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Unraveling The Secrets: Year 3
March  19, 2006                                                            
Volume III Number 3
"Don't rock the boat … Instead kick a damn hole in it’s rotten bottom."
Editor: Dennis Crenshaw

Highlights of this Issue


Satellite Sleuth Closes in on Noah's Ark Mystery

Aussies find 'lost' world

UFO spotted over Kremlin in 1808

&  Valusia and the Reptilian Race

The New Map Game...How to take over the PLANET, within the next Decade.
& Mystery blob eating downtown Los Angles

Eyeballin’ The Advances of The New World Order

UFO -- Word Wide Reports
Selected Short Subjects
Unraveling the Secrets is a FREE Research Report from:
Thanks to my long-time friend BRANTON all the back issues of this
series of reports can be found archived at:
Visit BRANTON’S Underground Base & Hideout at:
Many of our sources do not leave their reports and stories available at
the links provided by this report forever. If a link does not work you
might have to do a little searching to find it, or unfortunately, you
might not be able to find it at all. I advise that you read these
reports ASAP and save any information that you might want to return to for
future reference to a disc or your computer.
Or you might be disappointed… Dennis


Library of Congress

The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural
institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest
library in the world, with more than 130 million items on approximately
530 miles of bookshelves. The collections include more than 29 million
books and other printed materials, 2.7 million recordings, 12 million
photographs, 4.8 million maps, and 58 million manuscripts.
Support Refdesk:
Refdesk Home Page:


Surprising Cocoons Found Enveloping Giant Stars
By: Robin Lloyd
Dateline: 3/13/06

Scientists looking at three rare and radiant pulsating stars have found
they each are surrounded by a fairly bright layer of matter, a
"cocoon," that has never before been detected around stars of this kind. …

The astronomers think the cocoons form as the stars shed huge amounts
of mass at a tremendously faster rate than normal stars like the Sun.

The cocoons are about two to three times larger than the stars and
about 4 percent as bright, very bright considering that these pulsating
stars themselves are incredibly radiant. One of the enveloped stars is 400
times brighter than the Sun …
[Compare Gardner’s statement below with the above report from Science.
… Dennis]

"…We are forced to the conclusion that the rotating mass of gas,
breaking off from its center nucleus forms an envelope of a roughly spherical
shape which afterwards solidifies, leaving the central nucleus still in
the center to form an inner sun."
Marshall B. Gardner
A Journey to the Earth’s Interior

Further Research:

For additional modern scientific information which tends to support
Gardner’s Hollow Earth Theory see:

A letter to a Skeptic From Dennis Crenshaw

The Inner Sun: A Scientific Look

Theory into Fact: Gravity, Magnetic Poles & Ringing Bells




Aussies find 'lost' world
By Robin McDowell
Posted by:  PunkinPie68@
Dateline:  08 Feb 06

A LOST world, as "close to the Garden of Eden as you're ever going to
find", has been discovered by Australian and other scientists in a
remote mountain jungle.  It is home to exotic new species of birds,
butterflies, frogs and plants as well as mammals unafraid of humans despite
being hunted to near extinction elsewhere. …,2933,184022,00.html


Alien crash lands in the attic
By Sean Coughlan
Source:  BBC News Magazine
Deateline: Tuesday, 7 February 2006, 12:22 GMT

Hoax, military decoy or film prop? A householder from Norfolk doesn't
know what to make of an "alien" that has crash landed into his attic.

Builders working in the attic of Barney Broom's cottage in the village
of Gunthorpe found an old jar containing what appeared to be a model of
an alien, about 12 inches tall, made of clay and preserved in a liquid
which smelled of vinegar. …
Complete Story w/Photo at:


What a Shock! Galaxies Caught Colliding
Date:  3/7/06

A galaxy in Stephan's Quintet is rushing headlong into a cluster of
neighboring galaxies at more than one million mph and generating one of
the largest shock waves scientists have ever seen….

Photo of Strip Mining on Mars?
Posted by:  ancientstar@

You decide.

NASA's Stardust Comet Samples Contain Minerals Born in Fire
By: Tariq Malik
Dateline: 3/13/06

Pieces of a comet returned to Earth by NASA's Stardust spacecraft
apparently formed near the Sun or around another star altogether before
being flung to the outer edges of the Solar System, mission scientists said

Newfound Ice World Alters Perceptions of Planetary Systems
By: Bjorn Carey
Dateline: 3/13/06

Astronomers announced today the discovery of a frigid extrasolar planet
several times larger than Earth orbiting a small red dwarf star roughly
9,000 light years away….

A Continent Splits Apart
Source: Spiegel On Line

By Axel Bojanowski

Normally new rivers, seas and mountains are born in slow motion. The
Afar Triangle near the Horn of Africa is another story. A new ocean is
forming there with staggering speed -- at least by geological standards.
Africa will eventually lose its horn.

Geologist Dereje Ayalew and his colleagues from Addis Ababa University
were amazed -- and frightened. They had only just stepped out of their
helicopter onto the desert plains of central Ethiopia when the ground
began to shake under their feet. The pilot shouted for the scientists to
get back to the helicopter. And then it happened: the Earth split open.
Crevices began racing toward the researchers like a zipper opening up.
After a few seconds, the ground stopped moving, and after they had
recovered from their shock, Ayalew and his colleagues realized they had
just witnessed history. For the first time ever, human beings were able to
witness the first stages in the birth of an ocean. …,1518,405947,00.html

Close Friend Of Activist William Cooper Says He was Murdered In Cold
Blood As Authorities Continue To Cover-Up Real Facts Behind The Shooting
By Greg Szymanski

Posted by:  truththatweknow@
Source: The Arctic Beacon
Dateline:  3/14/06

Cooper was killed on Nov. 5, 2001, in a pre-planned ambush originally
planned on the morning of 9/11, according to his best friend and
co-researcher, Doyel Shamley. Shamley has picked up where Cooper left off,
continuing to spread the word about the evil plans of the New World Order.

Doyel Shamley lost a good friend on a blackened night in November 2001,
as activist William Cooper was brutally murdered in an ambush by
minions of the New World Order.
Make no mistake about it, said Shamley, the author of the nation's best
selling underground book, Behold A Pale Horse, was gunned down in cold
blood at his rural home in the Arizona desert in a plot, Shamley
vehemently contends, hatched by Illuminati higher-ups, wanting desperately to
erase Cooper from the planet for getting to close to their demonic
Justice, of course, has never been served in Cooper's case since
getting at the real culprits behind the Illuminati hit squads is like trying
to plant a bed of roses in an asphalt parking lot.
But nonetheless Shamley has tried to pick-up where Cooper left off,
despite the danger, banging away at the New World Order's mass global
genocide plan daily by continuing Cooper's old radio show, Hour of the
Time, as well as spewing out intelligence information gathered by the truth
seeing pair on his web site

Although Cooper's activist writings and speeches are well-documented in
the patriot community, many may not realize that Shamley and Cooper
worked together from "Day One," using a combination of their research in a
fight that started in their fight that started in the 1980's to alert a
naive American public about the Illuminati plans to crush America…..
Complete Report:

Submitted by Redcoyote

Many nations gave birth to aviation and the pioneers who propelled its
stunning successes. To recognize these contributions, we asked the
International Council of Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) to have each ICAS
country identify its pioneers and present the story of its national
achievements in aerospace.

The notable figures profiled here are but a few examples of those who
could be considered. If you feel your country or its pioneers are not
sufficiently represented and you have the history to share, please
contact Kathy Watkins.

Check it out at:



Underwater UFO Base

California -
Posted by:
Source:  Fate Magazine
Issue: 2/2006
Is There an Underwater UFO Base Off the Southern California Coast?
by Preston Dennett

Shortly after I began investigating UFOs in the late 1980s, I started
to receive reports of unidentified ocean-going craft. Most of these
reports came from a certain stretch of California coastline, from about
Santa Barbara south to Long Beach. This particular body of water, I soon
learned, had a widespread reputation as a UFO hotspot. After several
witnesses told me they believed there was an underwater UFO base there, I
decided to conduct a more in-depth investigation to determine the
truth. …

Unexplained monster mysteries from the sea
Source: Scotsman

Posted by:
Dateline:  3/16/06

CRYPTOZOOLOGY – a strange word for a strange science. Let's face it,
any discipline which includes the study of everything from the Loch Ness
monster, a fur-lined trout and millions of species of nematode worms is
nothing if not eclectic.
This science of finding as-yet-unknown creatures covers a broad area.
It ranges from the sea monsters and chimera that most of the scientific
community would dismiss, to the millions of creatures that we know do
exist but have just never been seen or described by science.
Dr Geoff Swinney is the curator of lower vertebrates, fish, amphibians
and reptiles at the National Museums of Scotland. His is also their
resident cryptozoologist, looking after those animals that – as he says,
"one day might be". His broad remit covers everything from new species
of bats to taxidermy hoaxes.
"It's all a spectrum," says Swinney. "At one end are animals who have
not been described by the scientific community and at the other end we
have things like this constructed mermaid."
With that Swinney takes down a glass case from a shelf in the small
neon-lit underground room where he keeps his crypto zoological specimens.
What he places on the table is strange and grotesque. A small mermaid
creature, vertebrae notched along the back and adorned with an ancient
leathery head, in which is a set of teeth more ferocious than your
average Alsatians. …
Continue Report w/ photos at:



Is there an underground realm?
Posted by:  greenwood38@

"As we walked through the tunnels of gold…"
By Philip Coppens

The story of a golden city in the Amazon intrigued the Spanish
conquistadors. Since the 1970s, an underground system of tunnels containing
gold if not alien artifacts have reunited interest if not imagination and
lies. More than thirty years on, is there an underground realm?

In 1973, Erich von Däniken, at the height of his fame, claimed in his
book "The Gold of the Gods" that he had found a gigantic subterranean
tunnel system in Ecuador. It was a major claim – and one that seriously
would tarnish his profile, for his source would soon deny he had done no
such thing. For many, the incident proved that von Däniken was a
fabricator of lies – a much more damaging claim than being known to make
outlandish claims that the gods were ancient astronauts.

The story really begins in the Brazilian town of Manaus, on March 3,
1972, when a German journalist Karl Brugger met a local Amazonian Indian,
Tatunca Nara, in the back street tavern Gracas a Deus. ….
Continue report at:



Posted by:  ancientstar@

In Cappodocia, Turkey, "down under" does not refer to Australia but to
two underground cities, Derinkuyu and Kaymakli.

These are underground in both the literal and metaphorical senses...
They were used as refuges against armed attack, with great round stones
rolled across the external entrances.
Both cities are believed to have had from 8 to 10 levels, although
Derinkuyu is thought to have once burrowed 13 levels deep into the earth.

There were shops and numerous amenities, including a sophisticated
air-conditioning system to every corner of the city at every level. There
were warrens of rooms, ranging
from bedrooms, with "box beds" carved from the rock walls, to kitchens
and storerooms, and even stabling quarters for animals. Since these
were complete social communities, graves are also to be found. Water was
no problem, as shafts were supplies even deeper below the earth’s

These were towns of a vast complexity, linked by a maze of tunnels.
Actually, Derinkuyu and Kaymakli are not the only underground city remains
in this region. Others include
Ozkonak, Acigol, Mazikoy and Tatlarin. It is claimed that connecting
routes linked at least 14 underground cities, capable of housing no less
than 1,200,000 people.
I have explored several levels of one of these. A person is filled with
amazement at how whole communities could have managed to live, hidden
from the sun and the fresh air,
despite the cities’ highly developed ventilation systems – not just for
a month or a year, but, as they did, for whole lifetimes. That’s right!
Much of the population never came to the surface during their entire

Jonathan Gray
- Archaeology Answers -

Posted by:  ancientstar@
Source:  Fortean Times

In 1927, a subterranean chamber in France was discovered, accidentally,
by a cow. Full of mysterious artifacts, some of them Neolithic, the
find was an enigma. Was it a medieval magician's store, a Templar treasure
house or something even more mysterious?
Patricia and Lionel Fanthorpe revisit one of their earliest

Seventeen-year-old Emile Fradin was helping his grandfather on their
family farm at Glozel, near Vichy in the heart of central France, when
they stumbled - quite literally - across one of the most bitterly
controversial mysteries of the century. It was 1 March 1924 when one of their
grazing cattle fell suddenly through the apparently smooth and stable
surface of the meadow. The ground collapsed under the poor beast,
dropping it into a totally unsuspected, artificial chamber or cavity. This
strange, man-made chamber was lined with interlocking bricks, some of
them glazed as though by intense heat. The room resembled a primitive
glassworks, or medieval kiln. Young Emile rescued the unlucky bovine by
passing broad webbing under the cow to lift it. Descending again to
explore - without the impediment of sharing the chamber with a frightened cow
- he made some extremely exciting discoveries….

Underground UFO Bases
Source: Saucer Smear Volume 53 #1
Dateline:  1/25/06
Editor: James E. Moseley

"We have a long article from "Soul Travel Magazine" (previously unknown
to us) which states in some detail the exact location of four
underground extraterrestrial bases on our planet.  These were supposedly seen by
remote Viewing during our government’s secret experimentation with this
very controversial science.  U.S. government RV experiments are said to
have ceased several years ago, although one cannot be sure of this.

"The four locations are; Mt. Perdido in the Pyrnees Mountains between
France and Spain; Mt. Inyangani, the highest mountain in Zimbabwe,
Africa; Mt. Hayes, Alaska, and Mt. Ziel in Australia’s Northern Territory. 
The Mt. Ziel location is said to be by far the largest.

"Conspicuously absent from the list is Dulce, N.M about which much has
been written.  Dulce ties in somewhat with the ravings of the late Paul
Bennewitz of Albuquerque, N.M

"In our opinion Remote Viewing is a possibility that has yet to be
proven useful in any way. (…thanks to Vince Ditch us …

[James Moseley’s  newsletter does not have any subscribers.  However
you can become a "non-subscriber" and receive this, the longest running
UFO publication in existence, each and every month by sending a "love
donation" to:
Saucer Smear
P. 0. Box 1709
Key West, FL 33041 … Dennis].

Visit the "Saucer Smear" archives at:

Mt St Helens web cam


Countdown to 2012

Saving Planet Earth From The Huge Mayan Comet In 2012
Posted by:  howardpearlman05

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

NASA may have to collide an Asteroid With the Maya Comet in 2012

In 2012 the Maya predict that a killer planet sized Comet will bring
about the end of this
world. The Earth may not have enough Atomic bombs to deflect this Mayan
planet killer, but there is a possibility of pushing an asteroid into
the comet and saving the Earth. A combination shot of deviating an
asteroid off of it's orbit  and into the path of the Killer Mayan Comet.
NASA should start preparing asteroid comet collision scenarios NOW.

January 10, 2006
UFO - Worldwide Reports

Debunking Debunkers
Posted by:  magicalnexus@
The writer was only listed as "Ted."

