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know where you went. Maybe they will be able to find you. There have been several disappearances along that stretch of road, even trucks have vanished. All the U.S. Government's.

   “The U.S. Government has noted the area as rough, unsurveyable and UNEXPLORED.  Before you visit the area please let me know and I will assist you every way possible, but don't take any unnecessary chances if you do. I have a '41 Dodge and I could not make the road to my neighbor's ranch. The car would not make the turns and the engine did not have enough power to pull the hill, so I do not know as to whether he is alive or not. I inquired at the nearest habitation about 15 miles, and they did not know him, as they have only been there six months, so I am none the wiser...

   “I have tried to interest many people to investigate this, but even the government is helpless as you well know, as far as this goes. Also I forgot to mention there is a cave on the property that has steps leading down and there is no sound when a rock is thrown in. I have never seen it, but I understand that it is there. To give you an idea, if you leave the road 100 yards, it takes two minutes and it will take you two hours to climb back 100 yards...

   “Since I left the ranch I have been in the radio business... Also not changing the subject, but I have run across a person who is not from this earth, and while I can't get him to admit it, I have found many evidences that point to the fact that he came here from a planet that has tropics and a polar ice cap next to each other with no temperate zone and he knows radio perfectly, but earns his living by going to sea as a desk officer, and some day I will trip him up and get him to admit it, but up to now I have had very little success.

   “Hoping to hear from you if possible, and if you print this, okay, but no help for curious public. But