Star Wars - Episode IV

Section A

The polytikal mythologem

The Synarchy
"Ideas were made for humans, and not humans for ideas."
    Comin' from greek, the term "synarchya" ethymolgykaly means "the
collegial  (as in "league") power". Theclassic example is considered the system
set up in Athenes durin' 510 b.C., by Clisthene (grandfather of Pericle),
who reformed the Constitution of the fortress in concordance with several
principles inspired from Pitagora" s phylosophy, accordin' to whom the
actual power - meanin' the influence over the whole social activities - has
to be exert by a "choice of society"/ elite, includin' scholars and
    The Ordo Illuminatorum Society, founded in 1776 by adam Weishaupt, had
thirteen pyramidal degrees, strictly compartimented in three levels. The
influence of the order manifested in England in France, and had been very
important in the development of the French Revolution.
    Several jacobyns were members of the Bavarian Illuminati (the jacobyns
club is considered responsable for the bloody repression in 1793 - when
the polytikal took control over the revolutionary movement). Representative
names are Danton, Mirabeau and Thomas Paine.
    In "Secret societies, yesterday and today", Serge Hutin says that the
actual rulers of the bavarian order were in fact a few members of the
mysterious organisation "Synarchie d' Empire"/ "Synarchy of the Empire".
    Born in Saint- Yves, durin' 1842, the occu;tist Joseph alexandre
Saint- Yves d' Alveydre, marquise d' Alveydre, had an adventurous life,
travelin' from the penitenciary colony of Mettray to the marine infantery and
even to Jersey, as an educator.
    Next to the 1870 war he was a modest errander in the Ministery of
Internal Affairs. In 1876, he met Marie- Victoire de Risnitch, contess of
Keller, ex- mistress of tsar Alexander II. Marryin' her, he bought from the
Pope institution the title "marquis d' Alveydre".
    The meetin' with a mysterious afghan prince (in fact, a birds-seller
from Le Havre) ment a significant moment in his career, by findin' out
several secrets refferin' to Agartha, where "The Great White Lodge" rules,
controlin' from the shadow the destiny of the planet (oh, grandiousity...).
    This way, the archetype of the "synarchy" emerged.
    It seems like synarchy associates three powers, correspondin' to the
corporal, relational and spiritual functions, meanin' the economykal power,
the legislative power and the guidin' / leadin' power.
    As a result of what he found out, Saint- Yves d' Alveydre suggested
that the parlamentar democracy should be replaced by a system of
organisations formed of proffesionals, elected by proffesional electin' corps. The
system was willin' to include : the Economysts Chamber, the Legal Advisers'
Chamber, the Scholars Chamber and the Clerykal Chamber.
    Saint- Yves totally discerned the notions of power and authority : the
authority is supposed to supervize the power.
    And, first thing first, the synarchy was supposed to get established
all over Europe.
    Only Pierre Milliaire (pseudonym) claimed himself to incumbe from the
Saint- Yves d' Alveydre ' s teachings, by publishin' in 1912 "La fin du
parlamentarisme; du crepuscule de l' anarchie a l' aurore de la synarchie"/
"The end of the parlamentarisme; from the twilight of anarchy to the
aurora of the synarchy".
    (Remember "The Red Aurora" - the name of the 1985 "Toronto protocols"
? Aha...)
    Originatin' in the rosicrucian branch named AMORC ("Antic and Mystik
Order of the Rose- Croix"), "The Hermetyk Brotherhood of the Golden Down in
the Outer" became an important secret society emerged in the XIXth century
    In "Saint Graal and its heir", Henry Lincoln, Michael Baigent and
Richard Leigh mention: "Durin' the XIXth century, Prieure de Sion tried to
constitute over the masonry and Hieron du Val d' Or a new holy roman empire,
kind of theokratyk union of the european states, ment to be ruled by the
Habsburgs along to a radikaly reformed church. The wwI and the replacement
of most of the european monarchies foiled these plans."
    Pierre Mariel considers: "As the French Revolution got prepared by the
"Bavarian Illuminati" and "The Templars of the Strict Observance", the
same way the "Golden Dawn" prepared the come in of the nazism."
    Members of the Golden Down Brotherhood became adhesives of the
"Synarchy for the Empire" and of other groups representin' secret societies based
on the promotion of an elite, most of 'em emergin' as exclusyvist
associations and clubs.
    As a result of the wwI, unprecedentede massacre causin' the death of
more than 10 million humans and by the end of wich the communism spectrum
got sprayed into Russia, also infectin' Italy, Germany and Hungary, the
lack of balance was provin' the vulnerability of the economyk and social
system all over the Occident - implyin' the idea of a profound restoration.
    An ideology was comin' into view in France. Its aversion against the
communism, the balance between the general overview and cult for cyphers
and technyk, the tendency to command - all of these got into an "elitiste/
choice of society" view.
    The development of the public service, industry and finances caused
the emergence of a social group named "the managers". Durin' the middle
1920s,this "social cell" got impressed by the synarchic concept, promoted by
Papus, grand- master of the Martinist Order.
    The technokratyk conception is based on the importance given to the
economykal power, the previous project proposed by Saint- Yves d' Alveydre
referin' to the foundin' of a "Great Council of the National Economy",
bringin' together workers and bosses; this way, the "class struggle" was ment
to get neutralised.
    In the 1920s, a sindykat of the economyk and professional press got
promoted, this way the spread of the synarchic idea gettin' easier among the
industry-people and bankers. This ideology was ment to add "a little bit
of soul" to the capitalyst system and society.
    Durin' 1921, the Martinist and Synarchic Order appeared under the lead
of Victor Blanchard (an office-worker in the Deputyes Chamber). The next
year, the Synarchyk Central Committee was founded, as a polytikal secret
society, gettin' together as its members young graduates of several famous
swchools and bussines-men. An important purpose of the league was to
recrute and promote competent personnel.
    Supervizors of the Committee were Etienne Clementel = minister/
secretary of Industry and Trade, founder of the General Confederation of the
French Masterhood; alexandre Millerand = ex-president of the French Republic;
and Jean Monet = second-general secretary of the United Nations (he later
became "the father of Europe").
    In 1929, an italian guy named d' Accomani, the author of "Asia
Mysteriosa" (signin' with the pseudonym Zan Bhotiva), mrs. Jeanne Canudo and
Vivian Postel du Mas (who claimed himself as a descendent of Guillaume Postel)
founded the occultist group named "The Brotherhood of the Polars". The
organisation supported the settin' - up  of a direct informational line to
agartha, through an italian eremit from Tibet - "father Julien'.
    The group reunions were goin' on in Montmartre, 36 Avenue Junot,
inside an apartment. Among its members there were the publicist Fernand
Divoire, the writer Maurice Magre and Jean Marques- Riviere (nazi simpatizant).
    The small group of Polars was gettin' in touch with the Teosophists,
the esoterist- christians of Paul Vulliaud, the masons of the Great Lodge
of France and especially with the members of the Martinist Order (from
1934, ruled by Constant Chevillon).
    Inside another occultist group, Postel du Mas met Rudolf Hess.
    In 1934, Vivian Postel du Mas published, by signin' "the Synarch VPM",
a small writin' named "The scheme of the social archetype", representin'
the Saint- Yves d' Alveydre ' s ideas.
    The meetin' between Postel du Mas and Jean Coutrot was followed by the
turnin' of the "Synarchyk Central Committee" into "The Synarchyk Movement
for Establishment of the Authority" ("Le Mouvement Synarchique d'
Empire"), while "The Scheme" became the "Synarchyk Pact" - a full economykal-
politykal  program.
    The movement, significantly supported by Jean Coutrot, inspired the
emergence of a multitude of organisations and seminars, study groups,
magazines and other media, gettin' to inspire the economykal and governmental
gearings, too. Into this complex system were involved X-Crysis,
X-Informations, The General Comission of Scientyfikal Organisation of Work (CEGOS),
the French"Bring-to-normal", the "9th of July Plan" team, along toimportant
individual "decision makers" - such as : Ernest Mercier = magnate of
electricity and "deliverer"  of the electoral masterhood; Auguste Detoeuf =
director of Alsthem; Pierre Pucheu = director of Japy; Jacques Barnaud and
