by Branton
[The following is a digest of Interstellar alliances as agreed upon by 'contactee'
oriented sources and based upon common confirmations among contactees]:
The Andro-Pleiadean FEDERATION: These include Taygeta Pleiades, Tau Ceti,
Epsilon Eridani, Vega Lyra, Iumma - Wolf 424, Alpha Centauri, Zeta Reticuli I,
Procyon, etc. The main basing facility in North America is directly below
Death Valley, California. Federation personnel are working with deep-level
Naval agencies like COM-12 and the CABAL in an effort to defend this nation
and the planet from interventionist forces. The Federation is largely
interventionist. The Federation worlds have suffered numerous attacks from
the Draconians in the past beginning with the Alpha Draconian attack on three
'Nordic' worlds near the Lyran Ring nebula, killing over 50,000,000 of their
Refugees from this attack escaped to the Pleiades and elsewhere.
The Draconians also attacked and conquered a Nordic center in Orion and
refugees from that sector escaped to Procyon, Sirius, the Jovian moons and
Mars. In recent times the Greys attacked the Nordic world in Procyon, and
refugees from this war joined with the Sirians who are now in an all-out time-
space war with the Draconian-Orion Empire in
Sirius-B. This war was in part
rooted in events surrounding the Philadelphia Experiments of the 1940's that
were directed by Nikola Tesla and his Martian-based Pleiadean contacts as
well as U.S. Navy agents who were fighting the Bavarian Empire [Nazis] and
their Orion 'Grey' alien backers. These 'Philadelphians' were/are in turn involved
in a time-space war with the
'Phoenicians' of the Phoenix or Montauk projects
of the 1980's that were backed-up by the Orion Greys and the Bavarian Thule
society, which in turn backed the Nazis -- who have established an underground
empire of 2,000,000 plus inhabitants below the mountains of Neu Schwabenland,
This underground empire is code-named the "New Berlin", in which "pure-
bred" Nazi 'S.S.' rule the 'lesser' Germanic peoples and their Slavic and
Jewish mind-slave-workers. This 'Nazi' collaboration is based on aerial disk,
genetic and mind-control technology developed by the 'Bavarians' during the
second world war, and they are working in collaboration with Grey and Reptiloid
forces. A Sirian collaboration was involved in both the Philadelphia and Phoenix
projects until a division occurred between two Sirian factions on earth, mostly
reptiloid vs. humanoid Sirians, and spread from the "joint-operational" underground
bases to the Sirius-B system itself. The Sirian 'humanoids' have sent a huge
armada to the SOL system due to arrive around 2004 to intercept the Reptiloid
and Grey forces in Hale-Bopp, Geographos, Phobos and other planetoids that
have been taken-over or were sent into this system from 'Nemesis' since at least
1953 when two planetoids established geosynchronous orbits around the earth.
The reptilian 'grey' inhabitants of these planetoids established a joint-interaction
treaty with the Bavarian-backed NSA and MAJESTIC-12, although the Bavarian
"serpent worshipping cults" had maintained some form of collaboration with the
subterranean counterparts of the Greys since at least 1933. The Federation
itself is made up mostly but not entirely of humanoids, and maintained ancient
connections with a high-tech pre-Scandinavian race on earth thousands of years
ago, the remains of whose culture now lie buried beneath the sands of the Gobi
The Draco-Orion EMPIRE: These include Alpha Draconis, Rigel Orion, Bellatrix
Orion, Epsilon Bootes, Polaris, Zeta Reticuli II, Capella, etc. This empire is
utilizing a space mass called 'Nemesis' as a vanguard for Terrestrial invasion.
Nemesis is a "dark star" or protostar outside our system in the direction of Orion
which was not massive enough to attain stellar fusion, but instead condensed
into a giant frozen planet about the size of Jupiter. Although outside the system
it is nevertheless the closest interstellar body to Sol, being nearer than Alpha
and Proxima Centauri, the closest 'visible' stars. Nemesis is jointly Draconian-
Orion controlled and armies of reptiloid mercenaries have been placed in frozen
suspended animation there for centuries until such a time when the "invasion
window" opens -- that period beginning when Terran resistance becomes minimal
due to induced global chaos/infiltration and ending when the nations attain open
interplanetary technology. This is the 'window' that the Draconians are going
to take advantage of and have been preparing for with their abductions, mind
control actions, implantation, mutilations, infiltration and other activities that
are being carried out from the planetoids which serve as operational 'bases'.
Although the Federation wishes to honor the independent status and self-
sovereignty of all countries and teaches human equality, the Draconian Empire
wishes to establish a global electronic system of absolute control by supporting
a New World Order that will force all to submit to their will. This New World Order
will have it's power-base among the various black gnostic cults 'serpent' in and
around the Bavaria area of Germany and their various bases throughout the world
(power cults which in turn trace back to similar 'serpent' cults from ancient Rome,
Egypt and Babylon). This joint human-reptilian force is in the process of implanting
and programming individuals in South and Central America, Puerto Rico, Cuba,
and leading them to "seek a better life" in the United States. When the time
comes for the New World Order to declare war on the United States of America
these programmed abductees will be activated -- via massive 'transmissions' from
a passing comet or planetoid to 'trigger' subliminal programming? -- and used to
sabotage American resistance to the take-over -- once the Bavarian-backed New
World Order unites the Communist countries of Asia, the Islamic countries of
Africa, and the neo-fascist countries of the 'European Community'.
The book of Daniel ch. 11 suggests however that some of the Arab countries
of the Middle East may see the 'world government' for what it really is and resist
it with military force. If these countries are subdued and brought under the control
of the NWO it will probably be via brute force. Other prophetical indications suggest
that part of this Arab resistance will be due to the fact that Israel will establish a 7-
year treaty with the 10 European nations which will make up the core of the New
World Order or the New Roman Empire, and thus the NWO will use their nuclear
arsenal to help stop a joint Russian-Arab invasion of Israel. However this treaty with
Israel will be betrayed 3 1/2 years into the 'treaty' according to prophecy. This New
World Order alliance is now forming through the Bavarian-controlled BILDERBERG
group, which contains a core of 39 members: 13 from the Maltese-Jesuit faction
who secretly created the Islamic movement with the help of Mohammed's Roman-
Jesuit wife and relatives who were servants of the so-called Holy Roman Empire or
the "HO.R.E." of Italy-Austria-Germany; 13 from the "Black Nobility" families of
Europe who claim the right to rule the world because of their alleged descent from
the ancient Roman Emperors or the Pontefex Maximus' of the ancient Babylonian
Mystery Cult; and 13 from the Wicca-Mason factions which have infiltrated world
masonry via the Bavarian Illuminati AND the [ill-titled] 'Scottish' Rite which actually
had it's roots within the Roman Jesuit college of Clermont in France.
The history of the 'Cult of the Serpent' traces from Babylon, then to India where
the cult was established by the invading 'Aryan' tribes who brought with them the
'Hindu' religion, and finally to Egypt -- which according to one ancient Egyptian
source was originally colonized by navigators from India. The 'epicenter' of the
serpent cult then gravitated to the Bavaria region of what it now Germany. During
the 5th century A.D. the fierce 'Hun' tribes came down from Asia and established
themselves in the region of Germany. They strongly contested the Roman Empire
in the east and in the west. Eventually they contributed to the inevitable political
decline of the Roman Empire, however instead of destroying the Roman Empire
altogether they took control of its remnants and renamed the new empire
'Holy Roman Empire', using the spiritual ruse that their empire was sanctioned
by the Almighty. Although the new empire was based jointly in Rome, Italy [the
religious capital] on the east and Frankfurt, Germany [the military capital] in the
west... the Germanic kings and before them the Germanic tribes who had been
assimilated into the Empire following the death of Atilla, had managed to
greater control over the central government. The Germanic militarists slowly gained
the upper hand over the Roman politicians by manipulating men of their choosing
into the Roman Empirium, men who would facilitate further transfers of power to
the Bavarian-Germanic rulers. Somewhere along the way, possibly during the long
transition of power from Rome to
Bavaria and the transition from the 'Roman' to
the so-called 'Holy Roman' empire, the Germanic militarists during their occupation
of Egypt on behalf of the 'Roman' empire came in contact with the black gnostic
serpent-worshipping cults of Egypt. Many of these Germanic 'Romans' were
initiated into these serpentine cults and subsequently bought their secret teachings
back to the control centers of the [Un]Holy
Roman Empire -- Rome and Bavaria.
With the advance of the Germanic domination of the Roman empire, the old ruling
classes of Rome established their own 'Roman' empire based in Constantinople,
now Istanbul, Turkey. However this new injection of occultic secret societies into
the already pagan 'Roman Empire' would eventually lay the groundwork for the
OCCULTIC secret societies that would later give rise to the
Nazi party and the
Nazi S.S. which was/is jointly controlled by agents of the Bavarian Thule Society
and the Roman Jesuit Society.
The Draco-Orion Empire therefore has a foothold in both Bavaria and in Rome
and within 'joint-operational' underground facilities such as the 'Club of Rome's' PINE
GAP base near Alice Springs, Australia, where the 'serpent cult' -- both humanoid
and reptiloid members of the cult -- are working together to establish a joint global
government. The Draco-Orion Empire is made up mostly but not entirely of reptiloids
who are of an imperialistic/interventionist mindset. Their major North American base
is located under Dulce, New Mexico which operates in joint-capacity with Pine Gap.
The Dulce base is the nexus for many of the Draconian operations. For example,
some of these operations include mind-control projects involving the injection of a
clear fluid into individuals via inoculations, etc. This fluid in turn crystallizes in
the brain and makes the individual susceptible to ELF or extremely low frequency
broadcasts which
are modulated to the wave-band frequencies of the human brain
-- direct mind control.
The CORPORATE or the COLLECTIVE: This is a collective of several species,
dominated more or less equally by humanoids and reptiloids who are collaborating
as part of a collective-electronic-mind in which individual members are patched-in
via psionic implants. This collective is often referred to as ASHTAR or ASTARTE.
