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Unraveling The Secrets: Year 3
April 1,
Volume III Number 4
"Don't rock the boat … Instead kick a damn hole in it’s rotten bottom."
Editor: Dennis Crenshaw
Highlights of this Issue
UNRAVELING THE SECRETS of Scientific Knowledge:
The Mystery Unfolds...A New Frontier Emerges
It's time 2 debunk Einstein & make some progress in physics
Could government mole machines be building a secret worldwide tunnel
Geomagnetic flip may not be random
after all
Eyeballin’ The Advances of The New World Order
UFO -- Word Wide Reports
Have Scientists Just Proven Bob Lazar Right on Alien Antigravity?
Also Selected Short Subjects
Unraveling the Secrets is a FREE Research Report from:
Thanks to my long-time friend BRANTON all the back issues of this
series of reports can be found
archived at:
Visit BRANTON’S Underground Base & Hideout at:
Many of our sources do not leave their reports and stories available at
the links provided by this report forever. If a link does not work you
might have to do a little searching to find it, or unfortunately, you
might not be able to find it at all. I advise that you read these
reports ASAP and save any information that you might want to return to for
future reference to a disc or your
Or you might be disappointed… Dennis
A Shout Editorial:
Secret Societies and How to find One
By Dennis Crenshaw
One of the hardest parts of the so-called "New World Order" plan to
document is the purpose and goals of the many secret societies accused of
working with others of their kind to establish a one world government.
Over my many years of researching the history of this political
movement I have found that it is
fairly easy to find information as to the
existence of certain secret societies, their members and goals in reports,
articles and books from those researchers and writers dedicated to
keeping this knowledge alive and in the hands of the people.
Unfortunately, these truth-seekers are usually considered by the
majority as being conspiracy nuts, paranoid weirdo’s or worse. (In my way
of thinking these people are heroes of freedom and seldom get the
recognition they deserve).
However to find any information as to the real agenda of these secret
societies in so called "mainstream" history books takes a lot of
reading, searching and digging and most times the researcher comes up empty
handed. If you should find any little tidbit of information at all many
times it’s presented in such a way as to be almost written in secret
code. But once in a while the gods smile down on you and
you get lucky.
Take a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoy attending the annual
Jacksonville Florida Public Library book sale. Throughout the year books by
the thousands are donated to the library and these, combined with old
books that are no longer popular and are removed from the library
system, are brought together for a massive book sale open to the public.
With the price of hardbacks at two dollars and "soft back" books at 50
cents an old bibliomaniac can afford to buy a box full of books at a
price I can afford. I mainly look for historical and travel books written
pre-1960s. I have found that most stuff written after the 60s has a
hidden agenda, while the older books were written in clearer language
using purer information and in a better style. One of the books I found
last month at the sale is "The Quest for Africa: Two Thousand Years of
(1957) by Heinrich Schiffers, a very popular history of
the exploration and exploitation of Africa at the time it was publ!
When I started reading the book this past weekend there was no research
intended … it was strictly for pleasure. It never crossed my mind that
I might find any useful secret society information in a popular
mainstream history book on Africa although I was hoping to find new
information on the interesting famous African, Cecil Rhodes, whose De Beers
Mining Company eventually controlled much of the Gold in Africa and an
estimated 90% of all the diamonds in the world.
He is best remembered as the founder of the Rhodes Scholarship Fund
which has been associated with the differing secret
societies plans for a
One World Order.
Over the years I’ve read information regarding Cecil Rhodes and the
fund that he had set up after his death in his name to finance the
education of selected young students from the United States in England at
Oxford Universities.
According to NWO researchers the secret agenda behind Mr. Rhodes
"philanthropic" act was actually the first step in a plan to initiate
certain chosen young people into a secret society whose goal was to bring
the United States, and in fact, eventually the entire world back under
British rule, a return to monarchy. The reason behind Rhodes
generosity is hardly mentioned in official statements or mainstream historical
writings so you can imagine my delight when I ran across the following
passage in "The Quest for Africa" on page 214:
[In regards to Cecil Rhodes] … "We find the substance of his dreams
reflected in the first of his six Wills, drawn up when he was twenty-four
"Briefly this young man’s Will reveals two main ideas: (1) In South
Africa I see a land of unlimited possibilities. (2) I intend to take
advantage of these possibilities and with the help to change, not a
continent but the whole world."
"Father on we read: I bequeath my entire fortune to a secret society.
It’s aim shall be the extension of British rule throughout the world
and the colonization of every country by British subjects … Furthermore,
a goal to be attained is ultimate reunion with the United States of
America, the introduction of a system of colonial representation in the
home parliament and the establishment of a fighting force of such
dimensions that wars will eventually become
Just as Rhodes wished after his death his immense fortune was used to
set up the scholarship fund … as was also his wish the funds are in the
hands of a secret society. And just as he wished their goal is a one
world government.
Many important shakers and movers of the 20th century have been Rhodes
Scholars, the most recent being former US president, Bill Clinton. He
has the distinction of being the first Rhodes Scholar to be elected to
be our leader. However, it is interesting to note that Al Gore the
failed Democratic presidential hopeful in the 2000 presidential election
was also a Rhodes Scholar. He of course lost out to George Bush in 2000
a member of the "Skull & Bones" elitist secret society. It’s also
interesting to note that the two candidates for president in 2004 were both
"Bonesmen," John Kerry also being a member of the same secret society
his "adversary" George Bush.
[ History has proven, at least to me, that there is no significant
difference between the United States’ two major political parties so it
stands to reason that both of them can be represented by persons with
the same agenda].
But back to the point of this editorial. Don’t forget to search out
and read old books before they are all gone. The information presented
in this old discarded two-dollar book is an "acceptable" source when
gathering information on the real purpose for the Rhodes Scholarship
Fund. It just goes to show you that you never know where you’ll find gold,
or better yet, a diamond in the rough … and I’d bet even Cecil Rhodes
would attest to that.
Further Related Reading:
Pax Britannica & The New World Order
Imperial roots of today's evolving world system.
An Introduction to the "Little Sister" of The [British} Royal Institute
of International Affairs: The U.S. Council on Foreign Relations
Is Bill Clinton A Descendant Of Cecil Rhodes?
Also see "While Researching today…" in this issue of "Unraveling the
In regards to the report:
Hans Holzherr wrote:
Dear Mr. Crenshaw,
"When we are on the outside of the shell it is the mass of the shell
that attracts us to its surface. When we go over to the inside of the
same shell the same force will still keep our feet solidly planted on the
inner side." Marshall B. Gardner, The Hollow Earth Insider (1913.)
Unfortunately, Mr. Gardner didn't bother to verify / falsify the above
statement mathematically. I did, and so have others. The gravity within
the hollow space of an empty hollow spherical body is zero everywhere,
including the inner surface of the shell. Within the shell, gravity
starts at zero and linearly increases until it reaches its maximum at the
outer surface. It is always directed toward the center of the body.
These are mathematical facts. Hence, the existence of an inner sun would
cause any loose matter on the inner surface of the shell to fall toward
the inner sun until it's burned up.
Kind regards,
Hans Holzherr
Hi Hans,
Thanks for your input. Your mathematical "facts" could be right. But
then again they could be wrong.
One problem with your mathematical "facts" is that your hollow sphere
model is obviously standing still.
You’re ignoring the effect of
centrifugal force on a spinning hollow globe. This might or might not make a
difference but for any true assessment of a hollow planet it must be
included. You are also ignoring the fact that no one actually knows what
gravity is or how it works, although your e-mail comes across as though
you do.
As an example of our ever changing knowledge of the mystery of gravity
you might want to read "The Mystery Unfolds...A New Frontier Emerges"
and the section on Gravity in the scientific paper by Reginald T.
Cahill, " The Einstein postulates: 1905-2005 a critical review of the
evidence" under the headline "It's time to debunk Einstein and make some
progress in physics" Both are linked in this issue in the "UNRAVELING THE
SECRETS of Science" section.
As for centrifugal force it’s unfortunate that most of those in the
"scientific community" refuse to admit that
the force even exists. With a
spinning globe centrifugal force would be a factor on the inside of a
hollow sphere and might tend to pull any loose matter inward. The key
word here is spinning. This might explain the creation of "continents
and mountains clinging to the underside of the mantle" back when the
planet was in its development stage as found by world renowned
geophysicist Brad Hager of the California Institute of Technology in1995.