Gabriel Leroy- Ladurie = first, the garant and, second, the administrator of
the bank group of Worms (which later became the most important financial
supporter of the Synarchy).
    Instead the fact that not all of 'em were members of the "Synarchic
Movement for Establishment of the Authority", all of 'em shared the same
    Durin' the 1940s, there were in Vichy typed writings of a document
containin' 598 suggestions, divided in 13 aliniates. Named "Pacte Synarchique
Revolutionnaire pour l' Empire Francais" / "Revolutionary Synarchyk Pact
for the French Empire", the manifesto mentionede the existence of a vast
secret organisation, in which all the right wing ideologies were
originatin;, by beginnin' with 1922. This secret organisation ment to bring down all
the parlamentary systems and focus the power to the high-masterhood, to
high- civil servants and to the technokratyk "choice of society"/ elite,
    Concomitent, several groups self-named "synarchiks" got activated,
intendin' a new european over-polytikal order. They all got cumulated into
the collaborationist environments/ system of Vichy.
    In 24th january 1937, the freemasonDimitri Navashin (economykal
conseilor of the Popular Front, weel-known economist, ex- director of the North-
European Bank and director of the Worms Bank) got killed by members of the
"Secret Organisation of the revolutionary and national action"/
"Organisation secrete d' action revolutionnaire et nationale", nick- named by the
journalists "Cagula"/ "The Cagoule". It was financially supported by
Mussolini, along to Renaud, Michelin, Lafarge, Gibbs, Ripolin and others (would
you take a look over "The 300 Committee" ? We' ll talk about a few names,
    The ruler of the Cagoule was a marine ingineer, graduate of the
Polytechnics, member of several administration counsils and attached-expert of
the Appeal Court = Eugene Deloncle.
    The Secret Committee of Revolutionary Action recruted a very large
scale/ polytikally various members, from right wing sympatizans to trotzkysts
and communists, as far as their purpose was the subversion, survin' the
establishment of a synarchyk system. Deloncle may be considered as a
theoretician of the elitist- technokratyk society.
    The "inner circle", located into the Polytechnic School and named "la
Grande Taupe de France" (in fact, a paramasonic system), selected as its
members just the most remarcable students, inoculatin' an elitist ideology
and meanin' to manifest power from key- places in society and state,
includin' by infiltratin' the army.
    Deloncle was seconded by two deputyes : Georges Soules = extremal
socialist, aka Raymond Abellio, and Jean Coutrot = wurmed war veteran, founder
of the Polytechnist Center of Economic Studies. (Coutrot was also a leader
of the top-secret society known as Synarchy.)
    The cagoulard movement was clearly organised by usin' the model of the
Saint Vehme, the Bavarian Illuminati or the Imperial Synarchy. (Its
structure, formed by cells of 9 to 12 members, was built like to reveal to the
low-level members strictly the very-next level in ierarchy, nothin'
    It was a known fact that the Petain government was infiltrated by a
    Into the vichy regime - installed and dominated by the agents of the
same masterhood - the "synarchs' owned three key-ministeries: the
Industrial Production = Rene Belin(ex-director of cgt), supervized by Barnaud; the
Financies = Bouthillier; the External Affairs = Paul Baudoin (director of
the Indochina Bank). The Corporative Organisation Committees, the central
Office of Distribution of Industrial products etc., were "synarchyk
products", also inspired by Coutrot.
    "The synarchs" got involved into the internal conflicts of the Vichy
regime, too.
    When Laval got replaced with admiral Darlan, he got back almost
instantly as a result of the direct intervention of Petain. Right after tis
incident, the anti- synarchyk cxampaign exploded/ emerged.
    In Vichy, Laval and the catholic integrists got involved; in Paris,
Deat and the extremal colaborationist elements got involved in it. The
synarchyk movement was exposed.
    In 1941, the director of the National Safety, Henri Chavin, draw out a
"Confidential Report on the polytechnyk society aka the Synarchyk Movement
for Establishment of the Authority" ( the first investigation regardin'
the Synarchy made by usin' strictly police means ), in which it' s written
that, from the 44 identified rulers of the "Mouvement synarchique d'
Empire", 22 were graduates  from supervizors schoolos (there were 15
polytechnists and 5 graduates of the "Financial inspectors contests") - see what
happens when the intellect becomes tormentin' ? (my very own note)
    There are also mentioned 10 components of the multitude of the
associations/ groups founded courtesy of Coutrot involvement, whom financial
souyrces remained a mistery.
    Happenin' in 15th of may 1941, the demise of Coutrot was kept in
secret 'till the 5th of july. His two secretaries, Frank Thealet and Yves
Parignaud were already dead at the time (miscellaneous circumstances).
    Spared by the juridical system, the cagoulards controled the
assassination of the ex-minister/secretary of Internal Affairs of the Popular
Front, Max Dormoy, in 26th of july 1941. Joseph Darnaud , the chief of the
Cagoule in Nisa, became director of the famous Militia established by the
government of Vichy. Behind the cagoulards, there was the Syanarchy, kept
    In 1941,Eugene Deloncle and Georges Soules founded, in Paris, "The
social-revolutionary movement", emergin' among other "colaborationist"
organisations. The next year, Soules planned an "internal" set-up; Deloncle,
deposed, colaborated with the Abwehr (informations service of the Wehrmacht),
by involvin' himself in the attempt against Hitler, in 20th of july 1944.
    Raoul de Vitry d' Avancourt, Gabriel Le Roy- Ladurie (members of the
Vichy government), Loustaunau- Lacau, Louis Vallon and Ghislain de
Benouville (members of the Resistance) were "synarchs" or ex-cagoulards,
maintainin' themselves into the power structures durin' the 4th and the 5th
Republic, among many others bein' in the same situation, into the high-levels of
industry, finances or into the centers of the power.
    Many cagoulards retired, after 1945, in Franco' s Spain, Argentina and
    The trial of the Cagoule, goin' on durin' 1948, presided by the judges
Locuty and Jakubiez ( sounds like jewish ethnyks - just as a curiosity,
though...), revealed that the assasin of Navashin, of Laetitia Toureaux and
of the Rosselli brothers (who didn't have anythin' to do with the
synarchy, but whom "conviction" came from the OVRA, the secret police of Mussolini
- think twice, think fastt, think deeper... Aha !),was Jean Filliol, ex-
member of an association named "Camelots du roi" - deliverin' regalist
publications durin' the inter-war; he was a deputy of Deloncle.
    There were exposed some of the fianancial sources of the Cagoule : the
marshall Franchet d' Esperey contributed with aprox. 1 and a half francs,
Pierre Michelin gave aprox. 1 million, seconded by Louis Renault and
Jacques Lemaigre-du-Breuil, the master of the Lesieur oils - who got killed in
Alger, in 1943.
    Durin' 1946, Husson was denouncin' a left wing (!) synarchyk pact, in
"Synarchie, panorama de 25 annees d' activite occulte'? "Synarchye,
panorama of 25 years of occult(ist) activity".
    The whole situation is synthetized by the very- learned Umberto Eco :
" Let' s get it straight,from the right wing there' s denounced a
Synarchyk Pact of thye Empire, socialist and secret, which anythin' but secret
there isn't; but the same secret synarchyk pact is denounced from the left
wing, too... And here it is (...) a new interpretation: synarchy is a jesuit
plot ment to break down the 3rd republyk. This thesisgot exposed by Roger
Mwnneveee, a left-winger.(...) Here' s another revelation : the Synarchy
is a plot of the international technokrats. This point of view is affirmed
, in 1960, by a certain Villemarest. Le 14e plot of 13th of may. The
techno-synarchyk plot ment to break-down the governments and, to do so, they
provoke wars, support ajnd instigate state-attacks, provoke internal
internal raptures into the polytks, by encouragin' the internal raptures... (...)
It' s SIM, the Multinational Imperialist State, as the Red Brigades named
    The Red  Brigades were the visible part of a compact conspiration,
named the "Organisation".
    Durin' 1979, the italian institutions released a vast campaign
investigatin' the involvement of the subversive activities of a secret
organisation, which - accordin' to the investigastion - appeared in 26th of
september 1971, as a result of a restricted reunion happenin' inside a chamber
(four walls !) somewhere in Rome, debattin' "the Ishutin soloution".
    (It' s about the secretly napparatus used as a model - it appearted in