We, at NARCAP , don't have much to say about aliens,
abductions, etc....

We will tell you that debunking trends seem to be ignorant of the
science related to unidentified aerial phenomena and is falling back on
historical misidentifications, etc.

For example, there are certain cases that the debunkers won't touch.
The NSA site has some documentation regarding the Tehran, Iran Sept. !976
case - the follow-up investigation was led by the DOD and Richard
Secord... the results are not available to the public.

The French Space Agency CNES has had the longest ongoing study of UAP
in the world. Ongoing under several titles, the official research group
CNES-SEPRA has been studying UAP for over 45years. The opinions of its
most recent director are stated in the COMETA report - which contains a
great deal of aviation information, by the way. The French have
recently reinvigorated the effort with the retirement of JJ Valesco last year
under the new/old heading CNES-GEIPAN..

Further: direct research is demonstrating the existance of one, if
not several, poorly documented atmospheric phenomena which deserve
much closer attention for their quite unusual properties.

"A Long Term Scientific Survey of the Hessdalen Phenomena". Massimo
Teodorani 2004

Also and

Additional reference of interest includes:

CNR - Istituto di Radioastronomia / Radiotelescopi di Medicina Via
Gobetti 101 - 40129 Bologna (Italia) / E-mail :

Even more interesting, quantum teleportation and quantum tunneling
may provide a possible mechanism for interstellar transport and
communication that wasn't considered or predicted by science....

Whatever the case, there are plenty of good reasons to continue
examining UAP phenomena, regardless of what UFOlogy is doing and
what some scientists are saying.

In our own experience, we publish papers and nobody argues with
them. They might argue against our premis for existance but nobody
confronts the science directly. Usually I find that most scientists
are as uninformed about UAP research as I am about their work. Its
just that some feel that they can pontificate anyway, regardless of
their lack of experience or qualification in the study. I can find
card carrying astronomer/physicists who not only believe in UFOs but
believe they are demonic.... In Fact, I will match you one to one,
by credentials. Neither should be speaking in front of anyone but
the media is the one who actually decides that - and just what are
their qualifications to determine who is qualified to discuss
UAP/UFO and who is not?

For some interesting perspectives by a highly qualified physicist,
go to Michio Kaku can explain why general relativity
holds all the answers to interstellar transits and communication...

The matter is far from resolved.



New Adamski Photos and Three Films
Posted by:

Dear Friends,
Glen Steckling, Director of George Adamski Foundation International has
released a number of photos for us to use on Eyepod.Org. See these
along with three Adamski films here;
Thank you Glen..
Your Friend,
Frank Riccardi

"The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know"
Harry Truman... Creator of the CIA
Enter Eyepod.Org


Milan, ITALY

Six-Hour UFO Sighting Over Milan
Posted by:  now0won@

Prominent Italian UFO Investigator Paola Harris reports from Italy:
"Saturday night over Milan there was a Sighting of 5 Objects that lingered
in the air from 11:00 PM till 5:00 AM and our TV news channels covered
it. Like the Phoenix lights, no one knows what to do."

The story was covered on Italian Television and in the news media, and
the conclusion was drawn that the objects were unexplained. Unlike the
Phoenix lights, however, there were no US military bases in the area
that could issue false claims of dropping flares, so the objects at this
time remain a pure unknown. …
                                                                                                                                                                     &n bsp;       

New York City, USA

Intruders Foundation Seminar Series Announcement
Posted by:  john@

Rendlesham & Kecksburg: TWO Anniversaries

February 25, 2006

1. RENDLESHAM What makes England’s Rendlesham Forest UFO incident so
significant? Almost everything. Ground to air sightings confirmed by
radar; evidence of abduction among some of the men involved; confirmation
of a major nuclear treaty violation; documented physiological changes to
organic material in landing zones; burns to the retinas of witnesses’
eyes; confirmation that beams of light shot from the unknowns into the
base’s Weapons Storage Area; the suspension (and return) of an
eyewitnesses’ passport; the many personal accounts of military and civilian
witnesses and the paper trail of military documents.

This past December marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of England’s
best-known and best-documented UFO event, which was observed in Suffolk,
East Anglia, just after Christmas. IF Advisory Board member Peter
Robbins is arguably the best informed American investigator of this case and
is also co-author of "Left At East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the
Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Its Cover-up and Investigation." He spent
the month of December on the road in
England and reports on some of the numerous updates in the case that
have emerged since his book’s publication in 1997. All updates to be
reviewed (as well as others) are included in the newly published revised
and updated edition of "Left At East Gate," available at the seminar.
Robbins will also discuss a significant distortion of the story that aired
last month on The History Channel.

2. KECKSBURG Independent journalist, Leslie Kean, will present the very
latest update on the landmark Kecksburg, PA UFO crash case, which
occurred on December 9, 1965. The event involved numerous witnesses in and
near Kecksburg who described seeing a fireball in the evening sky, a
controlled landing, and the systematic military recovery of an unusual,
acorn-shaped object. Local newspapers and radio reported on the military
activity in the area. The next day, the Air Force stated that nothing
was found and that the object was simply a meteor. As Director of
Investigations for the Coalition for Freedom of Information
(CFi). Kean has been spearheading a three-year investigation into the
case, which has been covered by major media around the world including
two television documentaries (Sci Fi Channel and History Channel). She
is the plaintiff in a lawsuit against NASA as a result of the agency’s
refusal to release its records. Recently, on the 40th anniversary of the
event, a NASA spokesperson made some astonishing claims that contradict
its own internationally renowned expert, the Air Force conclusion, and
the witness reports.

Kean’s presentation will cover this and other breaking developments in
the case, including reports of scientists from the crash site,
interviews with Air Force personnel involved with the search, and the 40th
anniversary commemoration in Kecksburg. Kean will also show a video of John
Podesta, President Clinton’s former chief of staff, speaking at a CFi
press conference about the need for the government to release
information on UFOs.

REGISTRATION & INFORMATION The seminar will be held on February 25th
at the new meeting rooms of A.R.E., located on the SECOND FLOOR at 241
W. 30th Street (between Seventh and Eighth Avenues), New York, NY.
The price of the seminar is $30 for non-members and $20 for members of
IF, seniors and students. Reservations must be made by telephone at
212-645-5278, and will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
Payment must be made in advance to secure the reservation. Make checks
payable to the Intruders Foundation, P.O. Box 30233, New York,
NY 10011. Book early! Only 60 reservations will be accepted!

On-street parking is generally available in the neighborhood. The
seminar will begin at 7:30 PM and end at 10:00 PM. Doors open at 7:00 PM.
There will be a one half-hour intermission, during which light
complimentary refreshments will be served. A book table will offer books,
videotapes and other material for sale to those interested.
For additional information, call IF at 212-645-5278. Hope to see you

---------- The Intruders Foundation Seminar Series is presented in the
interests of open-minded scientific learning and the free exchange of
research, ideas, and theories. IF makes no specific claims or
endorsements regarding any materials, views, or subject
matter presented by our guests.