I realize that we are not taught about centrifugal force in our
governmental controlled educational system so it might be hard for some to
understand just how it works. But if they would go to a county fair or
amusement park they will find a number of rides and motorcycle shows
which would demonstrate the effects of centrifugal force on matter in a
hollow globe or cylinder.
As for gravity. It’s true that in our limited knowledge of gravity one
we THINK WE KNOW is, as you stated: gravity "is always directed
toward the center of the body." But it is also true that, as Gardner
explains in the quote you presented above, the "center of the body" in a
hollow planet would be the center of the land mass in the outer shell …
not hundreds of miles away in the center of the void.
Simply put, in order to get a complete assessment of how gravity would
work in a hollow globe you first would need to separate the land mass
from the void and then factor in centrifugal force.
Unfortunately scientific mathematical formulas can not contain
information in regards to centrifugal force because to the sanctimonious
scientific community centrifugal force doesn’t exist, therefore it hasn’t
been studied enough.
. Until the existence of centrifugal force is addressed with regards
to the makeup of spinning heavenly bodies, and we have, not just
but a true understanding of how gravity works the truth will evade all
of us except those who have a closed mind to new knowledge. And most of
those types are a lost cause anyway. No matter the argument these
sheeple will continue to believe that today’s sciences and the mathematical
formulas based on those sciences are chiseled in granite .
Unfortunately for them, science changes constantly as proven by
dedicated scientists like geophysicist Brad Hager who in 1995 found the
underside of Earth’s mantle to be "an upside down version of the planet's
surface" and seismologists Dr. Xiaodong Song and Dr. Paul Richards who
in 1994 discovered that "the Earth's core is spinning freely and
slightly faster than the rest of the planet" (thus making the super-hot inner
"core" by definition an inner sun).
Or the latest scientific finding presented in last month month‘s
issue of "Unraveling". … That fact being that "Scientists looking at three
rare and radiant pulsating stars have found they each are surrounded by
a fairly bright layer of matter, a ‘cocoon,’ that has never before been
detected around stars of this kind. … The astronomers think the cocoons
form as the stars shed huge amounts of mass. …"
What I find truly amazing is that all of the above recently found facts
(and many others that I‘ve reported on over the years) were observed
and documented by Marshall B. Gardner in presenting his Hollow Earth
Theory in 1913. No matter whether
the world is hollow or not the fact
that he presented this information in explaining his theory cannot be
Do I personally believe that the Earth is hollow? As I’ve stated
many times I, like everyone else, don’t know and probably never will.
What I do know is that from researching and observing the advancements of
scientific restructuring concerning the makeup of the interior of our
earth for almost 50 years as we learn more about our mysterious planet
things do tend to point in that direction. Unfortunately sad to say …
I can’t give you mathematical "proof."
Thanks again for your input,
Dennis Crenshaw
A FREE copy of Marshall B. Gardner’s book presenting his hollow earth
theory, "A Journey to the Earth’s Interior" (1913-Revised 1920) can be
found on the web at:
Further Research into modern science and the hollow earth theory:
Hollow Planets
The Land of No Horizon
Hello Dennis,
I see in your latest issue of Unraveling The Secrets, you have a
Please pass the below link on to your readers. It searches the entire
archive of The New York Times from 1857 to current.
The cost to download the articles is a bit pricey, but if you have a
local library with a good microfilm collection, then you're all set.
--Paul Steward
Thanks …. And done!
Is There Gypsy-UFO Connection?
Posted by:
Several sources refer to the Gypsies as having some connection with
the UFO mystery. Other sources suggest a connection with high-tech
subsurface kingdoms such as Agharti, ect. The knowledge which the
allegedly possess of an ancient war, UFO craft, and so on is
supposedly a carefully guarded secret among various Gypsy tribes.
Some claim to have traced the Gypsies back to ancient India or
surrounding regions. The infamous Philadelphia Experiment information
source, Carlos Allenda, was allegedly part of a Gypsy clan with
knowledge of past and present "history" on alien cultures which have
interacted behind the scenes in Terran affairs.
Hi Smokeddogg,
I have never heard of this and would very much like to have more info.
Would anyone with any info on this please post it to the group and also
send the info to me at
Paranormal Palace
Something for anyone interested in all things "Paranormal."
Check it out at:.
NASA restores funds to search for alien life
Source: Unexplained Mysteries
Posted on Wednesday, 29 March,
NASA is planning to restore about $30 million to its astrobiology
research programme over three years, agency officials said on Monday.
Astrobiologists welcomed the news but vowed to put pressure on US lawmakers
to reinstate all of the $160 million or so that has been cut from the
programme over the next five years.Astrobiology research grants were
$32.5 million per year in NASA's 2007 budget request to Congress, half of
funding levels in 2005. The request, announced in February 2006, called
for funding to remain constant through 2011.The cuts meant that NASA
could still afford to fund the three-year grants it had already committed
to through 2006, but not any research proposals it had solicited in
2005 or any new proposals in 2006, said Carl Pilcher, NASA's senior
scientist for astrobiology. But now some of those projects may be funded, he
told scientists on Monday at a NASA-sponsored astrobiology conference
in Washington DC, US. "During the past week, a plan was developed !
to add money back into the astrobiology budget," he said….
Continue at
First Dinosaur Traces Found in South Pacific
An Australian-based researcher said Wednesday that he had found the
first proof that land-dwelling dinosaurs lived on remote islands in the
south Pacific. …
Tiny Tunnels in Mars Rock Hint at Possibility of Life
Dateline 3/24/06
A study of a meteorite that fell in Egypt nearly 95
years ago may offer
clues as to the search for possible life on Mars. …
8 Worlds Where Life Might Exist
We can now list eight worlds (including Earth) in a nine-planet solar
system that are possible places for life. …
Defense Intelligence Agency Explores Weird Science
By Gary S. Bekkum
Source: American Chronicle
Dateline 3/22/06
Rumors are one thing. Confirmation from a highly placed advisor to the
U.S. government
should be a different kettle of fish, altogether. Part
two of this particular 'fish-story' lends at least some credence to
rumors of continued government interest in accessing paranormal
paraphysical phenomena in the guise of advanced technology.
Continue at …
Rare Chinese frogs communicate by means of ultrasonic sound
Posted by: tone33@
Dateline: 3/15/06
First came word that a rare frog (Amolops tormotus) in China
sings like
a bird, then that the species produces very high-pitch ultrasonic
sounds. Now scientists say that these concave-eared torrent frogs also hear
and respond to the sounds.
The findings, to appear in the March 16 issue of Nature, represent the
first documented case of an amphibian being able to communicate like
bats, whales and dolphins, said corresponding author Albert S. Feng, a
professor of molecular and integrative physiology at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign….
Continue at:
Navy Unearths 400-year-old Spanish Ship
Dateline: 2/24/06
Navy construction crews have unearthed a rare Spanish ship that was
buried for centuries under sand on Pensacola's Naval Air Station,
archaeologist confirmed Thursday. …
Secrets held for centuries by stonemasons are about to be revealed by
new software used to animate the pint-sized Jedi.
Dateline: 3/24/06
Secrets held for centuries by stonemasons are about to be revealed by
new software used to animate the pint-sized Jedi.
Conspiracy Thinking and the John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin
Luther King Assassinations: Part I
By: By Mel Ayton
Source: The History Channel
Dateline 3/20/06
[Mr. Ayton is the author of The JFK Assassination : Dispelling The
Myths (Woodfield Publishing 2002) and Questions Of Controversy: The Kennedy
Brothers (University of Sunderland Press 2001). His latest book, A
Racial Crime – James Earl Ray And The Murder Of Dr Martin Luther King Jr,
was published in the United States by ArcheBooks in February 2005. In
2003 he acted as the historical adviser for
the BBC’s television
documentary, The Kennedy Dynasty, broadcast in November of that year and has
written articles for David Horowitz’s Frontpage magazine, History
Ireland, Crime Magazine and the History News Network. In 2006 he was
interviewed about his latest book, The Forgotten Terrorist- Sirhan Sirhan and
the Murder of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, for the NBC television
documentary, Conspiracy: Mind Control].