the tsaryst Russia, durin' january 1866, initiate by the mosckow
revolutionary Nikolai Ishutin; the organisation was composed by a manifest element,
promottin' agitation and propaganda actions, and a secret branch, named
"Inferno" - usin' terrorism.)
    Step by step, gettin' itself in the backstage of the extendin'
(apparently spontaneous) of the terrorism, the "Organisation" - ruled by
intellectuals, university schoolmasters and prodigious characters of the 1968
events ( ! ), was about to insinuate, as a result of its two-headed
insinuation, deep into the depth of the civilian society. (It' s war !)
    Through the age4ncty of an irregular net - involvin' extremal
left-wing "autonomous/independent collectives", apparently (perfectly) legal,
though - a polytikal wing was elaboratin', in plain sight, the insurrectional
mass propaganda. The military wing was subversively operatin' - includin'
terrorist groups gathered into the "autonomous zone" : the Red Brigades,
Prima Linea (First Line), the Armed Proletarian Nucleum (NAP), PFR, UCC and
others, about 200 "subterranean"/ underground armed gangs changin' their
names every eight days, just to keep the illusion of a numerou and
implacably gherilla army.
    The first important step in the development of the "Organisation" was
to enter into the international circuit. Giangiacone Feltrinelli, leader
of "Potere Operaio" ("The workers' Power - Potop, founded in 1969 and
constituant of the first terrorist gang in Italy - GAP), inaugurated the
european circuit. The Zurich "central office" got followed by the "International
Bureau" of Potop, located in the "Eco- Libro" bookshop, as an
international terrorist coordination secretariate, which came up with an "european
project" ment to apply the "Ishutin solution" continentally.
    Soon, the "Organisation" got closely in touch with the Baader gang,
the irish IRA, the basc ETA, the french extremal-left-wing clandestinity,
all of the palestinian terrorist groups, and the Tupamaros members from
diaspora. These groups, to which other 4-5 armed groups got to add (among 'em,
the Black Panthers), kept their first high-level reunion in october
1971,at the "Stensen Jesuit Institute", in Florence.
    Beginnin' with 1971, there were regulary organised high-level reunions
in Beirut, Tripoli and Dublin, the facts gettin' vehemently denied by the
authorities of the involved countries.
    There were well- equiped and provided logystik bases in Switzerland,
Germany and France.
    A branch was activatin' in the Middle East, durin' 1971-1972, about
100 italians gettin' trained in palestinian camps (1 000 volonteers got
involved in the Tel- el- Zatar battle in Lebanon).
    The czechoslovakyan general Jan Sejna, ex- general secretary of the
Czechoslovakyan Ministery of Defense and counseilor of the Central Military
Czechoslovakyan Committee, asked USA for polytikal asylum in 1968.. Durin'
1980, he exposed the names of 12 italians who were trained inside the
sovietic centrals of Czechoslovakya : 4 of 'em were among the founders of the
Red Brigades, 2 of "em were leaders of "Autonomia"/ "Autonomy" and another
was an important actuator/ (instigator) of the students' national
revolution in 1968 ( ! ).
    The military and financially support given to the Red Brigades was a
basic mission of the jugoslavyan secret service. The jugoslav implication
in the Red Brigades activity is originated in an action started durin' the
middle- "60s, consistin' in the infiltration of a marxist group among the
students of Trento University, with the purpose to spray out the communist
doctrine. In 1970, the group named itself "Brigate Rosse" and organised
bomb- attempts against factories and ware- houses all over northern Italy.
    Antonio Negri, the recognized "Brain" beyond the proteyform organism
composed of boombastyk- named cells (such as "The Organised Autonomy", "The
Workers' Autonomy", "The Armed Autonomy", "The Armed Workers' Autonomy"),
was a graduate of the classes organised in the "preparation center" of
Czechoslovakya durin' 1966-1967. Negri' s writings were inspired from the
left- wing english hystorian Eric Hobsbawn.
    In 1980, Patrizio Peci (member of the Red Brigades and source of the
most significant informations used as charges in the arrest of 400 italian
terrorists, the liquidation of the Red Brigades and Prima Linea) confirmed
that the Red Brigades members were trained inCzechoslovakya durin' the
whole '70s, also gettin' guns from those centers.
    The tag of opinions didn't prevent the repeated meetings between
Renato Curcio (representin' the Red Brigades) and Antonio Negri (emissary of
the Autonomy), unrolled in the presence of Fioroni, the most important
deconspirator of the secret alliance between the terrorists and their
intellectual mentors. The last meetin' took place in the summer of 1974, the same
time Petra Krause and Sergio Spazzali were gettin' 42 anti- tank mines from
the "Swisse Group of Deliveries".
    The "Illegal Activity" section of Potop, whose military commander was
Valerio Morucci, became in 1976 "La Prima Linea". Beginnin' with 1977, the
polytikal faction of the "Organisation" got into a manifest process/
course of fusion-combination with its subterranean privilege.
    The Red Brigades were a military organisation, spared to the elite
(operatin' independent from the masses), while the terrorism of Prima Linea
was supposed to present itself/ to be seen as an "emanation" of the popular
will. In 1978, Potop was out/ finished, but Franco Piperno, Oreste
Scalzone and Luciano Ferrari- Bravo ( who previously were in leadin'-places
inside the group ) got accused for subversive activities.
    The investigations revealed the full colaboration of the
"Organisation" with the Mafia. 'Ndrangheta, the calabrese section of Mafia, had a
"lucrative pact" with the "Communist Fight Union" (UCL).
    By usin' the social- polytikal conditions of the period, the
"Organisation" could' ve achieve the level of a gherilla war (the analysts of the
phenomen considere that the governmental services would' ve get able to
stop it by usin' the demokratyk meanings; the scam was that if they' ve done
that, it all was about to change into a police-state/ clever, ain' t it
    It' s proved that, this way, the extremal left wing terrorists were
preparin', minutely, the left-wing dictatorship - in Italy, Germany, Spain,
Ireland, Turkey, right after the eloquent example of Tupamaros in Uruguay.
   The European Union, constituted durin' the last months of 1993,
powerfull-idea promoted by Jean Coutrot, Coudenhove- Kalergi and arhi- duke Otto
von habsburg, represents by many of its aspects the synarchyk prototype.
   Today, "German Marshall Found", providin' from the central nucleum of
the ex- "Morgenthau- Planungs Gruppe", financial source of the "Club of
Rome" and fervent supporter of the socialism, intends the instauration of a
drastyk autocracy and of the occultist theokracy.
   Known members of the "German Marshall Found" are :
   - Willy Brandt
   - David Rockefeller, Chase Manhattan Bank
   - Russel Train, president of "World Wildlife Fund", Aspen Institute
   - James A. Perkins, Carnegie Corp (branch of the Carnegie foundation of
   - Paul G. Hoffman, designer of the Morgenthau plan
   -Irving Bluestone, United Auto Workers Exec. Board
   -Elizabeth Midgeley, CBS producer
   -B. R. Gifford, Russel Sage foundation
   -Douglas Dillon, ex- USA Tresorery
   -John J. Mc Cloy, Harvard University
   -Derek C. Bok, Harvard University
   -John B. Cannon, Harvard University and others.
   Paul Stefanescu, romanian writer who' s also a freemason (therefore, he
knows a little more...),in the chapter about synarchy - included in "The
mondial history of the secret societies" - expose short and consystent
resumees gathered in a synthesis revealin' the story of the Pugwash movement,
plus several notices followin' the social phenomen of nationalization of
the secret and discreet organisations.
   Scientyfik branch of the mondyalism, oficially appearin' in 1955 (to
the definition of which Albert Einstein and the phylosopher Bertrand Russel
contributed - through elaboratin' its ideologykal directive- manifesto),
the Pugwash movement got together scholars as Max Born, Percy Brigman,
Frederic Joliot- Curie and others; an important member was the canadian Cyrus
Eaton - a John D. Rockefeller agent, a Pugwash native (the location of the
first reunion of the league).
   Paul Stefanescu mentions a vast net of secret societies that were
active in the post- war Germany. The hystorian E. J. Gumbel considers that this
kind of organisations continued the Saint Vehme and the Society of the
Lizards; a direct link is most possible. These executive- groups belonged to
the Rossbach Organisation and to the "Consul Organisation" ("C
   There are several sectarian french movements meanin' the same purpose (
accordin' to the mentioned writer).

