively footnoted.

[Look no further! Here are the schematics for that time travel circuit 
been looking for. Let me know if it works].

Bajak claim of Time Travel Circuit - 02/09/96

This file was originally posted in on 02/09/96 in the Unclassified 
section of the KeelyNet BBS. 
Since there are a lot of folks who are interested in Time Travel 
circuits, the following information was courteously shared with us by an 
Anonymous contributor about one year ago. He is a long time KeelyNetter who 
has made many useful suggestions and contributed several interesting 
files over the years, THANKS!


 t wouldn't be easy, but it might be possible, says this article by 
Paul Davies 
 from Scientific American that explores the ways in which it might be 
accomplished. …

For many more articles on Time Travel and Related Subjects visit:

The End of the Best of Misty3 Postings
The Research and Writings of TAL LaVesque

Where UFOLOGY is Going.

One place will be "Underground Civilizations" (Based inside Earth).
But, another direction it will be taking, between now and 2012, is...
This where the DULCE Base comes back into play.
The Dulce Underground Genetics Facility :
* Genetic Engineering and Its Dangers: 
And where the REPTOIDS and Hybrid Beings become more well known.
Here is an Example :
Intruders Foundation Seminar Series Announcement
TRANSGENIC BEINGS: David Jacobs & Budd Hopkins Reveal New Findings

One of the most disturbing aspects of the UFO abduction phenomenon is a
collection of reports of human-looking "transgenic beings" who 
share alien paranormal abilities but who are also able to operate on a 
basis in our daily life, driving cars, conducting job interviews and 
living as normal people. ...... Two noted abduction
researchers, Dr. David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins, will share the IF 
podium to
discuss the latest cases of what has come to be called "hybrid" 
Some unnerving but suggestive patterns of "hybrid" behavior have 
emerged, and these two veteran investigators will compare 
notes on
these unusual cases, project photographs, and discuss the possible
implications of this latest alien manifestation.
Dr. Jacobs and Budd Hopkins wish to dedicate this evening seminar to 
memory of their colleague and friend, the late Dr. John Mack, and they 
the evening with reminiscences of this brave, warm, and sorely missed 
and abduction researcher.
As always, audience participation is encouraged during the question and
answer period. We suggest that those planning to attend make their 
early. Please note the new location of ARE.
The seminar will be held on November 20th at the new meeting rooms of
A.R.E., located on the SECOND FLOOR at 241 W. 30th Street (between 
Eighth Avenues), New York, NY. The price for the seminar is $30 for 
and $20 for members of IF, seniors and students. Reservations must be 
telephone at 212-645-5278, and will be filled on a first come, first 
basis. Payment must be made in advance to secure the reservation. Make
checks payable to the Intruders Foundation, P.O. Box 30233, New York, 
Only 60 reservations will be accepted for each seminar.
On-street parking is generally available in the neighborhood. The 
will begin at 7:30 PM and end at 10:00 PM. Doors open at 7:00 PM. There
will be a one half-hour intermission, during which light complimentary
refreshments will be served. A book table will offer books, videotapes 
material for sale to those interested. For additional information, call 
IF at
Hope to see you there!
The Intruders Foundation Seminar Series is presented in the interests 
open-minded scientific learning and the free exchange of research, 
theories. IF makes no specific claims or endorsements regarding any 
views, or subject matter presented by our guests.
Want to know more about Budd Hopkins and his nonprofit scientific 
organization, as well as past and future IF events? Please visit our 
Intruders Foundation Website: _www.intrudersfoundation.org_
( )
In his book, The Dragons Of Eden, esteemed astronomer Dr. Carl Sagan 
speculates on the reptilian origins of humans and on the mysterious leap 
in brain evolution that can be found in the fossil record.
Post# 52737 12/17/03 Cbswork 

"Been thinking today about this whole reptoid, cloning, hybrid issue 
and how to best go about dealing with it. 
First, thought that maybe finding a way to expose them to be the key. 
You know, a device. But, my efforts in that area failed. But, it occurs 
that they are going to do it all on their own anyways, as they have 
stated. The signs are everywhere. Reptoids are all over the media now. 
Clones are all over the media now. The thing is, not many people realize 
what they are looking at. 

If nothing else, it is excellent entertainment! 
Abductees also see hybrid toddlers, older youth, adolescents, and 
The Cosmic Awareness, as channeled by Paul Shockley, was the 
early-nineties forerunner to David Ice’s Website, as a reptoid 
information-clearing house. Spurred on by the reptoid specter raised by Cosmic Awareness, 
I (Alexandra Bruce) bought two books by the self-described 
ex-government cryptographer and Sumerian scholar, R.A. Boulay, Flying Serpents and 
Dragons and Dragon Power (published in 1990 and 1992, respectively). He 
adds his own insights to the Sitchen information and basically says 
that the Annunaki were a custodial crossbreed of reptoid/primate/hominids. 
The Quinotaur figure is somewhat reminiscent of the Oannes character of 
Sumerian lore, who would emerge from the sea and teach agriculture, 
literacy and architecture to the primitive locals. This amphibian figure 
is also similar to the West African Dogon tribe's tales of 'fishmen' 
from the stars. There is the European children's fairytale of the Frog 
Prince and also the abiding obsession with dragons of the Chinese. 
"Japanese legends of serpent/dragon and human marriages, seductions, and 
liaisons abound," says Wm. Michael Mott
THE REPTILIANS ......Humanity's Historical Link To The Serpent Race 
By Joe Lewels, Ph.D. 
Cassie's thoughts on REPTOIDS and humans with reptilian DNA ©2000 
The subject of "good" vs. "bad" reptilians is such a broad issue but I 
feel it is necessary to make some sense of this confusion so we each 
know where we stand on these issues. More and more people are beginning 
to "wake up" and become aware that we have been infiltrated by beings 
that are not quite "human". These "para-humans" which are part human and 
part...something else...walk amongst us in human forms yet are 
perceived as spiritually altered hybrid humans by many people. There are many 
explanations I could go into here but I will make it as simple as 

The reptoid/dragon like species referred to here are very old, older 
than the human race...and they have probably walked among us since the 
beginnings of history. The Sumerian myths of well as creation 
myths of most of our cultures around the world exemplify this belief.

Somewhere down the line, they have interbred with humans and continue 
to do so to produce humans with reptilian DNA in varying degrees. What I 
am saying is that we are all part reptilian. Some people have more of 
the reptilian characteristics and instincts than others. These 
human/reptilian beings are hybrids...which make up most of the humans on our 
********************* "Pro-Reptoid Experiencers"
The Ultimate Alien Agenda: 
The RE-Engineering of Humankind 

by James L. Walden
His claims are reminiscent of those made in the alleged Dulce papers. 
This author, claims to be a "new Reptoid hybrid." 
This guy says that 'alien scientists have developed an array of human 
programs or life orientations which they use to create human hybrids. 
Jim shares his experiences, discoveries, and his astounding conclusion: 
aliens may not be gruesome creatures bent on destroying the human race. 
Rather, they may be our own ancestors, once revered by ancient human 
civilizations as reptilian gods. Now they are simply extensions of the 
human family, and they live in an alternate dimension here on Earth, 
working to preserve the planet. 
Exiting the TAL ZONE

There is something going on in the Himalayas

There is something going on in the Himalayas, and Whitley Strieber is 
hot on
the trail of the true story. Is an alien base really being built there? 
the Indian military in possession of what has been described as a
"prepackaged" set of technologies that will enable them to develop
anti-gravity propulsion? 

The stories are weird, but the rumors are strong, and there is nobody 
in the
west better able to evaluate the truth of all this than Jim Hickman, 
director of Skywatch International. 

So, subscribers, kick back and listen to an interview that could turn 
out to
be a historical document, because if the stories coming out of India 
China are true, first contact could be under way right now. 

