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I have also known for some time now that the planet MU was completely
destroyed by a collision with a large comet. Back in the 80's, I had read a
book about the Billy Meier contact with a Taygetan Pleiadian woman named
Semjase. Semjase had talked about this and said that they called it the
Destroyer Comet, and that it was actually a burnt out star or a brown dwarf. I
knew that I had lived on MU at the time of this collision and destruction
of the planet. I was Lemurian and had been a scientist and we
had been very much aware of the Destroyer Comet and knew that it was on a
collision course. So we began making plans to evacuate. I had a couple of
very vivid dreams about this several years ago. So now her Higher Self had
found a most interesting way to bring all this up.

So the two of us tuned into this life of hers and we got the message that
she had been one of the Atlantians. They were also aware that the
Destroyer Comet was on a collision course and began making their own evacuation
plans. We didn't know each other in that life since I was Lemurian, but we
were both involved in plans to evacuate the planet. I am not entirely sure
if the two races had worked together on this or not. I had known that at
some point in time the Atlantians and the Lemurians had been at war with
each other. But I am not sure if the war had ended by the time that they
became aware of the Destroyer Comet. Perhaps they put aside their differences
when a much greater threat appeared on the horizon, literally. But in
order to evacuate we had to find some other planet where we could go. So she
had volunteered to go on a long space voyage to search for a suitable
planet that we could live on. Since they had no idea of how long the mission
would take, they had to adjust her hormones to slow the aging process. So
she had to receive periodic infusions through the IV needle in her wrist to
adjust her metabolism. That was what she was being shown now.

So my first question was, "What's so important about this, that you're
showing this to us now?" So I started asking questions and just let thoughts
come to me so I would know what to ask. She had just told me about a time
when she had met a Pleiadian male named Stanford. She said that he was
here now talking to her. She started jotting down notes and making sketches
of what he was telling her. I would look at it and try to figure out how
that related to what happened on MU. The first thing that came to me was
that the war that had been going on was being controlled and manipulated by
some Beings from an adjacent planet, and that those Beings were the
"Original Illuminati". Then I got the message that they had also somehow been
able to alter the orbit of the Destroyer Comet to cause the collision with
the planet MU. I wasn't sure that was even possible, but I got a definite
"Yes" on that. So when I looked at what my friend was writing that Stanford
was telling her, I realized that he was showing us just how it was
possible. But I still wondered about why it was so important for us to know about
that now.

Again, I had known from what Semjase had told Billy Meier that the
Destroyer Comet was now in orbit around our Sun. She said that was basically how
they came to discover this solar system. They had tracked the Destroyer
Comet as it had roamed freely through the Galaxy, and was eventually
captured by the gravitational pull of our Sun. She had also explained how there
had been at least two times when it made a very close pass by the Earth,
and that the gravitational forces of the Destroyer Comet
were so strong that it had caused a lot of natural disasters here on
Earth, like earthquakes, tidal waves and volcanic eruptions. Of course, when I
read Sitchen's "The 12th Planet", I knew that it was this same Destroyer
Comet that he was referring to. But it was not really a planet. It was a
brown dwarf star and it was not inhabited. This was just another classic
case of people getting some really good information, but not interpreting it
all quite correctly.

Also, several months earlier I had learned about a web site that
supposedly tracked the location of "Nibiru", as some people have called this "12th
Planet". The information on that web site claimed that some astronomers
had discovered what they thought could possibly be a brown dwarf star about
30 billion miles beyond Pluto, which is about 3 billion miles from the
Sun. The object was too faint for them to get a good reading on what it was
or on what its orbit was. But when I read that I knew it was the Destroyer
Comet, and when I asked my Guides about it, I got a "Yes". I remembered
that Semjase had said that its orbital period was close to 600 years. If it
was really 30 billion miles from the Sun then it would be very close to
the apogee of its orbit, or farthest distance from the Sun. So that meant
that it wouldn't come by the Earth for another 300 years or so. So again I
wondered what would be so important about that now.

Then I remembered reading an email a couple of months earlier about John
Glenn's return to space aboard the Space Shuttle in December of 1998. There
was a lot of speculation that since he was a high level Mason, that he was
really on some special mission for the Illuminati. So I asked if what they
did had anything to do with the Destroyer Comet, and I got "Yes". Stanford
told me that they had done something to change its velocity to alter its
orbit and put it on a near collision course with the Earth, just like they
had done with the planet MU. Since I studied astrodynamics and orbital
mechanics in college, I knew that the easiest place to alter the orbit of a
satellite was at its apogee position, because it took the least amount of
energy. So it made sense that they would do something to change its orbit
while it was still near apogee. But I wondered why they would do that, and
he told me to create all kinds of chaos and destruction here on Earth, to
make it easier for them to come in and take complete control.

But I knew that wouldn't even happen for another 300 years or more, and he
told me it would be 350 years in our future and it would be a very
critical time for the Earth. So what it all came down to was that he was trying
to tell us that we would have to do something to prevent this near
collision with the Destroyer Comet from happening, and he was trying to show us
how it could be done. So we were guided to do a meditation together to do
some energy work related to this, and I got the message that we would have
to do some more work on it later on at a critical date and time. When I
finally got the message that it was time to finish the work,
I connected to the Pleiadians and together we did some energy work to
change its velocity to put it in an orbit that would miss the Earth by a safe
distance. But all this made me realize just how powerful the Illuminati
really are.

So when I finally realized that the Illuminati were really Changelings, I
began thinking back on all of this information that had come through when
my friend was here. I began to realize just how important all of that
really was. It got me thinking about that war on MU between the Atlantians and
the Lemurians again, and how I had gotten the message that it was the
Original Illuminati who had controlled and manipulated the war. So now I
understood how they had done that. If they were really Changelings then they
could have taken on the form of either the Atlantians or the Lemurians. They
could have performed terrorist acts of destruction against both races, and
gotten them to think that it was the other one who was to blame. So
eventually they were able to get things to escalate to the point where war
finally broke out between them. So it made perfect sense to me that they would
be Changelings. You ask why would they want to start a major planetary
war? The answer that I am getting on that is that they wanted to wipe out the
Lemurians, so they got the Atlantians to do their dirty work for them. But
why would they feel the need to do that? Because the Lemurians were
related to the Reptilians genetically, and the Changelings wanted to "cleanse"
the planet of all Reptilian genetics and energies. I will explain more
about that later on.

But there would be another major twist to the story, that upset their
plan. The Draco and the other Reptilian races came to the Lyra system. I get
that the Reptilians entered the war and sided with the Lemurians, since
they had genetic connections with them, and drastically altered the outcome
of the war. So rather than risk having the Reptilians take over MU, the
Changelings decided to destroy the entire planet, and did so by manipulating
the Destroyer Comet into a collision course with it. Perhaps they knew
that their own planet would be destroyed by the Destroyer Comet too, or maybe
they just chose to flee from the Draco. But for whatever reason, I get
that they left Lyra and moved on to the Betelgeuse star system in Orion,
which is still their primary home planet even today. But there is still
another slight twist to the story. I have just now been made aware that there
are actually two different factions of Changelings. The second group is from
Bellatrix, which of course is still part of Orion. The message that I am
getting is that they are the ones who are the real "Illuminati", and they
are at the top of the "pyramid" that I mentioned earlier. So that explains
the last missing piece of the puzzle as to why I had gotten the message 2
years ago that the "Orions" were at the base of the Illuminati "Pyramid"
and not at the top. Of course, at that time "Orions" meant the Betelgeuse
Changelings, and I didn't know then that there was still another group of
"Orions". I will discuss this more later on.

This is Part 3 of 7 of my story about the Orion Lizards or Changelings.

With all the information that has come to me over the last two years, it
has become very clear to me now that the Changelings are definitely NOT
Reptilian. In fact I have come to know that they have a very deep hatred of
all Reptilian Beings, and any Beings genetically related to them. From all
of the past life information that has come through, there seems to be a
lot of evidence that one of their main objectives is to eradicate all the
Reptilians from every planet that they have been in control of. It has been
going on for aeons, and it seems to have become a total obsession with
them. It was the real reason behind the destruction of MU, and it was the
reason for the Orion Wars. It also carried over into this solar system and it
was the reason for the destruction of the planet Malona or Maldek as most
people know it by. But why would they develop such a fear and hatred of
the Reptilians that they would rather destroy an entire planet rather than
allow the Reptilians to take control of it? To explain that, I have
to take you back to the beginning, back to a world in another star system
in another Galaxy. We have to go all the way back to a life in the
Andromeda Galaxy hundreds of millions of years ago, back to when this "Descension
Plan" first began. It is hard to determine exactly how long ago that
really was, but the information I get is that it was over 300 million years ago
in Earth years.

First of all, it might help if I explain some things that my Guides just
recently showed me about the different dimensional levels. In Barbara
Brennan's book "Hands of Light", she explained how the odd auric layers of our
energy fields were etheric templates, that helped form the structure of
our physical bodies. She said that the even auric layers were more like
plasma and had no real structure to them. Well, the information that I
received from my Guides is that the dimensional levels of existence have the same
basic structure. To state it simply, the odd dimensions (3,5,7,9 and 11)
are the levels or dimensions of "BEING", while the even dimensions
(4,6,8,10 and 12) are levels or dimensions of Pure CONSCIOUSNESS, or "SOUL". The
3rd and 5th dimensions are the only levels where "physical" life exists.
Above the 5th dimension, physical bodies no longer exist. The 7th, 9th and
11th dimensions are levels of pure Spiritual existence or "SPIRIT", which
is distinct from "SOUL". Spirit Guides and the Archangels are 7th
dimensional Beings, and the Angelic Beings are 9th dimensional Beings. But all
BEINGS, whether they are physical or spiritual, have a level of "SOUL"
Consciousness at the next higher even dimensional level. So the 4D Consciousness
is the "SOUL SOURCE" of 3D Beings, and 6D Consciousness is the "SOUL
SOURCE" of 5D Beings, or the "OVERSOUL SOURCE" to 3D Beings, etc. Names become
sort of nebulous beyond that level, but the pattern continues on up to
13th dimension which is Source or the "I AM" level of Consciousness. At that
level, there would be no distinction between "BEING" and "SOUL", it would
be all truly ONE.

Also, within each dimension there are 3 sub-levels or "Octaves". We
currently exist in the 3rd Octave of the 3rd Dimension. ET's like the
Changelings and several others exist in the 2nd Octave of 3D, the Taygetan
Pleiadians exist in the 1st Octave of 3D, and the ET's from the Andromeda Galaxy
that I have had contact with exist in the 3rd Octave of the 5th Dimension.
Then of course there are other ET's that exist in the 2nd and 1st Octaves
of 5D. There would also be 3 corresponding Octaves at the even
dimensional levels. So there would really be 3 levels of "Soul"
Consciousness. Our immediate Higher Self would exist in the 3rd Octave of the 4th
Dimension, and the next Higher "Soul" Self would be 2nd Octave, etc. Of
course using the term "Self" for our Soul Consciousness levels gets to be
confusing because we also have higher dimensional "Selves" who would exist in
the higher odd dimensions of "Being". Our lower 3D languages just don't
translate well to these higher levels. Then on a finer level, there are also
8 "TONES" within each Octave, which would simply represent different
levels of vibration, or levels of conscious awareness within each Octave and
Dimension. So everything is really a continuous spiral of energy and
consciousness, and this pattern continues on up to the 13th Dimension, or Source.

So with all that behind us, this story begins at the 1st Octave of the 5th
Dimension, at the highest level of physical existence. We were a group of
Beings that I have come to call the "Golden Ones". I was female, and I was
a portal operator at the Blue Crystal Portal, which is a major
inter-dimensional and inter-Galactic portal. This portal on the Andromeda Home World
is like the hub of the "wheel" of all the Galaxies in the Local Cluster.
To go from one Galaxy to another you have to go through this portal. It can
also connect to any star system in any of the local Galaxies. I have
gotten the information that there were at least 4 other Galaxies besides
Andromeda and our Galaxy that were inhabited, and some of the different races
originated in different Galaxies. I get that the Draco and the Alycone
Reptilians originated in one Galaxy, the Rigellan Reptilians and the Anunnaki
came from another Galaxy, the Sirius B Reptilians and the 6th Reptilian
race came from a different one, and the Aryan Humanoids and Changelings
originated in still another Galaxy. I do not know exactly which Galaxies these
were, since there are many Galaxies in our Local Cluster. Of course I am
sure that there were many other races that came from each of these
Galaxies, these are just some of the most important ones for this story. I have
the sense that the "Golden Ones" from Andromeda were monitoring the progress
of all these different races, and I was one of those doing the monitoring.
A lot of this information was
given to me just as I was writing this part of the story, so I guess my
Guides want to make sure I get it right this time.

