
Good Morning Alan,

 Since this is going to be a bit longer than most e-mails, I thought I'd write it as an attachment.

 The question of the underground network of the Regressives is something not easily resolved or addressed.  They have, as you know, a most extensive network of tunnels and strongholds beneath the earth.  Over the years these have been strengthened and fortified even more.  They now store their slaves there, human and non-human alike, making it even more difficult to launch a surgical strike against any one of them.  No one wants to kill the innocent; no one wants to kill the guilty either, but sometimes that seems unavoidable.

 Reptoids in general regard humans as their property.  Nothing new for you there.  What is rather new is an announcement they made warning the other races to stay off Earth and to leave "their property" alone.  They were threatening, aggressive and specific.  They will retaliate if attacked and attack if pushed to far.  They stated that if it looks like they might be losing they will kill everything they can find, slave and surface dweller alike, and withdraw to regroup.  Some of the Council (The Council is the Interdimensional Council of Free Worlds.  That's what the concept translates from the telepathic into linear speech as.) members are afraid.  They hide their fear behind statements of compassion and non-violence, but fear is the root motivation.

 I'm going to relate something that happened in August, 1992.  I'm not going to mention names or places, just what happened.  There isn't any reason you can't know the details of who and where, it's just that it ought to be given face to face rather than in e-mail concept. 

 In early August a small group of people came together for the purpose of freeing the captive aliens held by the regressive force on earth.  Many alien life forms (almost 800 of them) had been captured when their ships were shot down.  Most were held in cryogenic storage in seven underground bases.  Darkness (D for short) had the nasty habit of keeping them frozen, thawing them out and torturing them for information concerning their technologies, then freezing them again.  Their souls were in limbo, neither alive or dead, drifting, connected to their ruined and frozen forms, suffering as few have suffered.  There were many races, 22 in all, including some of the Dracs themselves. 

 An envoy had been sent to make contact with the directors of the human regressive darkness in the hope that some sort of arrangement could be worked out which would expel the Regressives and permit humankind to continue without outside interference.  No such luck.  The envoy was captured and sedated, his ship confiscated and taken to Nellis (near AREA 51 - Branton) for a reverse engineering takedown of its operating systems.  The envoy was a young Pleiadian male.

 The effort to rescue the captives was not a physical one.  Even if the insertion of hard troops could be done covertly, the odds of their being able to find any of the captives alive and well were nil.  It was decided that one had to go and release the souls of the captives, return them to their respective people and permit them to continue their Life Journey. 

 The rescue of the envoy was the single exception.  He was still in physical form, as was his ship.  That one was comparatively easy.  Since he had lowered the nutational rate of his and his ship's atomic structure to materialize on the Earth, it was an easy matter to project a field around them and elevate the rate back to the frequency of the Astral Plane, which effectively removed them from the physical.  This was done.  To the monitoring cameras, the envoy just disappeared.  Same with his ship.  To someone watching, it just vanished.

 (The nutational rate is the frequency, the harmonic, at which an atom resonates to every other atom; it's the vibration of the atom.  Every atom on the physical plane, regardless of the compound, element or form it finds itself in has the identical nutational rate.  Increase that rate and the atom disappears from this plane and moves to the next dimension.  Dimension and plane are interchangeable terms.  Higher dimension vibrating atoms can exist in the same place as a lower dimension, but on a different harmonic; existing in a higher dimension.  Those existing on a higher dimension can watch everything that occurs upon the lower dimension but cannot easily interfere.)

 The group was then led to various locations around the planet where aliens were housed.  The protection around the group that night was so intense that Lucifer himself couldn't have broken through.  There were literally hundreds of ships of every design and shape you can imagine hovering over the house where all this took place.  All but one were safely hidden in other-dimension frequencies.

 The actual freeing of souls didn't take very long at all.  Distance collapses when other dimensions are used to travel in.  Different dimensions or planes have different laws of physics.  The concept of time and space changes dramatically the higher the frequency. 

 The souls were returned to the room in which all this took place.  Then, with all the Council Representatives in full attendance, the souls were returned to their people.  There wasn't a dry eye in the house, until the Drac, the Reptoid representatives showed up.  First of all they thought the action to rescue their people was a foolish waste of time.  The ones captured had failed in their missions and whatever happened to them was their just reward.  They could not understand the concept of compassion, mercy, or even basic love.  When they were escorted, under heavy guard I might add, into the room to reclaim their brother's soul, they ate the soul.  One of the group was so disturbed, so repulsed by the action that she threw up.  It was not until later that they learned that this is how the Reptoids "recycle" their dead.  It was not intended as a disrespect, but was part of an ancient ritual practiced by the Drac race.

 There were many more races observing the activities than was first known.  Every planet capable of watching the activity did so.  Some races who had not joined in the effort to safeguard the earth and its human population joined the Council as a result of what they saw.  A race that has no violent behavior at all, none, sent two huge vessels that we might call "mother ships" to assist as they could.

 Something else happened.  A line of energy as transmitted from the Center of Force, the place where God dwells, into the physical universe.  This line of force worked miracles.  Many of the races older than man were not created with the capacity to develop an emotional body.  They were mind centered beings, not heart centered.  Those races so desiring of the capacity to express Divine Love, as is man, were given that opportunity at that time.  God, The Creator, The Big Mamoo, heard their collective prayers and gave them that ability.  The physical universe took two giant steps forward.

 The Dracs know what's arrayed against them.  They just don't believe that the force needed to stop them will ever be used because of the huge loss of life it will engender.  Their ego system will not permit them to acknowledge that they are not only wrong, but deadly so.  If we can rescue even one third of the Dracs we'll be doing well.

 I found your last e-mail intriguing.  I too am an "intuitive knower."  I find myself saying, "I have no idea what ___ is," and suddenly I do know.  Part of this ability is to be able to extrapolate informative conclusions from a wide number of seemingly unconnected bits of information.  Why can we do this?  Why are we here just now?  What power has placed us on this planet at this most important instant in the cosmic life of Creation?  You know the answer.  We came, specifically chose the vehicle and lives we lead in order that mankind can be rescued from itself in some instances and from a terrible darkness at all other times.  That's the reason that a great, cosmic "show and tell" is about to begin.

 How many "doubting Thomas'" do you know?  How many have said, "show me some proof!"  I mentioned once before that the quarantine is over, that all the rules for enlightenment, for cosmic awareness, are canceled for the duration of this run.  Why?  The answer is simple.  We've already reached all those who are sufficiently aware to pick it up for themselves.  The hints and clues have always been here, and for those who dig, the answers are there too.  But what about the others?  Less than ten percent reach it alone.  The rest get a last hour reprieve, maybe last minute now. 

 You know that there shall be no "mass landings," yet in a manner of speaking there will be.  Many are going to see what they need to see to break the stranglehold of non-awareness that has been carefully fostered all these centuries by big D. 

 There is only one yardstick for measuring anything in the entire creation, the amount of awareness expressed by the individual.  With all the different shapes and sizes, all the marvelous variety of intelligent life in creation, something as superficial as appearance means less than nothing in evaluating something.  The only thing which can protect a person, other than alliance and adherence to the Christ Light, is awareness.  An imaginary line was drawn.  Everything below that line is eligible to be taken, harvested, for food, experiments, whatever.  Everything above that line is protected.  Protected species still get kidnapped once in awhile, even here someone still kills a Bald Eagle now and again.  In general the rule holds.  The only protection is to take knowledge, learn what LIFE is about and align with the Light. 

 Someone wrote somewhere that they didn't like the "good space guys" because they said there was no free will beyond a certain level of awareness.  That statement is absolutely true.  Beyond a certain level of awareness, the one winning through to higher consciousness will only express what is the Will of God.  They will do nothing to thwart or sidestep that Will.  So in a way they have no free will, they practice the Will of God, but they make a conscious choice to do that.  (That is, they CHOOSE to do the WILL OF GOD, so it is no longer their will, but God's will... however they nevertheless CHOOSE to do so... in fact, the Holy Bible states that "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." So we in our mini-triune nature created in the "image" of God, of spirit-soul-body, have a soul which is being pulled in two directions, and the soul must CHOOSE which direction to follow, the will of the FLESH which inevitably destroys free individuality and leads to a collective/hive mentality as with the Reptiloids, or the will of the SPIRIT which is the SOURCE of free individuality and leads to freedom of choice. So in a way the WILL OF GOD is the source of free-will and the will of Lucifer and his demonic minions is the source of the infernal HIVE mentality that the reptilians such at the Pterodactoids/Mothmen, Reptiloids, Saurian Greys, and frog-like Amphiboids are a slave to - Branton) Gods rules are not petty.  They aren't written for any tribe or clan, any race of species.  They're universal in content and meaning.  At this level they aren't restricting, they aren't binding.  I can do ANYTHING I wish to, but if it isn't in accordance with the Divine Plan, I have to experience the result of what I've placed in motion.  Cause and effect.  Free will is absolute.  Freedom is absolute.  There's no room for argument.  God's Way is choice, freedom, experience, grow closer to the Father.  All of the little rules and such that the tribal shaman put on the actions of people don't matter at all in the cosmic scheme.  God watches at the Soul level, and whatever you do in the lower personality level is immediately reflected in the Soul.