---------- Want to know more about
Budd Hopkins and his nonprofit scientific research organization, as
well as past and future IF events?
Please visit our website…
Intruders Foundation Website:


The interview of Jacques Vallée by Marie-Thérèse de Brosses
Summarized By Gildas Bourdais

This is a summarization with some comments, along with an Annex on
Ubatuba; first written in French, and then translated in English, by Gildas
Bourdais. The interview was conducted by telephone, with Jacques Vallée
at his home in San Francisco. …


Moscow, Russia

Ancient Russian Manuscript Describes 19th Century UFO Sightings
Posted by:  brian_earthwatcher@
Dateline:  Created: 07.02.2006 16:50 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 16:55 MSK

Nowadays reports of UFO sightings appear in the media so frequently
that they hardly catch anyone's eye. More often than not the alleged UFOs
turn out to be signal rockets, meteorological probes, airplanes or
their traces. But this certainly does not apply to sightings registered
centuries ago — when no rockets or airplanes existed at all. Moscow daily
Komsomolskaya Pravda publishes a document from a personal archive that
tells of a UFO spotted over Kremlin back in 1808.

"I found this document in the personal archive of a Moscow senator
Peter Poludensky, who worked for the Tsar's Secret Service and died in the
middle of XIX century. Apparently the manuscript attracted his
attention for some reason," says Alexander Afanasyev, an expert of the Russian
State History Museum, department of manuscripts.

"Ufology is really not my area, but I am determined that the manuscript
describes a UFO."
Continue report w/original drawing at:



Fake UFO Photo Contest
By Mark Hinson

Have you seen the photo of an alien spacecraft hovering over the
Capitol at high noon on the first day of Session?
The visitors from beyond the stars turned off their cloaking device for
a split second, and some kid with a camera snapped the frame.
No, it's for real, dude.
Or ... probably not.
This month, The Center for Inquiry and The Tallahassee Skeptics are
seeking creative photographers and computer artists who can concoct the
most convincing UFO photo that uses a Tallahassee landmark or building as
a backdrop. The winner will receive $250 in cash. The faux-UFO photo
also will be published in the Tallahassee Democrat.

UFO Review - issue 15

The latest edition of UFO Review is available at As usual, either of the two top left
hand buttons marked "Current issue" depending on which format
you want to download it in.

As already pre-advertised, we have an exclusive interview with
author Dr. Nick Redfern (doctorate courtesy Billy Booth on his latest book "Saucer Spies" in which Nick
details the efforts of both the American and British
intelligence services to keep a watch on nosey and intrusive
Ufologists. And in particular, we have APEN finally exposed in
all their gory glory. This is going to be an important book for
Ufology and is bound to create more debate and discussion. Is
this man a masochist? He's barely recovered from "Body

We also have an interview with Steve Dewey on the Warminster
Phenomenon. The what I hear you say? If you have forgotten about
it or just never heard about it in the first place, then you can
hardly be blamed, for UK Ufology seems to have done its best
since the late 70s to sweep it out of sight and out of mind.
Warminster though was one of the UKs most enduring UFO events
that lasted for ten years or more. Time for a reminder.

Kithra as usual weighs in with another excellent article on
strange stones, we carry the current Dennis Balthaser editorial,
there is a wedding announcement, and an exposé of science in
Ufology and what attributes you need to be a Ufological
scientist. I should mention that some of the proceeding articles
in this paragraph are not entirely serious, and for that matter
neither is the next one, an expose of the photographs taken by
the Mars rovers that "they wouldn't let you see". Oh dear.

But what is this? Something of gravitas and relevance it would
appear. A full and detailed listing of every UFO sighting in the
UK as reported to the MOD from 2002 through to 2005 as supplied
to Gary Anthony through a FOIA. Oh well, can't take the wotsits
all the time.

Amazingly, all this won't cost you a penny.



Haunted Times Magazine news!
Source:  cold12_99@

The new print and online issue of Haunted Times Magazine is here!
Just stop by to access all of the great
new online-only stories and get a sneak peek at the spring print
issue of HTM. Make sure to sign up for your FREE membership to our
online community.

More great news: If you subscribe to the print version of Haunted
Times Magazine you will receive your first issue absolutely FREE!
This is a limited time promotion so make sure to sign up today.

Lizzie Borden took an axe… Join Christopher Moon and the Haunted
Times Magazine staff at the Legendary Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast
for two very special Ghost Hunter's Universities on March 10th and
11th. Call (508) 675-7333 to make reservations today… space is VERY

We have taken down the message boards on the Haunted Times site and
opened a Yahoo! Group that will serve as our new discussion
community. It is filling up fast so make sure to sign up when you
stop by the HTM site.

A very special thanks goes out to renowned psychic Jon Maronge for
designing our new Flash intro for the HTM site. Check it out!

Haunted Times Magazine… your connection to the other side.


Bigfoot research team investigates the evidence in Blackfeet country.
By John McGill, Glacier Reporter Editor
Posted by: PunkinPie68

Source:  Golden Triangle News
Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:36 PM MST

All it took was a story in the Glacier Reporter about Bruce Schildt's
kids discovering footprints they thought might belong to Bigfoot near
Kiowa, and an entire team of Bigfoot searchers arrived to check things
out. Searching for Bigfoot Inc. is a team started by Tom Biscardi,
devoted to finding out if the creature exists and precisely what sort of
being it might be. Based in Menlo Park, Calif., Biscardi quickly contacted
Schildt, the Glacier Reporter, Pat Armstrong and Blackfeet Fish and
Wildlife Director Gayle Skunkcap to find out if his team should visit the
Blackfeet Reservation.
Continue at:


Cosmic Conspiracies
Special Section:
Eyeballin’ The Advances of The New World Order

Pentagon Plans to 'fight the net' Revealed
By Adam Brookes
BBC Pentagon correspondent
Posted by:  orgonegal@
Dateline: Friday, 27 January 2006, 18:05 GMT

[ Comment:  Its amazing how they couch this stuff. We are so naive when
it comes to understanding what they are laying the groundwork for. They
are getting it ready for dissidents. Remember the law/executive order
signed by the President about three weeks ago that made it illegal
(felony) for anyone to do emails without their real names and to send
"annoying" subjects? Annoying wasn't defined, so here we are with everything
being put in place. It's really amazing to watch the brilliance of
their plan and our reaction-- which is non existent. Good luck all. …
Louise Zeus <> ]

(Start of article)
A newly declassified document gives a fascinating glimpse into the US
military's plans for "information operations" - from psychological
operations, to attacks on hostile computer networks.
Bloggers beware.

As the world turns networked, the Pentagon is calculating the military
opportunities that computer networks, wireless technologies and the
modern media offer.
From influencing public opinion through new media to designing
"computer network attack" weapons, the US military is learning to fight an
electronic war.
The declassified document is called "Information Operations Roadmap".
It was obtained by the National Security Archive at George Washington
University using the Freedom of Information Act. …


Patrick Wood
March 11, 2006


Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the global elitist Trilateral
Commission in 1973 and the principal architect of modern globalization,
recently wrote in 2004,
"The notion of total national security is now a myth. Total security
and total defense in the age of globalization are not attainable. The
real issue is: with how much insecurity can America live while promoting
its interests in an increasingly interactive, interdependent world?"[1]

The original Trilateral Commission policy of national insecurity has
now come full circle.

The U.S. Department of Commerce white paper, Maritime Security and
Beyond, tells us what is at stake in our maritime security policies:

"America's coasts, rivers, bridges, tunnels, ports, ships, military
bases, and waterside industries may be the terrorists' next targets. The
overall risk associated with the vulnerability of the U.S. maritime
assets, both as a potential target for terrorist activity and more
importantly as a transportation platform for the introduction of a "Trojan
Horse," in which a potential weapon of mass destruction (WMD), terrorist,
contraband or illegal aliens, enters the U.S. through its seaports, has
been made very clear in the last several years. A catastrophic event at
a seaport facility would not only affect the global transport
infrastructure, but could also result in global economic devastation for a long
period of time." [emphasis added][2]

The issue of national security is of huge importance to all Americans.
There are only three ways to enter the U.S. -- by land, sea or air.
While globalist politicians have done little, if anything, to secure land
borders with Canada and Mexico, it is now apparent that they will do
little or nothing to improve our maritime security as well. In fact, they
seem to be intent on dismantling what little security remains.

