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black men wished to marry her, but she went to the chief and asked only that she be allowed to return to her people. He gave her presents, and sent her back with the man who had brought her to that place. They went up the stairs, and when they had come to the place where she had left her basket, the black man took away her presents, and ran his hands through her long hair till it was kinky as his.

    "When she had finished her story, the chief commanded them to cast her out. He prophesied that another race would come who would resemble this woman; he said that they would mix with the Indians and that this squaw would be the ancestor to many kinky-haired Indians."




#48 --- Page 10 of the January 1957 issue of FATE magazine carried the following story concerning a strange underground noise:

     "Near Douglas, Ga., in Coffee County, workmen of the Head Well and Pump Company were drilling a 145-foot deep hole on the property of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Meeks, seven miles from Douglas.

    "They stopped drilling when an unusual noise began to come out of the hole.

    "It was a roaring sound, something like an underground railway. As soon as they heard it, the drillers stopped. Driller Scott Drinking said he never had heard anything like it before -- not in 27 years in the business. Joe Sports of the Associated Press went out to look at the hole. He found it was making so much noise that the Meeks had covered it partially by a plank because it kept them awake at night.

     "Sports noticed that air was being pulled into the hole by a kind of suction. He lighted a match atop the hole -- the smoke was drawn downward. Sports borrowed a mirror and reflected light so he could see the bottom. He saw water down there. It all looked quiet and peaceful."