It has reportedly been infiltrated to a massive extent by Draconian-Orion forces
from six reptilian-controlled Orion based star systems known as the "Unholy Six",
and this infiltration has led to in-fighting with those who do not hold to interventionist
philosophies. This collective ranges from liberal non-interventionists to conservative
interventionists. Star systems commonly involved with this collective include
Sirius-B, Arcturus, Bernards Star, Altair Aquila, Bootes Centaurus, Aldebaron,
and Sol. In recent decades this collective has been in the process of splitting into
two major factions, one of which has taken sides with the Andromedan-Pleiadean
constellation Federation forces and the other taking sides with the
constellation Empire forces, leading to intense interstellar conflicts that have centered
generally within the Sirius-B system. There is a dwindling core of humanoid-reptiloid
collaborators who still maintain a marriage of convenience based on imperialistic
goals, who have an underground basing center near Paradox, Nevada. The epicenter
of the conflict,
or "war in heaven" between non-interventionist Federation forces
and interventionist Empire forces, is in the process of gravitating from the Sirius-B
system and towards our own Sol system. The Bavarian-lodge-backed humanoid
Terran collaborators who are pushing for a New World Order dictatorship -- and for
the subsequent death of national sovereignties, freedom and cultural distinctions --
operate within the
secret 'Nazi' backed NSA agencies known as AQUARIUS and
MAJI, and these are in turn involved in an 'intelligence war' with the Navy's CABAL
and COM-12 agencies who are developing the SDI or STAR WARS technology as
an anti-invasion weapon and are working in collaboration with the Andro-Pleiadean
Federation personnel to defend the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the
Declaration of Independence and U.S.A. in general.
Note: The Draconians maintained ancient ties with a Reptilian center in
Antarctica, one which was driven underground and off-planet after losing an
ancient conflict for domination of the surface of planet earth that was fought
against the "Nordics" of the ancient Gobi kingdom. The Nordics in turn went
underground and to the moon
and Mars where they continued their battle with
the Reptiloid forces before their conflict became interstellar. There is some
debate as to whether the ancient Gobi culture actually established the
original Lyran and Orion colonies, etc., or vise versa. The same could be
said about the neo-saurian bipeds or reptiloids, whether they were the ones
that originally colonized
Draconis and Reticuli, etc., or vise versa. One thing
is for certain however, the humanoid Gobi-Lyran cultures and the reptiloid
Antarctic-Draconis cultures were somehow connected. The ancient war
between the human and serpent races on earth reportedly resulted in a
planetary axle shift which led to the Gobi region turning into a desert and
Antarctica into a frozen
wasteland. The major humanoid subterranean
culture centers which developed from these ancient wars include a collective
of humanoid cultures inhabiting various geothermal and hydrothermal cavern
systems connected via artificial tunnels which lie below and to the north-
east of the Himalayas, an underground kingdom known as AGHARTI to
the Buddhists. The major reptiloid
subterranean center of activity which
developed from the ancient wars include a collective of reptiloid cultures
inhabiting the geothermal and hydrothermal cavern systems underneath
and running southwest of the Himalayas, an underground empire known
as NAGALOKA or SNAKEWORLD to the Hindus. Underground conflicts
and/or in some cases collaboration between humanoids and reptiloids
from these two systems have reportedly occurred throughout the inner levels
of the planet for centuries if not millennia.
Interstellar History -- A Possible Scenario:
The following is a "possible" scenario that "may" explain many of the
unexplained aspects of the phenomena at work behind the Dulce Scenario.
I have gathered several "pieces" of the overall puzzle from numerous
individuals [mentioned in brackets] who have made actual claims in regards
to their own "perspectives" on suppressed history and reality, with some
of the remaining "blank spots" filled in by myself based on impressions
resulting from my own "subjective alien experiences", and
years of in-
depth research into the field of "underground history". I was literally
amazed that many of these claims fit together in a remarkable manner --
rather than contradict each other. However, I will leave the reader to make
his or her own final judgement.
Following the demise of the majority of the large quadropedal dinosaurs,
various branches of the smaller saurian predator races (sub-species such
as the velociraptors and stenonychosaurus equallus as possible examples)
continued to fight for survival. Some of the smaller saurian quadropeds like
the crocodiles, alligators and iguanas survived. The strongest, most nimble
and intelligent bi-peds who walked upright on two legs continued to mutate
and adapt to new environments as the less intelligent members of the
saurian or serpent race died out. These new mutations, aided by large
brain capacities and partially opposable fingers, developed a form of
communication and the ability to manipulate physical matter and "invent"
a crude technology [Brad
These "Reptiloids" continued to increase in intelligence and established
a community and finally a growing empire on the continent of Antarctica,
at the time a semi-tropical land mass. The tribes of humans who also
occupied the surface of the planet engaged in occasional conflicts among
themselves. From out of these tribes the most intelligent and enlightened
established a strong community and kingdom in the Gobi region of Asia,
also a semi-tropical region at the time. The Gobi kingdom was inhabited
mostly by blond-haired, blue-eyed humans and a human branch race who
stood over 9 feet tall, and who were known as the "Nepheli". These two
races were aware of the reptilian hominoids of Antarctica and considered
them to be cold and evil and void of compassion for human life, intent only
on satisfying their seemingly insatiable desire to subdue humankind and
conquer the world. Both species wanted the other destroyed so that "they"
could dominate the surface of the planet. Some of the Reptiloids had
managed through a combination of sorcery, hypnotic projection and
reconstructive 'surgery' to infiltrate human society and pass themselves
off as human beings, and in this manner they were able to commit devastating
acts of sabotage against their human enemies. Eventually the blond Gobians
developed an experimental super-weapon which they launched against
Antarctica. The blast was so intense that it actually sent the earth
wobbling on its axis. When the planet stabalized the poles had shifted,
instantly turning Antarctica into a frozen wasteland and the Gobi kingdom
into a dry desert. Whooly mammoths in Siberia, as well as some human
colonies that had been "infiltrated" by the reptiloids, froze instantly.
humans, recovering from the devastation, sent reconaissance teams
throughout the world to track down and destroy the reptilian survivors,
which were many in that they had succeeded in infiltrating much of the
planet. The humans had a way of detecting suspected infiltrators by
forcing them to speak the word "KININIGIN", a word that was impossible
for the reptilian tongue to pronounce [Maurice Doreal].
The Reptiloids knew that they had lost the battle for the surface of the
planet, and so chose to escape to large subterranean cavern systems
they had discovered, concealing the entrances in the event that they
might be discovered by their human adversaries. One of the
systems was a multi-levelled labyrinth of massive extent that existed
below the southwest slope of the Himalayas, encompassing large
subterranean recesses below India, Nepal and Tibet. Legends of this
underworld and its reptilian demon-people or "Nagas", later became
part of the cultures of humanoid tribes who accupied the areas above,
who referred to this underground country by different names, including
Nagaloka, Patala or Snakeworld -- with its capital Bhoga-vita [Sherman
Minton Jr.].
Meanwhile, the blond haired peoples of the Gobi chose to migrate
westward and eventually gave rise to the tribes who would found the
nations. The remainder of their civilization and culture
migrated into underground cavern systems they themselves had
discovered, which turned out to be more extensive than they had at
first believed. One of the underground kingdoms was called Agharti
by Bhuddist priests, who became aware of its existance later on in
Agharti was cenetered generally below the Gobi desert
region of Mongolia [Ferdinand Ossendowski].
As the centuries and millenia passed, the underground human kingdom
of Agharti as well as the unerground reptilian empire of Patala would
begin to extend their inner-planetary domains throughout the nether
regions of the planet. It was found that the crust of the earth was
literally honeycombed with large hydrothermal cavern systems which
had once held vast amounts of water, gargantuan aquifers which at one
point in the distant past had suddenly discharged their watery contents
out through the crust in a tremendous cataclysmic deluge. An expanding,
over-heated mantle had placed incredible pressure
upon the global
aquifer layer from below, until the surface of the planet split open and
the split literally ripped its way around the planet like the seams of a
baseball, becoming the mid-oceanic rifts. The waters sprayed out
through the surface with incredible pressure, sending enormous
water-spouts miles into the atmosphere, causing a world-wide down-
pour of salt water -- resulting from the underground basaltic layers
of earth which had over a long period of time dissolved themselves into
the aquifers ['Creation Research' Foundation].
Much of the global aquifer system, now unsupported, collapsed along
with whole island continents into the present oceanic beds and
pushing the tectonic plates together and causing the continents and
mountain ranges to rise, creating even more cavities below the continents
in the process. The humanoids and reptiloids took advantage of these
immense cavities, exploring them to their uttermost extents, using
their technologies to bore tunnels through the planet and interconnect
a growing number of natural cavern systems together. These caverns
reached on the average 20 or so miles into the earth beneath the continents
themselves, or to the verge or lower extremity of the 'crust'. Beyond this
"mohorovicic discontinuity" lay the hot and fiery mantle itself. Below the
"Moho" the conditions were far more "hellish" then they were above
Unlike the crustal systems the mantle cavities did not possess the
atmosphere or water necessary to support life, and in fact oxygen and
water would instantly be consumed by the raging inferno of the fiery
magma pockets hundreds of miles below. However the crustal cavities
themselves turned out to be a new frontier, if not a whole new
for both humanoid and reptiloid forces to explore and exploit. In later
centuries intense battles would rage between the two forces for control
of the caves. The humanoids and their allies became known as the
"Teros" whereas the Reptiloids and their allies became known as the
"Deros". In essence the Teros worshipped
LIFE and ORDER, whereas
the Deros worshipped DEATH and CHAOS, with some mystic "Star
Wars" style philosophies concerning a "Light" and "Dark" side of an
all-encompassing electromagnetic "Force" thrown in as well [Richard
Some of the humans opted to give up much of their integrity and accept
the cold and heartless way of life of the reptilians, some of these even
taking into themselves the cold and calculated nature of the reptilian
mentality. These collaborators pooled their resources and developed
an advanced occult-technology by which they were able to send exploration
teams to the moon, apparently as far back as 3000-5000 BC. At the
same time they began to seek allies and collaborators on the surface,
where they found willing participants among the Ashtar or Astarte cults
of Babylon, the Gnostic 'serpent' cults of Egypt which grew out of the
Babylonian cults, and eventually the secret societies of Bavaria and
Rome which came into existance when the pre-Germanic Hun tribes who
controlled much of the Roman military force --
even to the point of being
able to install whoever they wanted into the Roman Imperium -- brought
back to the Roman empire the roots of what would later become the
Illuminati following their occupation of Egypt. There were many
"connections" between Rome and Bavaria: the Nazi S.S. was staffed
largely by Jesuit Priests and patterned after the Jesuit hiearchical
structure; Adolph Hitler wanted to 'revive' the Roman Empire as the
'Third Reich'; and the [Un]Holy Roman Empire had its two main power
centers in Rome, Italy and Frankfurt, Germany. The subterranean
"Cult of the Serpent" caused large "religious" shrines to be built directly
over several of the enterances to their subterranean domains to act as
and allow for the convenient disappearances of human sacrificial
victims who were given to the serpentine "gods" of the underworld as
acts of appeasement. Some of these shrines were built on the hill
Vaticanus in Rome before the rise of the Catholic Church, others at the
Temple of Apollo in Turkey, the Hypogeum of Hal Saflienti on the Island
of Malta, and other shrines throughout Africa, Asia and the
[Commander X]
The Masons early-on had discovered many of the underground routes
and cavern systems, and established their own underground colonies
with organized syndicates to support them. Ever wonder why organized
crime is often called "the underworld"? They established Masonic
hide-aways below Washington D.C., New York, Pennsylvania, Arkansas,
Missouri, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts, Illinois and other
states. Former Masonic "Pontiff" Albert Pike and his deputy the Jesuit-
Mason Guisseppe Mazzini plotted to 'create' the world socialist and
national socialist movements, or the left and right 'wing' political
movements, and set them against each other as part of a Hegallian -
Machievellian plot to create a thesis and an antithesis which they
hoped would eventually lead to a "synthesis". They hoped that by
polarizing the left and the right that the massess would eventually
reject both and instead accept the New World Order "synthesis"
proposed by the secret society bankers of Rome, London, Basel
and elsewhere which are all working for and under the Draconian-
backed lodges of Bavaria. The 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite
has for centuries been undermining traditional "Christion" York Rite
Masonry. The Scottish Rite Masons were extremely upset at the
York Rite Masons of America for
establishing and implementing the
U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence.
