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cut a tunnel there out of rock as there had been no sign of mining operations. And the rock in the walls and ceiling was run together like it had been melted... Or, fused from a great heat.

   While we were busy examining the cave in general, Joe swore he saw a light way down in the cave.  We started down the cave once more and found a light. Or I should say the light found us as it was suddenly flashed into our faces. We stood there blinded by it for a minute until I flashed my light at its source and saw we were confronted by three men.  

   These men looked to be about fifty or a little younger. They were dressed in ordinary cloths such as is worn by most working men in that locality. Levi type pants and flannel shirts and wool coats. They wore no hats. But their shoes looked strange as their soles were so thick they gave the impression of being made of wood.

   We just stood there for a minute or two and looked at them. We had no idea there was anybody within miles of us and there stood three men looking at us in a cave a mile or so in the depths of o1d Mount Lassen.

   I was scared. We were unarmed. And we knew nothing about these men. One of them spoke to us. He asked us what were looking for. I told him, but I could see he didn't believe it. We both tried to convince him, but he just smiled. We had a little argument with him, but fearing they might be some criminal gang in hiding, we came to the conclusion that we had better retreat. Turning to go we were confronted by two more of them.

   I can't find any way to express the fear and utter helplessness I felt in finding our retreat cut off. I do remember having remarked to Joe...

   "Well, it' looks like we are behind the well known eight-ball."  I sure didn't feel as jovial as I spoke either. One of the strangers told us, "I