Skywatch International's website is 

For's story on the Himalaya situation,


Posted by:  universal_heartbeat2012

Norman Bryden writes, I have a new image with strong evidence of 
intelligent design for you that has gotten a lot of attention. At top left a 
structure looks to be a large humanoid statue with folded hands and 
possibly a feminine quality to it when enlarged. It reminds me of the 
statues of the Nefilim and the Annunaki of ancient Samaria. This seems to 
be strong evidence of more humanoid existence in our solar system, and 
could possibly be a connection to Earth's history.

Here is a portion of the full image below and a description of the 
structures. In this image from the Mars Global Surveyor there are three 
areas of interest. Located near the upper left hand corner is a large 
object that looks like a large statue of a humanoid figure. A head and what 
looks like folded arms at chest level can be seen. Near the lower left 
hand corner is a darker area of an object that looks like a large 
square edged building or monument. In the lower right hand corner is an area 
that appears to be the outline of a large square platform.
All three areas appear to be connected by faint indications of what 
looks like roads or paths. There are also other marks that look like paths 
that lead to or away from the base of the standing objects. On the full 
image, especially when enlarged other strange objects, paths and areas 
can be seen that look like they have been intelligently modified. 
Thanks to Norman Bryden …
Read the rest of the report and study the images for yourself at:

Posted by: burlingtonnews

In a short encounter, Gen. Clark drops some hints about UFO reality

Added November 3, 2004 
Last updated on: November 7, 2004

Gen. Wesley K. Clark is a retired four-star Army general. At the peak 
of his career from 1997-2000 he was NATO Supreme Allied Commander in 
Europe and Commander-in-Chief, United States European Command. 

He graduated first in his class from West Point in 1966 and was a 
Rhode's Scholar at Oxford University from 1966 to 1968. This only briefly 
touches on his educational and military background, but indicates he was 
one of the nation's top generals and one very sharp guy.

Most people, however, know Gen. Clark as a Democratic candidate for 
President in 2003-2004. During a campaign event Sept. 27, 2003 in New 
Castle, New Hampshire, before about 50 people, Clark stated his belief that 
humans will someday be able to travel faster than the speed of light 
(FTL travel), putting no limit on how far we will be able to explore in 

For an audio, see

Clark's remarks were prompted by a question from Jay Buckley, who was 
an astronaut on the space shuttle. He asked what Clark envisioned for 
America's space program after the Columbia shuttle tragedy. Clark said he 
was a great believer in the space program and wanted a vision well 
beyond that of a new shuttle or space plane. He hoped mankind would 
eventually leave this planet and explore space beyond the solar system. Clark 
thought such a vision could probably require a lifetime of research and 
development in 
various fields of science and technology. Then at the end of his 
remarks, Clark dropped a bombshell when he said the following:

"We need to look at the realms of applied and higher mathematics. I 
still believe in E = mc squared. But I can't believe that in all of human 
history, we'll never ever be able to go beyond the speed of light to 
reach where we want to go. I happen to believe that mankind can do it. 
I've argued with physicists about it. I've argued with best friends about 
it. I just have to believe it. It's my only faith-based initiative."

The mass media then mocked Clark for his remarks, claiming that Clark 
said he believed in "time travel." But Clark never said any such thing, 
only that he believed we would one day travel faster than light. [Go 
listen to the audio. Full transcript..]

What was the basis of Clark's unusual belief, which flies in the face 
of conventional scientific wisdom? Some of us speculated that maybe 
Clark, as a top general, had been briefed on the subject of UFOs, knew them 
to be real extraterrestrial craft, and therefore 
already knew that FTL travel was very likely possible.

As luck would have it, I happened to be in Reno, Nevada on Oct. 30, 
2004, at the same time that Clark was doing a campaign rally on behalf of 
John Kerry. That gave me the opportunity to briefly question Clark. 
After his speech, a small crowd gathered around 
Clark. Clark shook hands, posed for pictures, signed autographs, and 
spoke informally with various people.