They attempted to sabotage the "Union" through infiltration and through
the injection of Illuminati symbolism within the American "system". The
33rd degree had backed the Bolshevik and Nazi revolutions, and they
are deeply tied-in with the "Cult of the Serpent" and in turn with the
Reptiloid aliens. Whether intentional or not, the underground [human]
empire below North America has split into left and right wing factions,
and the 33rd degree Masons who apparently supported both factions
on the surface and set them in conflict with the other, has allegedly
done the same "below". A war between the left and right political forces
in the caverns is reportedly underway, and the 33rd degree Scottish Rite
masons themselves are apparently intent on riding out the storm they
created below as well as the chaos they have created above in secret
recesses of their own choosing. It should never be forgotten that the
Scottish Rite was created by the Roman Jesuits and Bavarian Illuminists,
and that both of these abominable movements trace back to the gnostic
serpent cults of Egypt, and before that to Babylon itself. One can easily
imagine that the 33rd degree Masons -- who consider themselves initiated
"gods" over humanity -- hope to emerge from their hide-aways and take
possession of the upper and lower extremities of the planet once the
opposing forces wipe each other out. It is also alleged that when one
is initiated into the 33rd degree they are told to spit upon a cross,
representing the cross of Christ. If they refuse they are told "you have
made the correct decision" and progress no further in the lodge, living
the rest of their lives thinking that they have "arrived", remaining in the
outer circle of the 33rd degree. If they DO spit on the cross they are
told "you have made the correct decision" and immediately progress
to the inner Luciferian core of the 33rd degree which is the heart of
the conspiracy. Part of this inner initiation calls for the destruction
of ALL national sovereignties except the Illuminati, the destruction of
all family
units, and the "negation of the soul". Once they are initiated
into this inner core, they are welcomed into the inner planetary and
extra planetary "lodges" where both humanoid and reptiloid Luciferian
initiates collaborate and plan for the absulute subjugation of the planet,
if not the galaxy itself [Antony Sutton and various other sources].
Over the millennia this collaboration managed to hide the true nature
of the subterranean world as well as conceal the planet's true history
from those above, so that they might be all the more easily manipulated.
They also collectively spread their extraterrestrial influence beyond the
confines of the Solar system, to Sirius, Arcturus, Aldebaran, Bernards
Star, and other systems. Later generations of humans who inhabited
these worlds produced rebel factions who turned against the reptilian
"collaboration", probably due to the reptilians' tendency to turn their
human "collaborators" into their psychic "slaves" via implantation and
subliminal programming. The Reptiloids may appear outwardly to be
"equal opportunity destroyers" to their human collaborators, however
they will NEVER be content to split the booty 50-50, because they want
it ALL. The human collaborators are the real losers in the end any way
you look at it, because they have to "sell over their souls" -- their minds,
emotions, individuality and free agency -- just to collaborate with these
vermin. Why are the reptilians infiltrating MJ12, the NSA and CIA
in turn the U.S. military forces? The reptiloids are terrified of the U.S.
military especially now that they are developing weapons technology
recovered from alien craft that have crashed throughout the years. So
rather than provoke our military, they have chosen instead to attempt to
gain control over portions of the military via so-called "joint
technology exchanges. THIS technology that has been delivered to the
government has been sabotaged or has been less than was promised,
or can only be operated by or under the authority of the aliens in the
joint operation bases. This interaction has been used to infiltrate and
influence the minds of government agents, and to take psychological
or physical control of the joint operational underground bases. Of course,
it has largely been a result of our lack of vigilance which has allowed our
military forces to be compromised to some extent in this manner by
an alien agenda [George Andrews].
One of the ways in which their psychological
control is maintained for the
reptilians involves convincing their human collaborators to recieve psionic
implants in order to tie them together into a collective mind supposedly
for the overall "benefit" of all concerned. The Ashtar collective may or
may not have been created via reptilian influence, however regardless
of how it came into being the collective has long since been
and infiltrated by a blatantly imperialistic Draconian-backed reptilian empire
based in Orion, called the "UNHOLY SIX" Empire. The core of the Ashtar
or Astarte collective is a massive 20-mile-long super-computer / artificial-
intelligence nexus controlled by so-called "Ascended Masters" like
HATONN, a self-professed 9-ft. tall reptilian "from the Pleiades" who
presumably was a Draconian leader that "defected" from the UH6 empire.
Are we to believe this? Why hasn't "Hatton" warned his Ashtar groupies
about the danger of infiltration from the UH6 empire? Is he one of them?
Is he legitimate? Why haven't the Grays/Reptiloids criticized Hatonn in
communications with their abductees? Since the reptilians are an inferior
race [spiritually, not necessarily intellectually], then why does Hatonn
continue to present himself as a "god" to New Agers who are inclined to
lap up his every word as if it were scripture? I don't rule out the possibility
that a reptiloid alien could "convert" from the insanity of the reptilian
collective, however I would guess that a true conversion would consist
of their willing and humble submission to the superior race -- that is
humankind (see Genesis chapter 3) rather than continue to presume that
since they have access to super-technology they are some sort of 'god'
over the rest of us mere 'mortals', as Hatonn apparently believes. As they
say, "might
does not make right". Maybe this is why the reptilians so
hate the Hebrew scriptures. They would have us believe that they created
US through genetic engineering and in turn intimidate us into bowing down
in trembling adoration to "our creators", rather than admit as the Hebrew
scriptures or the Bible claims that since humans have an eternal soul and
a conscience
created in the "image" of the Almighty's perfect Truth --
unlike the reptiloids -- that essentially and spiritually the human race is
superior [Israel Norkin].
As for those humans and reptilians from the old Gobi and Antarctican
cultures who migrated to the cavern systems, many of these held a deep
instinctual hatred for the "other" side, and
refused to have anything to do
with their respective enemies. The reptiloids and humanoids raced to
take control of the moon and waged devastating warfare against each
other in the process [Richard Hoagland].
Eventually the Lunar borders were drawn and stabalized, and each side
-- at least those in
control of their respective lunar territories -- chose to
keep more or less to themselves and continue their exploration of the
remaining planets and satellites of the Solar system [George H. Leonard].
The war raged from planet to planet until finaly the humanoids and reptiloids
through the development of tachyon-hyperspace field physics pushed (or
rather nullified) the "light barrier" by creating "hyperspace warp fields" around
their ships, similar to the process that was accidentally(?) discovered during
the Philadelphia Experiments. Interstellar travel was a reality from that
point on. Issac Asimov envisioned a galaxy with millions of colonized worlds
that had been cultivated as a result of hyperspace travel, and a galactic empire
with faint legends of a long lost planet called earth where it all began 25,000
years before -- in his FOUNDATION and EMPIRE series. Being that hyperspace
travel is nearly instantaneous (any additional time would involve the need to use
conventional drives to gain a safe enough distance from a star system to initiate
the hyperspace jump, and vise verse), why does it have to be 25,000 years...
why not, say, four or five THOUSAND years to colonize a galaxy? Plenty of time
for whole empires to rise and fall into oblivion... [Issac Asimov]
Although conflicts raged now and then between humanoid and reptiloid forces
within the SOL system, the interstellar forces with a seemingly endless frontier
before them raced from star to
star in an interstellar land grab, with both sides
determined to apprehend the richest worlds for the sake of their own intersteller
networks. The "Nordic" humanoids established a major colonial realm near
the Ring Nebula of Lyra, from where they sent out a continuous stream of
interstellar explorers, traders, nomads and colonists who began to plant the
seeds of a growing humanoid Federation [Billy
As for the Reptiloids, two dominant species emerged, a tall very "reptilian"
appearing race and a smaller saurian branch with grayish skin and large
cranial capacity, the result of intense selective breeding and mutation. The
"Grays" were considered the lower-class race and remain so to this day.
One of the first interstellar reptilian empires to emerge was in Alpha Draconis,
or "Tiphon", from where the empire spread to Epsilon Bootes, Capella, Altair
Aquila, Zeta Reticuli and elsewhere [Jason Bishop].
The Draconians, ever aware of the activities of their ancient human nemesis
in Lyra, feared that the humanoids would eventually become a major threat
to the Draconians' conquest of the galaxy, and in a sudden and decisive
attack on the Lyran colonial realm they smashed three of the central "home
worlds" of the "Nordics" and conquered them entirely. One by one the Lyran
worlds began to fall... Bila, Teka, Merck, and others. 50 million Lyran men,
women and children were slaughtered by the reptilians, and untold numbers
of others were taken prisoner and used as the programmed slaves of the
Draconians, or worse [Alex Collier].
