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support the story of Thomason and White, to a remarkable degree.

   The article was titled - TRIBAL MEMORIES OF THE FLYING SAUCERS, written by a Navaho Indian, Oga-Make, who sent in this tribal secret of the Paihute ‘Indians’ in appreciation for a story on the Navaho Indians which appeared in the Spring, 1948 issue of FATE magazine:

   "Most of you who read this are probably white men of a blood only a century or two out of Europe. You speak in your papers of the Flying Saucers or Mystery Ships as something new, and strangely typical of the twentieth century. How could you but think otherwise? Yet if you had red skin, and were of a blood which had been born and bred of the land for untold thousands of years, you would know this is not true. You would know that your ancestors living in these mountains and upon these prairies for numberless generations, had seen these ships before, and had passed down those stories in the legends which are the unwritten history of your people.

   You do not believe? Well, after all, why should you? But knowing your scornful unbelief, the storytellers of my people have closed their lips in bitterness against the outward flow of this knowledge.

   Yet, I have said to the storytellers this: now that the ships are being seen again, is it wise that we, the elder race, keep our knowledge to ourselves? Thus for me, an American Indian, some of the sages among my


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