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if you know of someone capable in the vicinity, have them get in touch with me and I will give more details.”

    --- Edward John., 475 Fell street., San Francisco 2, Calif.




#36 --- The following statements appeared in an article by George H. Wagner, Jr., titled - "About Caves and Other Secret Hiding Places in the World”., which appeared in the January, 1967 issue of SEARCH magazine., p.29:

   "...How deep 'vast' is I do not pretend to know, but it brings to mind something written to me recently by one of my correspondents, Nomur Azerlene. He stated that about 75 miles northwest of Portland, Oregon, between Portland and the Seattle earth-faults, "...far down in the earth, where the earth once 'folded over' is the remains of a splendid city." More recently, Azerlene told me that the city was eight or ten miles (repeat: miles) underground, "...a coastal city with a fine harbor; it boasted more than a million inhabitants and had an excellent space port." (Note: Being eight to ten miles underground, this city was probably never a surface city, but the subterranean counterpart of a surface city with a ‘space port’, etc... However this is of course my own speculation, which may or may not be entirely accurate. - Branton)




#37 --— Pages 61-62 of Timothy Green Beckley's book, “THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH”, carry the following interesting account:

   “Near McAlester, Oklahoma, is a cave that is reported to have large steps going down to an unknown