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Notes from the Youtube video: IS UTAH KEEPING THIS PLACE HIDDEN? ...

The people who originally bought the Skinwalker Ranch in northeastern Utah began to notice many strange things going on in and around the ranch. For instance, one day the new owner had left a 70-pound post-digger beside his truck. He left for a few minutes to fetch some pliers from his house and when he returned, the digger/auger was gone. He later found it 20 feet up a tree!

"...Something did NOT want Terry (Sherman) digging holes... Activities at the ranch would almost always increase after the Sherman's started digging.

"Whether it was a small post-hole or a larger project, the family noticed how they would often hear the sounds of metal equipment and machinery. But each time they tried to pinpoint the sound they concluded that IT CAME FROM THE UNDERGROUND!"

They also observed a UFO... "The rectangular object, complete with a red light, had ascended and disappeared behind the trees without a sound."

The Sherman's also lost 5 cows during 1994-1995 (each costing anywhere between $700 to $2000).

One of the missing cows left tracks in the snow indicating that it was running away from something, and then... NO TRACKS at all!

One cow was found mutilated, with its anal tissue surgically and bloodlessly removed (cored-out). The incision was about 6 inches wide and perfectly circular.

Very similar cattle mutilations have occurred near the Dulce Base on the Jicarilla Apache reservation in northwest New Mexico.

To his utter disgust, an alien orb killed (incinerated) two of Terry Sherman's loyal dogs!

There have also been reports (by police officers for instance) of "serpentine monsters" in the nearby Bottle Hollow reservoir, which has also been the site of "an unusual number of mysterious drownings" (Also, there have been many instances of terrifying alien creatures apparently emerging from or entering portals to other dimensions!)

According to the Youtube video "...something seems to lurk UNDERGROUND, calling to mind any number of creatures said to lurk beneath our feet... Is there an underground base beneath the Uinta Basin?"

In 1996 Ribert Bigalow purchased the Skinwalker Ranch and some years later after much research and investigation (his reason for buying it) he sold the ranch to an individual who intends to use it for "tourist" purposes and undo the public access restrictions that Bigalow had placed on it as a secure and contained research environment.

The Youtube video Invisible Force Field Uncovered in Utah Mesa!: The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch describes a drilling project in a mesa on the Skinwalker Ranch, where the drill-bit was STOPPED by an invisible force (the "teeth" of the drill bit were "perfectly intact" even though it had been "grinding" against a [large dome-shaped, according to GPR data] barrier for nearly half an hour!).

"It was like it had been spinning on an invisible force field!"

Also check out these videos.

The "drilling" under the mesa at the Skinwalker ranch retrieved traces of metallic fragments from the "dome" (buried spacecraft? or so some have speculated) which the drill encountered. An expert in metallurgy at the University of Utah, after examining the samples, said that "...the samples look like they have been fused... I'm surprised to see magnesium" and other "rare elements... this material was MANUFACTURED!"

The "dome" beneath the mesa is covered by the SAME material that NASA uses to "protect space shuttles from burning up when they re-enter our atmosphere", suggesting that it could be a buried spacecraft of some kind.

What if they expanded the drill-hole into a passable tunnel? What would they find?