(Somewhere along the line, some of the data near the beginning of this file was lost - Branton)

...scious being on the 3rd and 4th density, the physical and astral planes. Mankind is polarized, focused, upon the astral. This is the plane of the emotion. As the physical body permits man access into the 3rd dimension, the emotional "body" permits him access into the astral plane. I presume that you already understand some basic occult or metaphysical "anatomy," but just in case that's one of the newer areas of investigation, please permit me to draw a crude analogy. A "man" is composed of a series of energy envelopes, each overlapping the other. There are seven dimensions to which man has access at this time without doing anything beyond what God created him with. There are, of course, seemingly infinite layers of dimensions beyond that, but for now let's just consider the lower seven. Man's conscious, waking focus is the physical body, the physical universe. It is here that he spends his waking consciousness, where he "investigates" his universe and presumes to "rule." The physical universe has its own set of laws and rules.

Surrounding the physical form is the etheric form or body. It is the etheric form that is the blueprint, the causal motion, for the physical body, which is the result of energy set into motion within the etheric form. One day very soon "science" will realize that by blueprinting the etheric form one can regenerate an arm, a leg, an eye, an organ, whatever, by re-energizing the etheric blueprint. This is why an amputee will have an "itch" on a finger or hand that has been severed. The energy thread from the etheric to the physical still exists. After six months, or so, this bio-plasmic ether energy field will dissipate, adapting to the physical loss and the itching will stop.

Overlapping them both, somewhat, is the astral or emotional body. It's an energy sheath that, in fact, duplicates the physical form in appearance. When one "dies" consciousness is shifted in focus, polarity, from the physical form to the astral form. This is the reason that one who is killed very suddenly sometimes does not realize that he is "dead"; that he no longer exists upon the physical plane. The physical body is switched off so suddenly that there is no sensation of movement from one plane to the next. The astral is the place of illusion and fantasy, horror and darkness. What we believe, we create. The belief doesn't have to have anything to do with "reality." What one believes to be true is created by the thought process within the mental dimension. It almost immediately descends into the astral plane and is energized by the belief structure of the one creating the thought. The more people who share the illusion or delusion, the stronger the astral creation. Some fanatical religions have literally created the Hell and Heaven they envision as being "true." In reality that belief is as faulty as anything else relying upon limited awareness and knowledge for self-confirmation and must be overcome by those beings who choose to dwell within that illusion before that soul may continue its journey back to the Creator Source.

The mental dimension is of a higher frequency that both the astral or physical. Man has a body, an energy sheath, composed of "stuff of the mental plane." This is the location of mind, not the physical brain. The brain is something akin to a two-way radio transmitter, permitting mind access into and onto the physical plane. When that organ is damaged theical plane, it offsets and overcomes that which has been created by evil, but it takes longer to come into being on this plane. That's why evil seems to win more often than Spirit.

Not everyone the Earth will transcend with Her as she moves into what you call fifth density.

Remember when we spoke of the Rescue Circles and their efforts? This is why: when the earth moves through the dimensional gate, She loses the physical and astral dimensions. They're gone. They don't exist for the planet anymore. "The world as we know it shall pass away." Physical and astral dimension energy cannot "keep up" with the higher...

(NOTE: This message apparently lost some of the beginning data in the process of duplication, however we begin near what appears to be the beginning parts of the message - BRuce AlaN walTON - BRANTON...):

...signal is interrupted and the mental process is impaired.

Beyond the dimension of mind is the plane of the soul, the causal dimension. Beyond that is the plane of Atman or the I AM within us all. The ascended masters are of the 5-6th levels of existence.

(Apparently if we are to believe these words, there are three levels to the Omniverse... the Astral Plane which connects to our spirits, the Causal Plane which connects to our souls, and the Temporal Plane which connects to our bodies. - Branton)

Each of the major dimensions is in turn divided into seven levels, making a total of 49 levels of awareness. Man already exists within each level of creation, up and through the 7th dimension. Sananda was the first HUMAN soul to ascend to that lofty level and beyond.