(Start of Article)
A child dies from some unexplained illness; fisherman sail off never to
return; random violence takes the life of an innocent bystander. And
always behind these tragic events lies the question – Why? But there is a
rational answer to such purported mysteries and it lies in the nature
of the human mind which needs to bring order out of chaos; to seek truth
where there is no truth. We must invent it because that too is the
nature of the human condition. Believing in conspiracies and
coincidences is more comforting than facing up to the fact that some things
just happen.
Most conspiracy theorists see little merit in simplicity – to them it
suggests feeble-mindedness. They often see the world as a black and
white entity; enemies are clearly defined and there is a total absence of
trust in any individual who works for the government. Conspiracy
advocates were primed from the start. 60s America was awash with anti-war and
anti-government sentiment and the media had been inundated with
speculation about the JFK assassination. Given the mind-set of the public
during this period it was inevitable Americans would link the RFK and MLK
assassinations to suspicions about the JFK murder. As time passed these
concerns grew into a popular view that not everything had been
explained by the government….
Continue Report at:
Could government mole machines be building a secret worldwide tunnel
Posted by:
Collection of articles and
Check it out for yourself:
Mexico's Mayan underworld wonder
Posted by: wicklowwolf@
Source: CNN
Dateline 3/20/06
TULUM, Mexico (Reuters) -- The ancient Mayan people once believed that
Mexico's jungle sinkholes containing crystalline waters were the
gateway to the underworld and the lair of a surly rain god who had to be
appeased with human sacrifices.
Now, the "cenotes", deep sinkholes in limestone that have pools at the
bottom, are yielding scientific discoveries
including possible
life-saving cancer treatments. Divers are dipping into the cenotes, which stud
the Yucatan peninsula, to explore a vast
underground river system.
Hefting air tanks, guidelines and waterproof lamps, they have so
far mapped 650 kilometers (405 miles) of channels that form part of a
huge subterranean
river delta flowing into the Caribbean sea, and they are only just
Scientists investigating the network of caverns and galleries, formed
by rainwater passing through porous limestone, have found a wealth of
archaeological relics and prehistoric animal bones. They also have
identified dozens of new aquatic species specially
adapted to the extreme environmental conditions which could have
medical applications.
In the Riviera Maya, a strip of Caribbean tourist resorts including the
world-famous archaeological site of Tulum, there are more than 500
cenotes. Some are open
to the jungle, while others have tiny eye-like holes
letting in sunlight and jungle roots.
Continue exploring at:
Geomagnetic flip may not be random after all
Posted by: brian_earthwatcher@
Source: PhysicsWeb
Dateline: 3/22/06
One of the most fascinating natural phenomena on Earth is the flipping
of its magnetic field, which has occurred hundreds of times in the last
160 million years. When
the magnetic field flips, the North Pole
becomes the South Pole and vice versa. The last time this happened was some
780,000 years ago, so we could be heading for another reversal soon.
Now, physicists in Italy have found that the frequency of these polarity
reversals is not random as previously thought but occurs in clusters,
revealing some kind of "memory" of previous events (physics/0603086).
Although a full geomagnetic polarity reversal can take thousands of
years to complete, the implications could be enormous. As well as
affecting the migration trajectories of birds and other animals, the disruption
to the Earth's magnetic field could expose the Earth to hazardous
cosmic rays -- a scenario that some researchers have linked to mass
extinction events like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs around 65 million
years ago. Geoscientists believe that our planet's internal magnetic
dynamo is responsible for pole
reversals, but the actual mechanism is not
well understood.
Continue Report:
Polar Meltdown Near: Seas Could Rise 3 Feet Per Century
By Ker Than
LiveScience Staff Writer
Dateline: 3/23/06
About 130,000 years ago, an ice age ended and there was a period of few
centuries before the next one began. During this lull, Earth's
temperature warmed, glaciers retreated and ice sheets melted. Sea levels rose
by up to 20 feet.
Scientists warn that this could happen again—and soon. But while the
last great thaw was the result of a natural tilt in the Earth's axis
towards the Sun, the next one will be caused by humans, some scientists
argue. …
Continue at:
Greenlands Glacial Earthquakes Increasing in Frequency
by Staff Writers
Source: Ithaca NY (SPX)
Dateline: 2/24/06
Posted by: themuttons@
Rise of seismic activity linked to the movement of glaciers may be a
response to global warming Seismologists at Columbia University and
Harvard University have found a new indicator that the Earth is warming:
"glacial earthquakes" caused when the rivers of ice lurch unexpectedly and
produce temblors as strong as magnitude 5.1 on the moment-magnitude
scale. …
Continue important report at:
Scientists use satellites to detect deep-ocean whirlpools
Source: (CDNN) Cyber Diver News Network
Posted by: themuttons@
DELAWARE (20 Mar 2006) -- Move over, Superman, with your X-ray vision.
Marine scientists have now figured out a way to "see through" the
ocean's surface and detect what's below, with the help of satellites in
Using sensor data from several U.S. and European satellites,
researchers from the University of Delaware, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
and the Ocean University of China have developed a method to detect
super-salty, submerged eddies called "Meddies" that occur in the Atlantic
Ocean off Spain and Portugal at depths of more than a half mile. …
Continue at:
UFO - Worldwide Reports
Have Scientists Just Proven Bob Lazar Right on Alien Antigravity?
By Thomas Horn
Senior RNU News Reporter
Posted by:
Source: - Raiders News Update
In 1989, Robert Scott Lazar claimed to have worked as a physicist at a
hidden base referred to as S4 on a highly classified project involving
back engineering of alien technology, antigravity and antimatter
propulsion. Stanton Friedman doesn't believe him. But have scientists just
proven Lazar was right all along? – (Raiders News Update) - Yesterday, in the article, "How to
float like a stone", science correspondent for The Guardian, David Adam
wrote that what goes up no longer has to come down. Quoting researchers
who announced their results this week in the New Journal of Physics,
Adams noted that, "British scientists have developed an antigravity
machine that can float heavy stones, coins and lumps of metal in mid-air.
Based around a powerful magnet, the device levitates objects in a similar
way to how a maglev train runs above its tracks."
The article went on to quote Peter King, physics professor at
Nottingham University, as saying, "We can take an object and float it in mid-air
because the magnetic forces on the object are enough to balance
The device evidently exploits diamagnetism by placing non-magnetic
objects inside a strong magnetic field where they are forced to act like
weak magnets themselves. A field is created that is stronger below and
weaker above. The resulting upward magnetic force cancels out gravity.
To make the anti
gravity machine even more powerful, the team used an
oxygen and nitrogen mixture to create a paramagnetic fluid. Inside the
magnet, the mixture helps the objects float. US space agency Nasa
notified the team that it is interested in their zero gravity research.
UFO buffs may recall a man named Bob Lazar [left] discussing a similar
antigravity propulsion system over a decade ago, one that he said came
from aliens. Lazar claimed to have worked as a physicist on a highly
classified government project, called Galileo, which involved back
engineering of alien technology. The research supposedly took place at a
hidden base known only as S4, a few miles south of Area 51.
At the time, Lazar said he and others were working on extraterrestrial
craft hundreds of years in advance of modern technology. …
Continue at:
UFO Magazine features Hollow Earth story
Posted by:
On the cover of UFO Magazine you will see "Hollow Earth Residents
Speak Up" at the top. There is a 7 page spread inside UFO Magazine
featuring Dianne Robbins' book 'Messages from the Hollow Earth'.
New book describes history of U.S. response to UFOs, extraterrestrial
Posted by: gargoyledjm3@
Source: American Chronicle
Dateline: 3/21/06
Steve Hammons
March 20, 2006
By Robert M. Collins and Richard C. Doty, with Timothy S. Cooper
In their new book, EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE, the authors tell readers
about many complex and surprising factors involving the U.S. military,
intelligence communities, scientific communities and the general public
with regard to
UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors.
Collins is a retired Air Force captain with 22 years of service. He
served as an Air Force intelligence officer, worked in aviation avionics
and has a background in engineering and physics.
Doty also served in the Air Force, and as a former agent with the Air
Force Office of Special Investigations, he worked on projects and
operations related to UFOs.
Cooper is a former U.S. Marine who also served in the Navy. He has
researched UFO-related topics since 1988.