   The exhaustivity of the ideologykal stave allocated to the concrete
activity and the apparent opportunism in usin' all the meanings available may
generate an askin' on the consistency of the synarcyk movement.
   What the f*ck is the synarchy, anyway ?
   Synarchy is supposed to be a social form of organisation, comin' from
mystik elements inspired by the monarchyk mythologem ( King of the World
etc. ), assimilatin' technokratyk characterystik features ( I mean, come
on... the change and the technologyk progress couldn' t be ignored, isn' t it
?),to the medieval formulas (the imperyal concept) gettin' added modernyst
notions, like the ierarchyk multicomponent model and the technologykal
   As a conclusion, the synarchy is a hoax.
   In the foreword to Robert Charroux' s "Book of the forbidden
knowledge", Andre Bouguenec says : "The synarchy, sea- snake of the occultism, does
not exyst !"
   The synarchy is not supposed to be considered a rigid device, but a
permanently changin' solvent, such as an ideology.
   The key is given to us, right on point, by the scholar Umberto Eco :"
But the synarchy originates in Agartha, which is the refuge of the Templars
   1) Hieron du Val d' Or = an esoteryk - catholyk sect, founded durin'
1880 by the marquise de Sarachaga (spanish arystokrat), in Paray- le- Monial
(Saone-et-Loire), center of the Sacre Coeur cult.
   2) The nostradamian predictions totally ignore to mention the ww I,
which the Freemasonry claimes to have provoked. ( Accordin' to Gerard de
Sede, Nostradamus was a membre of Prieure de Sion)
   3) Born in 1888, son of a cognac-seller, synarch, reformated in 1914
and representant of Clementel in London, minister/ scretary of Commerce/
Trade and Industry, Jean Monnet provided strategykal products to France. Four
years later, Monnet was second-secretary of the United Nations, in Geneve;
he mentained cordyal relations with T. V. Soong, president of the Central
Bank, and with his sister (Chang- Kai- Schek' s wife).
      Jean Monnet came up with the idea of foundin' the Central Synarchyk
Committee, in 1922, activatin' the same time into the International
Synarchyk Movement (legalised in colaboration with a hungaryan- belgian comte,
Coudenhove- Kalergi, as "The Paneuropean Movement").
      Durin' the ww II, he acted as the counseilor of general de Gaulle,
by conceivin' and putin' into practice the well-known "Monnet Plan", ment
to modernize the french capitalism. He also was involved in bankin' stuff.
      He died in april 1979, 91 years old.
      Henry Kissinger wrote about him like that :" Few people had such an
important role in the history of humanity."
   4) Guillaume Postel (1510-1581) = french scholar and occultist,
follower of the "christyanik kabbalah" and translator of the Zohar.
   5)Paul Vulliaud (1875-1950) = author of "La Kabbale" and "Le Sens
Secret des Evangiles"/ "The Secret Snese of the Evangelyes".
  1) Alexe, Vladimir - The invisible empire (Secret Files of the XXth
  2) Charroux, Robert - The book of the forbidden knowledge
  3) Cremene, Mioara - Initiatic dictionary of knight orders
  4) Eco, Umberto - Foucault' s pendulum
  5) Helsing, Jan van - Secret organisations and their power in thew XXth
  6) Helsing, Jan van - The second book
  7) Pacepa, Ion Mihai - Red Horizons
  8) Sede, Gerard & Sophie de - Occultism in polytiks
  9) Stefanescu, Paul - The mondial history of secret societies
The Millenium Group
   L. Fletcher Prouty, ex-colonel in the american army, mentioned durin'
an interview given to the italian journalist Cipriani the names of those
who got sacrificed as a result of the orders of an elite centered mon the
idea of a "pax mondiale"; the victims were not willin' to accept the control
ment by the Yalta condominium. They were : John F. Kennedy, Aldo Moro,
Enrico Mattei, Olof Palme, Alfred Herrhausen and others.
   (Olof Palme was a member of the Committee of 300, and also a Bilderberg
member; the German Bank was represented in the Bilderberg by Alfred
   Personally, I might complete the list - this time, connected to the
Malta condominium : Nicolae Ceausescu, Yitzak Rabin and lady Diana.
   The idea of a "pax mondiale" is superposin' on the concept of
"Millenium" (the lucyferik 1 000 years empire), which signifiance doesn' t mean any
other explanation...
   An occultist nucleum, named "The Millenium Group" is actin' through
experymental and ritual activities (it' s not just a movie series, you
   "The Millenium Group" is dependin' on Agartha.

