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the rim of the pit and you will not encounter much difficulty in reaching the cave entrance.

   “At the mouth of the cave is a sign: "Ice underfoot, proceed no further." As you do proceed further you can see nothing for a few minutes. It is dark after the glare of the desert sun but you notice immediately that it is remarkably cooler.

   “With the help of a flashlight you can make out a veritable river of solid ice. And with care you can proceed 30 feet or so into the cave proper. But extreme caution must be taken, for the slick ice underfoot makes treacherous going and there are only a few upthrust rocks to cling to. Before entering the cave it is advisable to secure a rope at the cave entrance as a safety measure.

   Under no circumstances enter the cave if you are alone. Although the slope of the ice flow is gradual for the first 30 feet, there is a sharp "ice-fall" beyond this point with a drop of 10 feet. A mishap could mean broken bones and death from exposure, for the temperature is now intensely cold.

   “This is not an accumulation of ice formed in winter, nor glacial ice of a by-gone era, but ice that forms of itself all the year around. Chip off a large chunk and take it away with you. Return in a few weeks and you cannot see where you carved it out. Yet there is no water, as such, in ev1dence.

   “The city of Bend obtained its ice from this cave in the days before electric refrigerators were invented. It seems impossible that the broiling desert sun does not melt the ice for a few yards within the cave, but the ice lies at the entrance, and proceeds no telling how far back. No one has dared explore the depths of the cave, and this mysterious phenomenon is entirely unexplained.

   “The Arnold Ice Cave lies in the area of an ancient