The Nordics had apparently shared this world with another darker-skinned
oriental race originally from India, an alliance that may have dated back to
the ancient Nordic-Aryan "invasion" of the Indian subcontinent. The Lyrans
were forced to escape for their lives -- that is those who were not slaughtered
in the surprise attack, or enslaved by Draconian Imperial Forces. Some of
the "Indian" types escaped to Vega Lyra and established a strong civilization
forged from the fires of adversity [Jefferson Souza].
They eventually re-established contact with
their ancient cousins on earth,
particularly India, where ancient vedic texts recorded their influence and
described in detail their space craft and how they operated, along with
accounts of an ancient atomic war in India and various mechanical devices
developed by the ancient scientists. It is interesting that Billy Meier first
contacted the "Pleiadeans" in India, and that the former home-worlds of
Pleiadeans in Lyra had maintained strong ties with India and other advanced
ancient cultures on Earth (Terra, or Shan) as well. The Hindu's of India in turn
had at that ancient time possessed their own 'underground' hi-tech subculture
and made alliance with other more recent cultures who were once again
begining to develop advanced forms of architecture, medicine, astronomy,
mechanics and mathematics and even aerial flight -- the Egyptians, Greeks,
Mayas, Incas, etc. [Yves Naud].
The Mayas, having originally come from India as did the Egyptians,
colonized many of the subterranean networks of South, Central and North
America including a large underground system below Mount Shasta in
California, which became a western annex of the Agharti Kingdom and
its interstellar "Silver Fleet" [Sharula Dux].
Other refugees from the "Lyran wars" escaped to the Hyades and the
Pleiades, a large 'open cluster' of some 200 plus stars around which the
SOL system itself ultimately revolves, although it is more well known for
the obvioius "seven sisters" stars near the core of the cluster which are
most visible to the naked eye. When the major group of refugees reached
the Pleiades they commenced to terra-form several planets for human
habitation and populated them with animal and plant life-forms that had
ultimately been taken from earth at some point. The anticipated outcome
of the attack backfired on the Draconians. By striking the "tree" they had
managed to scatter the seeds of humanity to the cosmic "winds", resulting
in these "seeds" of humanity taking "root" on several other worlds. Being
that "necessity is the mother of invention" the Pleiadeans developed a
technology of incredible sophistication, and they became an even more
formidable threat to the Draconians. Dozens of Pleiadian systems were
colonized and terra-formed [Billy Meier].
Some Plieiadian systems like Taygeta maintained a strong devotion to
"non interventionism" whereas others like Alcyon became the home of
civilizations of a more liberal nature, who had established an alliance with
warrior-class humans in Sirius. Sirius itself had its own non-interventionists
humanoids (Sirius-A) and interventionist humanoids (Sirius-B), who in alliance
with certain liberal humanoids from the Andromeda and Pleiadian constellations
are now in all-out warfare with reptilian grays in the Sirius system. Following
the destruction of many of their underground bases by
the Draconian Reptiloids
and Grays between 1979 and 1989, bases or cities jointly inhabited by Sirians
and native Solarian "Melchizedek" spiritual societies beneath the surface of
Earth or other Solarian worlds and their satellites, the warrior-class humanoids
from Sirius-B began to amass and mobilize a huge space armada with the
intent on protecting their "interests" in the Sol system. The tertiary Sirius
is reportedly the domain of several humanoid and reptiloid species: Nordics, the
Orange, Amphiboids, Insectoids, Reptiloids, Grays, the humanoid Kantarians
and Bellatonians, etc. These cultures span various worlds in the two major
inhabited systems of Sirius, as well as various "densities" which interact with
the 3rd density realm or reality. In many respects
the Sirius system and the
Sol system are intimately connected in more ways than one [Alex Collier].
The Draconians will always be able to match the humanoids in technology, so
the best the human race can hope to offer is a perpetual stand-off. However
there is a way. When we realize that the "material" conflict is actually an
outward _expression of a more unseen yet just as real supernatural conflict,
then we begin to see just where the Draconians attain their seemingly super-
natural ability to conquer. Some believe that at some point in the ancient
past the reptilians made a pact with the evil one himself. In exchange for
allowing the Luciferians or fallen light-beings to "incarnate" through their
the reptilians would be given supernatural power to conquer the world, mankind
and even the universe itself. The draconians are a sorcerer-race and very
metaphysical minded, although to an absolutely corrupted and evil extreme.
The humanoids would do well to meet this supernatural threat by re-connecting
to the Source of all LIFE, the Creative Intelligence -- "GOD" -- and his angelic
legions who, in service to the "Son of God" or "Melchizedek", have their universal
headquarters within the "New Jerusalem" Command, a literal "CITY OF LIGHT"
which has been observed emerging from the "Eternity Gate" within the Orion
Nebula, which lies far beyond the Orion cluster itself. This City of Light is on
a direct course toward the SOL system and at its calculated speed is due to
pass through the Orion star cluster some years before the close of the next
"Millennium" and reach Sol-Earth AT or NEAR the close of the next Millennium.
This does not mean that the Angelic forces of light are not even now flashing
through the galaxy engaging the Luciferians in cosmic battle, however the New
Jerusalem Command is what you might call the supreme Command Center
of what might be referred to as the "Angelis Command". Woe to any draconian
fleet that would dare challenge the Eternal Stronghold of the Almighty Himself!
However ancient prophecy does say that they will attempt to do so and that a
great battle will rage through the heavens between Michael the Archangel (and
his angelic and human followers) and Lucifer the fallen archangel (and his
demoniacal and draconian followers). The Draconians are destined to lose
this Apocalyptic battle and take their last stand beneath the earth and initiate
a last-ditch effort to infiltrate and conquer the nations of planet earth through
their "Antichrist" and his "New World Order". Although a great many changes
will take place on planet earth at that time, the reign of the "Beast" will be
short-lived. The question is not which side will win in the end, the question
is just how many of us will survive the final battle. I believe that largely
depends on our willingness to surrender to the infinite grace of the Divine
Life "Source", for "God" must allow all of us to exercise our free agency,
otherwise "we" as "individuals" would cease to exist [Genesis chapter 3;
revelation chapter 12].
There are two intelligences in this Universe who are battling it out for the
loyalties of free-agent beings. The first is the Creative Intelligence who is
eternal or rather is not bound by the space-time-material restruitions of
this Universe, and there is the one who was at one time the highest of
the 'Created' beings, yet who in 'his' arrogance began to envy the one
who sat on the infinite throne and felt that he himself should be the one to
possess such an exalted position. However this highest of all archangels
forgot that whatever light and beauty he possessed was merely the light
that 'reflected through' him from the
Eternal Source of all LIFE. Separating
himself from the Divine flow, this archangel gathered one-third of the light
beings around him, convincing them that a Universal Revolution could be
carried out successfully. However these beings, once having intentionally
disconnected themselves from the source of all Life, collapsed like spiritual
'black holes' into beings of
gross darkness and evil, once they bought the
Luciferian lie of self-deification. The Universe was at war, and this war
raged throughout the eons until the Creative Intelligence himself sent his
only Son -- the physical "projection" of the Almighty into the Creation and
the only ONE who is 'begotten' of the very Creative essence and not 'created'
as were all others -- and this 'Logos' or 'Word' of the Infinite
One took on
the form of flesh, came to a small seemingly insignificant planet yet one that
played a central role in the Cosmic drama, and personally dealt the death
blow to the forces of darkness forever. The Cosmic D-Day had arrived. All
that was left was for 'His' free-agent children to access this Divine Source
of power -- the very Vital essence of the Creator
Himself imputed within the
Life-Blood of the Word-Made-Flesh, which poured out into the earth bringing
Life from Death to a dying world. The forces of darkness had to change
their strategy, and created numerous false spiritual paths in the form of
'religious' power structures that would serve to divert attention towards
seemingly endless, complex and condemning spiritual rituals. These were
designed to confuse the SIMPLICITY of appropriating by 'faith' the supernatural
power inherant within the Creative 'Vital Essence' that had become available
to humakind as a result of the Calvarian Passion of Christ, so that each
individual could have the power to escape from and defeat the Kingdom of
the Dark Lord...
"In weakness like defeat
He won the Victor's crown
Tredding every foe beneath his feet
By being trodden down..."
(author unknown)
As time passed, some of the Pleiadeans, whether by accident or design,
managed to generate themselves into another universe altogether, which was
nothing less than our TWIN or DAL universe, an "anti-matter" universe with
its own anti-matter counterpart of the Pleiades cluster. Could there be
an "antimatter counterpart" to planet earth as well? This transition was
accomplished by attaining ultra-light speeds wherein the atomic structures
of the craft and its occupants are transformed into pure energy. When the
accelleration is reduced the energy reconverts back to a material state,
excepting that the atomic structure emerges in an opposite polarity or
"antimatter" phase. If the conversion to energy and back is not accomplished,
the contact between matter and antimatter atomic particles would destroy
both ship and crew in an instant. One culture from the "anti-matter" universe
that has fought a horrendous battle with collaborative humanoid and non-
humanoid forces and won, are known as the Koldasians. They have in the
past established contact with some levels of government, however the U.S.
"government" betrayed them and now most of their interaction is with the
Japanese and with the Solarian forces of Venus, Mars, the Jovian moons of
our Sol system, etc. At one point a "U.S. Military" unit -- possibly prompted
by the Grays which had succeeded in infiltrating U.S. Intelligence to some
extent -- attempted to invade and destroy a Koldasian base in Nevada.
Normally the Koldasians respect other humans who are in turn respectful
of their own kind. However the Koldasians has just lost multitudes of their
own kind in an unprovoked attack on their worlds in the 'other' universe (12
worlds make up the core of their Federation, one of which is the anti-matter
universe counterpart of "Venus") and apparently on that day they did not
feel like they should sit back and let themselves be slaughtered. The military
invasion of their base was stopped and some of the attackers were killed
[Carl van Vlierden].
Other humans had established colonial worlds in Tau Ceti (Mayan?), Epsilon
Eridani (Mayan?), Alpha Centauri (Nordic), Iumma or Wolf 424 (Nordics),
Signus Alpha, the Hercules Cluster, and in even more distant stars systems.
