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whose letter was published in the October issue of AMAZING STORIES, this is to verify the truth of this cave.  

   M/Sgt. Brentlinger (a Shaver fan), stationed at Hill Field, Utah, and myself made a trip to Burley over the weekend of the 17th of August to ascertain the authenticity of both Mr. Haycock and the cave. We had no trouble locating this gentleman and after explaining the purpose of our mission he quite readily agreed to show us the cave and to guide us through, providing it was still possible to enter. The entrance had been blasted since he was last in the cave, he explained.

   We drove about six miles west of town, then turned off the highway onto a little road leading off into the desert sagebrush. Oddly enough, this road was well worn and seemed to be much used although there was no apparent reason for so much traffic. We failed to see

any other cars either on the way in or out.

   Even though he had been in the cave many times and to the entrance as recently as three days prior to this trip, Mr. Haycock, strangely, had difficulty in locating the spot and we stopped twice to look before we finally found it about a mile from the highway.

   The entrance was located in the center of a shallow circular depression. The surrounding terrain was nothing but sand and sagebrush but jammed in about the opening were several large boulders. We found there was still a small hole running down through the boulders and Mr. Haycock thought it was possible for us to make entrance. With some violent maneuvering we did manage to