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   “These three young men (whose names this writer has on file) later entered the Korean War and the last I heard is that they were planning to return to this cave one day: this time better prepared to fight off any attackers. Whether they did or not I cannot say.

   "Of all those living in this territory only a handful have made investigations of these incidents. One such person is our good friend Charles A. Marcoux who until contact was broken with him some two years ago (Marcoux passed-on in the late 1980's if I recall correctly - Branton), was living in the vicinity of Phoenix. As a result of his investigations and experiences during his many explorations, he concluded that many entrances to the underworld existed in this  region. His discoveries include the fact that many caverns in Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Nevada and California are linked by tunnels which appear to be centrally located in Arizona.

   "Several large openings which I have found, but not explored (so far they have not been entered by white men, nor are known to them), have great possibilities; but due to inexperienced help, or no help at all, these openings have been wisely left alone until further investigation can be carried out. I am sure that one of these leads to an area somewhere in the Grand Canyon. During my recent visit to the Grand Canyon, investigation showed me that it was not formed by time and erosion, but rather by earthquakes, the sharp edges that drop a sheer mile to the floor definitely is evidence of a sudden opening and swallowing up of the land. I believe that the remains of an ancient civilization can still be found there, and that their underground tunnels spread out, throughout the Southwest. The Hopi legend claims that the tribe came from the underworld. Somewhere from the Colorado river, they left their underworld