The authors write in a straightforward way about a subject that has
been examined in other books, films, TV shows and investigations. The book
comes across as an honest effort to present important information in a
way that informs readers and brings them up to date on a hidden history
that is now emerging from the shadows of secrecy.
The authors state they are accurately documenting specific events,
places and people involved in
many of the efforts to handle the UFO and
extraterrestrial visitation situation over the decades since the end World
War Two to the present.
Skeptics might question this. People who believe that secrecy on these
topics is more important than public knowledge might feel uncomfortable
about the book. Yet, regardless of readers’ open-mindedness or
perspective, EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE provides interesting, exciting and
important information worth considering.
Alleged government …
Continue this lengthy but very informative review at:
by U.F.O. Bits
Dateline: 3/21/2006 09:36:00 PM
Posted by:
We don’t know what a UFO looks like . . ." ~
Don Epps character, Numb3rs
None of us, debunker, skeptoid, raving rationalist lunatic, keeper of
the infrastructure, Dr. Evils, Big Science, little science, scoffers,
philosophers, New Agers, abductees, UFO witnesses', pelicanists,
Forteans, paranormalists, ‘bleevers, randi-bots, and every day citizens, knows
what UFOs are.
We don’t know where they come from, where they’re going, what they
want, who they are, what they are, where they hang out,
where they hide,
what technologies they have, how spiritual they are, what their ethical
system of beingness is, -- we know nothing.
Some of us ‘know’ what we saw, or, think we saw. Some of us know what
happened to us, some of us have missing time, some of us have repressed
it, some of us fool ourselves into thinking we Know All About It.
But none of us know for a fact.
Since we don’t know, how can we come up with expectations and standards
for behavior? How can we possibly think we’re engaging in rational,
logical , serious, somber UFO discourse when we set up parameters,
expectations, assumptions, guidelines, for what one should feel, think,
believe, and do, after encountering a UFO?
Some pundits,, and New Thugs -- compare a handful of UFO witnesses to
the millions of other UFO witnesses, and have come up with a calibration
of How People Should Think and Act Upon Seeing a UFO.
And since, with
the exception of these few examples from history, none
of us are behaving as we should, it’s all for naught. We are, aren't
they aren’t. (UFOs.)
Such arrogant assumptions of course ignore the inner landscape of the
We may not all be healers, though some of us are. We may not all be
psychics, visionariness, or activists. Though, some of us are.
We live in a far larger world. And one where magick, magic, the other,
the veil, the pragmatic acknowledgment of other beings, manifestations,
and mystical events is no longer considered reasonable, rational or
logical. In this context, any visionary, activist, healer, or magician is
ignored, trashed, trivialized, pushed aside, and left forever dangling,
tangling, within the fringe at the edge.
It’s surreal and silly to me to pass judgment on what a UFO witness
should think and do, given that we have few clues as to what UFOs are in
the first
It’s a superstition in reverse. On the surface, it appears that the
rational one is the person pronouncing what UFO encounters do and don’t
do; what individuals encountering UFOs should be thinking, doing,
believing. The expectations of the randibotized (you read it here first
dahlings!) are no different from the very wishful thinking, will to ignorance
creduloids they accuse us of being. They scoff at UFOs yet have --
demand -- specific attributes of UFO, UFO inhabitants, and UFO witnesses:
Why don’t they land on the White House lawn?
Why don’t UFO witnesses become whole, unique, special, stupendous, and,
by the way, save us all? Why don’t the UFOs? Or their drivers?
Why don’t aliens show up en masse on prime time news? Or 60 Minutes,
And yet, how "rational" is it to dictate a generalized, one size fits
all, magical wish list of characteristics to an unknown?
And why ever should
UFOs be at all responsible for such things?
Just who is the wishful thinker here, the one yearning for something
from on high to come down and anoint us with astounding powers? Seems to
Big Boys, Sheesh
Okay, at the risk of appearing gender specific, I’ll refrain from being
too general, but it is an accurate observation to say that, on the
surface anyway, most UFOists, within and without, are male, and most of
them are the ones droning on about what "hurts UFOlogy." Well, maybe it’s
the female in me, maybe it’s the den mother in me, who knows, but what
"hurts UFOlogy" are grown men getting into, hmmm, measuring contests
shall we say, of who said what to whom first. Or not even that, just
basic lame sniping and sneering. And that’s from within the ranks; never
mind the others. And giving justification for nasty and at times illegal,
behavior, even while seemingly, in passive aggressive ways,
acknowledging how heinous such behavior is. Only to turn around and say "Yes, but
well, after all, he did say..." and here we go again.
Sure, the Raelians are a Circus of UFO Antics, David Icke is a
huckster, the Contactees from the 1950s are good for a laugh, and Roswell
appears to be dead.
But that’s not what’s hurting UFOlogy. What’s hurting UFOlogy are the
ridiculous, sarcastic, nasty, silly, pedantic, pompous, arrogant
puffery, anal retentive, passive-aggressive fights between UFOists -- and
sadly and disgustingly, the anti-UFOists, or New Thugs who worm their way
in -- distracting us all. Wasting time. Spreading bad karma and bummer
vibes throughout the realm, instead of staying focused and really
researching whatever part of the giant gem that's the UFO Phenomenon.
Don’t mistake me for some mealy mouthed goody two shoes. Those types
make me retch; all those who mistake standing up for oneself as being
combative, or responding to errors as some sort of negative behavior. In
fact, too many people don’t stand up for themselves.
I just get so tired of reading, on blogs, UFO forums, UFO mailing
lists, etc. crap from someone (especially those who fool a lot of others
into thinking they’re UFO researchers when they're just lazy hacks who've
found themselves a niche where some people will listen to their stuff)
who have crap to say about someone else’s crap, and makes it all
Grow up. And stop it already.
What were we talking about? Oh yeah, UFOs.Try it.
Visit U.F.O. Bits blog at:
The Supernatural Zone Website
Posted by: Criosa@
Welcome to THE SUPERNATURAL ZONE, located in Katy, Texas. My interest
in "UFOs" and "The Supernatural" rose to an even higher level several
years ago as I was stargazing late one night in the Pocono mountains of
Northeastern Pennsylvania. I observed what appeared to be several
star-like objects zig-zagging back and forth around each other, constantly
changing directions at an extremely high rate of speed. It appeared as
though these star-like objects were playing some sort of game amongst
themselves. I have no idea what it was I was witnessing that night but I
truly believe their origins are not of this
Visit the site at:
Audio Archive of UFO History
ALIENSHIFT, UFOs, Time Travel, Pole Shift, Bird FLU, MARS, 2012, HAARP,
Ancient Civilizations
Wooden warriors in Chan Chan
Source: Peruline
Dateline: 3/9/06
Researchers of the National Institute of Culture made further important
discoveries in the citadel of Chan Chan in the north of Peru. Working
on restoration and conservation of the ceremonial center, they found 18
graven warriors made out of wood. The sculptures are about 80 cm tall
and 26 cm wide. Their faces are coverd by red masks and their hands are
entwined in front of the chest. Lances mark them as warriors.
Chan Chan, only six kilometers away from Trujillo, was the capital of
the Chimú-Culture between 1000 and 1450 a.C.. With about 60.000
inhabitants it was the biggest adobe-built city of the world. Today, Chan Chan
is UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most important tourism
attractions in the North of Peru. …
Bulgarian Breaks Code for Ancient Thracian Letters
Posted by: ancientstar@
Source: Sofia News Agency
Lifestyle: 22 March 2006, Wednesday.
A plate unearthed in Bulgarian land, which is dating back to the times
of Mesopotamia civilization, has provided the code for reading the
ancient letters of Thracians.
The sensational breakthrough was announced by Bulgaria-born Dr Stefan
Guide, residing in the US. He is an expert in linguistics, cryptography
and transcendent analysis.
According to him, the decoded alphabet showed terms such as "Thracia"
and "territory of
Thracia" to have existed seven centuries before
UNRAVELING THE SECRETS of Scientific Knowledge
The Mystery Unfolds...A New Frontier Emerges
Posted by: lauraheld@
In the past three decades scientific evidence has accumulated showing
that the present scientific paradigm is broken. In the hard sciences:
1. DARK MATTER of an unknown form makes up most of the matter
of the
universe. This matter is not predicted by the standard physics models.
