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state of Connecticut. The sounds are hears near the towns of East Haddam and Moodus, which is why local residents refer to then as ‘Moodus Noises.’ The very name ‘Moodus’ means, ‘Land of Strange Noises’ in the old Indian language. I first heard of the Moodus Noises while reading the books of Charles Fort, such as ‘THE BOOK OF THE DAMNED’, ‘LO!’, and ‘NEW LANDS’. These accounts of odd phenomena were written in the 1920's, so I didn't think that the Moodus Noises were still known about or heard today.

    "...There are caves on ‘Cave Hill’ outside Moodus where Indians once lived and where the witches once congregated, according to legend.

     “Hobamake, the Indians' version of Satan, resided on Mt. Tom near Moodus and the Indians made pilgrimages there. The god Mackimoodus is reputed to live under the earth, where he sits on a great sapphire throne in a huge cavern..."




The News-story which follows appeared in the January 4, 1903 issue of the New York HERALD, Page 8. The full title and sub-title of the article was: "FAIL TO EXPLORE ‘HAUNTED MINE’ (Another Futile Effort to Enter Famous Shaft in Texas. HURLED FROM OPENING - Man Who Made Vain Trial Describes Astonishing Experience. - ALPINE, Texas, Saturday.):

    “Another futile effort has just been made to explore the shaft and underground workings of the so-called haunted Refugee mine, in the Chispa Mountains, sixty miles southwest of here.

     “The mine was worked by the Spaniards more than a century ago. Its was abandoned and forgotten until about twenty years ago, when an American mining engineer, Henry Boyd, while looking up the title to a Mexican mining property, came across a mention of it in