 Utah (where I live - Branton) is an outlet.  It's a door behind the lines of American military forces.  This invasion that George Washington saw has a very real chance of occurring.  There will be no all out nuclear war.  We will not permit that.  It is not in the planetary scheme of Karma for that to occur.  It IS possible that a limited nuclear exchange will break out in the middle east.  That will not be interfered with.  It has been predicted that one of the problems of the late 90's will be avoiding the clouds or radioactive material that go drifting around the planet.

 There will be no "take over" by off world powers of anything on this planet.  Man must "do it himself."  Mankind must not look to anyone or anything else for his salvation.  Man must develop the will, the strength to overcome all obstacles.  Only if it comes to the point that superior technology is being used to defeat the human race will direct intervention take place.  Nothing overt until then, but many, many little covert operations.  Remember Viet Nam and the military advisors the US sent over there?  Same thing.  As above, so below. 

 There are only a few points being pushed by the Council, the Federation if you will.  One: NO MORE SLAVERY!  That cannot be emphasized enough.  We will end the Drac empire once and for all, at least as they interfere with other planets and other species.  (Note: Could the following prophecy from the book of REVELATION have something to do with the "fall" of the Draconian interstellar empire or empires? - "And there was WAR IN HEAVEN: Michael and his angels fought against the DRAGON; and the DRAGON fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven." REVELATION 12:7-8. The Bible speaks of three heavens, the first heaven which is the abode of God, the angels, and the saints; the first heaven which is the atmosphere above the earth; and the second heaven which is where the galaxies abd stars exist. - BRANTON) What they do on their home worlds is their affair.  Two: Earth will have all the assistance She needs to ascend, to take Her place as one of the more beautiful jewels in the diadem of God.  Nothing will be permitted to interfere with that.  Three: Mankind has a destiny to fulfill.  Eventually, and it's already begun, the power of the Will of God will be focused and channeled through men and women and into the universe(s).  Man is the disseminator of God's Will.  Jesus came to show us that it could be done and to anchor the fact of Divine Love on this planet.  As Jesus walked the Earth and Sananda walked on other planets, so too is it the heritage of mankind to walk the myriad worlds created and to be created, directing the evolution of LIFE back to the Creator Source.  That's why humans are so important, and that's why D is so determined to destroy them.  I said once before that man has the ability to create something from seemingly nothing without technology.  The Dracs are terrified they shall be displaced.  They realize that humans are a threat to them, for humans can go closer to the Throne, closer to Source.  They can too, but it entails a drastic and dramatic change from the way they live their lives.  Most will never change.  There are no other united goals.  Hundreds of smaller projects, but no real goals.

 Why were the Greys trying to run the blockade?  Why were they taking their precious cargo of hybrids to another place?  Because they knew that Will of God energy was on the way, and that when that energy arrived in all its Divine Glory and Power, the hybrids would be destroyed, as will anything else not created of the Father.  The enemy is not stupid and he's not helpless.  In this universe and on this planet he is a very deadly advisary.  But even they are bound by God's rules.  Try as they might they cannot overcome the Will of God.  Terrible things have happened and shall happen.  People will cry out that God has deserted them, that they are lost, doomed.  No.  God is always there, but the way of God is not easily understood by men of limited awareness.  Earth humans have permitted the darkness to take a choke hold on their world.  Earth humans must throw off that yoke.  That's why we are here, you and I and the others like us.  Don't you think that we could have materialized a body if we needed to appear here?  Jesus could certainly have done so.  Instead we chose to incarnate, to be born into flesh, our memories sealed, our capabilities sealed, our awareness sealed.  WE obeyed the law and came into a darkened world, an evolving world.  Not so the Dracs.  Now, whatever we do is "legal" in the eyes of God.  We can do anything, anything at all and it's according to the Will of God.  What we do is up to us.

 Enough for now.  If this little missive has raised some questions, well and good.  Just shoot them along.

 If you've family or friends in Utah, I believe you stated that you did, you might like to have them relocate before next year.

 Yours in Light,  Tau