The so-called "Theory of Everything" does not predict and does not
understand what this substance is.
2. THE LAW OF GRAVITY appears to be seriously broken. Experiments by
Saxl and Allais found that Foucault pendulums veer off in strange
directions during solar eclipses. Interplanetary NASA satellites are showing
persistent errors in trajectory. Neither of these is explained or
predicted by the standard theory of gravity known as Einstein's General
3. COLD FUSION. The Cold Fusion phenomenon violates physics as we
understand it, and yet it has been duplicated in various forms in over 500
laboratories around the world. Recent studies by the Electric Power
Research Institute, a large non-profit research organization funded by the
nation's power companies, found that Cold Fusion works. A recent Navy
study also verified the
reality of Cold Fusion, and the original MIT
study which supposedly disproved Cold Fusion has been found to have
doctored its data. Present day physics has no explanation for how it works,
but it does work.
4. CHARGE CLUSTERS. Under certain conditions, billions of electrons can
"stick together" in close proximity, despite the law of
electromagnetism that like charges repel. Charge clusters are small, one millionth of
a meter in diameter, and are composed of tens or hundreds of billions
of electrons. They should fly apart at enormous speed, but they do not.
This indicates that our laws of electromagnetism are missing something
5. COSMOLOGY. Quasars, which are supposed to be the most distant
astronomical objects in the sky, are often found connected to nearby galaxies
by jets of gas. This suggests that they may not be as far away as
previously thought, and their red shifts are due to some other, more
physics which is not yet fully understood.
6. SPEED OF LIGHT, once thought unbreakable, has been exceeded in
several recent experiments. Our notion of what is possible in terms of
propagation speed has been changing as a result. Certain phenomena, such as
solar disturbances on the sun which take more than eight minutes to be
visible on the earth, are registered instantaneously on the acupuncture
points of instrumented subjects. Acupuncture points apparently respond
to solar events by some other force which travels through space at a
much higher speed than light.
This covers just a few of the more glaring anomalies in the "hard
sciences." Evidence has also accumulated in the laboratory that many
paranormal effects are real, and can be verified and studied scientifically.
Among these are the following:
7. ESP. Large-scale experiments by the Princeton PEAR Lab as well as
other laboratories have proven
that ESP is a real, statistically
verifiable scientific phenomenon. Thousands of experiments have been conducted
with dozens of subjects, which demonstrate that this form of
communication is real, and that it does not weaken measurably with distance. This
makes it unlike any known physical force.
8. PSYCHOKINESIS, OR MIND OVER MATTER. The ability to exert psychic
force over objects at a distance has also been demonstrated in large-scale
experiments. Even over distances of thousands of miles, the behavior of
certain machines, called REGs for Random Event Generators, have been
altered by the intention, or the psychic force of a distant person. The
odds that these effects are real, and not due to chance, is now measured
in billions to one. In other words, this phenomenon is real.
9. REMOTE VIEWING. The American military conducted a secret remote
viewing program for almost two decades. It was supported because it
and evidence of its success has now become public. The remote viewers
have demonstrated that it is possible to view "targets" which are remote
in space and time. In many cases details which were unavailable any
other way were acquired by the viewers. Rigorous statistical experiments
have confirmed that remote viewing has accuracy far above chance, and
represents a real phenomenon which defies present science.
10. TIME AND PROPHECY. One unusual aspect of ESP, Remote Viewing and
Psychokinesis is that "time" doesn't seem to matter. One can exert an
influence or acquire information in the past and in the future, almost as
easily as in the present. In conventional physics, the order of events
is very important, but in the realm of psychic phenomena there seems to
be a flexibility to move in time that defies current physics.
11. OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE. Experiments have been performed which show
that, during
some out-of-body experiences, the "astral body" or center
of consciousness of the individual can be detected at remote locations.
When individuals go "out of body" and focus their consciousness at
another location, physical disturbances have been measured at that remote
location. These include anomalous light, electrical, magnetic and other
physical forces which indicate the "astral body" sometimes has
physically measurable properties. (Reminds me of the Haunted Woods pictures)
12. GHOSTS. Modern scientific ghost hunters use magnetic, electrical,
optical and thermal sensors when they survey supposedly haunted sites.
In hundreds of cases, technically trained researchers have found
measurable physical anomalies when ghosts are said to be present. Although
some people have claimed to see ghosts, and many have reported anomalous
cold spots and described a strange chill on their skin, modern ghost
hunters have shown that
unusual magnetic fields and strong voltages also
occur in these same haunted locations. Unusual orbs have been
photographed at the same time that magnetic and electrical disturbances are
measured. None of these can be explained by conventional science.
The above excerpt was taken from
It's time 2 debunk Einstein & make some progress in physics
Posted by:
It is one hundred years since Einstein formulated his postulates for
the invariant property of light, namely that the speed of light is always
c (~300,000 km/s) for any uniformly moving observer, which is
equivalent to the assertion that there is no preferred frame, that there is no
detectable space, that a three-dimensional space has no physical
Einstein's postulates:
(1) The laws of physics have the same form in all inertial reference
(2) Light propagates through empty space with a definite speed c
independent of the speed of the observer (or source).
(3) In the limit of low speeds the gravity formalism should agree with
Newtonian gravity.
The putative successes of the postulates lead to the almost universal
acceptance of the Einstein Special Theory of Relativity, which is based
upon the concept of a flat spacetime
ontology that replaces the older
separate concepts of space and time, and then to the General Theory of
Relativity with its curved spacetime model for gravity. While the
relativistic effects are well established experimentally it is now belatedly
understood, in 2002 [4,10], that numerous experiments, beginning with
the Michelson-Morley experiment [1] of 1887, have always shown that
postulates (1) and (2) (excepting the 2nd part) are false, namely that
there is a detectable local frame of reference or `space', and that the
solar system has a large observed galactic velocity of some 420±30km/s in
the direction (RA=5.2hr, Dec= -67deg) through this space [2,3,5,8,10].
This is different from the speed of 369km/s in the direction
(RA=11.20hr, Dec= -7.22deg) extracted from the Cosmic Microwave Background (!
CMB) anisotropy, and which describes a motion relative to the distant
universe, but not relative to the local space. This
critique briefly
reviews the experimental evidence regarding the failure of the postulates,
and the implications for our understanding of fundamental physics, and
in particular for our understanding of gravity.
A new theory of gravity is seen to be necessary, and this results in an
explanation of the `dark matter' effect, entailing the discovery that
the fine structure constant is a 2nd gravitational constant [1-4]. This
theory is a part of the information theoretic modeling of reality known
as Process Physics [2-4,9], which premises a non-geometric process
model of time, as distinct from the current non-Process Physics, which is
characterized by a geometrical model of time.
—Reginald T. Cahill, The Einstein postulates: 1905-2005 a critical
review of the evidence
Read the Complete Scientific Report at:
Posted by: PunkinPie68@
Review of Mr. Steiger’s latest book along with a very good interview on
Loran Coleman’s excellent "Cryptomundo" site. Enjoyable and informative
Read it yourself at:
Mae Brussell
Born in Beverly Hills 1922, Mae Brussell was the daughter of prominent
Wilshire Boulevard Temple Rabbi Edgar Magnin and great-granddaughter of
Isaac Magnin, founder of the I. Magnin clothing stores.
By the time President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 Mae was married
with five kids and living in Southern California. Like many Americans,
she wasn't convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone in the
assassination, so she bought the 26-volume Warren Commission Hearings and
began reading, filing, and cross-indexing. With the massive addition of
books, articles, and government documents, Mae not only found
connections to the CIA and Germany, but began to see relationships to many other
current and past events throughout the world.
Mae began to realize that the
international terrorist network that made
up the Axis powers during World War II had effectively gone underground
and continued their worldwide fascist campaign even before the War had
officially ended; As one country after another changed hands, Mae
recognized many of the same familiar names, methods, and tactics that were
used to swallow up Germany in the 1920s and 1930s.
Unfortunately this growing list of countries does not exclude the
United States; Most anything Americana is being infiltrated, raped,
murdered, infected, poisoned, or deregulated. As Mae stated at the University
of California in Santa Cruz: "What is happening to us is a classical
case of totally destroying us. And by the same people who've been at the
top doing it since World War Two."