Full 3 Part Report at:


The CIA, Mind Control & Children
March 8th, 2006

Today we are going to hear from investigative journalist Jon Rappoport
give a talk entitled The CIA, Mind Control, and Children about the
CIA’s use of children for creating mind control agents. Author of U.S.
Government Mind Control Experiments on Children, he talks about the impact
of the mind control testimony submitted to the Presidential hearings on
radiation experiments. Jon also speaks about the mindset of those
responsible for these horrors and the implications to society. …


The Continuing saga of the ‘sign-of-the-beast’ chip …
Posted by brian_earthwatcher
Source: ABC News
Date:  3/13/06

CINCINNATI Feb 13, 2006 (AP)— Tiny silicon chips were embedded into two
workers who volunteered to help test the tagging technology at a
surveillance equipment company, an official said Monday.

The Mexico attorney general's office implanted the so-called RFIDs for
radio frequency identification chips in some employees in 2004 to
restrict access to secure areas. Implanting them in the workers at is believed to be the first use of the technology in living
humans in the United States.
Sean Darks, chief executive of the company, also had one of the chips
"I have one," he said. "I'm not going to ask somebody to do something I
wouldn't do myself. None of my employees are forced to get the chip to
keep their job." [… YET…Dennis}.
Complete report:



The real "DIRT" behind the 'War on drugs', the Prison Industry System,
and money laundering
Posted by:
Source:  Narco News

Read this revealing 6-part report at:


UNRAVELING THE SEACRTS of Ancient Civilizations

Archaeologists Unearth Headless Sphinx
Source: Sphinx Daily Newswire
Dateline:  2/8/06

TIVOLI, Italy - Archaeologists who have been digging for more than a
year at the villa of Roman Emperor Hadrian in Tivoli have unearthed a
monumental staircase, a statue of an athlete and what appears to be a
headless sphinx. …


Discovering the Land of Trolls
Posted by:

Northern Norway's coastline creates mythical setting

People come to Northern Norway not only for the auroras and to see its
Arctic landscape, but also to hunt for trolls, the mythical creatures
rumored to hide in the forests and mountainsides.

These "nordmenn" (men of the north) are generally believed to have
supernatural powers and offer good luck. Supposedly, trolls are as blind as
a bat and can't see their own hand in front of them. Legend says the
worst thing you could do near a troll is to be happy; they hate happiness
and things that make people happy. So we have to be careful to not make
a troll mad.

Trolls can only come out of their hiding-places after sunset and they
disappear again before sunrise. Most trolls live to be hundreds of years
old and there are plenty of rock formations with troll-like features.
In fact, legend says trolls hate daylight and if they are caught in the
sun, they turn to stone. Direct exposure to the sun can cause them to
crack, turn into stone and possibly burst. …
Continue at:

Information and postings of  T. Peter Parks


The UFO phenomenon has a fascinating "prehistory" long antedating the
supposed beginning of our "Age of Flying Saucers" with Kenneth Arnold’s
June 24, 1947 Mt. Rainier sighting.
A now almost forgotten wave of "Mystery Aeroplane" sightings around
Lake Superior in February, 1916, for instance, foreshadowed many familiar
post-1947 themes. World War I was in full swing in Europe, and while
the United States was still officially neutral, popular fears of German
attack colored perceptions of unusual aerial phenomena–just as fears of
Russian attack or outer-space invasion colored popular perceptions of
aerial anomalies after 1947. "Respectable" opinion, on the other hand,
decried "mass hysteria."

When a hot-air balloon with lights crashed on a Duluth dock, the
police, newspapers, and "solid citizens" declared the mystery "solved" as the
work of pranksters. As at Roswell 31 years later, balloons were the
obvious "rational" alternative to more exotic explanations. As after World
War II, "respectable" opinion blamed not Germans, Russians,
extraterrestrials, or other "aliens" for
violating American air space and threatening our national security, but
hoaxers and sensation-mongers for spreading panic among the nervous and
gullible at an anxious time.

Superior, Wisconsin and Duluth, Minnesota, sister cities on opposite
sides of the St. Louis River at Lake Superior’s western tip, were gripped
by a now almost forgotten UFO wave in February, 1916. Duluth and
Superior citizens reported mysterious lights and "aeroplanes" in the sky, on
one occasion seeing three "men" aboard the machine. It was in the
middle of World War I, and while the United States was still neutral, the
mysterious "aeroplanes" inspired fears of bombing. Workers in a local
munitions plant even stayed home out of fear of their factory being
bombed. Back in 1916, few people thought about extraterrestrial visitors,
though H.G. Wells had already published his _War of the Worlds_, so
strange aerial lights and contraptions were ascribed to secretive inventors
or to foreign spies, saboteurs, or bombers. Finally, in a curious
anticipation of the Air Force’s response to Roswell some 31 years later, the
mystery was "solved" when a couple of Duluth watchmen found the r!
emnants of a crashed home-made toy balloon, "proving" the lights and
"aeroplanes" to have been a practical joke by pranksters perpetrating a

Jerome Clark’s Spring 2000 _Anomalist_ article "From Mermaids to Little
Gray Men" on the "prehistory" of UFO abductions very briefly mentioned
the "first credible-sounding CE3 from an American newspaper," published
"in a Superior, Wisconsin, paper on February 29, 1916, during a local
UFO wave." According to Clark’s summary of the case, dock workers on
Lake Superior around 4:30 A.M. that morning observed the passage of a
large flying craft in which three "men" were clearly visible. As far as
Clark knew, this was "the only report of UFO occupants to be published in
the American press between 1897 and 1947, when the UFO age began" with
Kenneth Arnold’s sighting and the Roswell crash (Jerome Clark, "From
Mermaids to Little Gray Men: The Prehistory of the UFO Abduction
Phenomenon," _The Anomalist_, No. 8, Spring 2000, p. 19).

The 1916 Superior sightings have not so far been mentioned in any UFO
or Fortean book or website. A quite thorough search of the UFO
literature and databases in 2003 by Thomas M. Olsen, President of the UFO
Information Retrieval Center in Phoenix, Arizona indicated no references to
the case (e-mail Thomas M. Olsen to T. Peter Park, October 18, 2003).
However, I then found some original newspaper reports of the 1916 Lake
Superior UFO wave after some inquiries to Duluth and Superior newspapers
and libraries. Julie Levang of the Duluth Public Library sent me
photostats of "aeroplane" stories from the _Superior Telegram_, February 29,
1916, and from the _Duluth News Tribune_, March 1 and March 2, 1916.The
February 29 _Superior Telegram_ story,

"Mysterious Aeroplane Continues Nocturnal Trips Over Superior," is of
course the article cited by Jerome Clark. The _Duluth News Tribune_
stories, "Sky Rover Is Captured at Ore Dock" (March 1) and "Air Mystery
Fully Solved" (March 2) are mainly devoted to the Roswell-style "solution"
of the mystery as a crashed home-made toy hot-air balloon found by two
Duluth watchmen. However, they also mention a whole wave of sightings
of mysterious aerial lights and contraptions by Duluth and Superior
residents during the previous week.

