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OF THE WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE". The story can be found on page 120 of that book:


   "...Some time after that the man who had warned them, was walking along the top of this ridge (between east and west forks of Ceder Creek, near tl'uk'a'al'i', an old farming sight on the west fork of Ceder Creek, within the San Carlos reservation), going northwards. He came to a porcupine. He mounted the porcupine and rode it like a horse. The porcupine took him along up the ridge and as they went the man dragged the toes of his moccasins in the soft ground once in a while. He did not know where he was being taken and wanted to leave some sort of tracks on the ground that the people might be able to trail him, if he did not come back.

   "After they had traveled some distance this way, they arrived at the mouth of a cave which is on the other side of this big bluff that you can see above here (north side of the bluff about a mile or two above the farming site mentioned earlier). The man rode the porcupine right into the cave and when inside he dismounted. Then the porcupine pushed him on into the passage leading inward. He went into the cave and followed a sort of tunnel for almost a mile, which finally took him out on top of a mountain. There on this mountain ga'n people were living and the man stayed with them."




#15 --- Carlsbad Caverns, near the southern border of New Mexico and a few miles south-west of Carlsbad, New Mexico, is one of the deepest in the United States and has by far one of the largest 'known' cavern 'rooms' in the world (also adjacent