In May of 1971, after seven years of research and now living in Carmel,
California, Mae appeared as a guest on KLRB, a local FM radio station
independently owned
by Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Gloria Baron. Mae discussed
her views on political assassinations and the New York Times release of
the Pentagon Papers. The response was so good she became a regular
weekly guest and before too long had her own show Dialogue: Conspiracy.
(She later changed the name to World Watchers International hoping it
would spread like Weight Watchers did.) Almost every week for seventeen
years Mae shared with her audience her voluminous daily research in her
rapid-fire, no-holds-barred style.
Occasionally Mae's research produced predictions with stunning
*On May 29, 1968 Mae confronted Rose Kennedy at the Monterey Peninsula
Airport and handed her what she said was a poem, but actually a note
telling her Robert Kennedy would soon be assassinated. A week later
Senator Kennedy was shot to death at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. …
Continue report at:
Mae Brussell’s Home page:
Eyeballin’ The ESCALATING Advances of The New World Order
Orwell's Internal Revenue Service
Posted by: dogbonz@
Source: Seattle Times
Rule change could allow sale of your tax return
By Jeff Gelles
Knight Ridder Newspapers
PHILADELPHIA — The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is quietly moving to
loosen the once-inviolable privacy of federal income-tax returns. If it
succeeds, accountants and other tax-return preparers, for the first
time, will be able to sell information from individual returns — or even
entire returns — to marketers and data brokers.
The possible change is raising alarm among consumer and privacy-rights
advocates. …
While Researching today…
Posted by:
…... I found this 1997 research paper for Maxwell AFB's
"Air Command and Staff College" verifying George H.W. Bush's plan
for a Globalist New World Order:
All U.S. citizens to receive National ID card by 2008
Posted By: ourbillofrights@
Without this National ID, you won't...
Drive your car
Board a plane, train, or bus
Enter any federal building
Open a bank account
Hold a job
If you can’t hold a job or have a bank account, how much buying and
selling will you be able to do?
Is the coming National ID the prophesied "mark of the beast"?
UNRAVELING THE SEACRTS of Ancient Civilizations
Ancient wooden statues
found near Nile Delta
Dateline: 2/23/06
Posted by: CryptidSeeker@
Ancient wooden statues found near Nile Delta
Cairo- Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed two 5 000-year-old wooden
statues, complete with gold wrapping paper, believed to be the oldest
such artifacts ever found, the team said on Wednesday.
The statues, which depict two nude men with precious stones around
eyes, were found …
The writings and postings of T. Peter Park
Some intriguing North Carolina Fortean mysteries …
are discussed in _The Devil’s Tramping Ground and Other North Carolina
Mystery Stories_ by NC folklorist John Harden (Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina Press, 1949, 1980), of which I own a paperback
reprint. Some of the North Carolina mysteries in Harden’s book are also
briefly discussed in the North Carolina chapter of Jim Brandon’s _Weird
America: A Guide to Places of Mystery in the United States_ (New York:
E.P. Dutton, 1978)—e.g., the Bath "Devil’s Hoofprints" on p. 168, the
Brown Mountain lights on pp.
168-169, and the Chatham County "Devil’s
Tramping Ground" on pp. 171-172.
I originally acquired a hard-cover copy of Harden’s book a very long
time ago, mislaid it somewhere down the years, then obtained a copy of
the 1980 paperback reprint about 12-13 years ago on a vacation trip to
North Carolina in the early 1990's.
John Harden, the author of _The Devil’s Tramping Ground_, was a North
Carolina folklorist and local historian who had a radio series, "Tales
of Tar Heelia," on Raleigh NC radio station WPTF in 1946-1947, devoted
to romantic, ghostly, and Fortean North Carolina stories and legends.
The book grew out of a selection from his "Tales of Tar Heelia"
As I just said, a number of stories in Harden's book have a Fortean
interest. They include the title story on the Chatham County "Devil’s
Tramping Ground" (see below). They also include chapters on the Brown
Mountain lights, the strange
hoofprints near Bath NC that never fill up or
go away, the "Mary Celeste"-like abandoned ship "Carroll M. Deering"
washed ashore on the Outer Banks in 1921, several unsolved mysterious
disappearances, the Lost Colony on Roanoke Island, and the "Strange Killer
of Turkey Hollow," a mystery predator or "varmint" (maybe an out of
place puma? or an early chupacabras?) that killed and "spooked" hunting
dogs in Wilkes County in 1944, and was briefly glimpsed by one local
farmer who said it was 7 feet long. Perhaps not quite strictly Fortean but
still intriguing are chapters on a rural 19th century NC schoolteacher,
Peter Stuart Ney, who claimed to really be Napoleon's Marshal Michel
Ney, and on a painting rescued from a shipwreck of Aaron Burr's bea!
utiful daughter Theodosia, murdered by pirates. Several of Harden's
chapters--on the Devil's Tramping Ground, the hoofmarks at Bath, the Brown
Mountain lights, Peter Stuart Ney, and
Theodosia Burr--were reprinted
as articles in _FATE_ in the early 1950's.
The "Devil’s Tramping Ground" of the book’s title is a bare circular
clearing 40 feet in diameter in a patch of woods about 10 miles from the
little town of Siler City in Chatham County in central North Carolina,
40 miles West of Raleigh, 35 miles Southwest of Durham, 25-30 miles
Southeast of Greensboro, and 55 miles North of Fayetteville. It is
described in Chapter 7 of John Harden’s book (pp. 53-60 of my 1980 paperback
edition), and also in Jim Brandon’s _Weird America_, pp. 171-172.
The Devil’s Tramping Ground consists of a completely barren, almost
perfectly circular path 40 feet in diameter and one foot wide with no
vegetation whatsoever, surrounding a 40-foot-wide interior area with a
sparse, scanty growth of wire grass. Some local folk believe that the Devil
walks around and around in circles along that 40-foot-diameter
barren circular path thinking up new means of causing trouble for
humanity--hence the name, "Devil’s Tramping Ground." Other local
traditions claim that the circular path was worn permanently barren by Indians
dancing war dances in a circle or by the hoofs of horses and mules
circling to supply the power for grinding sugar cane at a one-time molasses
mill. Objects placed on the pathway, so it is alleged, are gone the
next day, mysteriously disappearing overnight--though Jim Brandon noted
(_Weird America_, p. 171) that when he visited the place in 1977 the area
was littered with beer cans and even a big log that someone had!
obviously left there at one time as an experiment. Attempts to plant
vegetation either on the path or in the interior area have reportedly
always failed. Soil tests by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture
found the soil in the Devil’s Tramping Ground to be sterile and lacking
in essential plant
nutrients. It is not known who first discovered the
Devil’s Tramping Ground, though John Harden, in the 1940's, claimed
that local folk had passed down the tradition of the Devil using it for
his meditative nightly walks for over 150 years.
Aside from the "Devil’s Tramping Ground,"other NC Fortean mysteries
discussed by Harden included the famous Brown Mountain spook lights, and
the "Devil’s Hoofprints" in the little town of Bath, a series of
depressions in the ground, about 6" wide and 2" deep, in which (as in the
"Devil’s Tramping Ground"!) nothing grows or even stays overnight, and
which are said not to have been obliterated or significantly changed since
the early 19th century. They are locally believed to be the hoofprints
of a temperamental horse that fatally bucked and threw its rider, a
sporty young fellow named Jesse Elliot, in 1813, as he was taking a Sunday
morning ride instead of being in church like all
his devout neighbors.
Traditionally, local folk believed that God allowed the Devil to take
Jesse Elliot to Hell as punishment for his Sabbath-breaking impiety.
Some famous NC mysteries NOT discussed in Harden’s book include the
Maco Ghost Light, reportedly seen along some railroad tracks in Maco near
Wilmington, and the very tiny man, "about the size of a Coke bottle,"
seen in October 1976 separately by an 8-year-old boy and a 20-year-old
woman near Dunn, NC. Neither Harden nor Brandon mention what I myself
consider one of the most intriguing of all North Carolina Fortean
mysteries, the early 19th century Chimney Rock Pass "ghost army" sightings.
