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started up the cave afoot...

   We must have walked a long way coming in, for we thought we never would come to the surface. But at last we did. And it was late afternoon when we emerged... We lost no time in making our way down

the mountain and Joe tells me that he isn't even curious about what is in that cave.

   But I am. What is the answer to the whole thing? I would like to know. We had been told just enough for me to believe that down there somewhere there were and are things that might baffle the greatest minds of this earth. Sometimes I am tempted to go back into that cave if I could again find it, which I doubt, but, then I know the warning I heard in there might be too true, so I guess I had better be of the same mind as Joe. He says:

   "What we don't know don't hurt us."




#6 --- The following information can be found on page 277 of Bourke Lee's book "DEATH VALLEY MEN". This story of a strange tunnel was told after the men had been discussing a local Indian legend, similar in many details to the legend of Orpheus and Eurydice, from Greek mythology:


"..."Now! About this tunnel," said Bill, with his forehead wrapped in a frown. You said this Indian went through a tunnel into a strange country, didn't you?"

   "Yes," I said. "I think I called it a cave or a cavern, but I suppose a miner would call it a tunnel. Why?"

   "Here's a funny thing," said Bill...

   "This Indian trapper livin right across the canyon has a story about a tunnel, an it's not a thousand years old either. Tom Wilson told me that his grandfather went through this tunnel and