Finally I got my chance to ask him about his FTL remarks and what 
prompted them. Unfortunately, I wasn't prepared for this and didn't have a 
recording device with me, but the following is very close to my 
questions and Clark's answers, which I wrote down from memory immediately 

Q: Gen. Clark, when you were running for President, you said you 
thought mankind would one day fly faster than light and visit the stars. My 
question is, when you were in the military were you ever briefed on the 
subject of U.F.O.s? 

At this point Clark looked down for a moment and shook his head, 
perhaps somewhat chagrined at being put on the spot, but then looked at me 
and answered:

A: I heard a bit. In fact, I'm going to be in Roswell, New Mexico 

Q: So you were briefed? 

A: There are things going on. But we will have to work out our own 

In interpreting Clark's remarks, we have to realize that he was 
speaking in Washingtonian code on a touchy subject. He never directly admitted 
to receiving an official briefing, thus leaving himself a possible out. 
He could claim, e.g., that what he meant was he had heard the usual 
stories and rumors, just like everybody else.

But on the other hand, he never gave a simple, flat denial to the 
questions about being briefed, such as "No I wasn't." That would have put an 
end to it right there. Instead he dropped broad hints indicating that 
he was briefed and that UFOs were real craft. Hence 
his comments about hearing a few things when he was in the military and 
"there are things going on." 

Further, why talk about developing our own mathematics for something 
that was nonexistent? If you look back at Clark's FTL comments above, he 
likewise spoke of the need to explore higher and applied mathematics in 
order to eventually achieve FTL travel. In this respect, Clark's brief 
remarks to me were very similar to his FTL remarks a year before. My 
interpretation is that his FTL statements were indeed tied to the subject 
of UFOs.

Another broad hint was how he spontaneously brought up the subject of 
Roswell, N.M. immediately after saying he had heard some things.. 
Perhaps that was his oblique way of saying that the alleged Roswell flying 
saucer crash was one of those things that he had "heard a bit" about when 
he was in the military. 

(According to fellow researcher Grant Cameron, Clark may have more than 
just heard about Roswell. When he recently posed the question of 
Clark's UFO knowledge to NIDS, a Las Vegas-based UFO investigation group 
composed of a number of people having contact with government insiders, one 
of them told him that "Clark has been given access to crashed saucer 
material." Another source said that Clark "knows something about the 
crash retrieval." For more, see Cameron's web site and Linda Moulton Howe's 
Earthfiles, also discussing the Wesley Clark story. I had contacted 
Cameron immediately after returning from Reno and he then shared the 
information with Howe.)

To understand the somewhat cryptic manner in which Clark responded, it 
is important to realize that he would only be briefed if the topic were 
treated with dead seriousness by the military. It would necessarily be 
classified at a very high level. Clark can't speak 
directly about what he might know without violating his security oath. 
Hence the care with which he tip-toed around the questions without 
actually denying anything.

A similar situation happened when Grant Cameron managed to ask Vice 
President Dick Cheney the UFO briefing question on the Diane Rehm PBS 
radio program, April 11, 2001.
 Cheney had been a Senator and also Sec. of Defense under Pres. George 
Bush Sr. before 
becoming Vice President. 

Thus Cameron asked Cheney whether he had ever been briefed about UFOs 
when he was in the government. To this Cheney replied, "Well, if I had 
been briefed on it, I'm sure it was probably classified and I couldn't 
talk about it."

Like Clark, Cheney talked around the question without giving an 
unqualified denial.
Again the key to this, as Cameron points out, is Cheney mentioning how 
the subject matter would be classified, so that he couldn't talk about 
it if he had received such briefings.

Gen. Clark was in exactly the same position as Cheney, and I appreciate 
that he bothered to respond to my questions at all. Hopefully at some 
time in the future, Gen. Clark will tell us a little more about what he 
might know. 