******* ******* *******

Star Wars IV

Section B

The mystikal mythologem - Agartha

   Agartha was made by humans, as simple as that.
   In "Le Royaume inconnu" ("The unknown kingdom"), Fride Wean says: "The
position of the initiatic center in the physikal plan is not immuable; by
followin' the polytikal or religious necesities, it' s movin' it splits
   All through history, locations of the Agartha kingdom were in Egypt,
China, Ireland, then in Delphi and Tibet.
   The basic doctrines, the ideologykal influence, manifests from the king
David 'till the elaboration of the Talmud, remarcable effects
reverberatin' into the Middle Adge alchemy.
   As you know - by now, anyway -, "king David" was not a person, but an
institution : David was a generyk name assumed by the "shield bearer" (as a
curiosity, Rothschild = "roth"/ red and "shield", "the red shield"...).
The specyfik colour of "the house of David" was green, though...(just as
Templars Grand Masters' robes)
Hystorikal contacts with Agartha

   Apollonius was born in Tyane, Cappadocia, 4 b.C.; when he was 16 years
old, he deposed his pythagorean swear in the temple of Esculap.
   By followin' a trajectory engraved onh a few copper plates, given to
him by an Apollo' s priest (while in a temple of Daphne, located somewhere
near Antiohia), he arrived in the north of Nepal, accompanied by an
assyrian named Damis. From there, the explorers were taken to the kingdom ruled by a certain Hiarchas.
   Comin' back in Italy, Apollonius became a very vyrulent oponent against
the slavery system and also against the abuses made by the roman


   The orthodox community evoke a slavyk monk named Sergius, who organised
(in 987 A.D.) an expedition to the Oryent, financially supported by the
kneaz Vladymir. Returned to Kiew in 1043, Sergius described a fabulous asian
kingdom. ( His stories were published in a chronicle of San Francisco, in
24th of april 1949.)

   Missions prescribed by Agartha (assumed in medium state) carried out
the alchemyst doctor Paracelsus (1493-1511), Nostradamus and a few others.


   In "Revelations over the Magyck", Karl von Eckarsthausen (1752-1813)
mentioned a secret "School of Wisdom".


   Saint- Yves d' Alveydre, who wrote the famous document "Mission de l'
Inde en Europe" (published in 1910, after he died), presented the supreme
ruler of Agartha as the Pontyf Suveran, coordinatin' the Brahmanyk Church.
( This name was never used in India, the only group that used it was thw
heterodox sect Brahma- Samaj, founded in the early XIXth century, divided
in rival branches and later dissolved.)
   The propagandystik ctivity of Saint- Yves inspired several reformist
groups, among 'em the Polaris club (founded durin' 1929) - ruled by Vivian
Postel du Mas and Jeanne Canudo, personalist and communitary movement
providin' the fabian socialism.


   Ferdinand Ossendowsky, carboriferous exploitations specialist, polysh
engineer who used to be the minister/ secretary of the Finances durin' the
leadin' of the "white (russians) government" instituted by Kolceak, found
out an interestin' legend mentionin' a phantasy kingdom, by goin' through
vast areas of Central Asia in 1920 and 1921. The ingineer got significant
details from Hutuktu (elevated lamayst monk) Jelyb Djamsrup, in
Narabanchi- Kure ( a very important lamaserya of "exterior Mongolia"), from the
prince Choultoun- Beily and from his advisor lama Gelong, also as a result of
several conversations with the librarian Bogdo- Khan, in Urga
(Ulan-Bator). Later, a lama livin' near the Nogan Kul lake showed him an entrance in
Agartha.   Ossendowsky named the "hidden kingdom" Agarthi (in his book - "Betes,
hommes et dieux"/ "Beasts, men and gods"). The kingdom was supposed to be
ruled by the "King of the World".)
   His sources were strictly mongolyan.


   Nicholas Roerich, russian painter (later becomin' a finn cytizen, right
before the "October Revolution"), accomplished an expedition in august
1925, ment to achieve the central asia, followed by a second expeditiuon,
durin' january-may 1926.
   While he was in Moscow, durin' 1926, the artist gave to the sovyetik
government a valuable paintin' named "Maitreya, the Conqueror" (it' s
exposed in the "Gorki Museum of Art"); he also gave 'em a letter from the
Mahatmas (Wise Men) of Himalaya (its text was published in the first issue on
1965 of the moscovyte magazine Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizhn).
   Some sources, documentary confirmed, consider that Roerich became a
representant of those Mahatmas (located in ancient cultural centers from
central Asia) to the polytikally-powerfull governments.
   The activities of the well-known militant materialised into the
adoption of the "Roerich Peace Pact" by the United Nations in 1930, later signed
by the "Panamerican Union" (in 1935).
   He also contributed to the emergin' of the United Nations institution.


   The parizian magazine "Point de Vue" published in 1947 the statements
of an epykurian multy-miliardar, the prince Cherenzii Lind, who was
claimin' himself as the Great Leader of the Initiates of agartha, aka Kut- Humi.
Accordin' to Robert Charroux, his purpose was to meet Mikhael Aivanhov,
Grand Master of the Great White Brotherhood from Sevres.
   Robert Charroux says :
   "I' ve met personally the "Chryst-King", Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere,
the Suveran Pontyf of the Universal Church, Supreme Regent of Agartha, the
Director of the Mondial Bureau of Cultural Affairs etc., and he tried to
make me believe that the entrance in Agartha is placed somewhere in  the
area where the Chigatze and Kuen Lun are located.
   I' ve also met very closely the "prince Cherenzii Lind Maha Chohan,
"Supreme Regent" (as he was claimin', too) of Agartha, and who was supposed
to lead us into the subterranean sanctuary located north of Lhasa."
   And "yadda-yadda-yadda, Charroux never met "the prince" again, as long
as he lived.

The organyzatorik structure

   The chain-in-command system of Agartha is ment as a pyramidal
structure, presided by Maha- Chohan (which is actually a mixed- up term, not
appearin' at all in the buddhist canon Tanjur/ Kanjur, includin' the terms
"maha" = great and "chohan" = tybetan term describin' an occult yerarchy).
   The combination of these two terms dates from the XVIIth century A.D.
   (The identity of the person nominated by this "nobility title" is known
to certain polytikal representants.)
   Maha-Chohan' s secretary intermediates the relation to the subordinated
   Raymond Bernard evokes several meetings, started in 1964, as a result
of which he participated to a reunion of the "Great Council", gatherin' 12
"great initiates". (No politician is a member of the "High Council".)
   In some texts, the "King of the World", who's got the power to convene
the Great Council, is named the "Master of the three worlds". Accordin'
toi Robert Charroux, "the Master of the Three Worlds (...) is Lucifer
   Ossendowsky' s writings nominate King of the World as Brahytma/
Brahatma (the Authority), seconded by Mahytma/Mahatma (the Power) - he gets
aknowledge of the future events, and Mahytma/Mahayana (the Organisation/Order)
- who determines the causes of these events.
   The actual "Supreme Council" disposes by informations gathered in huge
archives. Only the Suveran Pontyf of Agartha, along to his assesors/
subordinates, know the whole content of this planetary library.
   Members of the "Supreme Council" mentain a direct link with the cosmic
mission named the "Sacred Collegium" (who ensures the continuity of the
high ezotheryk initiation). The "Supreme Council" is a theokratik-like power
form, actually the equivalent of a civilian power, assumin' the
responsability of the existential aspect, while the "Sacred Collegium" is
"responsable for the souls" (accordin' to Raymond Bernard).;
   The Supreme Council of Agartha is the first link to the cosmic
yerarchykal ensemble. It' s not to be confused with the High Reunion of the Cosmic
Masters (which is assumin'another kind of mission).
   The Supreme Council coordinates the activity of the 36 Unknown
Superiors, who lead 365 Bagwandas (cardynals) and 5 000 Pundits (scholars). (Into
masonic circles, there' s a version mentionin' a Council of the 72).


