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     "In April, 1954, six miles south from New Castle, Pa., a section of Route 18 caved in, carrying with it telephone poles, road signs and grass on both sides of the road. The sinking left a 450-yard gap in the road with a huge pit 50 feet deep.

    “The State Highway Department sent engineers from Harrisburg to determine the cause of the sinking and to repair it. The experts decided that a shifting clay stratum had caused the roadbed to sink and recommended that the hole be filled in.

    “For a week 1600 cubic feet of filler material was poured into the hole -– 24,000 pounds altogether. The engineers were confident that they could fill the hole to the former road level -– but suddenly the sinking began again. The now road sank 50 feet.

    “The State Highway Department gave up. It now appears that it will be necessary to build a bypass around this bottomless pit. The Pennsylvania Railroad already has closed its tracks nearby and rerouted traffic to another line."




The following story, titled 'SUBTERRANEAN TRAIN', appeared on page 74 of the March, 1956 issue of FATE magazine:


     "In 1875 at Pueblo, Colo., a locomotive and several cars were derailed into quicksand. They sank out of sight almost at once. Workme later probed down to a depth of 50 feet -- but they never found the vanished train."




The following information appeared on pages 8-9 of the September, 1956 issue of FATE magazine: