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The following paragraph can be found on pages 11-12 of Ira A. Cole's book "THE GOLDEN ANTELOPE":

   “...Then there was the story stone Calf told me of the great caves somewhere on the Staked Plains of southwest Texas or southeastern New Mexico where the buffalo annually come out of the underworld in countless numbers to take up their trek to the north. Stone Calf never visited the great opening in the earth but had talked with Indians who had, and was confident he could go directly to the spot from the directions given him. He was sure the buffalo bred in great numbers in a land called Shipapu deep under the earth, and came out by the wish of the Great Spirit, solely for the use of his Indian children. Later, he thought they might return to this land of Shipapu by some northern route under the earth and return again the following spring through the mouth of the great cave. Of course, no white man ever found this cave, but that it exists somewhere down there in that wild country, or did exist while the Indian had need of the Buffalo, who can gainsay? Just because a thing doesn't measure up scientific-like seems to me is no reason for doubting it or classifying it a myth." (Cheyenne)

   This following letter was published in the January, 1948 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine, on pages 168-170:

   “Sirs:  Since I have been an interested reader of AMAZING STORIES since my high school days (1929) when A-S was a bigger magazine, I feel like one of the family when I read the letters in the discussion pages. The temptation has arisen many times to write a letter to you concerning some hotly discussed matter, but something has always prevented me from getting at it. However, the October issue pushed me too far, and here goes.