(If this is true with Sananda, then Sananda cannot really be the Living Word, the Creator, the Logos of God who was born as Jesus Christ, since Jesus did not 'ascend' to heaven but left heaven to live among a corrupted world, a sacrifice that we can not begin to imagine. - Branton)

You asked about "evil." Evil, or service-to-self as you called it, can exist upon and within dimensions one through five and a half. It cannot exist within anything closer to the creator. The energy force is too intense, too "hot" for evil to exist any closer to Source. Only by service to the Creator Source can anything exist beyond the fifth plane. There are exceptions, but it's too complicated to go into here. Suffice it to say that there is nothing from that level in force upon or within the earth.

There are those who say that ultimately there is no evil; that it is an illusion and should be ignored. They are quite correct. Unfortunately that concept is not valid for most who expose it. Evil is most difficult to "get a handle on," as you say. It is something tangible, something that can actually be isolated and identified. It contaminates, pervades whatever it comes into contact with and destroys the ability of that which is encountered to being in the higher frequencies of energy associated with "the good." We find it most interesting that whomever incarnates, whomever takes on a physical form, comes into contact with evil almost at once. Although astral in nature and quality, it lies upon the physical plane like a great, smothering dark veil. Without knowing what they're doing or why, many people adopt the ways of "evil" in some form or another.

"Did you see her? What a bitch! I hear she slept her way into her job. She's such a slut!" Gossip is one of the truly wicked vices of this planet. It damages the speaker and the one spoken of if it happens to be true.

That's one of hundreds and hundreds of examples. You can think of many more. Evil lies at the root of it all.

The greatest and highest, the Holiest of Holies upon this planet sits but a single brick (about 2") away from the most evil of evils.

Everything is energy in one form or another. That's all there is - there ain't nuthin' else. Mind is consciousness. Concrete mind is the little "i am" that we live through and see daily. Abstract mind is that part of us we usually deem the sub-conscious, and beyond that is the great "I AM."

Evil utilizes astral energy to achieve its end and goals. Good, Spirit, utilizes aspects of Higher Mind achieve its end. Because of the interlocking manner in which astral and physical energy intertwines, the manifestation set into motion by evil seems to come into being quickly and more dramatically. When that which is set into motion by Spirit makes its way onto the phys... (at this point the message appears to be corrupted, and some of the data was lost - Branton)


Saturday 05.31.97

Good Morning Alan.

Lots of questions. Good. Answering questions permits me to find the answers to questions from another perspective.

The question that leaps out is the one pertaining to existence upon, and within, what you call "the fifth density." "Density" corresponds to "dimension" which equals "plane." Nothing new here. Man lives, breaths and has normal con vibrating energy frequencies of the fifth dimension. They break up and are no more - dispersed forever, or for as long as the earth remains within the higher energy field.

This shall come to pass. There is nothing that can stop it, for the Creator Source, God, has ordained that it shall come to pass. It's a done deal. There is nothing that the dark side can do to stop that process - nothing. But since their ego structure cannot accept the fact that there is a greater force than they in motion, they'll try. Man, and every other life form living on or within this world, is caught in the middle. All those beings living within the astral plane will vaporize if they're still there when that inter-dimensional doorway closes for the last time. Their individuality will terminate and the energy will return to it's basic state, formless and without direction.

For men, human beings, the choice is simple. Go with the planet into "paradise" or go somewhere else. Those souls, and we're talking more soul level than physical form level, opting to remain attached to physical things, attached to self serving concepts of existence, will be forced to leave the planet. They shall be harvested and taken to another planet, something akin to the earth of approximately 350,000 years ago, and they get to try it again. They are not going to be evacuated on space ships. Their souls are going to be harvested by the Angels of the Harvest, a euphemism for some very exhalted beings, loaded into transports and "seeded" elsewhere. That should account for about 3/5ths of the present physical beings on the earth, unless some major changes get underway. 2/5ths will ascend with the planet, again we're talking souls, not physical forms. How many people living on the planet will remain alive through what seems to be in motion is a crap shoot.