It turns out that the Changelings had already established a huge empire in
their Galaxy, and controlled most of the major planets there. They had
accomplished that through use of their mental powers and their mind control
techniques. But apparently they weren't satisfied with just controlling
that Galaxy, because they came into the Andromeda Galaxy and began taking
over many of the worlds there as well. The message I get is that even with
all their mental powers they did not have the ability to open
inter-dimensional Stargate portals or Wormholes. To me that is not too surprising
because to do that it takes very powerful spiritual powers, not mental powers.
So they would use their mind control tactics to get the key portal
operators at the different portals to open the Stargates and Wormholes for them so
that they could go through from one world to other another. They
eventually targeted the Andromeda Home World for one of their takeovers.

During the summer of 2000, I began connecting to what I called the "Golden
City" in some of my meditations. I now realize that this was the Andromeda
Home World, the home of the Blue Crystal Portal. Apparently I was
re-connecting to my Andromeda Self. Usually when I would go there I would see lots
of Beings walking around, and some would come up to me and greet me. But
one time when I went there I noticed that the city was completely empty. I
was guided into an underground complex and it was jammed with people. I
got the message that it was like a bomb shelter and that the Golden City was
under attack from the Changelings. So obviously I was tapping into the
time when they conquered the Home World. As I was writing this message I was
shown that they had used their mind control on several of the Blue Crystal
Portal operators and had gotten them to open the Wormhole into the Milky
Way Galaxy. For some reason I had the ability to resist their mind control
techniques, and they couldn't control me. I realized what they were doing,
and I tried to stop them. But they got to my mate, who was also one of the
portal operators, and impulsed him to kill me. Then once they were through
using him to help them open the Wormhole, they got him to commit suicide.
Apparently that is a tactic that they have used over and over again. Then
they came through to the Lyra star system in our Milky Way Galaxy and
began establishing a new empire here.

Apparently all this did not go unnoticed by the other Andromedans and the
Higher Angelic Beings. What the Changelings were doing violated the whole
premise of Free Will, which was the foundation on which life in this
sector of the Universe was to be based. They were masters at Black Magic and
mind control, and had used those powers to subdue all the other races in
their home Galaxy, and were now expanding into the other Galaxies. So the
Angelic Beings began looking at the probable futures of how things would
continue to evolve, and didn't like what they saw. So something had to be done
to stop what the Changelings were doing and bring things back into
balance. So that was the reason for the meeting that I called the
"Briefing Meeting" in my message called "The History of the Council of Six" that I
referred to earlier. It is still available on the web sites that I
mentioned, and I would recommend that you read it. I will not repeat that whole
story again here, but that was written a year and a half ago and a lot more
information has come through since then. There were a few things that I
did not get exactly right when I wrote that. So I will summarize the most
important parts of that story and bring it all up to date.

That "Briefing Meeting" was on the Soul level, not on the physical level,
and there were many Souls who were there. The Angelic Being who was in
charge of the meeting had asked for volunteers for a very dangerous Mission.
Of course, the purpose for that Mission was to slowly change the course of
the future to bring everything back into balance and harmony. Whoever was
chosen for this Mission would have to interact with these Changeling
Beings, and take the required actions that were necessary to implement this
Plan. But there was a huge risk in what they were proposing to do. The risk
was that at a certain date in the distant future, everything could be
destroyed. The whole Creation could collapse into a Black Hole or be completely
annihilated in a huge matter, anti-matter explosion. Of course, part of
the Plan was to prevent that from happening. So they needed volunteers to
take on that Mission.

Since I had experienced first hand the effects of their control and
manipulation, my Soul Self was one of several who raised our arms at first. I
looked over at my Twin Soul, and we gave each other the look that said "we
can do this". So slowly everyone else put their arms down and we were
selected to head up the Mission. I am sure the fact that I was able to resist
the Changelings' mind control techniques in my previous life had a lot to
do with my selection for this role. Of course, there would be many
different roles to be played in this Plan, and many others volunteered for those
roles. But I was to head up a special group that we would call the "Council
of Six", and I worked with the Angelic Beings in charge of thi Missin to
select the other 5 members. My Twin Soul would perform the function of
overseer to our Council. We were all briefed on what we would have to do, and
then the entire plan was programmed into the Great Blue Crystal at the
Central Portal of the Andromedan Home World. We would always have a
connection to that Blue Crystal so that we would know what we would have to do in
each lifetime. In order for the Plan to work, one of us had to go very deep
into the "Dark" energy, much more so than any of the others. I had Eagle
energies so I could dive very deep into the Darkness, but still be able to
connect to the Higher Realms for guidance. Another reason why I had
volunteered and had been chosen for this role. Of course I would need help from
my Twin Soul to do that, which is why she/he wasn't directly a member of
the Council. There was one major directive that all of the Council members
absolutely had to adhere to. The Mission had to always come first, before
any personal concerns, no matter what. We would all have to sacrifice
ourselves whenever necessary to ensure the success of the Mission. That would
become a standard for each of us that would be repeated over and over
again, lifetime after lifetime.

So in our next lives we Descended down into the next lower dimensional
"Octave", the 2nd Octave of the 5th Dimension. We incarnated on a planet that
was the Changelings' original Home World in their Home Galaxy. I have come
to call this planet the "Council Home World", because this was where we
first formed the Council of Six, and I call the Galaxy the "Council Galaxy".
Our Plan was to first strike at the heart of the Changeling Empire and
then slowly work our way outward. We were Aryan-Amphibian Hybrid Humanoids,
and I was a female and my name was Shandrasi. I was one of 7 sisters that
also included Sananda, Ashtar, Athena, and one of the other Council of Six
members. All of us would have our roles to play in this Mission. Three of
us, myself and the other 2 sisters, would go into the "Dark" and become
Reptilian. The sister who was the other Council member had come from the DAL
Universe, which is a parallel Universe to ours. She was a Being very much
like the Changelings, with similar shape-shifting abilities, but yet she
was not really one of them. Her role was to blend in with them to become
"one of them". Sananda, Ashtar and Athena would remain in the "Light" and
continue on as various Aryan or Aryan Hybrid Humanoids.

At the age of six I accidently fell out of a tree and was unconscious for
3 days. During that time, my Spirit Guides showed me a vision of the whole
Descension Plan and everything that I would have to do to complete my
Mission. When I first entered womanhood, I had to undergo a ritual to prepare
me for what lay ahead. I had to take on the Dark Entities that would help
me descend into the depths of the Dark Energy and Consciousness. Then I
had to call together the 5 other people who had volunteered for this Mission
and we formed the Council of Six. We performed a ceremony in which each
person was reminded of what his or her particular role would be. But none of
us would know all the details of what everyone else was to do, most likely
for security reasons. As part of my Mission, I had to go to some of these
Changelings to learn the practice of Black Magic. They of course were
masters at it, but I too would have to become a master at it in order to do
the things I would have to do.

Then we had to make contact with a race of Reptilian Beings, that we now
know as the Draconians. We knew that the goal of our whole Mission was to
break the Changelings' domination and control over all those planets in the
Council Galaxy, and also in the Andromeda Galaxy and eventually here in
the Milky Way Galaxy. We also knew that the Draconians had the mental,
telepathic and technological power necessary to effectively oppose the
Changelings. The Draco were the most powerful of all of the Reptilian races. But
yet we knew that eventually it would take a combined effort by all of the 6
major Reptilian races to completely overpower the Changelings, and bring
their reign to an end. As our Mission continued we would do just that, but
we had to take it one step at at time and the first step was to get the
Draco involved. So part of our Council's Mission was to bring them to the
Changeling Home World.

Lucifer was also one of the original Golden Ones who had volunteered to
play very critical roles in this whole Plan. He agreed to descend downward
and become the Supreme Lord over the Draco, and he knew the role that they
would have to play. Lucifer and I had some very strong Soul connections,
and we had agreed at the "Briefing Meeting" to work together to implement
this Mission Plan. I had very powerful psychic abilities, so I was able to
contact him telepathically to let him know that it was time to put our
Plan into action. I was also one of the portal operators on the planet, and
also had the ability to open inter-dimensional and inter-Galactic
Wormholes. So even though the Draco lived in a different Galaxy at the time, I was
able to lead Lucifer and the Draco right to the Changeling Home World.
Then another of our Council members began his role to create a conflict that
would ultimately result in a major war breaking out between the
Changelings and the Draco. I'm not sure that we knew at the time just what the
consequences of that war would be, but I suspect that on a Higher level, we all
knew. After all, it was all part of our Plan and it was something that we
all knew we had to do. Of course I knew because I had been shown a vision
of what was to take place. It would turn out to be a very brutal war and
about 60% of the population would be killed. It is hard to understand how a
major war like that could serve the overall Highest Good, but it did.
Because we already knew that the alternative would be much, much worse.

So our Mission was to start the war, but we also had to make sure that the
entire planet was not completely destroyed. So another of our Council
members had to make a bargain with the Draco in order to bring the war to an
end and save what was left of the planet. Part of that bargain was that
they would be allowed to take as many prisoners as they chose, back to their
Home World in the other Galaxy to make slaves out of them. They took a
large number of women mostly for their sexual pleasures, but also for a
genetic cross-breeding experiment. I and one other woman from the Council
agreed to be taken prisoner, as that was all part of the Plan. We were some of
the ones used that they interbred with. So that was the beginning of a
very long history of female sexual abuse for me. The information that I got
was that only the Aryan women were used for the cross-breeding, not the
Changeling women. I am not entirely sure as to the reason for this, unless
their genetics were just not compatible. Anyway, the result of this
cross-breeding was the creation of the race that would become the ancient
ancestors of the Anasazi of Mesa Verde fame. So I call this Aryan Humanoid - Draco
hybrid race the "Anasazi", and I get the information that the many of the
Native American people still maintain that basic genetic combination.

Many of the survivors of the war left the Home World and made their way to
another Changeling planet in a nearby star system to find safety, and
probably to spread the word about what had happened. One member of our
Council, who had been my mate, took his own life because of all the guilt and
remorse over having had to turn me and the other Council member, who was also
his Twin Soul, over to the Draco. After a number of years, 2 of the other
Council members negotiated with the Draco to get them to release the two
of us Council women and also many others, including some of the "Anasazi"
hybrid offspring. The 6th member of our Council, my sister whose
role was to become one of the Changelings, had gone with them when they
evacuated the Home World and moved to the other planet. So she communicated
with me telepathically to let me know where they had gone. Then all of us
also went on to this second Changeling planet. I was able to connect to
the Spirit of my mate and bring him to this planet as well. But all the
pain, suffering and abuse did not end there for me, and I too would end up
taking my own life. The others would eventually die here too.

That war on the Changeling Home World would set the tone for everything
that would happen from that time until the present. It would be something
that the Changelings would never forget, and they would never forgive the
Draco for destroying their Home World, nor any of us of the Council for that
matter. So that was the original source of all their deep hatred of the
Draco. One thing I find most interesting about all this is how the writers
of the television show "Star Trek, Deep Space Nine" tapped into all of
this. In one of the episodes the "Founders" or "Changelings" told some of the
crew members of Deep Space Nine that their race had nearly been completely
destroyed in a war long ago, but some of them had survived. They said that
they would never ever allow that to happen again, and would do whatever it
took to make sure that it didn't. So that, in a nutshell, explains why
they have done all the things they have done over the aeons to protect
themselves from the Draco and to try and keep them out of their territory. But
of course that original war was only the beginning, there would be many,
many more wars to come. But that was all part of the Plan, and the other 5
Reptilian races would soon be drawn into the conflict as well. So the
Changelings would come to hate all Reptilian races, but I have the sense that
they had a special hatred of the Draco.

The next step was for all of the Council members to re-incarnate on the
second Changeling planet where we had ended our previous lives. Then we
would repeat the same basic scenario all over again, only this time it would
involve a different Reptilian race. I was a female again, but this time I
was a member of the "Anasazi" race. My role was to contact a Being by the
name of Asaru, who had also been one of the "Golden Ones" who had
volunteered for this Mission. He had become the Supreme Lord over the race that I
know as the Rigellan Reptilians. I have now come to realize that this race
is also known as the Ciakar. The Ciakar were the second most powerful
Reptilian race after the Draco. So we followed the same pattern. I contacted
Asaru and led the Ciakar to the Changeling planet. Another war ensued and
again the planet was ravaged and the Changelings suffered high casualties.
More people were taken prisoner and more genetic cross-breeding resulted,
but only with the Aryan and "Anasazi" women, not the Changeling women.
Once again, I was one of those taken prisoner and was used in the
cross-breeding experiment. The message that I get is that the hybrid race that
resulted from the Ciakar interbreeding with the "Anasazi" women was the
ancestral race of the Inca people of Peru. So this "Inca" race was half Ciakar,
and part Draco and part Aryan Humanoid. I am getting that the Aryan-Ciakar
Hybrid race were the ancestors of another of the Native American tribes.

