#66 --- The following letter appeared on page 10, of
THE HOLLOW HASSLE newsletter (VOL.241).
The H.H. was a quarterly newsletter published by TAL Levesque and Mary
Martin, formerly of
Mary... In June 1978, a local rancher named Earlin Busch had a cow mutilated. I
went out to his ranch one mile east of Rattlesnake Buttes, 27 (?) miles east of
Walsenburg on
“Meanwhile, they noted that the hole would suck air for 12 hours and
blow out air for 12 hours. For some reason they got some people from the
Colorado School of mines in Golden, Co. to come look. They said that the
‘miners’ were delighted to find the continuation of a tunnel that they had last
tracked to Oklahoma from the Gulf of Mexico. They explained that the tides
pushed the air and pulled it back. Earlin put a cement plug at 117 feet to take
out what water he could. -- David Perkins,
#67 --- The following news article, titled "A