I found this later message from "Tau" in my computer archives... some time after creating this page. So apparently this may have been the last message I recieves from him...


From tauceti@swbell.net Mon Dec 15 13:41:10 1997

Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 15:35:06 -0800

<b>From: TauCeti@swbell.net

<b>Subject: The Tower</b>


Hello Alan.

Things are moving quite rapidly now, but I'm not certain which

way they're going. The dark side took a good stiff punch, but they're

not out of the fight by a long shot. Several of "our" ships were also

destroyed. There aren't very many survivors when one of the ships is

blown up. One of the Dow ships burned for a long time... that gives a

bad feeling for everyone, even if they are the "bad guys."

Let me know what else is going around. Some of these things I

don't learn about until I ask about them. We're all encapsulated to one

degree or another.

Yours in the Light, TAU


Hello Alan. It's good to hear from you; nice to know that you're

still alive and kicking. You've received accurate information, I think, in

reference to the "Black Tower." In reality the Tower is a huge computer

complex, one so powerful and extensive that it literally operates in two

dimensions (physical and astral) at the same time, and is capable of operation

into the lower frequencies of the mental plane. The Tower has many

sub-components on as many different worlds. All sub-components are linked into

central-prime. There's a link on Earth, but it was shut down about 150 years

ago by the Federation. There have been many attempts to re-activate it, the

latest being by a joint CIA-KGB operation, backed by the NSA. They have

succeeded on a limited basis. Those attempting to get it operational again do

so out of misplaced motive, for they believe it will help humankind to get it

going again. Not one in a hundred know what's really going on within their

organizations. The Tower does indeed have the capability of reaching out and

controlling everyone and everything that carries the right sort of implant. This

is the way several planets and their people have been subjugated. Curiously

enough there is a Federation counterpart to the Tower. Some Federation

operatives are implanted and sent to trouble spots across the Omniverse. The

implant is akin to the sort of device now seen in the television show Earth -

Final Conflict. This implant enhances and improves the capabilities of the

recipient, but the technology is the same. Abuse of technology is not limited

to Earth. The super-computer (whose location remains a secret) now in use by

the NWO group uses some of the Tower technology. Even as we speak there are

some 14 satellites now orbiting Earth that connect to this super-computer.

These satellites can monitor an implant anywhere on the face of the planet,

locating the person within something slightly less three minutes. The NWO crew

is quite capable of putting a complete monitoring system into active operation

within 60 days once they get the go ahead.. Once it's active it all ties into

the main computer system and another planet is enslaved. Those persons

implanted have had their complete DNA sequence charted and recorded. Even if

the implant is removed, they can be traced by locking onto the specific pattern

of their DNA. Each DNA set radiates on a specific frequency. Read the

frequency and tune into whomever you like. It's much more accurate than either

fingerprints or retina pattern. Once you're tagged, you're bagged, unless one

takes steps to break the connection. I've never spoken with anyone who's

actually seen this Black Tower complex. It's location is said to be one of the

Draco's most closely guarded secrets. Its' believed to be on one of the small

moons of a large gaseous planet akin to Jupiter. The only problem is that there

are literally millions of worlds that fit that description. Many seers have

"seen" the Tower and its' world/moon. Apparently the landscape is also dark,

filled with shadows, harshness and lifelessness. Not a pretty picture, yet most


The laying of a sword at ones' feet is an almost universal sign

for pledging ones' loyalty and fealty to the one before whom the sword is laid.

A peace symbol would be sheathing the sword and raising a hand or like gesture.

The surrendering of arms is capitulation in every culture I'm familiar with.

Peace denotes a co-existence of equals. One does not lay ones' sword down to

any but a leader of ones' organization. Many times have I stood or knelt on one

knee before the Grand Master of our Order, Archangel Michael in my instance, and

pledged my fealty to the Supreme One. During the Excalibur Ceremony one kneels

on the right knee before a raised area of the great hall. Michael appears on

the raised area, usually being seen as an almost blinding white light.