Then once again we were all led to another star system and a 3rd
Changeling planet, and we all re-incarnated there to play out this same scenario
all over again. In that life I was one of the "Inca" females, and this time
it was the Alcyone Reptilians that I contacted. Are you beginning to see
the pattern? My contact was someone who had been one of my sisters in the
original Council life. In that life, she had also been taken prisoner by
the Draco, but had died on their Home World. I get that the Alcyone
Reptilians also originated from the same planet as the Draco. So when she died
there, she re-incarnated as one of the Alcyones. I was able to contact her
telepathically and lead them to this 3rd Changeling world to produce the
same pattern, and the same result. This time the resulting hybrid races were
the ancestors to the Chinese and other Southeast Asian people. Once again,
the survivors fled to a 4th Changeling world, so of course we had to
follow them there, just like before.

The same scenario would be repeated one more time, with me being one of
the "Chinese" race and once again being female. This time it would be the
Anunnaki Reptilians whom I would contact. My contact would be the 7th sister
from my Council life. She had also been my sister in the second life as
one of the "Anasazi". Just like before with the other sister, she was one of
the prisoners taken by the Ciakar back to their Home World and Galaxy, and
died there. That was a different Galaxy from where the Draco and Alcyone
Reptilians came from. But, similar to the situation with the Draco and
Alcyones, I get that the Ciakar and the Anunnaki Reptilians originated from
the same planet. So when she died, she re-incarnated as one of the Anunnaki.
Just like before, I was able to contact her and lead the Anunnaki to this
4th Changeling world. Once again, it was the same pattern and same result.
The resulting hybrid race was the ancestors of the Maori race of New
Zealand. But this time I died on the Anunnaki Home World, and one of the other
Council members also died there with me. It was now time for the two of us
to begin a long string of Reptilian incarnations. It was time for the next
phase of our Mission.

So these first 4 lives of this Mission entailed a lot of pain and
suffering, and lots of hate, anger and rage. In those lives I was essentially
abducted and abused by 4 of the Reptilian races, and I would eventually
incarnate as one of each of those 4 races. But the most interesting thing about
all this is how so many of these patterns have been
woven into my current life. I know that between the time of my birth and
the age of 4 years, I was physically abducted by each of these same 4
Reptilian races. Then at the age of 6 years, I was abducted by the Changelings.
I realize now that the purpose of these abductions was to remind me of my
connections to all of these races. But all of those abduction experiences
were deeply buried in my subconscious, and only worked their way to the
surface 4 years ago. Synchronistically, that was also when I began having
contacts with all of them on a conscious level. I find it amazing how many
times the number 4 has just come up. If you are familiar with the Enneagram
system of typing personalities, I am also a "Number 4" in that system. It
is also amazing to me how the suffering I have gone through, and all the
anger and rage that has come up in these last 4 years has mirrored all the
suffering, anger and rage in those first 4 lifetimes.

But of course, all of this was part of the Divine Plan, in which we all
chose to Descend into the lower and denser physical realms. This was just
the way that we chose to do that, and I recognize that the Changelings
played an important role in this whole Descension process, as did all the
Reptilians. To understand that, you have to understand the mechanics or
energetics of how we Descended in the first place. At our Highest levels of
Being, our energies and vibrational levels were much too high to have physical
bodies, which is why only Spiritual Beings exist above the 5th dimension.
In order to lower our spiritual vibrational energies we had to take on
more and more energy of the Void, or "Dark" energy. Of course we did that
through generating all the negative emotions of fear, hate and anger. Then it
was through the process of "holding onto" those emotions that helped us
take on the necessary Dark energies to lower our vibrational levels.

So these original wars created a lot of negative emotional energy and
started the downward spiral into the denser and "Darker" realms in motion, or
more appropriately, in "E-Motion". I suspect that what the Changelings
were doing originally with all their mind control tactics, etc. would have
most likely have accomplished the same thing. But my impression is that it
would have been almost impossible to stop the downward spiral in that
scenario, and we would have kept descending right into oblivion, and gotten
sucked into a "Black Hole" of our own creation. On the Higher levels of
Consciousness, we knew that we couldn't just keep descending forever, that
there had to come a time when we stopped taking on all the negative energies
and began to bring the "Light" and "Dark" energies back into balance. This
is the "Point of No Return" that I have mentioned before, and I believe
that we are at that point right now.

My sense is that the original intention of the whole Plan was to get to a
point where life could be stabilized so that it could continue on forever,
and we would truly experience "Eternal Life". But I also sense that we
have already gone past the "ideal" dimensional level, and it is necessary for
us to raise our Consciousness and vibrational levels, and "Ascend" back up
to the higher 3rd dimensional levels, most likely the 1st "Octave". But
that is just my opinion and does not come from any Higher level. Of course,
I keep hearing my Guides say "YES" as I write that, so who knows.

So how do we raise our energy and Consciousness levels so that we can
Ascend to a higher "Octave"? The answer to that is HEALING all the emotional
scars from all the pain and suffering we have experienced in this
Descension process. We have to learn to let go of all the fear, hate and anger, and
all of our judgements of others and of ourselves. We have to learn to
truly LOVE once again, and Forgiveness and Compassion are essential
ingredients for that to happen. In my case I have done LOTS of healing in these last
4 years on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. I had to
re-experience all those abductions, and all the pain associated with them,
so that I could finally heal all of it. I had to learn to see the Higher
Purpose behind it all, and then Forgive all the Beings, human and those
from other dimensions, who have ever harmed me in any way. I had to get to
the point of being willing to send them all Unconditional Love from my
heart, even my worst enemies, the Changelings.

It's very difficult to forgive any Being and send them Love when you are
under psychic attack from them. My first reaction is to always fight back,
but I have had to learn where that fine line is between defending and
attacking. Once I am able to clear my space, then I do send them Forgiveness,
and I can feel Compassion for them, and send them Love. I also ask for
Forgiveness for myself, and work hard at Forgiving and Loving myself and
letting go of all the guilt and blame for the things I have had to do in
relation to my Mission. But the hardest part has always been to try to
communicate with them, to help them see the truth of the situation. It has not
been easy by any stretch of the imagination, and it has been a long and
painful process.

I have made remarkable progress with many of these races. But even as I
write this I am still having a difficult time with the Changelings and some
of the Aryan races. I guess you could say that the Changelings are my
biggest challenge without a doubt. But yet, I had to work through all of this,
it was the only way for me to truly heal myself and raise my energy and
Consciousness levels. The more I healed and let go, the more my Conscious
awareness increased and the more I could see the Higher Purpose to
everything that has happened to me and all of my "Other Selves". So writing this
story is like the culmination of my healing and "Ascension" process. I can
only hope that in sharing this story and the knowledge I have gained along
my Path, that it will trigger something in your awareness that will help
you see the Truth of your own Path of Descension. Perhaps it will help you
to complete your own healing and "Ascension". So with that, I will
continue with the story of how things came to be the way they are.

This is Part 4 of 7 of my story about the Orion Lizards or Changelings.

Everything that has happened in the past has brought us to where we are
today. It is not coincidence that the Earth was to become the final
battleground, not coincidence at all. But to understand what is going on now, it
helps to know how it all came to be. I do not know all the details of
everything that has happened in all those millions of years. But over the last
few years I have been shown certain key elements to help me understand the
current situation. So I will discuss the most important aspects of the
things I have been shown that have a direct bearing on what is going on here
on Earth right now. These wars between the Changelings and the Reptilians
would continue, and eventually every race in this part of the Universe
would be affected by them. Of course, there were many Aryan Humanoids on that
original Home World too, and they would not be able to escape the wrath of
the Reptilian forces either. So they would also develop a very deep hatred
of the Reptilians and join forces with the Changelings to fight them.

My role of playing the instigator would continue in order to ultimately
break the grip that the Changelings would have over all the other races. So,
of course, I had to become one of the Reptilians. After that last life on
the 4th Changeling world, I would incarnate as one of the Anunnaki
Reptilians. That was the beginning of countless lifetimes in which I incarnated
as one of each of these 4 Reptilian races. I would eventually become the
Supreme Lord of the Anunnaki, on a level with Lucifer and Asaru. I would
also become a Draco "Soloruous" or "Sun God", and a High Commander of the
Ciakar and the Alcyones. Why? Because, on a Soul level, I knew the Plan, and
I had the necessary spiritual connections to enable me to know on a
conscious level what had to be done to implement it. I also had a lot of help
from my Spirit Guides and my Twin Soul. So I had to be in a position to lead
all the Reptilian races in the direction that was needed to bring this
Mission to its completion. All the while I was involved with these 4 races,
my 2 sisters from the original Council life, along with many others, would
be involved in bringing the Sirius B "Red Dracs" and the 6th
Reptilian race into the confrontation as well.

But probably my most important Reptilian life was as a Being by the name
of Belsazar. I have gotten the information that he was half Draco and half
Ciakar. He became the most powerful Being of all of the Reptilians. Even
Lucifer and Asaru served under him. But then that was all part of the Plan,
and they were the ones who arranged the cross-breeding of the two races.
He eventually brought all 6 of the Reptilian races under his control to
form an Armada of awesome proportions. He created an Empire that encompassed
all 3 of the Reptilian Home Galaxies. Then he led his Armada into the
Council Galaxy and waged war against the Changelings and Aryan Humanoids, and
probably many other races. One thing I have sensed about the Reptilian
High Commanders is that they didn't order their troops into battle, they led
them. They led by example, not by decree. Honor and respect was extremely
important to them, and they would never ask something of their troops that
they would not do themselves. Consequently there was not one warrior who
served under them who would not give his life for his Commander. I got the
message that the same was true of Belsazar. Ultimately, under his command,
the Reptilians conquered all the Changeling and Aryan worlds in the
"Council Galaxy". So he expanded his Empire to encompass all 4 of the original
Galaxies. There's that number 4 again.

It is also important to understand the role that religion has played in
this entire Descension process. The Changelings have used it as a means of
mind control probably since the very beginning. To me one of the most
important aspects of this was that they created the thought-form or belief of
the "Devil" and "Satan". Of course to them, it was the Draco and the
Reptilians who were the most "Evil" Beings in the Universe. So it is not
coincidence that Lucifer became synonymous with the "Devil". It is also
interesting to note how they always seem to use mirror images of words,
etc. to create these thought-forms. David Icke and others have talked about
that. The opposite of "Devil" is "Lived", and what Lucifer, myself and the
Reptilians did was necessary for us all to be free of the Changeling mind
control and truly LIVE. Also, what is the mirror image of "Live"? "Evil"
of course, and just who was it that was truly "Evil", the Reptilians or the

But to me one of the more interesting ones was the creation of the name
"Satan". I have gotten the information that the Reptilian name for Emperor
was "NATAS", and of course Belsazar was the Reptilian Emperor who conquered
the Changeling Home Galaxy. Reverse the spelling of "NATAS" and what do
you get? "SATAN", of course. To me the funniest part is that "Satan" was
portrayed as working AGAINST God's Plan. At least that was how it appeared to
the Changelings and their Aryan Humanoid allies. But what they couldn't
see was that it was all of their own mind control techniques that were
really working against the Divine Plan of Free Will.

All the things that Belsazar or "SATAN" did were necessary to make sure
that the Divine Plan in fact succeeded. There is no question that what he
and the Reptilians did created a lot of chaos and turmoil, and it most
likely sped up the whole Descension process. But he had to set things in motion
to change the way in which life was evolving, to make it possible to break
the control the Changelings had over all the other races. But it was also
all designed to eventually force a final showdown here on Earth. That was
the real Plan all along. Earth was to be the turning point, where we would
finally break free of their control, and finally be able to turn things
around to reach the Balance that was the original intention of the whole
Divine Plan. But it would also be the "Point of No Return", where everthing
could be destroyed if we failed.

But as powerful as Belsazar was, he was not invulnerable. Eventually, one
of his highest ranking Commanders, who was one of the Sirius B Reptilian
race, would betray him. I do not know all the details of that, just that
somehow the Changelings got to this Being, and he organized a plot to have
Belsazar assassinated. Of course, you have to remember that the Changelings
could shape-shift, and I have the sense that they have often times
shape-shifted into Reptilian form. I suspect that is how they were able to get to
this Commander and turn him against Belsazar. It would turn out that this
same Being would become one of the Changelings' most valued servants. He
would go on to play a major role in bringing many other races under
Changeling control, and eventually turning the tide in the Changeling-Reptilian
Wars. It also turns out that I had some close spiritual connections to him.
I had known him in the original Council life as Shandrasi. He was her son.

