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#38 --- Pages 78-80 of Tim Beckley's book, “THE SHAVER MYSTERY AND THE INNER EARTH”, also contains the following unusual story of an underground land beneath Oklahoma:

   "One of these ‘hills’ or ‘mounds’ have - according to yellowed newspaper clippings - been located near Binger, Oklahoma, by a newspaper reporter whose story was recently uncovered by Mrs. Cosette Willoughby of San Jose, California. She has spent a great deal of time investigating odd phenomena dealing with the Shaver Mystery. Unfortunately she cannot recall the exact source for the story although she remembers quite vividly that it was written 24 or 25 years ago (she did however record the story itself from the news clipping):

   "...This story takes place on the outskirts of the town of Binger, Oklahoma. It was back in the 30's, when I was a vacationing newspaper reporter. In fact I was between jobs. I had come out west from Chicago. Having some close friends in Binger, Oklahoma, I decided to visit them on my way to California where I would start on another assignment. Pat and Louis lived on the NORTH end of Binger in a very comfortable home built on very flat prairie land. I arrived late in the afternoon. We had an early dinner and retreated to the large front porch, where it was cool and restful. In the course of conversation, I had noticed out in the distance, about half a mile from the house, what seemed to be a huge mound. I questioned my friends about it, but learned it was a subject nobody wanted to talk about. I was doggedly persistent, however, and Pat finally told this story:

   “The mound had been there for a long time, even before the white man came to this country. It was said to be haunted. Nobody tarried very long there, for there seemed to be a strange atmosphere of foreboding,