The February 29 _Superior Telegram_ piece began by describing that
morning’s Superior waterfront sightings of a huge "aeroplane" with three
"men" aboard. It continued with brief summaries of aerial light and
machine sightings over Duluth and Superior the previous several nights,
mentioning the wartime bombing fears inspired by the mysterious
overflights. The _Telegram_ makes it quite clear that the early morning dockside
sighting later mentioned by Jerome Clark was not an isolated incident,
but rather the most spectacular incident in a whole wave of puzzling

Five watchmen at the Globe Elevators, the Great Northern Elevator, and
the Carnegie Coal Dock on Superior’s St. Louis River waterfront saw and
heard an "aeroplane" with 3 lights carrying 3 passengers fly from east
to west over the docks and elevators between 4:30 and 4:45 AM on the
morning of Tuesday, February 29, 1916. The witnesses heard "roaring" or
"purring" engine noises coming from the sky, and saw a big "aeroplane"
with 3 lights and 3 "men" aboard, at a height of 600 to 1,000 feet in
the air, trailing a long rope or cable with a large block or object at
the end, heading up the St. Louis River and vanishing to the west. While
the article did not explicitly say so, other "aeroplane" witnesses
seeing the large object dangling by a rope or cable may have thought it was
a bomb.

John Gustavson, watchman at the Carnegie Coal Dock, estimated its
altitude at 1,000 feet adding that he had thought reports of people seeing
an "aeroplane" at the Allouez section of Superior and other places were
a "joke," until he himself saw the craft at 4:35 that morning. John
Tullyson, head watchman at Globe Elevators, described the "aeroplane" as
"flying along very fast" with a "roaring noise" about 4:30, and
estimated its altitude at about 600 feet. He described it as 50 feet wide and
100 feet long, with 3 lights, one at each end and one in the middle. He
saw one of the three "men" sitting near the front of the machine,
"probably running it,"the other two a little behind him and seemingly
"looking around." Two other Globe Elevator night watchmen, Carl Hanson and
Frank Poto, did not see the machine which had disappeared behind an
elevator, but heard its engine noise. A night watchman at the Great Northern
Elevator who wished to remain anonymous heard a "purring noise in!
the sky" about 4:30 or 4:45 and saw an "aeroplane" passing over to the
west, with three lights "of a sort of reddish color."

Several people in Superior and Duluth had seen "aeroplanes" or moving
lights in the sky the previous evening and night, February 28th,
according to the _Telegram_. About 8:30 on Broadway in Superior, _Telegram_
employees George Sims and O.A. Bergstrom, and local tailor Richard
Powers, saw a moving light in the western sky, moving up and down, back and
forth. "It was cloudy in the west and for that reason it could not have
been a star that they saw," they told the _Telegram_. William Berg at
the Superior Floral Company also saw the light moving about in the west
around the same time. Northern Pacific Railroad fireman Eugene Bolanger
and some other train crewmen at the South End switching yards saw a
light moving about in the west that night, apparently over the steel
plant. In Duluth, L.K. Johnson called the Duluth police after midnight that
night to declare that he, his wife, and his mother-in-law had watched
two "aeroplanes" with red lights circle over Duluth, over their ow!
n house, toward Superior, over Superior’s coal and grain elevators, and
finally out west. "Can’t something be done?," demanded Johnson, adding
"We are afraid of bombs."

At least three other Duluth residents telephoned the police that night
to report seeing the machine, "each demanding that the flights be
stopped, and each expressing fear of bombs." Already the previous Saturday
night, February 26th, Superiorite Paul Domsch had seen moving lights
over the Great Northern’s Belknap Street shops and West End freight yards,
through the window of his Truax Block shop. "The lights moved around
and at one time seemed to be right over the roundhouse," Domsch told the
_Telegram_ on the 29th. "That is all I have seen of anything that might
be an aeroplane."

The whole epidemic of mysterious light and aircraft sightings had been
mass hysteria set off by a few pranks, the _Duluth News Tribune_ crowed
on March 1 and again on March 2 after Duluth ore dock watchmen John
Dormedy and Albert Dalduc found fragments of a crashed home-made hot air
balloon. If you "have seen the mysterious aeroplane," the _News Tribune_
began by sarcastically reminding its readers on March 1, then "maybe
you have seen the Cardiff Giant," as "lots of people saw it years ago."
He referred here to the notorious 19th century hoax of a 10-foot statue
buried and dug up near Cardiff in upstate New York and exhibited as a
petrified prehistoric giant man. "What probably will be handed down in
the annals of the Head of the Lakes as the Great Aeroplane Mystery of
1916," the _News Tribune_ proclaimed the next day, had been "cleaned up"
by Dormedy and Dalduc. However, the March 2 _News Tribune_ also ran a
short sidebar, "Floating Light Is Seen Above Duluth," describing !
a sighting shortly before midnight the previous night of a soundless
aerial craft with a green light floating high in the sky slightly to the
west of the city by Duluth pedestrians for several minutes before it
either burned away or floated out of sight.

A bit more seriously after its snide Cardiff Giant allusion, the March
1 _News Tribune_ noted that "hundreds of people" had seen "phantom
flyers a-flitting over Duluth and Superior" within a week, and "wondered
and worried about them." As with post-1947 UFO waves, "numerous theories"
had been "advanced to explain these sky visitors" over 1916 Lake
Superior. "Some thought an attack on the Duluth steel plant was
contemplated," while others were "convinced that the powder plant at Barksdale,
Wis., was to be bombed."One "old timer" even suggested geese flying north
from the Gulf coast, who had rested in Arkansas and got their feet
smeared in the phosphorus beds there, so that they were now "wheeling their
way north with their feet just like a pair of lamps." Here we have an
interesting anticipation of one "Lubbock Lights" explanation blaming
birds for the mysterious lights seen flying over Lubbock, Texas for
several nights in late August and early September 1951!

Other "old timers," however, scoffed at the suggestion, declaring it
was "too early for northern flights." The previous night (February 29),
indeed, Duluth’s Police Operator Ralph Lutz received 27 calls about the
mysterious aerial craft, variously bearing red, white, or green lights,
some in groups of two or three flying machines, hovering and circling
over Duluth and its vicinity, "threatening to scatter destruction and
disaster." In West Duluth, many local residents saw a "rover"come in from
the northwest around 8:30, hover over a power plant for half an hour,
and disappear to the east, returning around 9:30 for its second visit.
The West Duluthians agreed that the "wanderer" carried three lights, one
green, one red, and one bright white light.

That same night, however, John Dormedy and Albert Dalduc, night
watchmen at Duluth’s Missabe ore dock, had seen fragments of one of the flying
machines, a homemade toy balloon, drop on the end of the dock. For over
a week, since the "first rumors of the phantom sky-riders started to
make their rounds," the _News Tribune_ (March 1) quoted Dormedy, he and
Dalduc had been watching the mysterious yellow lights leaving the earth
somewhere on the Wisconsin shore every night, rising gradually, and
disappearing in one direction or another. Around 10:30 on the night of
February 29, they closely watched one of the "celestial wanderers" start
on its "celestial cruise" and disappear toward the west. Soon they saw a
second light leave the ground at the same point where they had seen the
first one. However, instead of bearing westward, it came straight
across the bay toward Dormedy and Dalduc. They could hear the roar of the
engine exhausts and the excited shouts of the passengers. "Somet!
hing was going wrong," Dormedy told the _News Tribune_. A "sheet of
flame" surrounded the wildly circling and swooping machine, which landed
on the end of the dock, 100 yards from Dormedy and Dalduc. "Scared
badly," the watchmen rushed out to "pick up the maimed and mangled victims,
no matter what their nationality might be," and take them to the
hospital. However, "there was nothing but the machine left." The "aviators"
were "gone completely." Dormedy and Dalduc found only "a cute little
wire frame, a few fragments of tissue paper, and some charred excelsior,"
the remnants of "a toy balloon, a big one...but a tissue paper one just
the same." It "brought back memories of the last Fourth of July
celebration," Dormedy remarked.