Chimney Rock Pass (NC) "Phantom Army" sightings
"Ghost armies" of vast numbers of shining white aerial forms were seen
over Chimney Rock Pass in western North Carolina in 1806 and again in
On the evening of July 31,1806, a number of rural North Carolinians at
Chimney Rock Pass in Rutherford County, 25 miles southeast of
Asheville, saw "a thousand or ten thousand things flying in the air" around
Chimney Rock Mountain. They resembled a "very numerous crowd of beings
resembling the human species," of "every size," though mostly small or
child-sized, "all clad with brilliant white raiment." The witnesses,
however, could not "discern any particular members of the human body, nor
distinction of sexes." The "glittering white
appearances" moved in a semicircular course around a high rock for
about an hour. They then "vanished out of sight, leaving a solemn and
pleasing impression on the mind, accompanied with a diminution of bodily
A local clergyman, the Rev. George Newton, described the phenomena to
the _Raleigh Register and State Gazette_. The Rev. Newton left it an
open question as to whether they were "accountable on philosophical
principles" or were rather a
"prelude to the descent of the holy city."[1]
In early September, 1811, several Rutherford County mountaineers
reported the "Spectre Battle of Chimney Rock Pass." The principal witnesses,
an elderly farm couple living in the deepest part of the ravine, swore
affidavits in Rutherfordtown
describing a battle between "two opposing armies of horsemen, high up
in the air all mounted on winged horses." The "Spectre Cavalry fight"
lasted ten minutes after the commander of one army cried "Charge!!," the
two armies dashing into each other, thrusting and hacking, the ring of
their clashing swords audible,
their blades glittering and flashing in the setting Sun's rays. When
one army was routed and left the" field, the shouts of the victors and
wails of the defeated were plainly heard. On subsequent evenings, the
old couple and three "respectable
men" visiting them again saw the "Spectre troopers," but not in battle.
News of the Chimney Rock Pass vision quickly spread throughout
Rutherford County, and within a month was being circulated in newspapers
throughout the United States,
including the _Niles' Weekly Register_. In 1831, the old woman's
grandson told a visitor to Chimney Rock Pass, Silas McDowell, that his
grandparents had probably seen a mirage-like optical illusion caused by
suspended water droplets in the atmosphere magnifying and distorting images
of swarms of gnats. His
explanation recalls 20th century debunkings of UFO's by skeptics like
Donald Menzel and Philip Klass![2]
1. Rev. George Newton, "Extraordinary Phenomenon," _Raleigh Register
and State Gazette_, September 15, 1806, reprinted in The Mirror
(Russellville, KY), November 7, 1806, reprinted again in "Springhouse
Magazine Online," at
<> ;
also see Paul Devereux, _Earth Light! Revelation; UFOs and Mystery
Lightform Phenomena; The Earth’s Secret Energy Force_ (London:
Blandford Press, 1969, 1980), p. 124.
2. Silas McDowell, "A Spectre Cavalry Fight at Chimney Rock Pass,
Blue Ridge, N.C.," 13-page manuscript in the McDowell Papers
at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in "Silas's Home
Page: Articles by Silas"
also see Devereux, _Earth Lights Revelation_, p. 125.
Best regards,
T. Peter
Garden City
South, L.I., N.Y.
You are now entering ---
The Research and Writings of "TAL."
Treasures of PERSIA (IRAN)
Iran is the ancient name of Persia, and it is derived from the root
"Arya" or Aryan the Indo-European branch of peoples who settled in that
land. The Aryans of ancient Iran were Mazdayasni Zarathushtris, ie.
Worshippers of Ahura Mazda (the name of God in Avestan) as revealed by the
ancient prophet Zarathushtra.
NOTE : Volume I of the Saga describes vividly the Great Migration of
the Aryan ancestors from their ancient homeland Airyanam Vaejo in the
North Pole, due to
the Ice Age glaciations that occurred in that ancient age. The temples
seven-tiered ziggurats represented for them the mountains of their
previous homeland.
Iran has about 8000 years of history. Iran is the oldest civilization
in the world.
When we say 8000 years, it does not mean 8000 years of Aryan
Civilization. It means 8000 years history of Iran, meaning every civilization
which lived in Iran. By this, we mean the very first civilization which
lived Geologically on Iranian Continental Shelf, Geographically on
Iranian Plateau, and Physically inside the Greater Iran.
Shoosh, The First Civilization:
The very first civilization which has ever lived in Iran was The Shoosh
8000 years ago, there was a civilization which lived in today's
Khoozestan, their name was "Shoosh Civilization," or in English "Susa
* Indo-European languages :
The origins of all the Indo-European languages, including Indian,
English, Greek, Spanish, French and many other European languages
today, are Iranian. (Gardeshgari, Iran, Sep. 2002) So, it should be called
Irano-European, not Indo-European!
* Did you know where the Saxons (of Saxony - - Germany and the
Anglo-Saxons of Britain) came from? Well, the British Orientalist, Sir Percy
Sykes, himself a Saxon, went around the world to look for their origin.
He found out that the Saxons originated from the Central Iranian
Plateau, which was called Sakstan (Present day Sistan- Baluchistan!)
Gardeshgari, Iran, Sept. 2002. (How about the Saxan or Sassan Dynasty of
The Ghar Alisadr Cavern System belongs to the precious natural heritage
of Iran.
It is currently one
of the 10 most important show caves of the world.
written sources had indicated that the accumulated length of all the
cave passages of Ghar Alisadr is supposed to be around 11-14 km.
Hence, Ghar Alisadr is currently by far the longest cave of Iran.
Czech expedition exploring possible world's largest salt cave
They discovered a complex system of caverns and tunnels....
Photos from the salt caves show scenes of outstanding natural beauty.
Underground lakes, dripstones and sparkling domes, not unlike limestone
Iran is replete with caves but thus far only one has been found to
contain fish.
This cave lies about 12 km north of the railway station
Tang-e Haft in
Lorestan at 33°05'N, 48°36'E. The cave is the surface outlet of a
subterranean limestone system.
Over 20% of the irrigated area of Iran is fed by qanats (Redding and
Midlen, 1991) and numbers as high as 60,000 have been estimated. They are
essentially horizontal wells which tap groundwater and provide a
continual, low gradient flow of fresh water.
Sacred waters :
A number of springs in Iran are said to be "sacred".
Iran's most ancient Ziggurats recently discovered at Siyalk Hills in Kashan,
it belongs to 4500-4900 years ago and it is therefore older than the
Choghazanbil temple in Shoush.
Based on the evidences obtained from the rubbles, the Ziggurat dates
back to the end of the period marked by the advent of
scriptures and the
beginning of the Ilami period some 4500-4900 years ago.
Moreover, based on the details of the documents found in the process of
excavation, it might be said that among the 30 Ziggurats existing in
Iran and Mesopotamia, the one recently discovered at Siyalk Hill in
Kashan is characterized by special architectural and religious features.
Ziggurat... pyramidal, stepped temple
According to the Indian Professor, Mereji Baba Kolka: A group of
Iranian migrants were settled along the Nile River and founded the Egyptian
civilization, thousands of years ago!
UFO Sightings in Iran
Russia Joins Iran in Fighting UFO’s :
This comes in the wake of a skywatching mania that struck Iran amid
state-media reports of sightings of flying objects near Iran’s nuclear
installations. Tehran’s air force was ordered to shoot down any unknown or
suspicious flying objects in its airspace, amid security concerns for
its nuclear plants.
Iran UFO flap: psywar op or coverup?
Iranians complained about Unidentified Flying Objects at very low
altitudes around its nuclear installations all around the country. United
States has excellent satellite imagery and hence do not need low altitude
spy planes to monitor the activities.
UFOs over Iran? An East Haven man offers proof
Connecticut man has the pictures that he says prove something is out
While visiting family(in IRAN) the East Haven engineer recorded over 20
minutes of footage of the object....
First is was just a shiny light, changing colors ... It seemed
perfectly round, circular shaped, spaceship if you will. "Window-looking spots
all over it... It has an opening in the lower bottom of the circle."
Significance Of Iranian Flying Saucer Reports For The US Military
Occupation Of Iraq :
Excerpts from : opening of the portals and literally the gates of hell opening
with the 'return of the Gods' - the Anunnaki - who take the rage around
the region as permission to intervene and punish US forces and their
allies. If something like that happened, well the consequences could be
really terrible if the US 'shadow government' managing extraterrestrial
affairs unleashed its secret arsenal to fight back.