Here we return to the concept of everything being energy. It is impossible to control higher dimension energies with anything constructed upon a lower dimension. Different laws of physics, different everything. The only thing available to man that permits him to control higher plane energies is his mind. Mind is the director of energies for all things. Visualization is the most basic manner in which mind sets energy into motion (Could we say that "mind" is the "blueprint" of reality?). This is the precise reason you were urged to utilize the visualization techniques given in earlier messages. By setting energy into motion you accomplish what cannot be accomplished in any other manner - you harness higher dimension energies to achieve a specific end within your own existence. Remember that the single most fear expressed by any of the regressive entities is that mankind may learn that it can create without the utilization of machines or outside equipment. Well do they know that when man comes into the complete utilization capability of his mind, their reign is finished. Most of them are unwilling to set into motion the process of change which will allow them to also make the transition to higher dimensions. They see it as losing their identity, their "place in the power structure." They have never been able to realize that they are but little cogs in the greater Creation of God. That's gonna cost 'em big time!

As easy as this is to write and as difficult as it is to do, you, my friend, stand at a most important crux in your life-stream. Choose one way and the Path to the top of the mountain opens for you. Choose another and you remain on the course upon which you now walk, fighting evil, carrying words to the many who read your missives, doing what you can until you disappear in the mists of darkness. Don't see yourself as the valiant martyr who gives his all for his beloved planet and race, for if you do, that's precisely what will happen and you will make it happen by seeing it come to pass within your mind's eye - in short, visualizing it. You already create without knowledge. We all do. What we see in our mind, we create. Very few will remain in mind. The thought is generated - "It's a dog eat dog world. I just can't win. I never get a chance. I never get a break. It's a cruel, vicious world and I have to do it to them before they do it to me. I never have any luck. When am I going to get my big break?"

(I have noticed that 'Tau' is very knowleagable of 'conventional' warfare against the regressive reptilian E.T.s, however in my eperience I have come to realize that spiritual warfare is also necessary, since the 'serpent race', or the Winged Dracos or Pterodactoids, the Reptiloids, the Reptilian Grays, and the Amphiboids, are all 'possessed' by fallen angels, just as the original bi-ped 'serpent' in Eden was. So, fighting these dark forces is NOT the path to defeat, but the path to victory, since one must fight the 'infernals' and use their carcuses as stepping-stones to get to the 'top of the mountain'. I am NOT talking about human enemies, whom we are commanded to LOVE, and that includes reptilian-human "hybrids" with souls if necessary, but I am talking about the infernal reptilians and their collective hive-mind which is ultimately controlled by the prince of darkness. If 'Christ-ian' believers are called the "Body of Christ", then these serpent races are essentially the "body of Lucifer". The WORD OF GOD promises TOTAL victory over these demonic minions, if only we could believe. And I will tell you the truth, grabbing ahold of the following promise has given me victory after victory over these minions of darkness, and it can give YOU victory over them also, for the WORD OF GOD should be the main weapon of our warfare, considering that Christ, the "LIVING WORD OF GOD", created all things... so MEMORIZE this scriptorial "sword" --- "Behold, I give unto you POWER to TRED on serpents and scorpiona, and over ALL the power of the enemy, and NOTHING shall by ANY MEANS hurt you." - St. Luke 10:19 - Branton)

Then we're surprised when all this comes to pass. "Why me? What did I do to deserve all this misery?" The thought is generated in mind, in that part of us that sits within the dimension of mind. Then we get emotional and the thought is sucked into the astral. There it finds a tremendous amount of similar energy and sucks it up like a vacuum cleaner. It gets big and it gets powerful. Since we created it it sits atop us like a stone mountain, and since we really believe the things we thought, the intensity of emotion makes it into a truly mean son of a bitch. Then we try and think "good" thoughts, little affirmations designed to overcome the negativity we generate. But we don't really believe the little affirmations, not yet anyway, and the big monster squashes the new thoughts flat.