I am not sure of what happened after that, but I suspect that Belsazar was
the "glue" that held the joint Reptilian Armada together. So once he was
gone, most likely the various Reptilian races began to fall apart and
perhaps even started fighting amongst themselves for control of the Empire. But
the wars against the Changelings and the Aryan Humanoids would continue.
Of course I would continue my role as leaders of the 4 racesthat I was most
strongly connected to. I know that I led the Draco and the
Ciakar into the Andromeda Galaxy, and all the other races followed. I
would lead them to the Andromeda Home World, where the Draco would re-conquer
the planet and take control of the Blue Crystal Portal. From there, all 6
of the Reptilian races would make their way through the Portal and into
the Milky Way Galaxy, to the Lyra star system and the planet MU. The Draco
were the first to arrive there, and of course, it just happened to coincide
with the time when the Changelings and Aryan Atlantians were waging a war
against the "Anasazi" Lemurians. So now the reason for the war on MU
between the Atlantians and the Lemurians becomes much, much clearer. Both the
Changelings and the Aryans would have known by then that the Lemurians were
part Reptilian. They had developed such a hatred of all the Reptilians
that they were now determined to exterminate them and any other race that was
a Reptilian hybrid.

As far as the Descension into the lower dimensions goes, all these wars
had slowly dropped all of us into lower octaves of the 5th dimension. Of
course, many planets were destroyed or severely damaged during these wars. I
have also come to realize that a few planets were completely blown apart,
and any time that happened it had the effect of lowering the energy of the
entire star system and all the Beings connected to it. After that happened
a few times, we would pass through the threshold into a lower dimensional
"Octave", and we eventually dropped down to the 3rd Octave of the 5th
Dimension. But the biggest change by far was when we made our way into the
Milky Way Galaxy. To make that transition we would have to pass through a
major dimensional barrier, because this Galaxy exists in the 3rd Dimension,
not the 5th. So our lives on the planet MU in the Lyra star system were in
the 1st Octave of the 3rd Dimension. Then when MU was blown apart in the
collision with the Destroyer Comet, we dropped down into the 2nd Octave of
the 3rd Dimension.

But yet the war on MU was all part of the Divine Plan, because it acted as
a catalyst to get the different races to scatter across the Galaxy to
other star systems. I have read that the people who became the Taygetan
Pleiadians left MU long before the planet was finally destroyed. Of course the
Changelings first came to Lyra long before the Reptilians finally made it
here. So they had plenty of time to explore this Galaxy and expand out to
other star systems. But the destruction of MU forced every race to find
another home. The visions I have had of MU in some of my past life
regressions indicated that it was a very beautiful planet, and for the most part,
life there was like living in paradise. So I have often had the thought that
this was the true "Garden of Eden" that the Bible talks about.

It was the wars and the ultimate destruction of the planet that caused us
to be "thrown out of the Garden", not because God was punishing us. Of
course, with the planet being destroyed by a Comet, it would have seemed like
it was God who was angry with us and threw us out of paradise. Also, the
Changelings would have made sure to plant that belief system in us with all
their religious mind control techniques. They certainly didn't want anyone
to know that they were the ones really responsible for it. Of course they
also would have made sure to place the blame on the Draco and other
Reptilian races too. My sense is that they have tried to blame many things on
the Reptilians that they were really responsible for. I suspect that they
have shape-shifted to look like Reptilians many times to get the people to
think that it was the Reptilians who were doing all these horrible things
to them, when in fact it was really the Changelings just reinforcing their
control over them.

I, of course, was one of the Lemurians at the time of the final
destruction, and when I left MU I went on to one of the lesser star systems in
Orion. I get that it was a star in the "Sword" of Orion, not far from the star
Hatsya. Most of my lives on MU had been as "Anasazi", but now I began
another series of Reptilian incarnations. After coming through to Lyra, the
various Reptilian races also spread out. The Draco went to Capella and the
stars of the constellation Auriga. The Ciakar went to Rigel, and I get that
the Anunnaki and Alcyone races also went to some of the other star systems
in Orion. I am not sure where the other 2 races went initially. I just
know that the Sirius B group didn't really go to Sirius B until some time
later. I get that the Changelings had already established themselves in both
Betelgeuse and Bellatrix long before MU was destroyed. So now the stage
was set for the beginning of the Orion Wars.

I don't know a lot of the details of those wars, but I know that I played
a major role in them. I think it was one of my Draco Selves who launched
the first major attack that ignited the powderkeg, so to speak. I know that
most people think that it was the Reptilians who eventually won those
wars, but the information that I get is that it was really the Changelings and
the Aryans who won the war. By this time, the Changelings had come up with
all kinds of tricks and techniques to counter the Reptilians. They also
had formed quite an Alliance with the Aryans and many other races, some
willing and some as slaves. The Being that I had mentioned earlier had a lot
to do with bringing many other races under Changeling control. So of course
they would have been forced to fight against the Reptilians. They had also
worked with the Aryans to create a race of "Soldier Drones" that we know
as the Greys, by cloning them from other races. Again, most people seem to
think that it was the Reptilians who cloned the Greys, but that is not the
case. The Greys were created for the specific purpose of fighting against
the Reptilians. So they had created a huge umbrella of protection around
their home bases of Betelgeuse and Bellatrix. That plus I suspect that they
had perfected the art of shape-shifting into Reptilian form to undermine
the Reptilian command structure. So slowly they began turning the tide
against the Reptilian onslaught.

But I get that the real turning point was that somehow they captured an
entire squadron of the Alcyone Reptilians. Again I suspect that "Shandrasi's
son", the Being who had by now become their top servant managed to get
them to surrender. I just recently became aware of this, and again it was
mostly thanks to the TV show "Star Trek Deep Space Nine". In that show, there
was a race of Reptilian Beings called the Gem Hadar who fought the battles
for the Changelings. But they only did it because they
had been addicted to a drug that they called the "White". If they didn't
get their required dosage, they would die. Of course the Changelings
controlled the supply of it, to keep them under their control. So I got the
message that this exactly what happened to the Alcyone Reptilians, and the
"White" was the "White Powder of Gold". Dan Winter talks a lot about that and
how the Reptilians used it, and how it would have affected them. Of course
what he didn't say was that they really weren't given much choice in the
matter. I suspect that the Changelings also used some of their mind control
techniques on them as well. But eventually they got some of the Alcyone
Reptilians to fight for them against the rest of the Reptilian races. So
that explained why I had gotten the message back in early 1999, that the
Alcyones were part of the Illuminati "pyramid".

There is also another race that has played an important role in all of
this,that I have come to realize are an "Amphibian" race. They were the top
level servants to the Changelings, their ambassadors and negotiators. They
were much like the Vorta in the "Star Trek Deep Space Nine" show. One of
their primary roles was to be the "handlers" of the Alcyone Reptilians,
just like in the TV show. I get that the Being who was Shandrasi's son,and
eventually betrayed Belsazar eventually became one of the leaders of this
race. Since they were the primary controllers of the Alcyone Reptilians,
they obviously would have resided in the Alcyone star system as well. I get
that Alcyone is still the primary home system of the Amphibians. So now the
message I had gotten about the Alcyones being part of the Illuminati
"pyramid" makes even more sense. But I have also gotten the information that
there are some of the Aryan race in Alcyone as well. They were also allies
of the Changelings and the Amphibians, so that would make sense. I also get
that Arcturus is another major base for the Amphibians. Of course when I
realized that, I understood why I never felt a lot of positive energies
from the Arcturans, and why I had experienced a few psychic attacks from
them. Being close allies of the Changelings, they would not have taken kindly
to me and the things that I have had to do. So I am sure that it was this
Amphibian race who played an important role in bringing the Alcyone
Reptilians under Changeling control.

I am sure that initially getting the Alycone Reptilians to fight against
the others would have been most successful indeed, since the other races
would have been caught completely off guard when one of their own allies
attacked them. So eventually the Changelings were able to defeat the
Reptilian forces, or at least got them to retreat and end the war. Recently I got
an email message from a man who said that he had been someone by the name
of Altazar, and that he had been involved in a war with the Reptilians and
had blown up one of their planets. For more on that, see the web site: When I read that, I got the message that he had
been one of the Aryans, and the planet that he had destroyed was the one in
Orion that I had first moved to when I left the Lyra system. I got that I
had been involved in the battle related to that destruction, but
fortunately for me, I was not on the planet at the time. I am also getting the
message now that the destruction of that planet is what pretty
much ended the Orion Wars. That explosion did much more than just end the
war, it also dropped us all down into the 2nd "Octave" of the 3rd
Dimension. But probably one of the most important outcomes of the Orion Wars was
that some of the Anunnaki Reptilians were also brought under the control of
the Changelings, much like the Alcyones. I have gotten the information
that the Anunnaki were top notch scientists and also master geneticists. So
they would prove to be quite valuable to the Changelings in their future
plans, and they would play a most important role here on Earth.

After the wars had finally ended, I and many others eventually ended up in
the Sirius B star system, on a planet that I call Senayaga. But initially
Sirius B was completely dominated by the Changelings, Aryans and
Amphibians. The Reptilians and their Hybrids would not arrive here for quite some
time, which I will discuss later. So most of my lives there were as
Aryan-Amphibian Hybrid Humanoids. But in one of my lives there I had also been
one of the original Dogon tribe, who now live in Africa. Of course this is
the tribe that knew of the existence of Sirius B, the companion star to
Sirius, long before they had any telescopes powerful enough to actually see
it. I also got the information that the Dogon's were a hybrid race created
from a combination of Aryan Humanoid genetics and those of a race of
Beings from the constellation Taurus. But it wasn't done by cross-breeding, it
took the Anunnaki geneticists to accomplish that in a laboratory.

I don't know much about the Taurians or what they look like, but I have
gotten the information that they are the supposed mythological creatures who
had the head of a bull. I also have the sense that their skin color is
very black. So consequently the Dogon race were also Black. Recently I got
the information that the Taurians were also allies of the Changelings and
performed some important roles for them. I got the message that they were
the ones who knew how to process the "White Powder of Gold". They supplied
it to the Changelings who of course used it to addict the Alcyone and
Anunnaki Reptilians, to make slaves out of them and keep them under their
control. I get that the main reason that the Dogon race was created in the
first place was to make slaves out of them to serve the Aryan Sirians, and
also the Changelings. For what purpose? To mine the minerals that were needed
to process the "White Powder of Gold". That role would also be repeated
here on Earth, which is exactly why they were brought here in the first

So that brings us to how we all happened to come here to Earth. I get the
message that the Changelings discovered this solar system many millions of
years ago, when they first came to Lyra and began exploring this Galaxy.
The Earth seemed to have a special appeal to them, probably for a number of
reasons. First of all, I think that they were looking to find a home world
that was as much like their original Home World as they could find. Also,
the Earth just happened to be an inter-Galactic cross-roads, so to speak.
There are many inter-dimensional portals or Stargates on this planet, that
most other planets do not have. From here, if you have the ability to open
and navigate through those Stargates, you would have access to countless
other star systems in this Galaxy, and also to other Galaxies in this local
system. The Earth is very much like the Andromeda Home World in that
respect, and of course you can connect to the Blue Crystal Portal from here. Of
course none of that was by chance. The Andromeda Home World and the Earth
are literally the "Alpha and the Omega".

The Changelings were very much aware of the importance of this planet, and
they knew that if they could make this their new Home World, that they
could control the rest of this Galaxy and possibly many others. They could
reclaim the Empire that they had begun building aeons ago, in the Council
Galaxy. But there was one major problem. When they first came here, the
planet was ruled by the dinosaurs, Reptilians! Of course with all the wars
with the Reptilian races, they became totally paranoid about all Reptilian
species. Of course they couldn't allow their own DNA to be compromised or
poisoned by any Reptilian DNA of any kind. So now they had found the perfect
planet for them, but the predominant DNA that existed there was Reptilian!

