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mile, then go out and that was all that night. So next morning we went to the trail along the fence and there were tire tracks of seven inch width tires and they went along the fence into the box canyon and right up against a smooth boulder about 20 feet in diameter and ended there. Now the car could not turn around anywhere in that place because the road is a trail five feet wide and one side is against our neighbor's fence, which was not damaged and the other was a steep hill that no car could even make in compound low. You know, we have a few mountains here, and as far as backing out I tried that myself in the daytime with help and I could not steer a straight enough path without crossing my other marks so they did not back out or we would have trailed them as my neighbor has lived around there since 1848 and he sure knew his tracking. We never did get an answer to the question of where did the cars go.

   “The cars were very large and black (Note: Such cars have often been seen by UFO witnesses being driven by the so-called “Men In Black” who often intimidate such witnesses and tell them to remain silent... suggesting that there is a definite subterranean aspect to not only the UFO phenomena, but also to the ‘Men In Black’ mystery as well - Branton) and very heavy and now that I compare them they were about twenty years ahead of anything I had ever seen anywhere, and I had worked in the auto business for about five years before we took up that land. They were silent, smooth, no wavering of the lights and the trail is extremely rough; in places it has hollows a yard deep, but these cars went through at about 25 mph, and it would even wreck a jeep to do that, so you figure it out and let me know the answer if you can. By wavering the lights, I mean that the beams were steady and not flashing up and down as an ordinary car would do when a rough road is traveled.