"See," it booms. "I was right. It is a bad ass world. Let's give up all this holy shit and get laid..." and we do. Which just reinforces the monster in our belief structure.

One may write volumes anent evil and still have more left unsaid. For us it boils down to doing what we can to stem the tide and remain intact ourselves. In my instance, there is a contract on my very Being. It isn't about to be collected anytime soon, but the threat is always there. I've been told upon numerous occasions that "you will never need a gun." I still carry a .40 cal Glock Model 22 almost everywhere I go. So far "they" have been correct. I have never needed it. If things go as they have, I shall shortly leave my guns behind and "go forth into the world." Evil is very real to most of us. Yet it's strange too, that when one is, indeed, "wrapped within the Light of the Christ," things just sort of pass us by. I was a uniformed police officer for six years. While my fellow officers encountered everything imaginable in the way of criminal activity, I was never exposed to anything more dangerous than rousting drunks from the post office lobby. I would arrive late, or it would have happened on the earlier shift, or not occur until after I was off duty. One night I was on patrol through the downtown section of Houston. It's a rough area filled with drunks, the homeless, dope, prostitution, whatever you can think of. I was riding about, we used one man patrols then, just looking at what I considered to be the human flotsam and jetsam of the city when I heard a voice as clearly as though sitting beside me say, "These too are my children." 40 minutes later a bum flagged me down and asked to borrow some money. Something said give it to him. I had a five and a one in my pocket and gave him the five. It surprised the hell out of him. I'd spend that much on lottery tickets without batting an eye, so it was no big deal. Three months later he tracked me down and repaid the $5. He said it wasn't so much the money as someone in my position believing in him enough to give him $5. I didn't believe in him, but he believed it, and changed his world.

The whole point is to say that visualization and directed belief in something works. It brings about change in our lives. Alan, you're here on earth to learn hard lessons quickly. Earth is called the cess pool of the universe; the muck and mire of karmic learning. The physical and astral planes swirl with some of the most horrible things you can imagine. Many times when a serial killer kills, or someone commits a particularly heinous crime, an astral entity is pushing a weak willed human to act. It isn't true possession, but it's damn close. Evil is tangible on these planes. We are soldiers, Light Warriors, if you will, we must learn to walk through all this "stuff" and not get contaminated. Again, the only way to do this is to align one's self with the Christ and surround their being with that Light. Remember to think energy.

Sometimes evil can rise to great heights, but it's also welcomed at that height, for at that height it can be "changed in the twinkling of an eye." More than one dark master has been Divinely zapped and realigned himself with the Will of God. (Take for example Saul of Tarsus in the New Testament, who was the ring-leader of those who persecuted the early saints, and held the cloaks of those persecutors while they were whipping the saints... that is until he had an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, who did not condemn him but simply asked, "why are you persecuting me?". Saul, who was renamed Paul, made a turn-around right there, and he actually went on to serve as the "pen of the divine" to write a good portion of the New Testament. - Branton) The nature of evil at that level of awareness changes significantly. You and I need not concern ourselves with that at this time, unless you really want to. It's intellectual knowledge, not gut-level-put-it-into-effect-knowledge needed to survive here.

When the moment of final planetary ascension occurs, the process began around 1865, those of sufficient "Light" will continue with the planet. No one is automatically made perfect. One must make themselves perfect by selecting the correct paths which permit that process to occur. Those selecting the incorrect path for perfect manifestation will find themselves elsewhere, and those swearing allegiance to the dark side may well find themselves lunch, in one form or another. We are each absolutely responsible for our own actions and no one else's, regardless of our connection to that person, family, friend or whatever.