But that would not deter them. We all know what happened to the dinosaurs
65 million years ago, but a year ago I read a most interesting email
message that talked about. The message was called "The Lacerta Files", and is
on the web site: . The author
had a contact with a native Terran Reptilian Being by the name of Lacerta.
It was a most interesting story, and Lacerta explained many things about
Earth's history and how many different ET races had come here. But, to me,
the most interesting thing she said was that the dinosaur extinction was
not caused by an asteroid or comet collision as our scientists think. She
said that had been a war between two ET races, a Humanoid race and a
Reptilian race. She said that the Reptilians had exploded a "special kind of
fusion bomb". She said this bomb would destroy the life forms on the planet
without damaging the minerals and metals which is what they were after. The
bomb reacted with the oceans and released a lot of deadly radiation that
caused a "nuclear winter" that lasted 200 years and killed all the
dinosaurs and many other species.

So when I first read that, I wasn't too sure what to make of it. I thought
it was possible, but yet it seemed so unlikely. But when I asked my Guides
about that I got that "Yes" that is what actually happened. Then I asked
if I could be connected to Lacerta and I was, so I chatted with her a bit.
So I got another confirmation about what the author of the story had
written. But now I have come to realize that it was not really a true Reptilian
race that had detonated the bomb, it was the Changelings. The
more I thought about this and putting it together with everything else I
have learned, I finally came to the realization that there was a much
deeper motive behind it. Yes, there may have been a war of some kind, but I
suspect that their real motive for detonating the "fusion bomb" was to kill
off all the Reptilian species on the Earth, so that they could re-populate
it with some species more favorable to them. Of course I have no way to
prove that, but that is the sense I get about it, and when I ask my Guides
and the Higher Beings about it, I always get a "Yes". So believe what you
will, but the things that I know happened later in time certainly seem to
substantiate my conclusion about that.

Hi Everyone,

This is Part 5 of 7 of my story about the Orion "Lizards" or

So now I will jump forward to a time that I get was approximately 450,000
years ago. I cannot be absolutely certain of the time, but I do know what
happened, because once again, one of my "Other Selves" was there. This
would be a very critical time in the history of the Earth, and it would lay
the cornerstone for what is happening here today. What happened fits in
very well with my theory that the Changelings' ultimate motive and goal was
to eradicate all traces of the Reptilian DNA and replace it with their own.
Does this sound too preposterous? Maybe, or maybe NOT. But either way,
this was the time when they came here to Earth to begin "planting their
seed". This part of the story fits in very well with Zecharia Sitchin's book
"The 12th Planet". I have come to realize that much of what he wrote in that
book is pretty accurate, with some exceptions of course. He calls these
ET's the "Nefilim" or the "Anunnaki". I explained earlier that this is where
I got the name of the Anunnaki Reptilians from. It is also interesting
that the date that he gives for the first arrival of the Nefilim was 445,000
years ago. That's very close to the time that I had gotten from my Higher
Self. Also, they did first come to the Mesopotamia area, just like he
said. Anyway, what he wrote in that book triggered several things in my own
awareness about my own "past life" role in this story. So I will try to
explain the things that I have come to know about what really happened back

First off, I get that there were actually 4 different races of Beings
involved that came here then: the Changelings, of course, the Amphibians and
also the Taurians and the Anunnaki Reptilians. But the important thing to
note is that the Anunnaki Reptilians that came here were the ones under the
control of the Changelings and the Amphibians. I get that they didn't come
here of their own free will. The Changelings brought them here to carry
out an important operation that they and the Taurians couldn't do
themselves. The Amphibian's role would have simply been to control the Anunnaki. Of
course they would have come here from Orion in their spaceships and did
not live on the "12th Planet" as Sitchin claimed. As I mentioned earlier,
what he calls the "12th Planet" was really the same Destroyer Comet that had
collided with MU in the Lyra system. I get that somehow the Changelings
may have had something to do with the fact that it also came to this solar
system. I am not certain of that, but anything is possible.

The sense I have is that they may have established a base on the planet
Malona or Maldek, which was the 5th planet in our solar system, that is now
the asteroid belt. The vibrational energies of Malona were higher than
that of the Earth and would have been more suitable to the Changelings. The
Earth's energies were still very "Reptilian", which is why the Anunnaki
were needed. They would have no problem with the Earth's energies and could
come and go at will. But the Changelings needed some kind of shielding,
which is what I get was the reason for building the ziggurats or pyramids.
They would serve as "Temples" for the Changelings to come down to supervise
the Anunnaki and to oversee their project.

I get that there were basically 3 Beings who were in charge of this
operation, just as Sitchin said. I use the same names for them as he did: Anu,
Enki and Enlil. Sitchen said that Anu was the father of Enki and Enlil, and
that they were brothers. But what I get is that they were each of a
different race. Anu was Taurian, which fits with what Sitchin said, since he was
depicted as the "Bull". But I get that Enki was Changeling, and Enlil was
Anunnaki Reptilian. Which also fits, since Enlil was portrayed as the more
"Evil" one of the two. The reason for Anu's presence was twofold. First
they needed a powerful third party to act as an intermediary between Enki
and Enlil, and between the Changelings and the Anunnaki. But probably more
importantly, the Earth contained the gold and other minerals that could be
processed into the "White Powder of Gold". So the Taurians were needed to
process the minerals. But of course, they would also need slaves to
operate the mines. Sitchen claimed that they would create a genetically altered
human race to operate the gold mines. But I get that they brought in their
own slaves for that purpose. That is why the Dogon race, that I had talked
about earlier, was brought here from Sirius B. Although Sitchen was
basically right about the fact that they did create a "new" race of humans, he
was not quite right about the reasons why. The Changelings had another
purpose in mind for their human creation.

But probably the most surprising piece of information that I have gotten
is that Enlil was FEMALE, not male. How can I be so sure of that? Because I
was Enlil. She was one of my "Other Selves", one my Soul's Anunnaki
Reptilian incarnations. But is that really so surprising? I mean Enlil has
always been portrayed as being "Dark". Well, the Dark energy of the Universe,
or the Void, is really the Female energy of the Universe. The physical
realms were created by the "Light" of the Male, penetrating the Void or "Dark"
energy of the Female. The Void is where all possible futures lie, it is
truly the Divine Mother's Womb of Creation. Also, I get the message that the
roles of Enki and Enlil as Sitchen portrayed them were pretty much
reversed. In his story it was Enki who felt compassion for his human creation and
saved them from the destruction of the Great Flood. But in truth it was
really Enlil who felt the most Love and Compassion for HER creation. But I
don't doubt for a minute that he interpreted the ancient Sumerian tablets
and symbols correctly. But you have to remember how the Changelings always
use "mirrors" and have reversed images and meanings in the religious
belief systems that they founded for aeons. It is a very important part of
their mind control tactics. Of course, it keeps the truth hidden and keeps the
people lost and confused, so that they are much easier to control. But
also remember that most of our religions are male dominated. So of course,
they wouldn't want us to know that one of "gods" was really a "goddess", and
a Reptilian one at that. But there was a very important reason why she was
included in their operation.

The primary goal of this entire operation was to "create" a race of
"humans" that would carry their own DNA structure, and one that they could
easily place under their mind control. Sitchen talks about this (not the mind
control part), and correctly suggests that "Adam" and "Eve" were created
through some genetic manipulations of the original primitive humans, and
even suggests cloning. I get the message that they did in fact create CLONES
from the cells and DNA of the Neanderthals. But they also
needed to "splice" in some of their own DNA, which was another major part
of their plan. So that is the main reason why the Changelings needed Enlil
and the Anunnaki. They were master geneticists. The Changelings could do
the cloning, but they did not have the ability to do the DNA splicing that
was needed for their plan. Clones are sterile and would not be able to
reproduce naturally, and could only be replicated through further cloning.
But that is exactly what the Changelings wanted. Once the original clone was
created, with some of their own DNA strands, then they could do the
cloning themselves and would no longer need the help of the Anunnaki.

Why would they want to create a group of clones here on Earth? For the
same basic reason that they cloned the Greys, to eradicate the Reptilians.
The message that I get is that they wanted to "cleanse" the Earth of all
Reptilian species and any other species with predominant Reptilian DNA. They
had already purged all the dinosaurs, but most of the surviving species
still carried a lot of Reptilian DNA. So now they planned on doing more
"clean-up" work. But they needed a race of Beings that could live here on
Earth in order to effectively do that. These Human Clones would be programmed
through mind control to begin the long slow process of destroying all the
Reptilian life-forms, in order to make the Earth a safe haven for the
Changelings. Clones would be much easier for them to control since they
wouldn't have the "Soul" connection, and would be like androids. But the best
laid plans of Changelings and Men sometimes go awry.

Once again, our Council had to intervene, since that was exactly the sort
of thing that our whole Mission was designed to prevent. So of course, I
had to incarnate as Enlil, and it was not by coincidence that she was one
of the top level Anunnaki geneticists of those that were under Changeling
control. We had to make sure that the Changelings would have no choice but
to bring her along. Enlil couldn't stop the Changelings from creating the
human clones, but she could alter the "recipe" by adding in a small trace
of her own DNA. But more importantly, she would have the ability to give
these Human Clones the true "essence" of life, so that they could reproduce
themselves, and that is exactly what she did. So of course it would take a
female to do that, not a male. So it was really Enlil and not Enki, as
Sitchin had reported, who was responsible for giving these humans the ability
to procreate. Just how she was able to do that, I have no idea. I just
know that besides being female, Enlil had special spiritual powers that were
needed to make that possible.

But think about what the "essence" of life really is. It is of course
"Soul Consciousness". So is it coincidence that in the Bible, that "God"
forbade Adam and Eve to partake of the fruit of the "Tree of Knowledge". What
do you suppose the "Tree of Knowledge" really represented? Soul
Consciousness, of course! The Changelings wanted these humans to be nothing more than
programmable androids, to do their dirty work for them. Is it also
coincidence that in the Bible story that it was "Satan" who took the form of a
Serpent, or a Reptilian, and essentially gave them that "fruit"? Is it also
coincidence that in Sitchen's book that Enlil was portrayed to be the
"Evil" one? But was what she did really "Evil"? She gave these Humans the
ability to truly LIVE, and to think for themselves. They would now have an
opportunity to free themselves from Changeling control. So I ask you once
again, who were the real "Evil" ones, and who was the real "Devil", the
Reptilians or the Changelings? Of course, I also find it interesting that Enlil
was essentially another "Self" of Belsazar, who the Changelings had called
"Satan" in the first place. Is all this coincidence or synchronicity?

But the Changelings would soon discover what Enlil had done, and I get the
message that she paid the price of their vengence. Anu had her imprisoned
and tortured, trying to get her to tell them what she had done. Of course
she never divulged her secret. I get that eventually she was returned to
the nearest Changeling star system, which was Sirius B. There the
Changelings slowly tortured her to death. So they got their vengence on her, but
now they faced a dilemma. What could they do about the
situation on Earth. They could certainly kill off these human clones, but
they did not have the ability to repeat the process themselves. It is
interesting that Sitchen talked about how there was a mutiny among the
Anunnaki, and how they had refused to work. But he assumed that they had refused
to work the mines, and had placed the time of the mutiny before the
cloning work. But I suspect that is not the case and that the mutiny occurred
after they had imprisoned Enlil and returned her to Sirius B. I also get the
message that there was another one of our Council members amongst the
Anunnaki, and that he is the one who refused to redo the cloning work and led
the rebellion.

The other interesting thing is that Sitchen said that some of the
"Anunnaki Gods" began interbreeding with these human clones. I am getting the
message that yes, both the Anunnaki Reptilians and the Amphibians began
interbreeding with these humans. I suspect that this was also part of the
"mutiny" and rebellion. So of course, Enki, the Changeling "God" would have been
enraged at this because it would have upset their entire plan. So it is
not surprising that he would have thrown them out of his "Garden of Eden".
Of course, Sitchen claimed that it was Enlil who became enraged, but as I
mentioned earlier, the Changelings later reversed the roles of Enlil and
Enki, to make it look like Enlil was the "Evil" one. So with this
development the Changelings couldn't recreate their clones and destroying them would
defeat their whole purpose. So instead they allowed things to continue and
relied on their mind control abilities to keep them under their control as
much as possible. So this new race of humans and the new hybrids from all
the interbreeding were allowed to multiply and expand their range of
control, under the guidance of their Changeling "God". Sitchen went on to say
that the Anunnaki-Human offspring were cast out to the East. Well, that is
exactly what I get. I get that the Persians or Iranians were
Amphibian-Human hybrids and those that settled in India were the Anunnaki-Human
hybrids. But the Changelings did not give up on their original plan, and they
would be back to try again many thousands of years later.

