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ancestors are alleged to have emerged from the subterranean world. Pages 26, 57, and 163-164 of Morris E. Opler's book "MYTHS AND TALES OF THE JICARILLA APACHE INDIANS" gives the information that some of the Apache's believe their place of emergence to be somewhere west of Flint Mountain, which is west of Abiquiu, New Mexico. Others place it north of Durango Colorado; near Alamosa; or in the San Juan Mts. of Colorado.




#11 --- On pages 23-24, we find the following interesting story from Edgar L. Hewett's book "HANDBOOKS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL HISTORY":

   "Tewa legendry tells us that the human race and the animals were born in the underworld. They climbed up a great Douglas "fir" tree, and entered this world THROUGH a lake called Sip'ophe. When people die, their spirits go to Sip'ophe, "lake of the dead", through which they pass into the underworld. There are many spirits in the waters of Sip'ophe. Sip'ophe is a brackish lake in the sand dunes northeast of Alamosa, Colorado (now within the Great Sand Dunes National Monument). The senior writer of this volume visited the site in 1892. He found among the dunes a small lake of very black, forbidding-looking water. It was approximately one hundred yards in diameter. Around the shore was a continuos line of dead cattle. An old man who had long lived on the slope of Sierra Blanca gave the information that the lake never dried up, and that many cattle died every season from drinking its water. The location of Sip'ophe is generally and definitely known by the Tewa. Here their ancestors came out upon the surface of the earth.