I too have many questions concerning the Hale-Bopp thing. Nothing specific has been given until now. The planetoids carried in the wake of the comet did indeed arrive. Much of the interception was conducted by a joint effort of Andromedan, Tau Cetian, Plieadian and other forces. Many troops, Reptoid warriors, were off-loaded and are now in secret underground bases in the Pacific, Africa, and the western US. The majority of the forces were not given time to unload. Somehow, and all this is speculative as of this exact time and moment, the comet was not permitted to slow down.

(Note: For more information about the Hale-Bopp comet and their use by E.T.'s as a cover to enter our system, click on the following search for Hale-Bopp Aliens. - Branton)

The force field holding everything in place was intensified and the entire thing set into motion again. I'm very unclear about this. For some reason I'm being kept in the dark, at least for the time being. I cannot say with any degree of certainty that this is what took place. I have no information at all concerning the object emerging from the Orion Nebula. No, that isn't quite correct. It's something akin to the "Battle Planet" used to settle the Draco war so many millennia ago in this star system. It's something to be used in the Armageddon conflict in this universe.

Something is planned that is coming to fruition in New York City. There is a large underground complex of Reptoid origin under NYC. It's been a hunting ground/super market for years. More than a few of the ghetto kids have disappeared into the underground. Whatever is going on is of great concern to the Federation. Several incarnated Light Workers of tremendous strength and capacity have been assigned to that city for the next few weeks to offset the tremendous amount of negative energy generated... wait - got it.

Apparently the conflicts among humans, race, religion, whatever, is in the process of being stirred up. It seems to be part of the plan to establish the New World Order to create out and out warfare among certain groups. All the stops are being pulled out to intensify the energy acting upon these already volatile groups, causing them to escalate their latent, and not so latent, fears and false beliefs, with the end result of creating open warfare in the US and Canada. Apparently UN troops are already alerted for "training" exercises. It is little problem to change from training mode to tactical. Interesting.

Early Sunday Morning 3:30 am I was awakened from a good sleep to write this, so appreciate it! Request directed to you involves your effort to re-polarize your consciousness from physical/astral to mental/astral/causal. There is a booklet floating around the internet called "An Ascension Handbook," by Tony Stubbs. There exercises, visualization techniques, designed to lift your consciousness from 3rd density to 5th density. It is most urgently suggested that you find and use this booklet. It is also suggested that you begin at once to neutralize whatever sort of implant you may have inside your body. Carry a double ended quartz crystal, of approximately 1/2" to 1" in length on your person at all times.

Envision the violet flame around your energy field (physical, astral and mental fields) at all times. Practice visualizing until you can literally feel the violet flame. Keep it active at all times. Consciously request the intervention and protection of the Christ Light. Place it around your body and leave it there - first violet, then white flames. Ask continually. Be a pest. Call to Jesus, if you're comfortable with that name, and ask His help and protection in keeping the dark forces at bay. This will work to separate you from their energy field connection. Send mental requests, telepathic communications, to the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters and request their help and protection. Send a telepathic message to Saint Michael and request His help and protection. These things will work if you do them.

Now I'm going back to bed. Luck.


6:30 am

Your last point, the anti-matter universe of the Koldasians. I have no direct knowledge of this (Actually this was a mistake on my part - I should have said the DAL anti-matter 'universe' - Alan/Branton). I do know that a mirror universe of which they speak is the astral dimension. Everything on the physical is also found in the astral universe. It isn't a mirror image, for that reverses it, it duplicates it exactly. Anti-matter and matter when put into contact neutralize each other in an explosively spectacular manner. I receive the impression that the anti-matter universe of the Koldashians is not really anti-matter. I do not feel that a complete trust of the Koldashian Collective is a good idea. There is something self-serving about them. They seem to have their own agenda, fitting mankind into it in what seems like a positive fashion, but really serving themselves first. They do not seem very altruistic. When they made contact with humankind, they violated the Prime Directive of non-intervention within an evolving world. That should tell you something. I'll get more on this later.

Luck - Tau