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   Jack said, "It's part of a church, Bill. Never mind that.... Tell us some more about this place. It's very interesting."

   Fred Thomason said, "Tell them about the treasure rooms."

   "I found them later."  White polished his shining pate with a grimy handkerchief. "After I got the light going I could see all the walls of this big room and I saw some doors cut in the solid rock of the walls.  The doors are big slabs of rock hung on hinges you can't see. A big rock bar lets down across them. I tried to lift up the bars and couldn't move them. I fooled around trying to get the doors open. It must have been an hour before I took hold of a little latch like (thing) on the short end of the bar and the great big bar swung up. Those people knew about counter-weights and all those great big rock doors with their bar-locks -- they must weigh hundreds of tons -- are all balanced so you can move them with your little finger, if you find the right place."

   Thomason again said,"Tell them about the treasure."

   "It’s gold bars and precious stones. The treasure rooms are inside these big rock doors. The gold is stacked in small bars piled against the walls like bricks. The jewels are in bins cut into the rock. There's so much gold and jewelry in that place that the people there had stone wheelbarrows to move the treasure around."

   Jack sat up in sudden interest. "Wheelbarrows?" he asked, "wheelbarrows a million years old?"

   "We don't know how old they are," said Thomason, reasonably, "But the stone Wheelbarrows are there."

   "Stone wheelbarrows," marveled Jack. "Those dead men must have been very powerful men. Only very strong men could push around a stone wheelbarrow loaded with gold bars. The wheelbarrows must have weighed a ton without