   The princess Sharula aurora Dux, daughter of the king and queen of
Telos (agarthian residence) and ambassadoress of Agartha to the surface of the
Earth, mentions as organyzatorik structure the same "Council of 12" (its
members are both men and women), implyin' other two members, though - Ra
and Rana Mu.
   The council is supposed to solve the internal affairs of the agarthian
   The king and the queen assume the responsability of the finalisation of
the Master Plan.
   Another representative leader is the Great-Priest Adamu.
   You' ll find many other infos by readin' :
   -  .


   They say Agartha got removed, durin' 1800 b.C., in the northern
Himalayas, in the Dejong region.
   In present days, Agartha changed its name (now still beginni' with an
"A"...) and its geographykal location, while inside the Great Council
intervened a change in the line of the new rythm of evolution (accordin' to d'
   As a result of the decision ment to adapt the operational process to
the social and technologykal demands, adopted at 21st of march 1933, the
members of the Supreme Council got authorised to have "profane occupations",
too - by beginnin' with the 27th of december 1945.

The location - still a mystery

   Michel Simkine, quoted by Robert Charroux, mentions a second Agartha,
the "John' s Upper/ High Church Agartha", who might be located "at the
North Pole or under the Himalayas".
   Accordin' to Gerard de Sede, "for the asian buddhists of the Mahayana
school, the location where the King of the Worlds lives in reclusion is
Agartha and it' s situated, accordin' to some, in Japan, accordin' to others
in India, others say it's in Tibet, whilw another wing claim it's in
Mongolia; as a result, the believers imagine there' s a subterranean net
linkin' all of these regions, this way everybody's "koombaya" ".
   I won' t insist on the Antarctyk Covenant. you can find infos in
Branton's web-sites, and also .

   It' s forbidden to mistake Agartha with the authentyk spiritual center
- Shambala, its characterystiks are totally different.
   The last "physikal projection" of Shambala was in Kashmir, Orissa,
'till the 6th century A.D., since when Shambala has no longer any kind of
projection into this physical level.
   Shambala is significated by the "Right Hand Path", while Agartha is
significated by the "Left Hand Path".
   Accordin' to Robert Charroux, the teozofysts think that the Masters
from Venus ( ! ) formed, right after they came to Earth, The Great Initiation
Lodge, and their residence is now Shambala - an astral city located in the
Goby desert (a secret sanctuary, center of the hidden government. ( '
understand the confusional strategy ?)
   Confusin' synonims are the deviated forms Kambala and K.B.L.
   Robert Charroux mentions : "The K.B.L. forces have to serve a new
synarchy, to unite into the same fight against the black forces the most
numerous race of the Yellows and the most capable race of the Nordic blonds.
   The nature of these forces is magykal and comin' from the four most
important world traditions; tybetan, hindu, egyptian and german, al of 'em
focused over a fifth tradition, (...) of the underground freemasonry."
   The 'external" link to Agartha is "The Great Lodge of the Vril".
   (As far as I know, the ambassador of the tybetan Agartha in nazies'
Berlin was a certain Karo Nicky. And, Hitler ' s counseilor regardin'
occultist problematyk was another certain character known as "the monk wearin'
green gloves", who was supposedly the owner of the key to the entrance in
"the subterranean kingdom" of Agarthi - interestin', there was an
organisation known as "The Green Glove" activatin' in Russia before wwII...)

Section C

The realm

   Durin' october 1973,, Sandro rampazzo and Sandro Sedona (guns- dealers)
got arrested in Viareggio, Toscana. Rampazzo' s note book revealed the
most organised plot ever known in Italy : the "Winds-Rose" conspiracy.
   An important name involved into it was that of a doctor of Ortonovo
(near La Spezia).
   Gian Paolo Porta Casucci was always seen dressed as an SS officer. (He
ven wrote a book : "The child with a walkin'-stick", signin' it Josef von
   The police research into Porta Casucci' s residence was not in vain.
   Among several documents provin' the fascist sctivity in the region,
they discovered the planin' of a state-attack ment to blow in 1974.
   All the documentation was impregnated with the symbol of the nazi
aquila, meanin' the mysterious organisation named "Rosa dei Venti-Giunta
esecutiva ricossa sociale italiana"/   "The Wind-Rose? The Twentieths'
Organisation - executive junta (league) of the national italian rescue/
   The plan involved six steps :
   1) gettin' the financial support from extremal right-wing supportin;
industrials, initiatin' armed attacks and kidnappings;
   2) putin; into practice the strategykal tension by emergin' several
bloody attempts in Italy, this way deludin' a mass- psychosis;
   3) direct oiffensive against the left-wing organisattions, by
assassinatin' their leaders = civil war;
   4) intervention of the army, while the accomplice officers and soldiers
join the extremal right-wing and neutralise the democratyk forces; the
key-locations on the field get controled;
   5) the execution of the communist and socialist ministeries/
secretaries and parlamentars, of the left-wing leaders and of the older Resistance
members (1 624 individuals);
   6) the establishment of a system similar to the Social Republic of
   Porta Casucci revealed his connections with prince Borghese and a
certain Eugenio Rizzato (from Padova). He also revealed that the plan was
elaborated durin' the winter of 1972 while a meetin' of the veterans of the
Republic of Salo.
   The investigation culminated, durin' november 1973, by the arrest of
Eugenio rizzato (member of the Black Brigades), of the advocate Giancarlo de
Marchi , MSI municipal conseilor of Genova and close collaborator of
Giorgio Almirante, leader of the party, and Roberto cavallero (member of thye
fascist syndikate CISNAL).
   They were members of the National Front, leaded by Junio Valerio
Borghese (refugee in Spain, as a result of the failin' attempt of 1970). the
representant of Borghese in leadin' the party was de Marchi. (Soon, it got
proved that Borghese was the mastermind of the whole plot, though... Meanin'
the investigation confirmed  his presence, along to the SS colonel Otto
Skorzeny, at the meetin' of the Wind-Rose conspiracy, carried on into Porta
Casucci' s residence, summer of 1973.)
   In january 1974, roberto Cavallero revealed several names and facts.
   Among the involved names, there was locotenent-colonel Amos Spiazzi-
the chief-commander of the 3rd army military informations bureau. Among the
facts, Cavallero recognised he infiltrated into several army services,
meanin' to involve superior-officers into the plot.
   The search inside Spiazzi' s residence revealede his links to the
"Ordine Nuova"/ "New Order" organisation and to the "Winds-Rose" conspiracy.
Spiazzi used military codes to preserve the contacts between the members
involved in the plot. Through Spiazzi, the "Winds-Rose" was able to controle
the details regardin' the defense systems of the whole teritory of Italy.
   In february 1974, Roberto Cavallero came up with details regardin' the
"Organisatiopn", identifyin' the new involved term/ concept with the
"Winds-Rose", while he deconspired the whole plan, the programs, the links to
the industrials and to the bankers, the connections with the extremal
right-wing organisations : The National Front, MAR, Ordine Nuovo, Ordine Nera/
The Black Order, The National Vanguard etc.
   He said : "The Rose is a secret organisation leaded by a group of 87
superior-officers representin' all of the corps and security services. The
group presents its ramifications all over the country and officers'
operational nucleums into all the detachments. There' s also another officers'
group, mentainin' the link to the extremal right-wing organisations,
involved in the plot."
   Accordin' to Cavallero' s claimin', the "Winds-Rose" came up with a
whole new military yerarchy, kind of an inner circle.
   ' Takin' advantage of the confused and unstabile social situation, the
Organisation was meanin' to provoke/ challenge troubles (as long as such
things wouldn't' ve emerged spontaneously), by financin' and controlin'
(through the Organisation and Winds-Rose groups) this kind of actions, just
to reach its purpose...
   The "Winds-Rose" have been involved in the 17th of may 1973 Milano
grenade-attempt, launched right in front of the central police station by Gian
Franco Bertoli (4 killed, 20 sever-wurmed). The attempt has been preparede
by Eugenio Rizzato.
   The bomb-attempt from the Genova- Rome train (8 april 1973) was also a
result of the "Winds- Rose" program. Nico Azzi, member of "Ordine Nuova",