Whatever connections these colonial worlds may or may not have had to the
Lyran war and exodus -- at present they all interact to some extent with the
"Federation" worlds: Vega Lyra (Indian), Taygeta (Nordic) and other Pleiadean
systems, and other colonial worlds in the Andromeda constellation (not
necessarily the Andromeda 'galaxy'). There are various other groups involved
as well. One culture that has made contact with humans in Great Britain
call themselves the Janosians. Their home world was obliterated by a severe
asteroid-meteor shower which destroyed their world and caused a nuclear
disaster when several of their nuclear power-plants were destroyed. Since
their legends spoke of an ancient blue-green worId from which their ancestors
had come in ancient times, they gathered their survivors together in a massive
carrier ship and made their way back to the Sol system, where they have
apparently taken refuge below our planet or one of the other worlds or satellites
of this system. The colonial worlds of what we might refer to as the "Federation"
now number in the hundreds if not the thousands, among both the humanoid
and reptiloid networks. Many of the humanoid worlds continue to suffer at the
hands of the Reptiloids and Grays -- and also a new threat that has appeared
on the scene and allied itself with the Draconians, a race of insectoid Mantis-
like creatures (which have been seen during UFO as well as underground
encounters) and also a genetically-engineered race of Reptiloid-Insectoid
hybrids like those based in Bellatrix Orion [Ray Keller].
The situation is made even worse by the fact that the Reptiloids/Grays have
aquired quite an addiction to human secretions and vital fluids. Is it just
coincidence that the vampire legends of the
ancient past eventually merge
with the legends of ancient blood-sucking reptilians? For instance the
ancient "Temple of the Vampire" which advocates "astral vampirism" was
originally known as the "Temple of the Vampire Dragon Goddess Tiamat".
Also, who or what were the original DRAC-ulas? [Carsten Avernoson]
The Grays and Reptiloids themselves serve a "royal line" or an "elite class"
known as the CIAKARS, a pteroid-like reptilian race some 7 ft. tall and
possessing a humanoid frame with bat-like wings with a ten-foot span.
They have been referred to as the "Mothmen" by some witnesses who have
had the misfortune of entountering them. These aliens repotredly control
the lowest depths of the Dulce base and have been described as the "Winged
Draco", which are very "demonic" looking according to those who have seen
them [John Keel].
As an outgrowth of the blood-lust of these vampirial reptilian species, several
colonial worlds have been robbed of their young ones by the Draconian
collective, and God
only knows what becomes of them. Most people do not
want to believe that beings of such a hideous nature could actually exist,
however one has only to observe and nature of lesser reptiles on earth and
how they treat their victims... Now combine this predatory nature with a high
level of intelligence and you have the serpent race, which regards humans
with about as much compassion as an iguana does for the nest of
mammals it is devouring... [Forest Crawford]
The Draconian Empire had spread to Epsilon Bootes, Capella, Zeta Reticuli
and several other systems. Some of these systems originally contined
human colonies. One of these was in Rigel Orion, where a "Nordic" race
had taken root. Taking advantage of internal instability and civil crisis, the
Draconians made a decisive attack and conquered their world, forcing
whatever survivers there were to flee for their lives, some escaping to the
Jovian moons of SOL, and others to a planet revolving around the star
Procyon, where they took refuge from their attackers. Some of the more
violent humanoids remained on the outskirts of the Orion open cluster.
At times in conflict, at other times in collaboration with the Draconians,
pockets of humanoid Orionites have more recently joined with the Federation.
However for the most part, the core of the Orion cluster -- the UH6 or
UnHoly Six empire -- is controlled by the Draconian collective. Eventually
the Draconians colonized several worlds in the Orion sector and, as was
their nature, their insatiable appetite and "locust" mentality led to the quick
exploitation and depletion of their resources. They assumed that they
could keep their empire going perpetually by exploiting and ravaging other
worlds rather than build their own industrial infrastructure. When their
resources became exhausted to the point where their interstellar raids
and slave planets could not satisfy them, the reptilians were not above
fighting among themselves for the dwindling resources they possessed.
This same mentality was part of the failure of "Communism". The
Communist empire rejected the industrial concepts of capitalism of
perpetual production and instead concentrated more on aquiring resources
from surrounding countries as Nazi Germany attempted in World War II.
Both systems collapsed, in part due to a growing deficit of resources
necessary to keep the "revolution" or "reich" going. All "consumption-
based" empires are doomed to fail because of this simple law of nature,
whereas all "production-based" systems experience far greater longevity.
America should beware however of falling into a "socialist state" mentality
whether accidentally or intentionally induced, for there have been many
production-based systems in the past that have slowly turned in on
themselves and become consumptive-based systems and ultimately
collapsed from within. As for the Orionites, when their resources
became exhausted the reptilians commenced to fight each other for
what remained, and added to this was the major threat of a powerful
warrior-class of humanoids in Sirius with whom they had come into
conflict, possibly as a result of the Draconians' conquest of the home
worlds of their former allies in Rigel [George
Throughout history the Orions and Sirians have faught each other in
an attempt to gain control over the ruling structures of planet earth
and therefore the planet itself. In most cases the Sirians emerged
victorious. Although the Sirians were opportunitst and were far from
being saints for the most part, they may have been the lesser of the
two evils whereas those who might consider themselves the "landlords"
of the planet earth are concerned. At least the Sirians had something
in common with Eartheans... they were human! Sol-Terra is only part
of the overall picture. The SIrian and Orion forces have a long-standing
dispute over which is to "represent" a sector of space containing 21
stars systems including Sol. "Big Brother" in Sirius may have good
intentions in pushing for a "New World Order" on earth in order to build
a common defense against the Draconian-Orion threat, however the
Draconian-Orion Empire and their collaborators also want a "New
World Order",
for the very purpose of enslaving the planet. All they
have to do is make sure that "their" guys get into the seats of power.
Being opportunists, the Sirians tend to ally themselves with whatever
"side" they feel might profit them. During the "Philadelphia [Rainbow]
Experiments" the Pleiadeans and U.S. Navy scientists worked together,
whereas during the "Phoenix [Montauk] Projects" the Orions and (for all
intents and purposes) "Nazi" scientists collaborated. The Sirians -- you
guessed it -- had their hands in both pies. The problem is that, as in the
SOL system itself, the Sirius system has its own INTERVENTIONISTS
and NON-INTERVENTIONISTS [Preston Nicholes].
What is in the best interests of planet earth? Personally I would suggest
that ALL nations maintain their own sovereign independence and cultural
distinctions. They should be encouraged to be economically self-
sufficient because global economic dependence can only lead to global
economic control. Also if there
is an economic crisis at one point it
may have a domino effect of unbalancing the entire economic structure
world wide. Most do not want to admit it, but the planet is not run by
political governments, but by the economic or corporate institutions
that "feed" those governments. Individual nations should be allowed to
ally themselves with whatever extra or intra
terrestrial political-economic
alliance they choose. The only "global" controls should be centered
around maintaining the freedom of each independent republic. For
instance: ensure that all nations have free elections; that through
international consent a treaty exists which will discourage human
rights abuse within individual nations even if those abuses are
in the name of "religion", etc.; a global military agreement which protects
the borders of individual nations from invasion or infiltration from neighboring
countries (this will make any attempted alliance with imperial or interventionist
forces such as the draconians unprofitable); and ensurances that an individual
nation's economy and wealth is controlled and centered within the country
itself and not outside of it. Multi-cultural nations like "America" may also
benefit from this type of establishment. Being that all freedom-loving
exterran domains will have their own protected interests on or below planet
earth, Terra can become galactic nexus world where all "outside" realms
can enjoy the benefits of earth's resources via their "sponsor" nations and
vise versa so long as environmental bealth is maintained. Of course, any
imperialistic, predatory, parasitic alien group will have no place here
Centuries after the original humanoid Rigelians were scattered, and took
refuge in Procyon, the Draco-Rigelian Reptiloids once again decided to
strike, this time in a more subtle and cunning manner. In the confusion
of their sudden exodus and re-settlement, the Procyonese had lost
much of their history and culture, and the "Gray" species was chosen
to interface with the Procyonese leaders because they were somewhat
less hideous to look upon than were the taller more 'reptilian' appearing
overlords. They put into effect an "Operation Trojan Horse" by first
convincing the Procyons that in the far distant past before their colonization
of Rigel the Procyonese ancestors and the Grays were of the same race --
but that the Grays had begun to "mutate" as a result of radiation exposure
from an ancient nuclear war. Interesting that they all happened to mutate
into a reptilian
species of nearly identical appearance with very little
'human' characteristics remaining. With this LIE, the inter-species barrier
was broken, at least in the minds of the Procyonese humans, and realizing
the economic and social problems that the Procyonese were experiencing,
the Grays said that they had "repented" for throwing them out of Rigel
and now loved the Procyonese and just wanted a chance to "make
for the damage they had caused in the past by offering economic, social
and technological advice and support. They insinuated themselves into
the confidence of the Procyon leaders, who thought that the deal was too
good to be true. A great deal of debate followed and eventually the
majority of the Prycyon council voted to take the chance. Things went
along as planned as the Grays gained more and more of the trust of the
Procyonese. The Grays were able to infiltrate the minds of the Nordics
without their conscious awareness, and when they had gained sufficient
control they struck. The skies were filled with outside invasion forces
and the slaughter commenced -- men, women and children
alike. Some
were taken captive to serve the Grays and Reptiloids. Many abductees
on earth have seen a "Nordic" in the company of several grays or smaller
Amphiboids or Reptiloids. Usually these Nordics appear to be of a
child-like mentality, "programmed" to interface with and convince human
abductees to "give in" to the
abductors or to convince abductees of the
"good intentions" of the aliens. The Procyonese who escaped the
massacre and devastation of their "home" world formed into a band of
resistance fighters who have since that time emerged now and then
from hiding to make decisive and strategic guerilla attacks on various
reptilian targets. Some of them are working on or near
planet earth,
along with Pleiadean, Andromedan, Cetian and Eridanian forces, being
that earth is the next planet that has been "targeted" for slaughter by the
Orion-Draconian empire. One source claims that the Procyonese have
recently been "liberated" from the Grays. Whether or not this means
that the Procyon system has been re-taken is uncertain. [George
The Orionite reptilians forces, following the ancient wars with the Sirians,
regrouped and re-built their ancient empire which was shattered (by the
Sirians?) with the destruction of their huge planet-sized battle-station
and command center "Tyrantor" long ago. Six systems in Orion banded
together in a satanic reptilian alliance known by the Nordics as the UNHOLY
SIX. The UH6 empire began to spread once again like cancer throughout
the galaxy, conquering several "treasure planets" to feed the central
empire. Even with this exploitation of other worlds and their inhabitants,
the UH6 empire still cannot
satisfy its draconian appetite. They have
targeted planet earth as the potential "fix" for all of their immediate
problems. Earth is truly a cosmic oasis -- a world of incredible wealth
in great abundance and variety, a literal "cosmic buffet" of animal, plant
and mineral resources, but most importantly a large variety of the genetic
resources that the draconians desire
to utilize to upgrade their degenerating
reptilian races, as well as the genetic materials necessary to develop a
genetically-engineered super-species or army of alien mercenaries which
they hope will be invincible warriors in their battles with humanoid forces.
