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slope more steeply downward, and at times they had an eery feeling that they were being watched, at times even sensing a strange musty animal odor. The darkness began to become less dense and far ahead they began to see a faiht blue glow. As they came nearer, they found the passage suddenly open upon a strange landscape. There was grass growing, and in the distance they could faintly see some kind of buildings. The musty animal odor grew stronger so they approached the nearest building. It seemed to be some kind of a temple for there were rough hewn benches, and altar vessels of pure gold. Suddenly there was a commotion outside the temple. Upon looking outside they saw a group of tall strange Indian-like people and also several strange repulsive looking animals which gave off the musty animal odor. These weird beasts had pinkish-white, hairless, skin and walked on all fours - like a dog would.

   “The Indian people were rather ‘normal’ in appearance except that they had rather long heads which extended high above the ears.

   “The spokesman for the group then stepped forward and in pure Castilleian Spanish said: ‘Welcome to the blue litten land of Kenyan. You will be allowed to live here but you may never leave. For this is a secret place never to be known to the outside world..’

   “The aged papers continued with the following weird account supplied by one of those lost souls:

   "’We were allotted comfortable houses to live in and women for our wives. My wife was named Teen. She was a pleasant and loving mate, and for a time I was contented and happy in my life deep underground. But gradually I began to yearn for the outside world. I longed to see the sun again, and feel the rain, and walk in the beautiful moonlight. I spent many monotonous hours telling Teen of the