When Superior was informed that night of Dormedy and Dalduc’s solution
of the mystery at the Duluth ore dock, people immediately began tracing
the balloons, and by 1 A.M. on the morning of March 1 they had
succeeded, according to that day’s _News Tribune_. A number of toy balloons had
been taken from the Russell Brothers’ store, and sent up from a vacant
lot in the rear. It was not known how many nights the "gang" had been
sending them up, but it was done before the previous night, one of them
admitted. F.S. Beers, manager of the Dupont munitions factory near
Washburn, was quoted as regretting that anyone would play such pranks,
which were causing much trouble at his plant. "Our employees are getting
letters from parents, wives, sweethearts and friends urging them to
abandon their jobs and hurry home before the plant is blown up," Beers
complained, so that they were "unable to do their work." Beers found it
"utterly absurd" to "suppose that if a representative of a belligere!
nt nation wished to destroy the plant, he would advertise his approach
by flying night after night over the country with everyone talking
about seeing his machine." Beers believed the "lights" were "nothing more
or less than toy balloons." He made these statements "hours before
developments proved his guess the true solution."
Beers’ theory was "borne out" by Hayward police chief Andrew Hanson,
who saw

some burning waste fall from a flying light he was watching, and
"undoubtedly" considered the "falling flame" part of the "stuffing" of the
balloon. "But at any rate residents of the Head of the Lakes may sleep in
peace now," the News Tribune concluded. Despite "roarings of engine and
lines trailing bombs, and trios of passengers," the sightings had
"simmered down to less than nothing." It was "Some prank, neighbors!"

"Air Mystery Fully Solved: Dock Watchmen Recover Remnants of Big Paper
Balloon From Ice," was the next day’s _News Tribune_ headline. The
"Great Aeroplane Mystery of 1916" had been "cleaned up to the last remnant"
the previous afternoon (March 1) by Dormedy and Dalduc, the dock
watchmen "who blew the first hole in the aeroplane scare." Late on the
afternoon of March 1st, they had ventured out on the ice of the channel
opposite end of the dock, and brought in the main framework of the balloon,
fragments of which had landed on their dock on Tuesday night, February
29th. "The red and green lights are explained," the article remarked.
The framework of the balloon was about 5 feet high, 3 feet wide at the
top, and constructed of heavy wire. The paper that had evidently covered
the balloon was completely burned off. A small red lantern was
suspended by a thin wire 8 feet from the bottom of the framework. The glass
globe was not even broken by the fall, though the framework was sli!
ghtly bent.
The "contrivance," the _News Tribune_ continued, "hangs in the dock
office and the watchman cannot pass it without giving vent to a hearty

Even after the "solution" was published in the previous day’s _News
Tribune_, the article remarked, there had still been "those who maintained
it couldn’t have been a balloon because it sported a red or green
light." Now, however, "gone absolutely are the ‘war-scare’ advocators,"
while "happy indeed are the scoffers and the ‘I told you so’s.’" Few now
would "even admit they ever believed an aeroplane or aeroplanes were
skylarking around Duluth and Superior." They "knew they were balloons all
the time." Dormedy and Dalduc were quoted as declaring the balloon was a
type not to be found in stores, but home-manufactured to be sturdy and
withstand buffeting by the elements. They believed it was made and sent
up as a prank by watchmen employed on some of the boats wintering in
the harbor.

The _News Tribune_ also quoted a local storekeeper, R.A. Mannheim, who
had sent up two balloons on February 17th to amuse his boys. Further
investigation revealed the fact that, "about a week ago" (i.e., around
February 24th), a resident of Iron River, Wisconsin had purchased three
balloons in Superior and taken them away with him. However, the
"watchmen who saw an aeroplane with three passengers, and distinctly heard the
roar of the engine" on February 29th were "still sticking to the
story," according to the _News Tribune_. "Maybe after all, there is an
aeroplane hanging around," the article concluded, "but it is in an off

Reptilians & Snake People

Ufologist, cryptozoologist, and _Inexplicata_ editor Scott Corrales has
pointed out that the motif of "snake men", "serpent people" or the
tradition of "a reptile people predating humans" is "quite widespread in
Sword-and-Sorcery." Lin Carter's _Thongol_, he noted, battled them as did
Michael Moorcock's _Sojan_ and Karl Edward Wagner's _Kane_ ("in which a
clearly extraterrestrial origin for the reptilian race is exposed").
But, he concluded, "truth is stranger than fiction, no?"

The "serpent people" or "pre-human reptile people" motif being so
widespread in Sword and Sorcery, and not just confined to Robert E. Howard,
H.P. Lovecraft, and Clark Ashton Smith, makes the
science-fiction/fantasy origin of Maurice Doreal's and David Icke's theories so much more
likely--though as Scott also just noted, "truth is stranger than

One thing that would bring the prehistoric reptile-people idea closer
to the "mainstream" would be the discovery of Jurassic or Cretaceous
bipedal dinosaur remains buried with stone tools amid a circle of stones
suggestive of the foundations of a hut! Even the discovery that an
offshoot of, say, _Velociraptor_, had a _Homo erectus_, Neanderthal, or
Australian Aborigine level technology or culture--not even to speak of
spaceships, anti-gravity machines, or laser "death-rays"!--would make lots
of people exclaim, "This shows that H.P. Lovecraft, Robert Howard,
Clark Ashton Smith, and Maurice Doreal all were right, after all!"

Shape-shifting Serpent Race

Syracuse University political scientist and conspiracy-theory historian
Michael Barkun, in _A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in
Contemporary America_ (University of California Press, 2003) credits
Robert E. Howard with inventing the notion of a shape-shifting serpent race
later popularized by occultists like "Doreal" and ufology/conspiracy
buffs like David Icke (_A Culture of Conspiracy_, p. 121). Like Mike Mott
in _Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures_, Barkun cites Robert
Howard's August 1929 _Weird Tales_ story "The Shadow Kingdom," where
Kull from Atlantis encountered and destroyed a race of shape-shifting
snake-men with human bodies and the heads of serpents, who could appear
human when they wished. The occultist "Maurice Doreal" (Claude Doggins, d.
1963), Barkun points out, published in _Amazing Stories_, was thus
apparently familiar with the pulp fiction of the 1930's and 1940's, and
probably borrowed his own subterranean shape-shifting sepent-men f!
rom Robert Howard's story. Robert Howard's _Weird Tales_ colleagues
Clark Ashton Smith and the much better known H.P. Lovecraft, Barkun adds,
incorporated serpent-men into their own stories, again popularizing the
concept (_A Culture of Conspiracy_, p. 121).


Last Summer, I had a "Name Game" flash about _Velociraptors_, those
small carnivorous diosaurs that appeared to be on the brink of developing
intelligence. _Velociraptor_, I suddenly thought, sounds a bit like
"Valusia," a prehistoric kingdom of serpent-people mentioned by American
fantasy writers Robert E. Howard (1906-1936) and H.P. Lovecraft
(1890-1937) in some of their stories.

