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networks in North America).

   “It was in this area to the North and West of Carlsbad in a remote trading post that a strange and somewhat eerie event unfolded in the earlier years of this century.

   “Two traders who dealt in animal skins and small amounts of various types of minerals taken from the ore of the mountains, stumbled one day into the (trading) post and frantically babbled out a bizarre tale.

   “The two had been searching for mineral deposits in the mountains when they came upon a large cavern... Thinking that valuable ore deposits might lay within, they made some torches, lit them, and entered the inky blackness of the interior.

   “They had gone a ways into the cavern, according to the story, when they began to hear voices, which seemed to be chanting.

   “A light began to show ahead of them so they extinguished their torches and crept forward towards the voices. In time a large room opened up before them.

   “They hid behind a large formation of rock and watched in great surprise, that soon changed to stark terror, as the scene unfolded before them.

   “In the center of the room stood robed figures in a circle around a great alter stone, and upon the alter rested a huge crystal, the source of the flickering light. The crystal they saw seemed to pulsate with the rising and falling voices chanting.

   “Suddenly the chanting stopped and the crystal began to ‘speak’ in a tongue more musical than vocal. They said it was an eerie sound, much like that xylophone.

   “Horrified, they watched until the great crystal stopped, then rose slowly until it reached the ceiling of the great room, suspended among the