Related links:

Full transcript of Clark's FTL/space travel remarks
More comments by Clark on future space travel:

How Clark's FTL remarks got distorted into "time travel"

Clark speaking in Reno, Oct. 30, 2004, from Reno Gazette-Journal

Clark speaking in Roswell, Oct. 31, 2004, from Roswell Daily Record

More Generals' testimony on UFOs and Roswell:

Brig. Gen. Arthur Exon on Roswell being a crashed spacecraft,  Roswell 
alien body recovery, alien materials testing at Wright-Patterson AFB, 
and other crash recoveries during his tenure as C/O of 

Brig. Gen. Steven Lovekin on Pentagon UFO briefings while in the 
Kennedy/Eisenhower White House, being shown alien crash materials from New 
Mexico, being told of alien bodies being recovered, and Eisenhower's 
concern over corporations seizing control of UFO information from the 
government (tied in with Eisenhower's 
famous "military/industrial complex speech")

Brig. Gen. Thomas Dubose on the Roswell weather balloon coverup ordered 
from Washington to get the press off their backs; high security 
surrounding Roswell, and secret shipments of debris to Washington and 

Gordon Cooper

Posted by:  121

Dear friends, 

Astronaut Gordon Cooper was one of the brave men who dared to expose 
the government cover-up of UFOs. The below article on his life and death 
in CNN is amazing in that it mentions his passion for lifting the 
secrecy on UFOs. In the final paragraph, he states, "For many years I have 
lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists and 
astronauts. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments 
capture objects of form and composition unknown to us." 

USA Today's article on Cooper included this in the final paragraph, 
"Cooper also authored the 2000 book Leap of Faith, in which he discussed 
NASA's early days, his experiences on the Mercury and Gemini missions 
and his belief in extraterrestrial intelligence. Cooper in the book said 
that as an Air Force pilot in 1951 that he chased UFOs while based in 

The Los Angeles Times included this quote, "In the book, Cooper also 
embarrassed some of his old NASA colleagues with tales of UFO encounters 
and conspiracy theories. Claiming that film that he shot from Gemini 5 
had been confiscated, he quoted President Johnson telling him, "Son, I 
ordered it classified."

I highly encourage you to read our summary of the UFO cover-up at which includes the testimony of astronaut 
Cooper, the former chief of the British Royal Navy, a former director of 
the CIA, two generals, and other highly respected government and 
military officials. These testimonies were videotaped and can be ordered 
through The fact that CNN, USA Today, Los 
Angeles Times, and others reported this information is a significant 
shift from the past lack of reporting on UFOs. It is time for us to 
prepare the people of this planet to become a part of the galactic 
community. They are waiting for us to stop trying to kill each other before they 
invite us to join the community. Take care and have a great day!

With best wishes,

Section 816 of the Income Tax Code:  The IRS Cover-up

Up-to-the-minute UFO Reports 24-7


The goal of this publication is to bring to our readers attention news 
reports they may have missed, or didn’t have the time to look for while 
the web; along with information from our files which, until now, has 
not been available on the web.  

Then we throw an editorial comment or two into the mix just to wake up 
the nodders.

All copyrighted materials are highly respected and proper credit is 
given for 
all snip-bits and links used. If you find anything in this publication 
you had a hand in creating or bringing to my attention and feel that 
you are 
not given proper credit, please let me know and I’ll do whatever it 
takes to 
correct the mistake. 
Let it also be noted that the views and reported ideas might not always 
those of the Editor or staff at THEI, but we do believe that everyone 
have a place to offer their own ideas about those matters which we look 
into. We 
want THEI to be that place. 

"Unraveling the Secrets" is YOUR newsletter. Your thoughts and research 
are just as important as anyone here. This is a "free press" area, and 
turn this soapbox over to anyone who has anything relevant to say.
We urge you to pass these reports along to your friends and associates 
might enjoy our little excursions into the outer edges of knowledge as 
attempt to Unravel the Secrets.  But, please pass them along unedited. 

However if you only want to send part of it to someone, please do so. I 
only ask that you include a link to our site.  (and if you want you can 
do a little raving about how great THEI is when you do).  <Grin> … and 
I ain‘t bashful either.
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Back issues are available. Send me e-mail and let me know which 
you want.

Hope you enjoyed this report. 

Until next time, see ya’ll!

Dennis Crenshaw