Some abductees have run across frightening genetic mutations which
appeared to be part reptilian, part insectoid and part cybernetic.
'hybrids' are also being engineered with human semen and ova taken from
human abductees in order to produce offspring who are 'spliced' with
reptilian or animal DNA during the gestation process. Unlike the Reptiloids
themselves, some of the 'hybrids' have a human soul-matrix and are
therefore human. They are bred with certain specialized
such as enhanced psychic abilities which they are forced to use by
engaging in astral reconnaisance and psychic warfare against humans.
But most do this unwillingly, being slaves of the Grays from birth. In
some cases the so-called 'hybrid' (in many cases they are 'hubrids' bring
more human than reptilian) is concieved in the womb of a female abductee,
only to be removed a few months later during a subsequent abduction.
Another resource that is VITAL to the survival of the UH6 Empire is WATER.
It is also of utmost importance to the humanoids as well. Because of its
highly strategic position and its potential to turn the tide of the galactic
war depending on which side gains access to its potential and resources,
planet earth is being prepared as the staging ground for a final(?) galactic
war. Because of the multitude of political and regional systems existing
on planet earth, some countries have fallen under the influence of the Draco-
Orion Empire whereas others have allied themselves with the Lyra-Pleiadean
Federation. The loyalties of other countries are being fought over by both
sides, while others are subject to the collaborative "Ashtar-Bavarian" Alliance
of Sirius, Arcturus, Aldebaran, Bernards Star, etc., whereas still others
have allied themselves with 'independent' groups with no direct alliance
with either the Draco-Orion Empire, the Lyra-Pleiadean Federation or the
Ashtar-Bavarian Collective. Planet Earth is the battlefield or the "chess-
board", and the galactic superpowers are the "players" [Creston].
The "emerald world" is to be the "prize" in the galactic war which is even
now raging above and below the planet, and also upon it as well -- as is
evidenced by the aerial battles that have taken place near the surface of
planet earth, resulting in the interception of several UFO's by military craft,
however the unfortunate fact remains that far more of "our" aircraft have
been destroyed by UFO's than visa versa [John Lear].
The Draconians realize that Terrans have been inbred through millenia of
internal conflicts with a strong "warrior instinct" or passion, an instinct
that the Draconians fear. Instead of directly challenging this warrior instinct
they have chosen instead to try and harness and tame it for their own use.
That is why they made contact with the Bavarian Thule Society in 1931 in
a successful attempt to harness a human military force that could serve
their purpose. As a result of this draconian influence, several freedom-
killing movements were "germanated" in Bavaria which have spread
devastation throughout the world, including National Socialism (the Third
Reich and eventually the Antarctican "Fourth Reich"); Communist Socialism
(Lenin was actually an agent of the Bavarian government who was smuggled
into Russia via train to lead the Bolshevik Revolution, which lasted until the
Bolsheviks were thrown out of Russia by traditional 'Tzarist' Russian factions
which led to the fall of the Soviet Empire, many of the Bolsheviks taking
refuge within the CIA and Pentagon... after all it was the Rockefellers and
their Bavarian Illuminati collaborators within the Bildeberger organization --
which has unified under central Bavarian control the three major world power
cults of the Wicca Masons, Maltese Jesuits and Black Nobility factions
which claim direct descent from the old Roman emperors -- who financed
both the Bolsheviks AND the Nazis); and also Corporate Socialism (the
Rockefeller-backed global oil conglomerates, et al, which have intentionally
suppressed cheap energy alternatives in order to make the world's governments
and citizens dependent on expensive, polluting and economically destructive
petrolium reserves until their "New World Order" can be implemented). The
Draconians -- and some of the Ashtar or collaborate forces -- offered the Nazis
and the Bavarian secret societies that sponsored them advanced technology,
including antigravity "aerial disk" technology. Throughout the course of the
Second World War the Nazis secretly constructed a massive joint-interaction
space base with the help of the aliens below the mountains of Neu Schwabenland,
Antarctica using occupied South Africa as a shipping route. Any other ships
that came too close to the shipping routes were destroyed in order to keep the
secret. Argentina was also infiltrated as it provided a backup route to their
Antarctic bases from the western hemisphere. The joint Nazi-Alien bases in
Antarctica would later become a launching pad for the joint
conquest of several human colonial worlds, against the peaceful inhabitants
of which the Nazi-Draconian collective would commit atrocities that would
make those of World War II pale by comparison. These projects merged with
another Bavarian operation called "Alternative 003" that was being run by Nazi
infiltrators within the CIA. [Vladimir Terziski]
With interstellar craft, and with the help of "Montauk" time/space stargate
technology, a joint CIA-Alien military force has conquered several worlds,
including one in the Altair Aquila system, whose inhabitants they have
subjugated. Ironically however, it has been reported that the Alternative-3
bases on the moon and Mars -- which
were colonized by "pure bred" humans
using "inferior" humans as slave labor -- were themselves conquered by the
Draconians after a joint-interaction treaty turned sour in march of 1989 (as
happened in the Dulce and Area 51 bases 10 years previous. Some "Bavarian"
factions on earth still follow the orders of the Reptilian Grays whether out of
fear or annihilation and out of hopes of "appeasing" the aliens, or
because they are fully under reptilian mind control. One report stated that
the 1990 meeting between George Bush and Gorbachev at Malta (Gorbachev
reportedly is in personal contact with a joint gray-insectoid base below the
San Francisco area via abduction-contacts) dealt with this horrifying turn of
events. Apparently Alternative-3 was "history", and the human
elite now
had only the Alternative-2 underground bases which are in the process of
being pressed by the draconian forces also. This means that in order to
maintain the "collaboration", the elite have to give in to even more of the
aliens' demands in order to maintain their positions. Some of the elite
believe that this is their only course of action. These poor people have to
contend with an increasingly more agressive and demanding reptilian force
on the one hand, and an increasingly angry patriotic human force on other
hand. I would strongly suggest that members of the Alternative-2 fascist
underground empire come clean, expose their superiors, and convert to
a mindset of human equality. GET OUT before it's too late. If the Reptilian
Grays don't get you, the patriotic militias will! [Alex Collier, etc.]
The Draconians-Orions realize that whichever "side" manages to take control
of planet earth will possess a powerful weapon that could be used to overcome
and perhaps destroy the other "side", and what greater weapon than mind-
controlled Terraneans with a warrior instinct who are programmed to fight as
"human shields" for their Reptilioid masters? Perhaps this explains why Barney
Hill, one of the original publicized "abductees", could state under regressive
hypnosis nearly 15 years after Europe had supposedly been "de-Nazified"
the following words describing the events that transpired on the reptilian "Gray"
ship from Zeta Reticuli -- the ship that had abducted he and his wife Betty.
Consider the fact that Betty was white and Barney black, a 'mixed marriage'
that would have enraged any devout follower of the Nazi philosophy: "...another
figure (aside from the Grays) has an EVIL face... 'HE LOOKS LIKE A GERMAN
LIKE THAT BEFORE...'" If these "Nazis" are operating under the direct mind
control of the reptilian collective, then this might explain Mr. Hill's description
of the "eyes" [Barney Hill].
Near the end of World War II over 3000 hard-core Nazi S.S. agents
were brought into America secretly through
and with the help of Nazi fifth column double agents and Nazi
sympathizers working inside the U.S. government. They were given
immunity and new identities and influential positions within Oil
Corporations that were run by the Bavarian Illuminati and which had
literally "fueled" the Third Reich's military machine during the war:
EXXON, ARCO, ZAPATA, etc. Being that many politicians were
"sponsored" by these conglomerates, they had no major problem
creating a small "intelligence gathering" agency called the Central
Intelligence Agency, which was originally designed to serve as an
inter-agency "clearinghouse" for intelligence. Strangely, this small
agency slowly grew to become THE controlling intelligence agency
in America and a secret government in itself which began to engage
in what appeared to be an international warfare against third world
nations, which basically consisted of assassinating the leaders of
these third world countries and installing fascist military regimes
and leaders of their own choosing. One former Guatemalan
who escaped assassination, but was nevertheless replaced by
a CIA-backed military regime was quoted as saying: "Adolph Hitler
won the war!" The original CIA was staffed with nearly 300 Nazi
S.S. agents who brought into the agency the "joint interaction"
scenario, and the CIA became in essence a front for Bavarian-
Draconian Intelligence [Anthony Kimory].
Bavarian-Antarctican-Draconian "intelligence" established the joint
human-alien collaborative government along the following lines:
The NSA contains the BLACK MONKS (direct alien interaction);
the BLUE MOON (Alternative-3 Moon and Mars base operations
-- if they are still active
in a joint capacity); ALPHA-1 (MAJI, which
controls the "Alpha" or "Blue" crash-retrieval teams and alien
material intelligence); and ALPHA-2 (or MJ12 - alien interaction
intelligence operations and mind control. MJ12 has a facility in
a large deep cavern SE of Denver connected with the joint New World
Order underground megacomplex below the new Denver International
Airport. This joint human-alien operations network may be even
larger than the Montauk joint facility and is apparently intended to
be a hub for New World Order operations both above and below
ground. It may be the largest underground facility aside from the
main Federation systems under Death Valley, CA and the main
Draconian systems under Archuleta Mesa, NM. MJ12 is NOT the
top of the HUMAN conspiracy ladder however, the top of the ladder
are the Bavarian Illuminati backed BANKERS. The Rockefellers are
MAJOR players, although there are others. This is evidence that the
root motivating force outside the aliens themselves is MONEY-POWER...