   The "Aginter-Presse" was, 'till 24th of april 1974, an international
subversive fascist center, financially supported by the portuguese
government and also by the french, belgium, south-african and south-american
extremal right-wing leagues.
   (Previously,a similar press-agency existed in Western Europe durin' the
'30s, founded by Armand Bernardini - member of the anticommunist
organisation named "The International Polytikal Bureau".)
   In september 1966 Lisabone, a french polytikal- refugees group founded
the International Press Agency "Aginter- Presse". The first issue of the
publication was in november.
   The director of the Aginter agency, Ralph- Guerin Serac, arrived in
Lisabone durin' late 1962. His real name was Yves Guillou (ex- captain in the
french army, he fought in Coreea and then in Indochina and Algerya; durin'
june 1962, he refugeed in San Sebastian, Spain; there, he became a member
of Georges Bidault's CNR commandin' department.)
   In Lisabone, Guillou contacted several ex- OAS members and also a group
of "olders" from Petain' s regime, also refugeed in the same area.
   (The fascist community was high-protected by Salazar himself.)
   PIDE (The International Police of Defence of the State), founded in
1940, needed an informations-net inside the african areals. Therefore, the
portuguese authorities asked Guerin- Serac to come up with a staff of
   Meanwhile, Guerin- Serac came up with an underground organisation named
"Order and Tradition", symilar to the OAS. The group got in touch with
other organisations from Italy, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Portugal.
   The league was named OACI : "Organisation of action against
international communism". Founded in 10th of december 1966 Lisabone,it became the
clandestin military wing of Aginter and "Order and Tradition".
   (The military wing of "Order and Tradition" was "The Occidental
Presence", though. Founded in Johannesburg, it got sprayed in Salisbury, Luanda,
Bissau, Lisabone, Madrid, Hamburg, Viena, Bruxelles and Malmo.)
   The first international reunion, in Lisabone (january 1967), gathered
the representants of the fascist movements from Portugal, Spain,
Switzerland, Sweden, West- Germany, Argentina, Paraguay, while the second (april
1967) reunited members of the extremal right-wing from Belgium, great Britain
(British National Party) and Italy (Ordine Nuovo).
   Aginter maintained collaboration with symilar italian agencies, such as
FIEL Notizie Latine (focused on the South- America) and Oltremare (the
'third world" correspondent). Oltremare and Aginter had a collaboration
contract signed in february 1967, in Lisabone.
   Guerin- Serac' s team also contacted the south- african, brazilian,
rhodesian, south- vietnamese and taiwanese governments.
   In France, Aginter was closely connected to ex- OAS members
communities, the Tixier- Vignancour communities, later (1966) to the "Occident" and
"Young Revolution Movement" (MJR - founded in the late 1966 by ex- OAS-
metro Jeune members; later, it became the "Popular Action", "Youth Action
Group" - GAJ and the "Impact" magazine).
   In 1969-1970, Aginter got in touch with the "Europen Elite" group.
   In Switzerland, the neo- nazi center "New European Order" (NOE), leaded
by professor Amaudruz, collaborated with Aginter. (It seems Amaudruz was
an Aginter agent). Aginter was also connected to the swisse fascist group
"Young Europe".
   In Belgium, it had contacts in Jean Thiriart' s group.
   In Germany, it was related to the neo- nazi party NPD.
   In fact, Aginter was preparin' a whole promotion of spies,
commando-warriors, terrorists, assassins and mass- manipulatin' agents.


   Durin' 1964, Guerin- Serac was meetin' Guido Giannetini (I' ll get back
with some infos on Guido Giannettini as soon as I can). The mediators of
the restrained reunion were a PIDE agent and ... Jean Souetre (the well-
known international assassin, whose center was located - accordin' to
Branton' s research - in Madrid. Small world, isn' t it ?),

Section D

       "I hit 'em high / hit 'em high / hit 'em high, and you hit 'em low
/ hit 'em low / hit 'em low..." (All Stars)

   Arrested durin' the spring of 1980s, Patrizio Peci (ex- commander of
the Torino section of the "high strategykal command" of the "Organisation",
revealed the Prague (Czechoslovakya)- Hungary - Austria channel of the
gun-traffic provided by the palestinians to hte "Re dBrigades".
   He mentioned two missions assumed by the commander of the "Red
Brigades" Rome section, who bought guns on the sea, once i durin' 1977 and the
second time durin' 1979.
   In 1977, he' s got the Skorpion used in the assassination of Aldo Moro.
   Then, he discharged the hot-stuff in La Maestre, the industrial harbour
of Venice. The grenades, the Energa anti-tank mines, the machine-guns and
the Strela rockets were given to the terrorist centers in Italy, to the
IRA, to the bascs ETA and to several terrorist groups of Germany.
   The guns, provided by FPLP to Georges Habash, were addressed to the
military underground movement of the "Organisation", but also to the
polytikal wing (the "oficial" branch) of the "Autonomy" - on 8th of november 1979,
Daniele Pifano, a well-known leader of the "Autonomy", got caught in
Ortona while transportin' two Strela rockets.
   'Ndrangheta got its 2.5 million dollars reward to the "Red Brigades"
from the kidnappin' of the billionaire Angelo Costa, then used as financial
support to the Aldo Moro affair.
   To the end of the '70s, Prima Linea of the Organisation and the
calabrese 'Ndrangheta organised a reunion gatherin' the bosses of the two leagues
inside a luxurous villa in Tropea, Calabria; while the terrorists' mentors
were polytikaly leadin', supported by the violent movements of the
"Autonomia" members.