I'm confident that the 'shadow government' behind the Bush
administration were aware of this Stargate/energy portal activity beginning to peak
at this time and this was the reason for their haste in going in to
Iraq. So it wasn't Oil, Weapons of Mass Destruction, or the 'War against
Terror', just a desire to be in Iraq if and when the energy
portals/Stargates became active.
intervention by an aggressive extraterrestrial race claiming to
be the 'returning gods' or Anunnaki.
Rather than the Bush administration being solely responsible, it is the
secret managers of the extraterrestrial presence (e.g., 'shadow
government'/'Committee of the Majority') that must bear primary responsibility
since they are ultimately behind the Bush administration's decision to
militarily intervene in Iraq to secure the Stargates and energy
....US policies in Iraq, will impact very strongly on increasing
extraterrestrial activity on Earth.
Michael E. Salla, PhD
Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup :
The head of Fort Monroe's Training and Doctrine Command, four star
general Kevin P. Byrnes was fired in late 2005.
"...speculation indicates
that he may be part of a military coup designed to prevent the
ridiculous idea of doing a nuclear war with Iran."
Project for the New American Century :
US attack on Iran by June?
By Ray McGovern He served as a CIA analyst for 27 years -- from the
administration of John F. Kennedy to that of George H. W. Bush. He also
chaired National Intelligence Estimates. In January 2003, he and four
former colleagues founded Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
Next Stop, Iran
But why now? After all, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
has just told
Congress that Iran is not likely to have a nuclear weapon
until "early in the next decade?" The answer, according to some defense
experts, is that several of the Iranian facilities are still under
construction and there is only a narrow "window of opportunity" to destroy
them without causing huge environmental problems. That window, they
say, will begin to close this year.
US-Israel Nexus
One reason the Israelis are pressing hard for early action may simply
be out of a desire to ensure that George W. Bush will have a few more
years as president after an attack on Iran, so that they will have him to
stand with Israel when bedlam breaks out in the Middle East.
Attacking Iran: I Know It Sounds Crazy, But...
It Can Get Worse
"If you detonate a NUKE in IRAN/IRAQ, I believe you will shatter an
ancient vibrational SEAL (to the Pit) and open a PORTAL, through which
will come
Super-Natural Beings".
Hal Lindsey states, "I have become thoroughly convinced that UFOs are
real....I believe these beings are not only extraterrestrial but
supernatural in origin."
Super-intelligent super-being(s) ?
Bush endorses the teaching of "intelligent design".
* REPTILIAN Humanoid Genetic Scientists ?
NOTE : A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project
....New Findings have derived further evidence of "junk DNA" being "no less
than the genetic code of an unknown extraterrestrial life form."
Excerpts from :
Trying to understand the origins and meaning of junk DNA Prof. Chang
realized that he first needs a definition of "junk". Is junk DNA really
junk, (useless and meaningless) or it
contains some information not
claimed by the rest of DNA for whatever reason?
In addition, I began talking with researchers at the National Security
- the "junk DNA" is nothing more than hidden and dormant upgrade of our
basic code!
Countdown: The Return
Stargates, Ancient Rituals, And Those Invited Through The Portal
Whereas Ufologists of various creed disagree on the meaning of
particular ET phenomenon, both assert language that define UFOs and
extraterrestrial intelligence in angeological and demonological terms including
promises by the Creator to return through heaven's "gates" at the end of
time. Some believe, therefore, religious and non-religious Ufologists
are saying the same thing from different points of view. Most religions
have at least one apocalyptic myth describing the end of the world
accompanied by a "savior" who appears in the sky at the last minute to
rescue the "chosen" from annihilation or wrath.
"The Ahriman Gate" :
Nibiruan Gods on Earth ... established a spaceport in what today is the
Iraq-Iran area...Some believe they are a Reptilian Race.
According to Sitchen, the Nibiruans landed on Earth, colonized it,
mining the Earth for gold and other minerals, establishing a spaceport in
what today is the Iraq-Iran area - the Cradle of Civilization - and
lived in a kind of idealistic society as a small colony. They genetically
interfered in our indigenous DNA to create a slave-race to work their
mines, farms, and other enterprises in Sumer [ ] . They created HuMans, Homo
through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo
Anunnaki history and the role of Reptilian ETs
Michael Salla, PhD [ ]
writes to Michael Sokolov :
Excerpt from :
I find myself in agreement with much of what you say and think it is
very valuable to emphasize the distinction between the Anunnaki as human
looking ETs and the Reptilians as basically being locked into a
historical conflict over control of humanity. I have just finished reading
David Icke’s "Children of the Matrix" and think that he basically
simplified human history in terms of his belief that the Reptilians are in
control of everything. As you know, in his view, Reptilians, the Anunnaki
are the same, and that we are locked into a Prison Planet with the same
set of secret rulers - the Illuminati who are basically bloodlines
associated with the Reptilians, mixed in with some Nordic
The framework you outline in your article makes much more sense and I’m
happy to say that I reached the same conclusion with my own research,
the Anunnaki and the Reptilians are very different and are competitors.
The Illuminati are primarily associated with the Anunnaki but as you
say in your response to my earlier article, there may have been
significant infiltration or compromising of this organization by the Reptilians
who dominate mainstream religious institutions and also in my view
military institutions such as the US military.
Due to my political science background and work in the US, I like to
use political metaphors and kind of see the Anunnaki as similar to
Democrats and the Reptilians as a version of the Republicans. The Democrats
are more progressive and see humans as having more intrinsic value,
while Republicans are more law and order types that like to carry the big
"We have two interventionist factions, Reptilians and Anunnaki who have
different approaches to how to manage the Earth, kind of like the
Republican and Democrat approaches, and we have a third faction which is
primarily non-interventionist and use consciousness raising. I think that
our best allies are the non-interventionists...."
Michael Sokolov
The Great Flood supposedly was an attempt to destroy the slave races of
humanity by the Anunnaki-Nibiruans because they had
rebelled against
their Anunnaki-Nibiruian / Sumerian Gods.
Is the bulk of Hu-manity about to get wiped out AGAIN ? Does "MAJESTIC"
know about it ?
Global Warming/Pole Shift Update 2006-2012 >(2020)
Interplanetary shock waves from solar coronal mass ejections.
The next solar maximum is set to begin in 2011.
The solar maximum is a period of time when solar activity is at its
NASA experts predict this approaching solar max will be
50 per cent (+) stronger than that of 2000-2003.
Record-breaking solar flares in 2005 forced commercial airlines to
abandon polar routes :
***************************************** Perfect Disaster
Discovery Channel :: Episode :: Solar Storm
Can we survive the ultimate Solar storm?
Beneath the boiling surface of the sun lies an unseen force that could
throw the modern world back to the Stone Age.
SEE the repeat of "Solar Storm" - APRIL 13, 14 and 16, 2006
* Discovery Channel's 'Perfect Disaster' Chronicles Six ExtremeWeather
Disasters In Cities Wordwide...
"By gaining the knowledge of what’s possible, we can better prepare for
How a solar storm could cause a global blackout.
In the aftermath, blown electrical transformers, no phones, no
Internet, no water treatment, no sewage disposal, no electrical medical tools
of diagnosis or treatment, no gas pumping for vehicles or emergency
generators, no food delivery to stores, electrical entertainment only until
the batteries give out, and you get the picture.
The series includes a super tornado bearing down on Dallas, Texas; a
solar storm threatening New York City, a super typhoon readying to
swallow Hong Kong, China; a mega flood coming for London, England; a fire
storm blazing toward Sydney, Australia and an ice storm that could bring
Montreal, Canada to a standstill.
These perfect disasters will unfold through the eyes of those fighting
to survive them, in vivid dramatizations. From everyday people to
weather experts, they will make decisions that change their lives and the
lives of those around them, forever.
NOTE : Pentagon Tells Bush - Climate Change Will Destroy Us.
Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global
catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters.. The
document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the
edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and
secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. The threat to global
stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism....
America's Premier Preparedness Center :
Under Ground
Shelters - May Be The Only Safe Place To Be!
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Dennis Crenshaw