Robert Howard, best-known as the creator of "Conan the Barbarian,"
introduced Valusia in his "King Kull" or "Kull of Atlantis" stories. In
"The Shadow Kingdom" (_Weird Tales_, 1929), as William Michael Mott
reminds us in his _Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures_ (Hidden
Mysteries, 2000), p. 13, Kull, usurper-king of Valusia, discovered that most
of his councillors and government officials had been replaced by
impostors, revealed to be agents of the "snake-that-speaks" or serpent-men.
These were shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from a cavern/tunnel
underworld who could assume the appearance and place of any human being.
Rather in the fashion of the Biblical "shibboleth" story (where Howard
probably got the idea), the serpent-men were identified by their inability
to pronounce a specific series of syllables, a "code phrase" which
human beings could use to weed them out and kill them, as the Gileadites
used the word "shibboleth" (Hebrew for "an ear of grain") to detec!
t and slay the Ephraimites, who pronounced it "sibboleth" (Judges 12:6)

Robert E. Howard had the serpent-people infiltrating the nobility and
officialdom of ancient Valusia. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, and some of
their pen-pals and fellow horror writers like Clark Ashton Smith and Robert
Bloch often borrowed names and concepts back and forth from each other
in their stories. Lovecraft never actually wrote a story set in
Valusia. However, he made passing allusions to Valusia in several of his
stories as a prehistoric kingdom of "serpent-men" or "serpent-people,"
implying that the Valusians as a whole were a race of reptilians. It was in
these references to Valusia in Lovecraft's stories that I myself first
became aware of it as the name of a supposed pre-human reptilian

Like I said, I suddenly realized last Summer that _Velociraptor_ sounds
a bit like "Valusia." So, where did Robert E. Howard get the name from?
I used to think he might have derived it from Valois, a historic region
of mediaeval France that gave its name to a mediaeval dynasty of French
kings descended from its counts. Perhaps he did. However, could Howard
perhaps just possibly have had some sort of ESP flash or "collective
unconscious" intuition about scienists in the late 20th century
discovering a species or genus of dinosaurs called _Velociraptor_ that seemed on
the threshold of intelligence? Could the name "Valusia" perhaps have
bubbled out of Howard's subconscious as a blend of "Valois" and
_Velociraptor_? Just wondering!

Anyway, I myself have long privately used "Valusia" as the aptest name
for any possible prehistoric dinosaur civilization!

T. Peter

You are now entering ---

The Research and Writings of "TAL."

Mystery blob eating downtown Los Angles
By Dana Bartholomew, Staff Writer

A mysterious black BLOB attacked downtown Los Angeles on Monday with a
tar-like goo that oozed from manholes, buckled a street and unmoored a
Raymond Chandler-era brick building, firefighters said.

About 200 residents were forced to flee as a hazardous materials team
and dozens of firefighters worked throughout the day to identify what
was first deemed "a black tarry substance" and later morphed into a
"watery mud."

While outside temperatures struggled to break 60, sidewalks in the
vicinity steamed at 103 degrees, Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Ron
Myers said.

"It's worrisome in the fact that it will keep the street closed and
residents will be evacuated till the building is considered safe," Myers

Firefighters were alerted at 3 a.m. by complaints of a sewer-like smell
at an apartment house at 1220 S. Olive St. near Pico Boulevard, but
found nothing.  They returned at 1 p.m. to find a Slimer-like ooze lurking
beneath central Los Angeles.

"We were called back because there was a gooey substance, a tarry-type
substance, coming out the underground electrical vaults, out of manhole
covers in the street, through the sidewalks and possibly in one older
apartment building," Myers said.

A 120-foot stretch of Olive buckled 1 1/2 feet, he said. The pre-1933
unreinforced masonry apartment building shifted one foot from its
foundation. Sidewalks were as hot as Jacuzzis.
And a pressurized liquid shot from every street orifice located above
what used to be a historic oil field downtown.

No one was injured in what amounted to a black lagoon. Hazmat and Urban
Search and Rescue crews determined that the mysterious substance wasn't
flammable, Myers said.
"Incident commanders are evaluating some form of drilling operation one
or two blocks away as the possible cause," he added.

"They told us to get out from the building, because, probably, I don't
know, anything could happen. The basement was flooding," resident Mary
Robles told KABC-TV, Channel 7.

By late afternoon, the American Red Cross had set up an evacuation
center for the 150 adults and 50 children forced to flee the stuff of

"We're opening a shelter," said Nick Samaniego, spokesman for the Red
Cross of Greater Los Angeles. "We're looking for a place to put them."

The New Map Game...How To take over the PLANET, within the next Decade.

The New Map Game [ ] is a GAME about
different ways to Take Control of the Planet. It is a WAR GAME. NOTE : In late
May 2005, seventy-five people (mostly military and civilian leaders)
arrived in Newport, Rhode Island to explore the near future and "Play"
this GAME.

THE NEW MAP GAME, an exciting opportunity to explore first-hand the
grand strategy of one of globalization's leading cartographers, Thomas
P.M. Barnett. His New York Times bestselling book, The Pentagon's New Map,
is a provocative new blueprint for the future of defense, diplomacy and
international competition. This executive-level war game pits business
leaders, military strategists and government policy makers against each
other in a realistic, role-playing competition designed to provide
players with an intimate understanding of how the near future may unfold.

For the answers to the following questions, * What is War Gaming? ; *
Who Should Play? ; * What is The Pentagon's New Map? ; * How does THE
RUMOR has it that...That "an Agency" is having so-called "Indigo Kids";
teenage "Gamers"; people with PSI Powers and others, to also "Play"
this Game of world Conquest.

The New Map Game by Dr. Thomas Barnett
The New Map Game is a free-form, executive level wargame,
The teams are as follows:

* United States, Old Core (Blue Team) — states that are
well-established politically and economically and helped create and maintain modern
international structures (e.g., US, EU, Australia, Japan) ...

* Brazil, Seam State (Green Team) — states through which Gap states
from the Gap look to infiltrate the Core (e.g., Mexico, Brazil, Greece,

* China, New Core (Gold Team) — states that represent emerging economic
markets and nascent centers of post-Cold War geo-political power (e.g.,
China, India, Russia)

* Iran, Gap (White Team) — those states that are disconnected from the
international system, characterized by repressive regimes, chronic
poverty, disease and conflict (e.g. Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan)

There are five turns played during The New Map Game. Each turn will
represent two years of "real time".

Turn #1: 2006-2008 ; Turn #2: 2008-2010 ; Turn #3: 2010-2012 ; Turn #4:
2012-2014 ; Turn #5: 2014-2016.

By the end of the game, a story about how the next decade will emerge
will be created from the interactions of the four teams.

Washington is concerned that the complementary interests of China and
India in improving relations with oil-producing states, particularly in
the Middle East will lead to strategic cooperation. Even without
full-scale cooperation, Washington is concerned that Chinese and Indian
economic and foreign policies may enable Iran and some other Middle Eastern
regimes to play "east against west" in terms of stalling on political
reform and developing WMD capabilities.

Wild Cards
The Control Team will create a "wild card" event that will be played at
some point during the game. This will place stress on the teams and
create an external influence mechanism, reflecting the fact that we can
never fully predict or prepare for all events.

The wild card could include (but is not limited to), an economic
collapse, a disease outbreak or contagion, the rise of a charismatic leader,
a new conflict, social movement, unexpected attack, or the development
of a ground-breaking technology.

How We Would Fight China
The Middle East is just a blip. The American military contest with
China in the Pacific will define the twenty-first century. And China will
be a more formidable adversary than Russia ever was.

You are now exciting The ’TAL ZONE

And Last but Not Least:
Sidewalk Art by Julian Beever

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Until next time, see ya’ll!
Dennis Crenshaw