Section E

The Ashtar Command

   Unusual events happened in Europe and USA, many TV viewers from Great
Britain and radio listeners from USA and Europe pointed out/ mentioned the
(all of the) sudden overlap of several messages from unidentified sources.
The frequency of the signal proved to get usin' a high energetyk level.
   An american listener livin' on the south coast of California mentioned,
in his letter: "On 24th of july 1972, it was saturday, between 12 and 13
p.m., I heard on the radio a message which in my opinion was emited by the
Ashtar Command, usin' a frequency over 10 000 kHz, with such a high
intensity that it overtook the local post, which uses a 10 kW power. I think the
Ashtar emitor uses a bearer-wave 1 000 kW power, which is illegal in USA,
where the most powerfull emission permitted to the stations is 50
   The messages were received later both technologykaly or by channelin'.
The texts were published, while some of the "TV shows" got available on
video- tapes.
   Members of the Ashtar Command are Xyletron, Matton, Andromeda Rex,
Voltra and Kut- Humi.
   Accordin' to 'em, they are extraterrestrials from Alpha Centauri,
namin' 'emselves "santanians".
   Accordin' to the romanian researcher of the phenomen Ion Tugui
(deceased, not 'cause of that...), the santanian contacts with humans began in
1952nd Germany, then continued in 1953rd USA, the development of the
channelin' later involvin' mediums from Peru, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, New
Zeeland, England, France, Italy, Sweden and many counties of Asia.
   In Berlin, a mediumnic group developed a campaign startin' in 1956.
   Professor Sper repeatedly "saw" the "materialisation" of the leader
Ashtar Sheran. He described him as a 2. 10 m high male, blond long
(shoulders-level- hair, blue eyes and high forehead.
   On 26th of november 1977, a member of the "Galactyk Commandement
Ashtar" presentin' himself as Gillon connected to the british TV screens, durin'
a sudden transmission. While the message was on, there was no image- just
   All through the campaign, it was repeatedly emphasized:
   "We do exist and our fleet in the sky is not a fiction !"

   Endeed, Agartha presents a "physikal projection".

   As I mentioned in a previous material, Krishnari Bai Dharapurnananda,
UFO Roundup correspondent in India, reported a strange incident that
occured in Joshimath (the info is available courtesy of Ananda, whom sincerity -
meanin' his hole activity - I personally don' t doubt... but...), a family
mindin' its own bussines gettin' a TV message (instead their TV was
black-and-white, the images came up in colour version - oh, technology these
days...) from a chinese woman wearin' a white halter top, havin' a long
glossy black hair parted in yhe middle and with a shelf of bangs just touchin'
her eyebrows, and right after from a pakistani look-a-like male, wearin'
warrior cothes and a turban.
   Look familiar ? They both spoke weird languages, combinin' their
speakin' with understandable languages. Their message was talkin' about the
Ladakh lately events, revealin' the "extraterrestrial" origin of the whole
scenario and a few other things...

Section FM

Back to Earth - Polytikal/mystikal link

   On 14th of december 1248, two emysars, namin' 'emselves David and
Markus, landed in Limassol harbour, Cyprus.
   David embrassed Andre de Longjumeau (a typikal freemasonry salute - my
note); they met before in the mongolyan land.
   ' Cause the two were ambassadors of the "great khan" to the king of
   (Previously, the italian franciscan monk Jean du Plan Carpin / Giovanni
de Pian Carpini travelled durin' april 1245 and 22nd of june 1246 to
Mongolia, sent by the Pope Inocentiu the IVth. witnessin' the coronation of
Guyuk as a khan, he brought back an answerin' letter from the new mongolian
emperor to the Pope.)
   Andre de Longjumeau was representin' Ludovic the IXth, while David and
Markus were representin' - as soon got proved - just the warrant of the
khan in Iran and Armenya.
   The whole operation involved Hayton I, the king of Armenya. It was
based on the religious permisivity of the gengyshanyd bloodline; and, most of
all, they were emysars of the "nestorian church".
   (The byzantin ex-monk, epyskop of Constantinopole durin' the IVth
century, founded this miscellaneous church; the council of Ephes (431 A.D.)
sanctioned his ideas and, durin' 433, he was claimed as heretyk.)
   Durin' the VIIIth century, the nestorians emerged all through the north
of China.
   In the XIIIth century, "the nestorian chrystianism" was very popular in
the Mongol Empire, also very active in Tangut and in the uighur state
(Present Hsin- Chiang), even before these two regions to become part of the
   Gengis- Khan' s first wife was a nestorian, guyuk' s first wife was a
nestorian and Mongke' s first wife was a nestorian ("cherchez la femme
!..."). Nestorians were in command in many administration high-places.
   Another ambassador of Ludovic the IXth in Mongolia was the franciscan
Willem van Ruysbroeck (aka Rubruquis/ Rubruquin).
   This kind of connections were based on an underground knowledge
(meanin' the four centers of the Melkysedech legacy).
   As I just mentioned, Gengis khan got married to a nestorian woman,
named Borte, daughter of a nestorian mongol prince named Unkchan.
   Ruysbroeck identified the famous "Prester John" in the person of
   Gerard de Sede concludes that "Prester John" was not Unkchan' s
identity, but his function into the "nestorian church' (based on Rene Guenon' s
mentionin' that the "nestorian church" was the "external center" of an
inner circle, which is ... Agartha, "the hidden kingtdom").
   David and Markus also mentioned several "asian chrystian communities"
claimin' 'emselves to continue the line of the Magi, but their locations
were also impregnated by buddhist communities (lamaseryes).
   Gengis khan was wearin' a golden ring with a large ruby which had a
swastika graved on it. To the end of the XIIIth century, Kubilai (the
grandson of Gengis Khan) gave the ring to Dalai-Lama. Later, the jewelry was
brought to Urga (Ulsan- Bator). It was there in 1621. Then...
   Regardin' "the Prester John kingdom" historykal links, you can read :
   - search for: "the kingdom of Prester John
   - (in here, I found the info
that Carpin/ Carpini was a close friend to st. Francisc d' Assisi - who
was d' Assisi ? El Morya..)
   You can also type "Carpini kingdom priest John" and "Carpini kingdom
prester John" in Google : there' s a whole lot of info you're gonna get this

Section G
The hoax

   There's a change interferin' into times. And, who gets aknowledge of
it, it' s actin'.
   H. P. Blavatsky wrote, in "The secret doctrine" : " Between the end of
the XVIIIth century and the beginnin' of the XIXth century, lots of
freemasons travelled to Tibet, where they got initiated into the esoteryk order
of the Masters of Wisdom."
   It' s hoew the Shambala mythologem got known to freemasons. Therefore,
they overlaped the mythologem of Agartha, by usin' the myth of Shambala.
   Accordin' to Robert Charroux, to the end of the XIXth century Agartha
leadin' group permitted the knowledge regardin' their existence to the
   (As you figured it out, these two informations are strictly related.)

   Here's a key :
   Claimed entrances in Agartha are supposed to be located in : Egypt,
Tibet, India, China, Japan, Ireland France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland,
Czechoslovakya, the Poles  and a few other regions.
   Follow the jewish migratin' legacy and you'll find out that all the
geographyk regions mentioned to be such kind of entrances to a subterranean
hidden kingdom present the same three patterns : there are explicit
geo-magnetykal anomalyes in the area, while there are numerous caves in there;
there are uranium deposits in there; the areals are populated by jewish
communities, mostly. (Personally, I mention such a situation in the Baciu /
Shepherd forrest area, near Cluj - interestin' enough, the legend says that
the comte of Saint- Germain was born in Cluj/ Transylvania, 28th of may
1696, as son of Charlotte Amalie, daughter of comte Karl von Hessen-
Rheinfels- St. Goar Wanfield; his name was Leopold Georg and his father was the
leader of the elite liberation-movement from the Habsburg leadership.)

   Read also "The adventures of Don & Carol Croft", on the net (just type
the exact title and dive into it...).

   You' ll also find a whole objective / impartial point of view over the
ideologykal perspective by readin' Clive Picknett& Lynn Prince' s "The
Stargate Conspiracy", bringin' onto the stage a character named Schwaller de
   ' can get knowledge on the subject by readin' :