For me, I would reincarnate on Senayaga in Sirius B, where Enlil had been
taken and finally killed. The Changelings had pretty much complete control
over Senayaga, but the Amphibians and Aryans lived there as well. I would
have several lives there as I had mentioned earlier, mostly as Humanoids
that were basically hybrids of the Aryan and the Amphibian races. I get the
message that there weren't any of the Reptilian Hybrid races living on
Senayaga at that time. The few Anunnaki that were there would have been
slaves to the other 3 races. But eventually that would all change. The Draco,
Ciakar (the Rigellans), and "Red Dracs" (presently the Sirius B Reptilians)
would launch a combined attack on Senayaga. In that life I had become a
Commander in the Sirian forces and was involved in the war. I get that this
war occurred approximately 430,000 years ago. But this would be a war that
the Changelings and the Sirians would lose. They ended up evacuating
Senayaga and moving on to our solar system, to the 5th planet from the Sun that
I call Malona. So that is how the Reptilians and "Red Dracs" came to take
over Sirius B. I came to Malona with the Sirians and all the other races
that had lived on Senayaga, which included the Aryan-Amphibian hybrids and
the Dogon tribe. I had been wounded in one of the battles and died shortly
after our arrival.

The Pleiadians also made their way to Malona at some point and they
brought some of the "Anasazi" and the other Reptilian Hybrid races with them. So
many of the different hybrid races would find their way to Malona in some
way or another. Again, this was not coincidence, this solar system would
become a melting pot of the Universe. So I would have many lives on Malona
as some of these different hybrid races. The next real important life for
me was as a female member of the Aryan-Amphibian Humanoid race. This life
occurred about 285,000 years ago in Earth time. The Changelings were still
continuing their efforts here on Earth. They ended up gathering together
many of the Aryan-Amphibian women and took them to Earth, and of course, I
was one of them. But there was another very interesting thing that
happened. Each of these women was told to collect several quartz crystals to take
along with them. I am not entirely sure of the reasons for that, but for
one thing the energies of Malona were at a higher frequency from those here
on Earth. I get the message that Malona was at the 2nd Octave of 3D, and
the Earth was at the 3rd Octave. So they obviously needed those crystals to
perform an important function here on Earth. Perhaps they used them in the
ziggaruts, their temples, to keep the
energy high enough for them to visit for a short while. Crystals hold a
certain level of Consciousness and they can be programmed. So I suspect that
they were also used as part of the Changelings' mind control programs. Of
course the Aryan Atlantians here on Earth also used crystals extensively,
so I am sure there is a connection there too.

So I and many other Aryan-Amphibian women were brought here to Earth, to
be used in another genetic cross-breeding program. I get that we were
forced to mate with selected males from the cloned human race. By this time,
nearly 165,000 years after the original cloning experiment, most of these
cloned humans had interbred with some of the original Earth people, the
Neanderthals. Of course, the story of Cain and the women of Nod would relate
to that. As a result the genetic traits that the Changelings wanted to
establish were slowly becoming "tainted" with Reptilian genes. So they needed
to do some more "purifying" of the human genetics, and brought in
these women who were free of any Reptilian genetics to accomplish that. I
suspect that they didn't use pure Aryan women because they had more
control over the Amphibians. Even though the Aryans were also allies of the
Changelings, I sense that they resented being under Changeling control, and
most likely there was a certain level of conflict between the two races. But
when it came to fighting the Reptilians, they put aside those differences
for a more important cause. But my sense is that the Amphibians were much
more content to let the Changelings rule them. Of course, the Changelings
wanted to establish their own control over the Earth, and did not intend
on sharing it with the Aryans. But the interbreeding that took place was
just a preliminary step for what was to soon follow.

I died here on Earth in that life and then re-incarnated as one of the
Anunnaki Reptilians who were back here on Earth to carry out more of the
Changelings' genetic experiments. I was a male this time, but once again, I
was one of the top geneticists. I was in charge of another Changeling
operation to do some more genetic manipulations and DNA alterations of the Earth
humans. I do not know exactly what we did, but I am sure that it involved
the offspring of the Aryan-Amphibian cross-breeding that was done in my
prior lifetime. I do not think that anymore cloning was done this time, just
DNA splicing and alterations. I get the message that this is
when the DNA was literally cut down to the 2 strands that we know of
today. But once again, my role was to make sure that the DNA alterations did
not go so far as to become irreversible. Another of our Council members was
also one of the Anunnaki geneticists. He was the same one who had been
with Enlil before. So we had determined what the cut-off point had to be and
we stopped the operation at that point. I managed to convince the
Changelings that we had accomplished their goal. But then before they could find
out that we had really stopped short of their desired result, a group
headed by the other Council member blew up the laboratory and destroyed all the
records of what we had done. So once again, they had no way to undo what
we did.

Once again, I was taken prisoner and tortured. But this time I get that
they took me to Alcyone. So obviously the Amphibians were heavily involved
in what we were doing. But whatever was done then, there is no doubt that
their intentions had to do with being able to strengthen their control over
the Earth humans. But I also get the message that the primary goal was to
create a human body that was completey free of any Reptilian genetics so
that the Changelings themselves could take over or "Walk In". The DNA
splicing would make it easier to keep these humans under their mind control.
But probably the main purpose of all the DNA splicing that the Anunnaki did
was to remove all of the Reptilian DNA. But I suspect that since I stopped
the process before it "went too far", that we left some of the Reptilian
DNA there. But perhaps we masked it somehow, so the Changelings wouldn't
know it was there. I do not really understand all that, but that is the
message that is coming through as I write this. Anyway, I was taken to Alcyone
where they tried to get me to tell them what we had done. Again I refused
to talk and again they eventually killed me.

One of the things that Sitchen talks about in "The 12th Planet" was how
the original "cloning experiment" got out of control. Just like I mentioned
a bit earlier, he said that there was much interbreeding with the
primitive humans. He claimed that the Nefilim finally decided they would have to
destroy their own creation. He claimed that the Nefilim knew of the
approaching "12th Planet" and the destruction that it would cause as it passed
close to the Earth. He also says that it was Enki who purposefully warned
Noah in order to save him because of his "pure" geneology. I do not doubt
that this really happened, because I get the message that the Changelings
did alter the orbit of the "12th Planet" or Destroyer Comet, just like they
had done in Lyra. But of course, this time they didn't want it to actually
collide with the Earth, just come near enough to cause all kinds of
destruction due to its tremendous gravitational forces. So it could have easily
caused the Deluge, floods and tidal waves that inundated the Earth.

Perhaps this was the Changelings way of "cleansing" the Earth of much of
the "undesirable" human genetics. But the timing of this is not all that
clear. I am getting the sense that perhaps Noah was a product of the
cross-breeding with the Aryan-Amphibian race, and that occurred just beforethe
Great Flood. Then after the Flood, they would have had a much cleaner slate
to work with. Of course, I have always doubted that all humans would have
been killed in that catastrophe. But perhaps many in the coastal planes
were, and that was enough to give the Changelings a good foothold to work
from. So then it would make sense that this second round of genetic
modifications would have come shortly after that, before the genetics of Noah's
family could be further diluted. The resulting offspring would also have a
chance to increase their numbers before anymore interbreeding could occur.
This all sounds pretty far-fetched, but is it? It certainly fits with my
theory that they were trying to create a race that was free of Reptilian
DNA that they could control and eventually inhabit. I just find this all
very interesting.

Anyway, after that life, I would re-incarnate in the Alcyone system as one
of the Aryan-Amphibian females, and would eventually make my way back to
Malona. So I ended up back where I was before all this last round of
genetic experiments. But then the Draco and Ciakar finally made their way to
Malona as well. The wars continued and I was taken by the Draco to their base
in Auriga, and used in some more cross-breeding with the them. This was
becoming a recurring nightmare for me, but now I understand why it happened.
The Changelings and the Aryans were using the Aryan-Amphibian hybrids for
their own genetic purposes here on Earth. So now the Draco had to
interbreed with this same race, and those hybrid offspring would eventually be
brought to Earth in order to balance things out. The message I get is that
this Draco-Aryan-Amphibian hybrid race were the ancestors of the Egyptians.
So they would have predominant Draco genetics and energies.

Then appropriately enough, in my next life I incarnated as one of the
Draco one more time. I returned to Malona once again, and also eventually came
here to Earth. I would be one of the 12 High Command under the the
Soluruous or "Sun God" who would become known here on Earth as Ra. I would become
known as the High Priest Pontiff Zeel. Of course, they would have a strong
impact on the Egyptians, which was obviously not coincidence. Everything
that the Changelings did had to be countered by the Draco and the other
Reptilian races. It was all part of the Plan. So it's not surprising that the
Hebrews who were descendants of the Changeling manipulated humans, and the
Egyptians became longstanding enemies of one another. But how the
Egyptians would come to Earth, and the timing of all of it, is a most interesting
story indeed.

Hi Everyone,

This is Part 6 of 7 of my story about the Orion "Lizards" or

So we now come to the life that has probably had the strongest influenceon
my current life than any of the others. Over the last several years, this
life has come up many, many times and I have learned more about it than
any of the others, and for obvious reasons. My Mission now was to complete
what he started. I had to close the circle. I was an "Anasazi" male by the
name of Gustav, living on Malona. He would play a very critical role that
would affect things here on Earth in many different ways. This life was
about 188,500 years ago. By this time many Aryan Humanoids and also many
Changelings were living on Malona. But the planet was still predominantly
Reptilian, and under the control of the Ciakar and the Draco. Once again a
war broke out between the Aryans and the "Anasazi" and other Reptilian
Hybrid races, and of course the Changelings and Reptilians were also involved.
Gustav had left his native tribe to study the sciences, but the war drew
him back to defend his people. He was involved in one of the battles at the
age of 18. He had known his Twin Flame Soul Mate in that life and they had
planned to be married. But when he returned from the battle he discovered
that she had been killed in an attack on their village. That was a
devastating blow to him and I don't think he ever got over it. It changed his
entire attitude, and he turned to the Shaman of his tribe for help. I guess
that is what it took to remind him that he had an extremely important
Mission to perform.

Of course the Shaman of the tribe was also a member of the Council of Six.
He was the one who had come here from the DAL Universe, with abilities
much like the Changelings. So under his guidance Gustav developed some pretty
incredible spiritual powers. He would learn how to open and control
portals, Stargates and Wormholes. But most important of all, he would learn how
to navigate through space and time. With the help of this Shaman he would
learn of the Changelings' plans to destroy Malona. He became aware that
they and the Aryans had planted many large crystals in very strategic
locations. I get that these crystals were the same ones that they had taken back
to Earth almost 100,000 years earlier. So obviously they had been
programmed for a specific purpose.

Then the Shaman had a vision where he saw that the entire planet would be
blown apart. This was obviously a very critical time in the whole Plan,
because all six of the Council members were there on Malona at the time, and
of course they would all be brought together. They put together their Plan
and began preparations to evacuate Malona and come here to Earth. They
would gather together many members of the different hybrid races, including
the Anasazi, several other Native American tribes, the Inca, the Maori, the
Siamese and Chinese races, and also the Egyptians and another Arab race
with slightly different genetic make-up. So with the help of the Draco they
assembled a fleet of ships and came here to Earth. This came up in a past
life regression I had with a hypnotist several years ago. I saw myself on
a space ship and I could see the planet out of the window and I knew I
would never be going back there again. The hypnotist asked me where I was,
and I said "I'm on a ship". Then she asked me what my destination was, and I
said "Earth". Then she exclaimed, "What kind of ship are you on????" I
always get a good chuckle when I think back on that. She told me that was the
first time she ever had any of her patients discover that they came here
from another planet.

When they first got here, they went to a very important portal and Gustav
and the other Council members came down to do a ceremony to anchor
everyone into the Earth, but also to anchor the energies of Malona into this
portal. Then they proceeded to several key Stargate and portal locations
around the planet. At each site they would drop off selected members of one of
the different races. So in this manner, the different races were scattered
across the globe. At each Stargate or portal they would do a ceremony to
anchor in their energies, and at certain key portals they anchored in the
energies of Malona. But I get the message that the Earth existed at the 3rd
Octave of the 3rd Dimension, whereas Malone was at the 2nd Octave. So in
order to stay here and live on the Earth they would have to drop their own
energies down to the 3rd Octave. In order to do that they would have had
to willingly take on some Dark Entities to lower their energies. That was
one of my roles in this entire Mission, to be able to consciously take on
the Dark Entities as needed to go as far into the "Dark" energy as
necessary. So Gustav would have had the ability to bring these Entities in and
attach them to the people as they disembarked from the ships. So that would
have been part of the ceremony performed at each site. They finally ended
up at Mesa Verde in southwest Colorado.