Sometimes the sword is held in-between your hands, point down; sometimes it's

sheathed. It is NEVER placed on the ground, symbolically disarming yourself.

Fealty to God is empowerment, not being unable to act or strike in ones'

defense. I think the lady and her husband of whom you speak were either tricked

or joined the dark side. It's curious that you say her husband has been

implanted on all levels. One so controlled is almost certainly lost to the

Light. Almost all free will must be voluntarily given away in order for such a

thing to occur. One so implanted becomes an automaton, a robot for the one so

implanting him. These are not to be trusted under any circumstances.

It can

be argued that Lucifer, the Lightbearer, is serving the purpose of the Creator

by creating a force to test ones' "goodnessEagainst. How can one know one is

"good" unless faced with "evil?" At our level, one who sees Lucifer as one of

the good guys who've just misunderstood is probably already sitting in their

camp. Many have been fooled by his deceitful ways. She wouldn't be the first

and won't be the last.

The information concerning the Capellan revolution is

apparently correct. I had not known of their activities before receiving your

e-mail. I asked one of their leaders to visit me and she did. They are blue

skinned to our eyes, direct, forthright and seemingly without fear. They have a

terrific sense of humor and throw one helluva party. Their society is akin to

the Klingons, although less violent, of Star Trek fame. Originally they were c

onquered through deception and lies. They welcomed the little Grays who claimed

refuge from the big, bad Reptoids, with open arms. By the time they realized

what was happening, it was all over. Much the way that Earth is going. They

were subjugated for almost 300 years, Earth time. The male is smaller than the

female and has assumed many of the household duties attributed to women on Earth

in times past. Theirs is a role reversal to Earth standards. The Capellans are

a robust lot, full of fire, piss and vinegar, as one of my teachers used to say.

They possess a strong sense of honor and integrity, can be trusted to do exactly

what they say they will, are true and lasting friends and implacable enemies.

The Capellans requested a front line position in the battle you spoke of. Lots

of payback got delivered during that fight. No prisoners were taken by either

side. Seventeen Dow ships, eleven Draco ships and nine Skril ships were

destroyed. The Skril are a genetically engineered hybrid race created by the

Dracos to serve as warriors and slayers, murderers, enforcers, etc. They have

no conscience, no remorse, no compassion. The soul energy of many different r

aces is infused into the food of the Skril in order that they continue to have

"life." Some humans who think they've made a pact with the Reptoid royalty find

themselves dinner for the Skril.

I have no information concerning the

Rigellians and this action, but they've been fence sitters, wait-and-see types

in the past, so that doesn't surprise me at all. Some even say that their

leaders have made a non-aggression pact with the Draco. It sounds like

something theyd do.

Getting back to the implants. Those people with a strong

sense of opinion, of self worth and freedom, will not normally even be

approached by the dark side. It is your strong sense of self and belief that

have helped to protect you in the past.

The single most powerful force to

protect man, or anyone for that matter, is faith in the Creator Source, in God.

In many of our briefings we are told that our greatest protection is to, "stand

firmly within the White Light of the Christ." The exercises you were given are

designed to strengthen the force of Light that flows around and through you.

The Sirian B task force, a conglomerate of many subject races, is still coming.

It isn't something that will arrive en masse, but will arrive in carefully

scheduled convoys of deep sleep troop ships. Until the NWO bunch and the rest

get all set up, the landings will continue. Yes, some of them are already here.

Large contingents of Skril and Dracoid warriors have landed in Utah and Nevada

on the North American Continent, In the inner Brazilian areas of South America,

in Antarctica and various other places. Most of the activity of the underground

military is directed against the United States and Great Britain. These are the

two nations most favored with a sense of independence and freedom. The date for

an attempted take-over has come and gone at least a dozen times since 1990. So

far something has always happened to thwart their plans. It's been seen that a

take-over will happen. Elements of the Nazi-Draco contingent are trying

desperately to revise the time line, permitting them to win WW 2 on this time

line and enabling a dictatorship to come to power that will not be overthrown

for 310 years. The years between now and 2002 are most sensitive. Perhaps you

have sensed the time disruptions that have already occurred. Time is fluid, as

you know. The dark force is still trying to redirect its flow into a reality

scenario they have power in. It still might happen.

