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#27 --- In Franklin Folsom's book "EXPLORING AMERICAN CAVES", we find the following mysterious account on page 202:

   "Meteorologists are fascinated by the problems they meet in trying to account for the movement of air in some underground passages. For example, no one has yet been able to explain the phenomenon first observed by the veteran spelunker Burton Faust in a cave near Burnsvi1le, Virginia. One day while waiting at the mouth of a crawl-way for other caver’s who had gone on through it, Faust noticed that the air about him was moving strangely. He lit a candle and watched its flame lean in one direction for awhile, then stand upright, then lean in the opposite direction. He lit a cigar. The smoke drifted into the crawl way, came to a stop, then drifted back out and stopped once more. It looked for all the world as if the largely unexplored passages beyond were 'breathing' -- in and out. The cave became known as breathing cave.

   "On numerous trips, observers have checked Faust's report. The cycle lasted some eight minutes, sometimes more -- but "breath" the cave did and still does. Nobody can explain why..."




#28 --- The next letter appeared in the December, 1946 issue of AMAZING STORIES magazine, on page 162:

   “Sirs: I have been a reader of AMAZING STORIES for a very long time, and have been even more interested in your Magazine since Mr. Shaver has begun his contributions on caves. At present I am a patient (surgical) in Augustana Hospital, but will be discharged in a few days, so any communication will reach me at my home address. I too, know one of these entrances into the world below. It is about fifty miles south of Pittsburgh, Pa, in the