They built a settlement at the site that is now called the "Far View"
Site, and they also built a ceremonial kiva there. Before they had left
Malona, they had made an attempt to re-program all the crystals, and Gustav made
one more attempt to prevent the complete destruction of the planet. I do
not know what he did, but obviously it was not successful, and I have the
sense that what he did may have actually contributed to the problem. But
one of the things he had to do was to connect to all the people who were
still on the planet, so that he could connect their spirits here to Earth. So
he had gone down into the kiva to go into a deep meditation in order to do
that. When Malona was finally blown up, he felt all the energy of the
blast and he was knocked unconscious for 3 days. During that time all those
spirits came through him to anchor into the Earth. So the Hopi belief that
they came to Earth through a kiva is not at all unfounded.

What happened next is completely mind boggling and will probably be pretty
hard to believe. But I swear that this is the honest truth, and this
really happened. Gustav took a small group of each the different races and he
time-traveled about 200,000 years back into the past to a time that was
about 389,000 years ago. This was another one of those awarenesses that
occurred to me after watching one of the Star Trek shows. There was an episode
in Star Trek Voyager in which they got caught in some
kind of time warp and went back into the past. After watching that show I
was laying in bed looking at a picture on my wall that I had taken during
one of our vacations. It was a place that my Guides had led me to, and I
had gotten the message that I had been there before in another life as
Gustav. So anytime I look at that picture I would think of him, and I thought
of him then. Then all of a sudden I had the thought that Gustav had time
traveled, and when I asked my Higher Self and muscle-tested on it, I got a
definite "YES". At the time I had no idea of how he might have done that,
but now I get the message that he traveled through the Wormhole in the Sun
and then re-entered at a different time.

The Shaman and one other Council member would remain at the "present" time
of 188,500 years ago, and the other 4 of us traveled back in time. One of
our Council members had some very powerful psychic abilities. She was
clairvoyant and could see the past or the future very clearly, so she knew
what time we would have to go to. This was another critical time in terms of
what the Changelings were up to. But more importantly I get the message
that this was when the Aryan Sirians first came to Earth. So there was
something important that had happened then that we needed to change. I also get
the message that there was something about the DNA splicing operation that
hadn't gone quite as planned and that needed to be altered as well. So
once again we went to all the different Stargates and portals and left people
of the different races off at each site. One of the Council members went
to the site that would become the city of Troy, and two of the Council
members were taken to Egypt, along with others of the Egyptian race. So that
is how the Egyptians came to be there when Ra and Pontiff Zeel showed up.

But then that is one of the things that would have changed, because
Pontiff Zeel's life was actually before Gustav's, and the Egyptian race wasn't
there yet in the original timeline. So perhaps that was also one of the
reasons we had to go back in time. It gets to be pretty mind-boggling when
you start trying to think about all the consequences of what we did. All you
can know for sure is that it would have certainly changed the Earth's
timeline. Why we had to do that, I am not entirely certain, because I do not
know what the outcome of the original timeline would have been. But
obviously Gustav and the members of the Council knew, and they must have known
that it did not have a favorable outcome. So they knew they had to go back
in time and make some critical changes. Of course, they were still not able
to prevent the destruction of Malona. But I have the sense that they may
have set something in motion that would ultimately insure that the
Atlantians received their just reward for that. After all, Karma must be enacted
in one way or another, and perhaps theirs just came due a little sooner
than most.

As for Gustav, he returned to the site where they had first landed in the
western United States. He let off some of the Native American people there
and then he had planned to return to the time when they had left Malona,
just before it was destroyed. He wanted to return to Malona to rescue the
other members of his family that had not come along on this adventure. He
did not know it at the time, but they would leave before the explosion and
return to the Pleiades. I am sure he would have liked to have joined them,
and perhaps that is what he was hoping to do. But in order to be able to
return to Malona he would have to purify his body and energies of all the
Dark Entities. So he and 4 others took the shuttle craft to a lake not far
from the original landing site. He went off alone and climbed to the top
of a nearby mountain that was another major portal. He would remain on the
mountain and fast for 4 days and nights in order to cleanse himself. Then
he returned to the shuttle craft and they got ready to leave. But fate
would intervene, as a storm moved in and he crashed into the side of the
mountain on take-off.

When they didn't return to the original site as planned, the Native
American people who had stayed behind set out to search for them. They would
find them, but Gustav was the only one who survived. It turns out that the
people who saved his life were members of his original tribe back on Malona.
So he would live out the rest of his life with them. But once again, that
was all part of the Divine Plan. I had to begin a long series of
incarnations here on Earth, and it all had to start 389,000 years ago. There was a
lot more work to be done.

When Gustav went back in time to 389,000 years ago, that began a very
bizarre incarnational sequence for me. Since I also had many lives back on
Malona during this same time, I would get caught in a very interesting loop.
My next life after Gustav's was as one of the Siamese race in the
Thailand/Cambodia area. I am not exactly sure what I did there, but I was
obviously working against the Changelings. Somehow I ended up being taken by the
Changelings and Amphibians back to Alcyone. I suspect that one of the
reasons they kept taking me back to their home worlds was that I have always
had some very powerful spiritual and psychic abilities. I have gotten the
message that in many lives I would work out of some of the major temples,
like Angkor Wat in this instance. The local people would not understand what
I was doing, and out of their fear and ignorance, they would think that I
was some kind of witch.

Of course, the Changeling mind control and belief systems that they
fostered definitely played into that. So they would eventually get the
authorities to arrest me and turn me over to the Changelings. So then they would
take me off to one of their home worlds to try to figure out where I got all
that power from, because they wanted it. Of course they would think that
it had to do with something about my physical body and the pineal gland. I
know that I was tortured and killed many times because of that. I also
know that I was basically eaten alive on at least a couple of occasions. I am
sure they thought that if they consumed me and particularly the pineal
gland, then they would become as powerful as I was. Sorry guys, it doesn't
work that way.

I have also come to realize why the time of 389,000 years ago was so
important. When the Aryan Sirians showed up, they are the ones that so many
people have called the Atlantians. But the continent of Atlantis was never
really here on Earth, it was on MU. But the Aryan race from Atlantis would
eventually come here to Earth like all of the other races. I get the
message that they were the Minoans and lived on an island in the Mediterranean
Sea, of which only a remnant exists today. So they began their own
cross-breeding and genetic alteration program, so that they too could eventually
be able to live here on Earth and be free of the Reptilian genetics. Are
you starting to get the message here? This has been a pattern that has been
repeated over and over again, by both the Changelings and the Aryans.

Like I said before, even though these two races allied themselves against
the Reptilians, they still were vying with each other for ultimate
control. Also, as I mentioned earlier, the Earth was an extremely important
inter-Galactic crossroads. So of course they both wanted to control the Earth
for themselves. But since the whole Mission of the Council of Six was about
eventually bringing everything back into balance and harmony, we had to
try to counter their efforts as much as possible. So we had to keep
bringing in the Reptilian-Humanoid hybrid races and occasionally the
Reptilians themselves in order to maintain the balance. That meant that I would
have to continue to be a part of their genetic programs so that I would be
where I needed to be to do what I had to do.

So according to form, I reincarnated as a female of the Aryan-Amphibian
race. Then because those were the genetic traits that the Aryans were trying
to introduce here on Earth, they brought me back to Malona, and then
eventually back to Earth. I would gather that Malona served as a collecting
station for them. But I also suspect that it was also a matter of an energy
adjustment. As I said before, Earth was at a lower energy level than these
other planets. But Malona would have been at the same level, so it was a
lot easier to take people there than it was to take them directly to Earth.
Then they would have to do something to lower the people's energies that
were going on to Earth. So perhaps that process was done there on Malona.

Anyway, I eventually ended up back on Earth for more cross-breeding
purposes, and again I would die there. But then I would reincarnate as one of
the Reptilian hybrid races, and do what was necessary to balance things out
once again. I have also come to realize that one of the other Council
members was also involved in this same process that I was. So we would work
together to do what needed to be done. Then the cycle repeated, only this
time we would end up in the Alpheratz star system which is at the junction
of the constellations of Andromeda and Pegasus. I get the message that this
is a predominantly Aryan star system. So since the two of us were now
caught up in the Aryan genetic operations, we would be taken there several
times. But now there would be another wrinkle thrown into the pattern.

Of course, just like the Changelings and Amphibians, the Aryans kept the
Alcyone Reptilians around for protection from the other Reptilian races. So
this time we each reincarnated as one of the Alcyone Reptilians. So that
explains one of the higher purposes for why the Alcyone Reptilians had to
come under Changeling and Amphibian control. They would serve as our
"vehicle" to get us off of the Changeling or Aryan planets and back to where we
needed to be. Since they used the Alcyone Reptilians to fight their
battles for them, it would not be hard to arrange to be killed in a battle in
some other star system.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I have come to realize that in
order to incarnate in a different star system, or even a different planet
within the same star system, you have to somehow get there first. So you can
travel physically from one star system or planet to another, or you can
have someone with the spiritual powers like I have connect to your Spirit
and anchor you into another planet or star system. I know I have done that
on at least 2 occasions. The time I mentioned as Gustav with all the
Spirits from Malona, and also the time after MU was destroyed. In Gustav's case
it was going from one planet to another in the same solar system. But in
that last life on MU, I had to do that from an entirely different star
system. But then that was much earlier and on a higher dimensional level, so I
am sure that I had even more power in that life than Gustav did.

So the Alcyone Reptilians played a very important role in our Mission.
Once we would get to another star system we would be able to reincarnate as a
different race. Sometimes it would be as one of the other Reptilian races,
but eventually we would find our way to Taygeta or Maia in the Pleiades.
Then we would incarnate as one of the various hybrid Humanoids again, and
then the Pleiadians would take us back to Malona. Then we would take part
in the Aryan cross-breeding program once again, and start the whole cycle
all over again. I guess it was lucky for us that they couldn't tell that we
were the same Beings that kept causing them problems all the time.

This time we each would have several incarnations as either Draco or
Ciakar before we finally incarnated as Humanoid again. We both managed to
incarnate on Maia at the same time and were both brought back to Malona, to
repeat the cycle all over again. This entire sequence happened 3 times, and
each time there were a few Reptilian lives in between the Humanoid lives.
Finally I would come back to the life where I was taken to Earth by the
Changelings and Aryans, and had become the Anunnaki Reptilian to do the DNA
splicing. So since we had gone back in time, we basically created a
parallel timeline in which this cycling scenario played out. I get that one of
the things that we had to change was the outcome of the DNA splicing
experiments. I have the sense that the thing that had to be changed was that the
lab had to be destroyed, that we hadn't done that in the original
timeline. Perhaps in the original timeline, the Changelings were able to recover
and redo the splicing just as they had intended. So we had to make sure
they couldn't do that, so we made sure the lab and all the records were
destroyed. I still makes my head hurt thinking about all time loop and
alternate timeline that we created, but I still keep getting the message over and
over that yes indeed, all that really happened. Why did we do it, and why
was it even allowed? I only know that it had to be done to serve the
overall Highest Good.

So eventually, the loop or alternate timeline would have gotten back to
Gustav's life once again. Only some things had obviously changed. But the
situation on Malona was still pretty much the same and they left the planet
one more time. Everything up to the point of going back in time was
repeated pretty much as before. Again Gustav had to connect to all the Spirits
of those who died on Malona and bring them to Earth. But now he would still
make another journey through time, only this time it would be into the
future. He took a small group of each the different races and he went through
the Wormhole in the Sun again and time-traveled about 184,000 years into
the future to a time that was about 4160 years ago. This time was
apparently another critical time point in the current Earth timeline. Again our
clairvoyant Council member knew what time we would have to go to.

It turns out that this would be a time when the Mayan people came here to
Earth from the Procyon star system. I get the message that a race from the
Andromeda Galaxy had come to Procyon, and now they were coming here to
Earth. So it was important that we coordinate our efforts with their arrival.
Once again we traveled to all of the major Stargate and portal locations
and left off members of the same groups as before. Then he hadto close the
time loop and went back through the Wormhole and traveled back to his
"present" time, and back to Mesa Verde. But then he would leave the Earth and
go on to Procyon, to reconnect with the Andromedans. An
important phase of our Mission had been completed, one circle had been
closed. So now it was time to begin the next phase of the Mission, and for
the next 110,000 years I would have several lives there with the

I eventually returned to Earth, to Egypt, about 77,200 years ago, as an
Andromedan male by the name of Yarislav. This was the time that the Great
Pyramid of Giza was built. It was the Andromedans from Procyon who really
built it, and I played an important role in that. I helped design the inner
chambers that related to the operation of the portal. This would be the
primary interstellar and interdimensional Stargate on the planet, and it
would play a major role in what would happen in Yarislav's lifetime. I
was the head portal operator and would eventually meet up with two other
members of our Council, one of whom would also become one of the portal
operators. But the pattern of the previous cycle would continue, and we would
have to do some things that would seemingly have some pretty negative
consequences, but yet was vital to maintain the balance of power here on

Once the pyramid and the portal were completed some Beings from another
star system requested permission to come through. It turns out that they
were Draco. They left after a short stay, but later returned and wanted meto
open the portal to allow some of their ships to come through. At first I
refused, because I sensed what would happen if I allowed that. So they
tried to coerce me into cooperating using torture, but I still refused But
while all this was going on, the other two Council members had each been on a
scouting mission in "enemy" territory. One was in Changeling territory in
Sumer, and the other in Aryan territory in Atlantis. When they returned
they let me know what was going on in both those places. I realized that the
Changelings and the Aryans were planning a joint effort to take control of
the Pyramid Portal. We couldn't allow that to happen, so I had to
reconsider my position with the Draco.