Our attempt at raising the

first group of people into a higher dimension has proven successful. Approximat

ely 300 people have "disappeared" from the face of the Earth. These were the

ones who did their homework a little more successfully than others. Then too,

they volunteered for other duties. Some will return, most will not. As we've

discussed, there will be no "lift-off" of humans by the Federation ships. When

the "rapture," as some call it. Occurs people will simply cease to resonate to

the nutational rate, the atomic frequency, of third dimension matter. They

actually haven't gone anywhere. Their bodies no longer reflect light and they

can't be seen. They become residents of the fifth dimension.

Enough for now.

Merry Christmas to you and yours. Until next time,


Post Script

Thanks for the lead on the Tau Ceti crash. You're correct, I had found it

earlier. There have been at least three ships of the Tau Ceti who were brought

down by earth forces loyal to the NWO efforts. Thank you for remembering.




(Thursday .txt Roy

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.txtWord DevelopmentC:\TEMP\THURSD~1.TXT@Epson FX-850omanEyWord

C:\MSOFFICE\WINWORD\TEMPLATE\NORMAL.DOTGradyEl0lan. Its good to hear from

you; nice to know that youre still alive and kicking. Youve received accurate

information, I think, in reference to the "Black Tower." In reality the Tower

is a huge computer complex, one so powerful and extensive that it literally

operates in two dimensions (physical and astral) at the same time, and is

capable of operation into the lower frequencies of the mental plane. The Tower

has many sub-components on as many different worlds. All sub-components are

linked into central-prime. Theres a link on Earth, but it was shut down about

150 years ago by the Federation. There have been many attempts to re-activate

it, the latest being by a joint CIA-KGB operation, backed by the NSA. They have

succeeded on a limited basis. Those attempting to get it operational again do

so out of misplaced motive, for they believe it will help humankind to get it

going again. Not one in a hundred know whats really going on within their org

anizations. The Tower does indeed have the capability of reaching out and

controlling everyone and everything that carries the right sort of implant.

This is the way several planets and their people have been subjugated.

Curiously enough there is a Federation counterpart to the Tower. Some

Federation operatives are implanted and sent to trouble spots across the

Omniverse. The implant is akin to the sort of device now seen in the television

show Earth - Final Conflict. This implant enhances and improves the

capabilities of the recipient, but the technology is the same. Abuse of tec

hnology is not limited to Earth. The super-computer (whose location remains a

secret) now in use by the NWO group uses some of the Tower technology. Even as

we speak there are some 14 satellites now orbiting Earth that connect to this

super-computer. These satellites can monitor an implant anywhere on the face of

the planet, locating the person within something slightly less three minutes.

The NWO crew is quite capable of putting a complete monitoring system into

active operation within 60 days once they get the go ahead.. Once its active

it all ties into the main computer system and another planet is enslaved. Those

persons implanted have had their complete DNA sequence charted and recorded.

Even if the implant is removed, they can be traced by locking onto the specific

pattern of their DNA. Each DNA set radiates on a specific frequency. Read the

frequency and tune into whomever you like. Its much more accurate than either

fingerprints or retina pattern. Once youre tagged, youre bagged, unless one

takes steps to break the connection. Ive never spoken with anyone whos

actually seen this Black Tower complex. Its location is said to be one of the

Dracos most closely guarded secrets. Its believed to be on one of the small

moons of a large gaseous planet akin to Jupiter. The only problem is that there

are literally millions of worlds that fit that description. Many seers have

"seen" the Tower and its world/moon. Apparently the landscape is also dark,

filled with shadows, harshness and lifelessness. Not a pretty picture, yet most


The laying of a sword at one feet is an almost universal sign

for pledging one loyalty and fealty to the one before whom the sword is laiE

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