Chapter Four:  Research on the Internet


After I had written the above memories I felt a great need to find corroboration. I knew I would never find any physical proof. I started searching the Internet. It was safe in the way that I could remain anonymous. I learned quickly that few if any believed in Satan or Satanic Ritual Abuse. I learned quickly that many teach it is all a fantasy and use science and theory to try to prove such. Many people in high places say it doesn't exist and Satan never has.


On this journey I noticed how 99% of all sra victims were also victims of government mind control. Well, you say, what is that?  After 6 months of intense research it became very evident to me what it is, and that it is very real.


Let me tell you a story. It may not have a happy ending, but in real life that is how it is sometimes.


Lets start with a planet full of human beings.


They, some of them, are seeking to learn to love and cherish one another. Others are seeking only power and control.  The ones seeking power and control think the ones seeking love are inferior. This philosophy can be taught to enter into any child's mind.  It usually ends in massacres of millions. This happened in many European countries because of the religion Hitler's Germany adopted called "The Volk."  This religion teaches that only your race is pure enough to justify its existence and no other race need exist. "Pure" and "Simple"...mass murder. Well, after the Holocaust was "over", as told to us by the media, these people who believed thusly had to find another means of eliminating those with less than perfect Genetics. Yes, that science began long before anyone was ever told.  So you use prisoners of war, handicapped people, mentally unstable people, elderly people and you also use children.


Now, if you have promoted your ideals to others who may also seek to have power and gain, you may enlist their help.  Well it seems there is great evidence from many, many survivors that this was done, especially in our own backyard. So, now the goal of the perfect Aryan Race will be accomplished in all countries of the world within the confines of medical research: i.e. doing and achieving great accomplishments for ALL of long as you are of 'VOLK'.  There are many groups working towards this goal.  So many infact they are too numerous to mention.  They in fact control world politics, world media, world education, etc. They also, as is the consequence of seeking power, fight each other allot, which actually hinders their own progress.  Its actually quite comical, individuals with millions and billions, even trillions of dollars fighting each other for more of the same. Doesn't seem too intelligent, does it?


Want to get a "little" scared?  Imagine this - that every science fiction movie since the 1940's were actually most likely true.  Yes true. I have read enough to know that they are most honestly "real" and not "imaginary."


As my research continued many patterns of events, certain group's etc. emerged. If you had a military background and your parents were active in groups like the masons, you had a good chance you were a victim of at least sra abuse and also government mind control.