"the love of money is the ROOT of all evils."). [Alex Collier, etc.]
An American President, John F. Kennedy, became aware of the
CIA-Alien interaction and the international CIA drug activities that
were being used to finance the underground "joint interaction"
black projects. After telling MJ12 Member Gordon Gray of his
intentions concerning the CIA in early 1963, Kennedy signed an
executive order to "dismember" this treasonous fascist agency,
however before it could be implimented the CIA assassinated HIM
and initiated a partial coup d'etat of the American government
[Oliver Stone, etc.].
public outrage over "Nazis" in the CIA surfaced in the early
1950's, the CIA was forced to re-shuffle many of the more obvious
and visible fascists out of the public spotlight and many of these
ended up working in various underground 'joint interaction' bases:
Dulce, New Mexico; Montauk, Long Island; Mercury, Nevada; and
Dougway, Utah, etc. The Antarcticans were also active below Dulce,
which may explain why the "Germans" were all over New Mexico
just before the outbreak of World War II, exploring mines and caves,
buying up land, etc. The "New Berlin" base under Antarctica now
boasts ove 1 million inhabitants -- the Nazi S.S. "Aryan Super Race"
elite class, the general Nazi forces, and the slave force brought over
from Europe. The genetic, antigravity, and mind control experiments
carried out in Nazi Germany were developed to a ten times greater
degree in Neu Schwabenland, and as you might guess, the exact
same activity is being carried out deep below Dulce in a massive
underground facility that some believe has now grown to be about
the size of manhatten through the use of excavation techniques
leave no waste material -- for instance nuclear drills which crack and
melt the surrounding rock and earth into a state of incandescance,
and push the liquid rock into the peripheral cracks as the drill moves
forward, where the liquid rock cools into an extremely hard glaze.
These thermol bore drills had been developed by Los Alamos as
early as the early 1950's. In more recent times much success has
been made with the development of pulsed laser drills which literally
pulverises and disintegrates the earth and rock before it [Vladimir
As you read this, the Orionite-Draconian Empire has taken control
of a jupiter-sized "planet" outside of our solar system.
Some believe
that it is a small protostar that never ignited and instead condensed
into a large frozen planet which might not be considered part of this
system yet is close enough to be the nearest interstellar body to the
SOL system. Conveniently located in the western sector of Orion
as seen from earth, this "planet", NEMESIS, is the major staging
"base" for the Orion Empire's "Earth" project. This Dark Star or
Planet is so cold that it has evaded the scrutiny of optical telescopes
and can only be "seen" by special satellites equipped with infra-red
or IRIS scanners. For centuries, armies of reptilian hominoids have
been placed in cryogenic freeze on or within Nemesis in preparatoion
for the time when they will be re-animated for the final invasion of
planet earth -- once the infiltrator and sabateur shock troops have
succeeded in weakening human resistance and resolve through
orchestrated "divide and conquer" operations against the nations
of planet... this inculding the infiltration of humanoid political,
corporate, military and religious structures [Sven Peterson].
Insiders claim that the Hubbel telescope has secretly been used to
observe the progress of a massive military space armada traveling
just below light speed that is on its way to earth from Sirius-B, and
due to arrive just after the turn of the century, between 2003-2005, to
engage the Orion-Draconian forces in a war for control of our stellar
"quadrant". It is uncertain just exactly what provoked this latest
escalation of military force. Is it the result of yet another betrayal
in a long line of treaty betrayals by the Draconian-Orion empire? Or
as some suggest, have the Sirian-backed underground facilities -- below
planet earth and below the other Solarian planets and their
-- been taken over stressed by the Draconians, provoking a Sirian
military repraisal? Are the Sirians once again preparing to defend what
they consider to be "their territory", or at least their "interests" in the
Sol system, from the Reptiloid and Gray forces? [Ray Keller].
In 1953 two
large "asteroids" arrived from Nemesis and simultaneously
took up geosynchronous orbits around planet earth. The "asteroids"
turned out to be artificially-hollowed carriors or space stations.
Benevolent Federation forces warned U.S. government personel during
a contact-landing at Homestead AFB in Florida that they should have
nothing to do with the decietful,
manipulative and untrustworthy "Gray"
race within the orbiting "ships", and instead seek membership within
the Federation under the condition that our nuclear arsenal and military
structure be subject to the oversight of the Federation Council -- in this
case to the regional Federation "Tribunal" on or below the Saturnian
satellite Titan. However the Nazi-CIA infiltrators who already
a collaboration with the Grays since at least 1933, convinced president
Eisenhower -- with more than a little pressure from the Oil monopolist
Rockefellers who backed the Eisenhower campaign -- to accept the
offer of the "Grays" for a treaty and technology exchange. A contact
was arrange at Muroc-Edwards Air Force Base in 1954 and the terms
of the treaty were ironed out. Several Nazi S.S. who had been given
new identities and positions within the aerospace-military-industrial
establishment were on hand to oversee the treaty. Apparently the
Nazi's throught that the best way to keep the American government from
interfering with its plans was to bring select members of government
into their fold -- but of course they would never be told the full truth about
the real nature or intentions of the Grays nor of those people who really
ran the CIA [William Cooper].
The "joint-interaction" projects within the Groom Lake and Dulce bases
which emerged from the alien "treaty" turned sour in 1979 when several
American Dulce base scientists with ULTRA-7 security clearances (one
of the highest clearances in the nation if not the world) discovered the
"Horrible Truth" of the existance of massive alien "concentration camps"
deep underground where untold numbers of human abductees from this
and other "realms" were being held; AND when Groom Lake Security
forces challenged an alien dictate that human security personnel could
not enter alien-controlled sectors of the underground with loaded weapons
[Thomas E. Castello].
When the bloodbath subsided, the far outnumbered human security
forces (those who had the "security clearances" necessary to be told
that we were now at war with an alien empire) were either dead or were
forced to retreat and abandon the bases to alien control. At the same
time several underground colonies affilitated with the Telosian-Agharti
network that had made guarded territorial agreements with the Grays,
the taller Reptiloids and also a shorter race of amphiboid-appearing
Reptiloids, were invaded and taken over by the reptilian forces. For
two years no interaction was attempted and during this time the CIA/
MJ12/NSA intelligence core became split into two factions. The U.S.
Navy-backed COM-12 agency wanted nothing more to do with the
Reptiloids/Grays after becoming aware of their "Grand Deception", and
desired instead to work with friendly "Federation" worlds as well as with
factions of the Telosian-Aghartian
network who had been 'burned' and
betrayed by the deceptions and manipulations of the Grays, which had
originally appeared to them under the fracade of a benevolent race of
'space brothers' yet had turned out to be opportunistic parasites who took
full advantage of human gullibility or even greed -- wherever they could
detect it among the humanoid dwellers of international, inner, or outer
'space'. COM-12 was and is determined to defend the Constitutional
way of life at all costs, and with the help of benevolent 'Nordic' cultures
who have committed scientific advisors to this planet to work with our
military forces, COM-12 has developed their own interplanetary space
fleet. The other faction turned out to be AQUARIUS, a Nazi-backed
agency which DID re-establish interaction with the Grays at Dulce,
New Mexico; Deep Springs and Mt. Lassen, California, and in fact
at dozens of bases throughout North America. These Naz-Cia's and
the Reptiloids/Grays are dependant on each other for their joint plan
to establish an absolute global electronic dictatorship under the cover
of a U.N. - E.C. sponsored "New World Order" (which
so happened
to be the title of Adolph Hitler's second book). The Bavarians are
dependent on the super technology, especially the mind-control
technology and the antigravity craft technology, etc., that is necessary
to abduct, implant and program the masses. In turn the Reptiloids/
Grays are dependent on the Bavarians to open the way -- through
manipulation of global political, military, economic, media, medical,
educational and religious structures -- for the draconian infiltration
of our planet. The Nazi's sold us out for pretty cheap considering,
demanding only 25 percent of the planet whereas the rest would be
annexed to the Draconian-Orion Empire. The Draconian-Bavarian
alliance managed to take control of most of the planet with the
assistance of the [Un]Holy Roman Empire which traditionally
encompassed Germany-Austria-Italy, or rather the secret societies
there who tried to take over Europe in WWI and WWII and are now
planning another attempt to take over Europe with their "New World
Order". They will try to being
this to pass through covert industrial
warfare (realizing that the only thing more powerful than political
structures is the money that supports them), but if they meet with
too much American resistance -- America being the "last bastian
of freedom" which has to be destroyed, as Lenin referred to it --
as they met American resistance during the first and second world
wars which Germany had initiated, then they will be forced to try and
establish their joint Bavarian-Draconian New World Order by force,
possibly through provoking civil conflict and chaos within America
and bringing in United Nations military forces on behalf of the "New
World Order" to "restore order within a U.N. member nation". The only
thing that has prevented the planet from
being taken over completely
is the strong American desire for Independence and the Constitutional
Ammendments known as the 'Bill of Rights' which provide for the
four ESSENTIAL pillars of freedom: the Freedom of Speech, the
freedom of Private Ownership, the Freedom of Worship, and probably
the most important of all THE FREEDOM AND RIGHT TO BEAR
order to keep at bay the forces of tyranny. Although much
of the "underground kingdom" below America has fallen to the
invading Bavarian-Draconian forces, that "hidden world" could not
have been defended by American military forces because of the high
level of secrecy involved, and because the Baverians-Draconians
kept Congress and Americans blinded to the atrocities that were
and are being committed right beneath their very feet [Michael
If the nature of the reptilian mind is consistant, once the Nazi's
or Bavarians have turned over seventy-five percent of the planet
over to the Reptiloids, the Nazi's-Bavarians-Antarcticans will be
eliminated along with the rest of humanity once their "usefulness"
has run its course, in order to prevent possible future human
uprisings. COM-12 is now working to refine a strong STAR WARS
or SDI planetary defense net. A recent "asteroid" named Geographos
has, according to inside sources at the Ames Space Center, been
identified as a "Gray" space station --
several of which have served
as staging bases for the Grays' mind control, implantation, abduction,
biogenetic, programming, sabotage and infiltration operations here
on earth -- and Geographos has not only made several obvious
"course corrections" in its transit through the Sol system, but is
also accompanied by a large cylindrical carrier or battle ship as
well. The Clementine probe was officially designed to "test" a
particle-beam disintegrator on an asteroid, and the asteroid
targeted for the "tests" so happens to be Geographos! Whether
Clementine succeeded in its mission or not remains to be seen
[Ray Keller].
