From Sat Jun 28 18:26:20 1997
for ; Sat, 28 Jun 1997
20:25:13 -0500 (CDT)
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 1997 20:23:54 -0700
Subject: response


Hi Alan,

Let's try it again. The sentences are very long so use the "view" command at the top of the browser and then "wrap long lines" to get everything into the central reader. Hope it works. This is one of two messages with more to follow.



Good Evening Alan.

It's late Friday night, June 27th. Again I apologize for the long delay in getting out my response, but it's been one helluva week.

There was some very interesting material in your last messages. It would seem that the one who gave the last message is who he says he is. He knows what he's talking about.

The material concerning the elevating of the general "vibration" of the planet is right on target. The veils in-between the dimensions are likened unto barriers. Since it's literally impossible for one to take their physical form into higher dimensions, a projection of consciousness is necessary. At least that's been true in the past, until "now."

When one, a normal human "one," seeks to ascend, to travel in conscious a wareness to the higher dimensions, the first thing that happens is a "peak experience." This is likened unto someone who lives in a small room with heavy curtains on all the walls. The one living n the room believes that this room is the sum total of all existence. The one never realizes that there are windows behind the curtains and a single door which leads out of the room. Because of Divine Will, something will happen to the one which permits a curtain to be momentarily pulled aside. Just an instant, then back to darkness. In that fleeting instant the one in the room's entire perspective and awareness changes.

Then one of two things occurs. Either the one now devotes his life to finding the way out of the room or disregards the entire thing as an illusion and returns to the small mind mentality. Humans get several shots at trying to get out of the room each time they incarnate. Sooner or later it takes, and they begin the effort to ascend to a higher consciousness.

Sometimes the peak experience is realized during a meditation or dream. When conscious effort is applied, the experienced state of higher consciousness becomes more easily realized. Each time the higher consciousness is experienced, a small hole in the fabric, the veil, which separates the dimensions is made. It's an individual experience usually, unless large numbers of people are all doing it. Whenever one dwells consciously within higher dimension energies, the veil becomes weaker, having more "holes" punched in it.

Finally the veil becomes weak it collapses and the human ascends permanently into the higher dimension. By that time the human physical body is so refined, enhanced and changed, that the body is no longer physical and can also make the transcension into what is termed a "Light Body."

The Light Body (LB) is not strictly human in the normal sense of medical definition. The helical matrix of the RNA/DNA is altered. The basic cellular structure is altered, and even the atomic structure is made capable of accepting, without self-destructing, the higher dimension energies. One in possession of a LB will be seen to glow in dim light. It is absolutely immune to anything of the physical universe. It draws its energy source from the God-Head, down through the Causal Level of the Soul. The inhabitant of the physical body which is transformed into a LB can raise or lower the vibration, the energy frequency signature, at will. Should he, or she, get into trouble, the frequency is simply raised and the body disappears from the physical universe. The Light Body is the inheritance ordained by Divine Decree for all Mankind.

Now, something else is happening. Something that none of the dark brethren foresaw in their mad little scheme to forestall the Will of God. God has taken a direct hand in all this. That which we call GOD is usually a silent observer of ALL Creation. The Creator set the rules and let His lieutenants, captains and generals take over. You see, in some way, God too learns and grows. That one is a bit beyond me. If God is God, then how can it become more than what God already is? But that's another debate for another time.

I believe that I said once that GOD heard the cries of countless billions of billions of sentient beings and acted. "COME CLOSER," He said. Simple enough.

But the effect was extremely dramatic. A single pulse of Divine Energy issued forth from the Creator Source. That pulse descended through Creation all the way to the lowest sector of the physical universe. For those beings who do not possess the wonderful soul matrix of mankind, and you'd be surprised at how many there are, a special dispensation was given. Several years ago, just about the time that Leahaana was tuning up her own "stuff," an energy thread was channeled through her into several dozen hovering space ships, and through them back to their respective home worlds. Just that quick, it became possible for these races to also "ascend" from the physical/astral to the higher realms.

The Earth is changing. It is becoming one of the "Holy Planets." Literally the brightest jewel in the crown of God. Rather poetic language for the dimensional shift that is already in motion. Man now has to survive until that shift is complete, no easy task given the degree of nastiness arrayed against him.

Some of these guys believe that they can graft a soul into their species through their science. That's the real root of all the human's being used as incubators, stolen eggs, sperm, etc. They believe that if they are successful they too may leave the physical universe and keep on doing their shit on the higher planes.

The physical and astral planes are in the process of dropping away from the Earth. That's what it means: "The world as we know it shall pass away." We lose the two dimensions. Eventually, many thousands of years, the entire physical and astral universes will also "pass away."

Anyway, God's Wave, Will of God (WOG?) energy is here in strength that grows by the nano second. It's time for Armageddon, but on a cosmic scale. The lines have been drawn; the sides are drawn. Time for the Holy Grail to once again appear, for Excalibur to be unsheathed; for Michael's Legions to start kicking ass and taking names. It's going to happen here, and all living here need to wake up to that fact. The nuts and bolts of how this is happening is what you write about so proficiently.

Interesting point. You write of Saint George and the red cross he wore. You're right, but unless you believe in the cross nothing happens. It isn't the cross shape, it's the energy that belief in what's behind the cross does to supercharges the cross with Divine Power. Touching a cross so charged, or just coming near it, is like pissing on a spark plug to these pug uglies. Same with George's weapons. Divine Power flows through the one who stands steadfast within The Light, into the weapons, and into whatever they strike. "You light up my life" becomes quite a reality for anyone who aligns themselves with the dark side. When millions of people associate the cross with Divine Power, that belief energy forms one bodacious energy field within the astral dimension. One can tap that energy when you learn how. Some do it unconsciously. Channel umpteen zillion volts of energy into anything and you're going to get its attention. Guaranteed!

Chameleons - until man reached the stage of evolution he has, a simple mind screen was sufficient to mask the physical appearances of anyone wishing to remain undetected. Now that man is capable of utilizing higher energies, capable of telepathic communication, capable of ascending to a higher realm, that mind screen is only 30% effective. More and more people are seeing through the screen. They don't believe what they see, usually. They attribute it to hallucination, or just ignore the entire thing. The point is that "they" had to come up with something else to hide behind until they're ready to come out of the closet, which seems to be set for later this year, by the way, unless something unforeseen arises.

Another little side trip of a personal note: Alan, you need to take better care of yourself. If you haven't begun to use the visualization techniques we supplied to you, do so now. You're moving into a more rarefied atmosphere, one charged with much more intense energy. You must put this energy to use, or you're going to miss-out on exactly what you've earned: the right to be there when the ten count takes place for all the bad guys on Earth. That's a fact.

The techniques will enable your own awareness to expand even further, as well as acting as a neutralizing field for those little presents they gave you. We're quite serious about this - you need to safeguard yourself and the only foolproof way to assure complete protection is to assimilate within your body the energy of higher dimensions. Nothing of this world and this dimension will protect you from what's yet to come. Fact. It only slows them down, and usually not even that.

The implants you possess only work within a specified frequency range. The manufacturing of these implants are quite within the technological capabilities of the dark side of humanity, the side that hides the more advanced technology in the hopes of using it to enslave the planet. In fact most of them are made by Raytheon, one of the major military contractors. By assimilating higher energies into your physical body you erect a barrier around the implant, effectively preventing it from either sending or receiving. It also declares your spiritual intent to establish soul contact which earns you the right to have some "protection," higher dimension beings who decide to look after you (it's their choice to protect us, not ours). It's all in the Divine Contract you made before you incarnated. You agree to be born into this world with the intent of doing this and that, and they agree to do whatever is needed to enable you to do this and that, including some high energy bodyguard work. Sometimes we succeed. Sometimes we don't. This time we all succeed. Or not. It's up to each of us, of course, self determination and absolute freedom to f*ck up as we choose. It can't be any other way - not and be in accord with the Will of God. More later... Tau