Although extraterrestrial "bases" may pose a threat to the sovereignty
of planet earth, an even greater threat exists from the underground
bases themselves. Although a greater threat, underground bases
are at the same time far more vulnerable, especially when they
are exposed to the overall awareness of those above. The largest
"threat" is of
course the vast underground complex below the Archuleta
mesa near Dulce, New Mexico. However sources claim that New
Mexico itself may be nothing less than one huge underground alien
base, and/or joint operational Bavarian-CIA / Reptiloid-Gray network
as are the similar bases underneath Nevada. The next largest basing
system is in Idaho, yet this particular network
is is not involved with
exclusively alien or joint human-alien operations, but is entirely U.S.
Military - controlled [Phil Schneider].
A huge underground cavern system -- or series of systems
connected via artificial tunnels -- is said to lie below the "Great
Basin" area of the southwest, with its
epicenter lying generally
below the Salt Flats of Utah. However, large extentions of this
natural-artificial underground network reach into all surrounding
states: Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and Idaho. This
whole region is being faught-over by the benevolent forces based
under Death Valley, California and the malevolent forces bases
under the Archuleta Plateau of New Mexico. One of the many
surface outlets for this massive cavern network is located in Little
Cottonwood canyon southeast of Salt Lake City, Utah. The entrance
facility, according to a former base worker there, is known as the
Granite Mountain Archives, where the Mormon church maintains
a huge records and storage vault. Deeper within the mountain,
behind the "vault", is a Telosian-Agharti base which in turn links
with the vast "Dreamland" caverns running below these states. The
LDS religion was the first to discover the caverns within the western
Rockies below Granite mountain, however the U.S. government
[actually the CIA - Masonic factions of the "secret" government who
are collaborating with the reptilian forces] took over, and informed the
religionists that it was their "patriotic" duty to maintain the secret for
the good of "national defense". When the CIA speaks of "national
defense" they are not talking about the "nation" of America, but the
"underground nation" which has for decades "fed" off of
the "economic
slaves" who inhabit the states above. Economic slaves, political slaves...
since in this world economics and politics are intimately linked, is there
any difference? The Granite mountain base was formerly a stronghold
for the "Melchizedek" lodge which has ties with the Sirians, Arcturians,
Saturnians, Telosians, Aghartans, Masons, Mormons, etc. As with
the YORK and SCOTTISH Rites of Masonry above [incidentally Scottish
Rite Masonry has little if anything to do with Scotland -- in fact the
Scots should take great offense at the very use of their namesake
within such a perverse lodge] there are also two sides of the Melchizedek
order, those who you might refer to as the "Service to Others" faction
and others who are part of the "Service to Self" faction. The Service to
Others faction believes in human equality whereas the Service to Self
faction believe in racial, intellectual, spiritual elitism. A perfect example
can be found in Nazi Aryanism which the Bavarian lodges themselves
hold to, and which in its extreme form calls for the genocial elimination
of all but the "Aryan" race. As for the Melchizedeks of the Telosian-
Agharti network, there are those who are collaborating with the Reptiloids
and those who are not. In the same manner there are those Telosians-
Aghartians who are part of the "collaboration" beneath Granite mountain,
and those who are opposed to it. The only alternative for the future
would be for the collaborators to turn from the "Dark Side" and join
the human race, or to provoke a possible civil war. It is all up to the
collaborators. It is their decision, and THEY must be held responsible
for whatever decision they make in that regard, and no one else [Branton
and various contacts in Utah].
In fact there are already indications that the Melchizedeks are already
in conflict as they have suffered the same scenario that so many colonies
beyond and beneath the planet have suffered in the past. That is: the
self-serving elements of their society make "deals" with reptilian forces
for personal gain, even through it means selling out their own kind. The
colony or culture as a result is subverted and conquered, at which point
the collaborators are forced by their reptilian "benefactors" to give in
to even more of their demands and submit to even greater mind control
and obedience. As opposed to this the "freedom" factions of the
conquered society gather form themselves together in a resistance
force and it is all out warfare from there. The growing rift between the
humanoid forces and the draconian forces (including their mental slaves
or willing collaborators) below, especially between 1979 and 1989, has
led to an OUT OF CONTROL situation in this base as well. The only
answer to the dillemma may be for a Congressionally-sactioned U.S.
military invasion of the "underground", which will inevitably be necessary
to protect our "national security". But don't wait for the "government"
to act. The PEOPLE of this nation must become activists and MAKE
things happen, after all government is suppossed to work FOR THE
PEOPLE, not against them. The PEOPLE pay the paychecks of
government employees, and the PEOPLE must lobby for and put
pressure on government to make things happen, otherwise nothing
will. Also it is not up to the government to maintain the spiritual,
psychological and physical security of the country, it is up to the
INDIVIDUAL to do so. Although a U.S. military presence already
exists within the underground, they are in a bizarre catch-22 situation.
They are slaves to "the system" and must face the reptilian threat
yet they do not possess the numbers of troops with the necessary
security clearances nor resources necessary to make a fair show
of force. For instance in the Dulce wars it was 100 special forces
against 18,000 grays. Although many of them died bravely for their
country and put up a remarkable fight against the odds, this is
nevertheless no way to win a war. Let's get real. Without the
support of the people, the government will continue to lose ground
to the Grays, and their only recourse will be to continually make
concessions to appease the
Grays in order to "buy time". However
you must understand the position they are in, they are slaves to
a SYSTEM that earlier American leaders either ignorantly or even
treasonously created -- a SYSTEM that the aliens are harnessing
and using for their own purposes. Since humanoid and reptiloid
forces of all types are in all-out warfare for control of these
(the "Dreamland Wars" you might say), the best course of action
may be to -- on the basis of the atrocities the subterranean Grays
have committed against Americans and for the sake of our people
and CHILDREN who have been killed or taken captive into the
caverns -- initiate a full scale military assault of the vast underground
sub-systems via
the Granite Mountain and other portals. It would
be the "patriotic duty" of those who operate this base to cooperate.
That is, IF is is still under human control. This would also bring
order to an "out of control" situation. Such a military assault, under
full Congressional control of course, would be FULLY justified.
The Grays, Reptiloids and other non-humans should be given the
opportunity to surrender unconditionally, and even if captured
NEVER to be allowed to operate on EQUAL terms with humanoids,
but at best as their absolute servants. If they refuse to surrender
then forced capture or elimination of the same should initiated. The
territories of humanoid tribes (many of whom were driven to
the caves by the initial European invasion of the Americas in past
centuries) who have been driven from their internal abodes by the
reptiloid forces, should be respected and restored one the draconian
forces are neutralized. Reptilian zones that are captured yet are
not "claimed" by humanoid groups, should be used for whetever
purpose Congress allows. I believe that our success all depends
on the willingness of those who make up the Alternative 2 -- 33+
degree Masons -- Military Industrial "underground network" to
give up their elitist games and allow those above to have access
to the underground systems that WE paid for with our hard-
earned tax
dollars. If the human elitists cannot help but to continue
in that mindset, then let them practice their elitism AGAINST the
Grays and Reptiloids, NOT against their human cousins on the
"outside"! Let them judge a creature by the color of their BLOOD,
not the color of their SKIN. They must agree to cease from the
of the surface culture to support their cavernous
existance, and become self-sufficient. They must also break any
and all current agreements with the reptiloids, become loyal to
their own kind, and allow Congressionally-sanctioned U.S. Military
forces access to their domains in order to begin the process of
rooting out the reptilian infestation. To continue
will mean that the humanoids below will have to continually sell-out
more and more of their own souls (their emotions, personality, and
free agency) to the absolute control of the reptilian collective, until
they become nothing more than empty shells to be used however
the draconians so choose. According to some sources, the infestation
of the underground of planet earth has now reached epedemic
proportions, beyond the 20 million mark... and this may be a
conservative number when we consider that some branches of the
Grays/Reptiloids have been native residents within the underground
for hundreds if not thousands of years. If the "secret society" factions
under the Americas, etc., fail to comply, it has
been suggested by
some that the Creator will deal with the alien "cancer" by allowing
Gaia, the earth-intelligence, to collapse the infested areas via
massive earthquakes and earth-cleansing cataclysms. Of course
this would affect surface and subsurface human cultures in a most
adverse manner. Apparently it all depends on us, since the future
is not yet set [Branton].
One thing is certain in light of all of the above... The Solar system
and planet earth may soon become the center of the greatest galactic
battle ever known. As the 1997 encounter with Hale-Bopp "comet"
approaches, one has to wonder if the "rumors" that this is not a
comet but a huge planetoid that has made course corrections of its
own... are true? Hale-Bopp has been observed spouting huge flumes
or jets of dust particles at approximately 19-day intervals. These could
not be ice-gas particles as the "comet" was not close enough to the
sun at the time the phenomena began to produce the normal cometary
ice-particle 'halo' effect, so the phenomena must be produced by
the "comet" itself. If the Grays-Reptiloids could commandeer
asteroids, then it is certainly possible that they could commandeer
"comets" for their own use or in the case of Hale-Bopp. The interferance
of the Grays might explain the huge plumes of dust -- the possible result
of excavation going on inside the object? It might also explain the
alleged course-alterations of the estimated 40 - 70 km diameter object.
In one instance a 70 degree course alteration was observed. NASA
officials explained this phenomena with the excuse that Hale-Bopp
was influenced by the gravitational fields of the planets. I ask, WHAT
planets? These course corrections were made when the "comet" was
no where near any of the planets. Contactee Alex Collier claims that
his sources from the Andromeda constellation have confirmed that
Hale-Bopp is a Draconian-Orion space station that is trailing two
smaller planetoids behind it, which the Reptiloids intend to put in
orbit around Mercury once the "comet" enters the domain of the inner
planets in 1997. If this is true, then these two planetoids are bound
to be seen by amateur astronomers when the comet passes through
earth's orbital plane. Will this mark the end of the global coverup?
Certainly if a massive invasion force were on it's way to earth
it would try to conceal itself somehow rather than allow themselves
to be exposed months or perhaps years in advance, and risk giving
the targeted planet time to prepare defenses. Whatever the true
nature of the mystery is, we are bound to find some of the answers
deep within the hidden depths below Dulce, New