Finally the Draco managed to capture my daughter and were threatening to
kill her right in front of me, so I finally relented. It took six operators
to run the portal, and of course for something as major as this we would
be required to have the approval of the government authorities. But I knew
that they would never approve having a fleet of Draco ships come through.
So I explained the situation to the other Council member, and I suspect
that deep down we both knew that this had to happen. So together
we managed to convince the other portal operators that we did have
permission to allow the Draco to come through. So we opened the portal and let
them through. Of course, a war eventually broke out between the Draco and
the Changelings and also the Aryan "Atlantians". The war would last several
years, and thousands of people would be killed. But the Changeling and
Aryan attempt to take over the Pyramid Stargate was thwarted, and the
Andromedans remained in control of it.

We got involved in the war, and I and the other male Council member were
captured and taken prisoner by the Atlantians. Once the war was finally
over, we were both taken to Alcyone as prisoners, one more time. For what
purpose I am not sure. I guess they just wanted to get us off the Earth,to
get us out of their way. I would take on a lot of guilt and would blame
myself for what had happened. But one of the things that Yarislav would never
know was the important role that his daughter whom he had saved from the
Draco would play. Yarislav's mate in that life was his Twin Flame Soul
Mate, and she too had been Andromedan in that life. Their daughter would also
survive the war, and eventually bear a son who would play a very important
role in the future of this planet. His name was Akhenaton, and he would
become one of the most important pharoahs of Egypt, and of course he would
have had Andromedan connections.

But Yarislav would die on Alcyone, and I would then reincarnate as one of
the Alcyone Reptilians, one more time. Then I began another long string of
Reptilian incarnations. I would eventually end up back on Procyon as one
of the Andromedans again, and would finally return to Earth one more time.
I would arrive at the time with the Taygetan Pleiadians as one of the
hybrid races. We would arrive on Earth only a couple of years after Gustav had
made his trip into the future, 4160 years ago. From that point on, most of
my lives were here on Earth. But there would be 2 more lives where the
Changelings would take me off to one of their other planets, and I would have
to find a way to come right back.

It was one of those cases, that resulted in what would probably be my next
most important life. I had been a female in India, and the Changelings
ended up taking me to the Alpheratz star system once again. So I had to
reincarnate as one of the Alcyone Reptilians one more time, but then made my
way to Capella to join with the Draco again. But the Capellans are the more
moderate of the Draco and they are the ones with thefemale warriors. Some
of the Anasazi race also lived there, and I would
incarnate as a male who would be half Draco and half Anasazi. I would
return to Earth through the Great Pyramid portal and eventually make my way to
North America. I would make connections to the Aztec people and would
become known as Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec "God of War". He would lead them to
Tenochtitlan, what is now Mexico City, and he would become involved in
another war with the Changelings and the Aryans. He would defeat
Quetzalcoatl, who was one of the Sirian Aryans. But he would not be quite so
successful against the Changelings.

One of the Changelings was living in the Aztec capital city of
Tenochtitlan, and was using Black Magic to keep the rulers of the Aztec empire
totally under his control. So Huitzi decided he had to stop him, and for
whatever reason, ended up cutting out his heart. Perhaps it was necessary in
order to completely break his power and remove the spells that he had cast.
But that act would ultimately be used by the Changelings to negate all the
good that Huitzi had done to restore the balance. They would eventually
trick some of his Aztec friends into betraying him, and he would be taken to
Alpheratz where they would eventually cut his heart out.But they would use
their religious mind control tactics to convince the Aztec priests that
Huitzi would be honored if they would initiate the practice of sacrificing
human hearts to him. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth,
and it was really the Changelings who were the "Gods" at the top of those
pyramid temples that those priests offered the sacrificed hearts to. They
were the ones feeding off of all that blood and fear and negative energy,
not Huitzi and the Draco. But then they are masters at distorting the truth
and getting people to fervently hold all the beliefs that they have
carefully planted in the human psyche.

Of course, the Aztecs were descendants of the Anasazi race, who were part
Draco, which is why Huitzi came here to help them in the first place. But
the Changelings and Aryans would eventually take out their revenge against
the Draco and their Anasazi and Aztec descendants. When the Changeling and
Aryan dominated and controlled Spaniards arrived in Mexico in 1519, they
began a purge that nearly exterminated the entire Aztec race. But of
course, they wouldn't stop there. They would also go on to wipe out the Inca,
who were descendants of the Ciakar. Then they began forcing their way into
the southwest United States to continue their purges. But political
circumstances would prevent them from finishing the job. But of course, the
British and other Europeans would find their way to this country and they would
pick up where the Spaniards left off. Our own United States government,
which is very much under Changeling control,began a systematic purge of all
the Native American people, who also have a lot of Draco genetics. So do
you think all of that was just coincidence, or are you starting to see the
picture of what is really going on?

(Continued in Part 7)

This is Part 7, and the final part of my story about the Orion "Lizards"
or "Changelings".

But probably the most important thing to realize is that all the wars
between the Changeling and Aryans against the Reptilian races are still going
on right here and now, right here on Earth. All of the races here on Earth
are related genetically to one of these races. But it goes beyond
genetics, it gets into consciousness and religious belief systems. Do you think it
is coincidence that the Mid-East is very close to erupting into a major
war again? The Israelis are of course strongly connected to the Changelings,
and the Arabs are very strongly connected to the Draco, just like I have
been trying to explain in this story. But look around at all the other
conflicts in the world and they can all be traced back to the Changeling-Aryan
conflict with the Reptilians. I will try to bring it all into perspective
by relating some of the information that I have gotten about how all the
different races here on Earth relate to the various ET races.

Please understand that there are no accusations or judgements intended
here, and I do not consider any one race to be any better or worse than any
other race. So please do not take any of what I say here to be an insult in
any way. Remember that we all have been one of many of these different
races in different lifetimes. Some of us have been Reptilian, others Aryans,
or Amphibians, or even Changelings before. But it doesn't really matter,
because we all had our role to play. The point is to come to an
understanding that there have been all these different races, and there still are.
There has been a lot of conflict between many of them, and that we all do
have some connections in one way or another to each of these races. But what
is important now is to put all those differences behind us and heal the
wounds so that we can all truly live in Peace and Harmony some day. I am
presenting this information only because I think it is very important in
order to understand the truth of the situation as it stands right now, and to
trigger the Soul memory that people have about their relationship to these

There has also been a lot of other interbreeding amongst many of these
Earth races, so I am only going to talk about the original basic races here.
First I'll start with all the Reptilian Hybrid races. Since most races
have many genetic combinations, and most have at least some Aryangenetics, I
will only mention the most predominant 1 or 2 genetic origins here. As I
have said, the Native people of North and Central America are predominantly
Draco hybrids, although some of the tribes also have some Anunnaki
genetics mixed in. The Native people of South America are predominantly
Ciakar-Draco hybrids. Please note that when I mention 2 races, such as in this
case, that the first race in the sequence would be the predominate race,
contributing close to 50% of the overall genetic mix, while the second race
would be more like 25%.

The Polynesians and Maori are predominantly Anunnaki-Alcyone hybrids. The
Siamese race of South-East Asia are predominantly Alcyone Reptilian-Draco
hybrids. The Chinese race are predominantly Alcyone Reptilian-Ciakar
hybrids. But of course the Mongolian race also had a very strong genetic
influence on the people of China. The Mongolians are predominantly Sirius B or
"Red Drac" hybrids, but also have a lot of genetics of the 6th Reptilian
race, that I have never really been able to identify where they are from.
The Japanese are very closely related to the Mongolian race, so they would
have mostly the same genetic combinations. The Russians and Slavic races of
Eastern Europe would be basically "Red Drac"-Aryan hybrids, since they
were also strongly influenced by the Mongolians. The Arab races of Turkey,
Syria and Iraq are predominantly Draco. The Egyptians are predominantly
Draco-Amphibian with also a large percentage of Aryan genetics. The people of
India are basically Anunnaki-"Human" hybrids. Note that when I say
"Human", I am referring to the race of Cloned Humans that resulted from the
original and subsequent Changeling-Anunnaki genetic experiments, those from the
Mesopotamia area.

Continuing on, with the other races, the Iranians are Amphibian-"Human"
hybrids. The French are also Amphibian-"Human" hybrids, with a large
percentage of Aryan genetics. The Spanish are also predominantly
Amphibian-"Human". The Italians are predominantly Amphibian-Aryan hybrids. The Germans and
Nordic races are predominantly Aryan. The British are predominantly
"Human"-Aryan hybrids. The black race from Africa are basically the Dogon race,
which is Taurian-Amphibian. Of course the Israelis or Hebrew are
predominantly "Human". They are probably the race that comes closest to the
original Cloned race that the Changelings wanted to establish on the Earth. So of
course, that is why they consider themselves to be "God's" Chosen People.
Well, maybe not truly "God", but certainly the Changelings' chosen people.
Then we come to the United States, which of course is a conglomerate of
just about all the different races. But the key thing to note here is which
race is in power and in control. Of course, the answer to that is the
"Human"-Aryan hybrids.

It is also important to think about the cultural differences between all
these races as well, and how they have interacted with each other. So now
look at the last 200 or 300 years of our history, and consider which race
has established the most far-reaching empire and who have dominated over
just about every other race on the planet. The British "Human"-Aryans!!!
Coincidence? Not on your life. So we are seeing the Changeling-Aryan alliance
in all its glory right here on Earth. But who really wields the power in
that alliance? The answer of course, is the Changelings or Illuminati, just
like the way that it has been for aeons.

Think about the attitudes some of these races have towards one another. Is
it also coincidence that the French have snubbed their noses at the "Ugly
Americans", and have resented the British for years? Is it also
coincidence that for years many of the British have used the derogatory name "Frogs"
for the French? The Amphibians have been servants to the "superior"
Changelings for aeons. So of course they would have resented their British and
US counterparts. Who wouldn't? Is it coincidence that
there has generally been a good relationship between the French and the
Iranians? Look at the hostility that has always existed between the Germans
and the French. Coincidence? Do you want to hear another coincidence? When
I first became aware of the Council of Six, and of the original war on the
Council World, I got the message that a large percentage of the original
inhabitants of that planet were now here onEarth. Now I am getting the
message that it is close to 80% of them who are here now.

Then look at all the major wars and conflicts in our recent history, and
you will see a very familiar pattern there. You can start in the Mid-East,
where the Changeling Human Israelis have been fighting with the Draco
dominant Arabs for years. Then look at Bosnia and all the different ethnic
combinations there, and all the ethnic purging that went on. There were many
different combinations of Reptilian, Amphibian, Aryan and Human genetics
there. Of course who went in there to "clean up" the mess? The Human-Aryans
again. Then there was Vietnam and Korea, which were very much Reptilian
against Human-Aryan. Of course, the Amphibian based French had ruled over
those Alcyone Reptilian based Vietnamese for close to 200 years, just like
the Amphibians had been the controllers of the Alcyone Reptilians for so
long. Then when the Vietnamese rebelled against the French, whose side did
the US take? The Amphibian French of course.

Then go back to World War II. Remember how I said that the Aryans had not
always taken kindly to the Changeling control either, and that they had
been also vying for power against them? Well, look at what Hitler did, he
was trying to establish a pure Aryan nation, and the first race that he
attacked were the Reptilian based Slavs, the Czechs and the Polish. Then he
turned against the Amphibian French, and then against the Reptilian based
Russians. But which race did he really hate and persecute the most? The
Changeling controlled "Human" Jews, of course. But what really led to his
downfall? When he attacked the Changeling controlled British, and then when
the Changeling controlled US entered the war. So it became pretty obvious
who the top dog really was. Then look at the Cold War, between the
Changeling "West" and the "Red Drac" Eastern block of the Soviets and Chinese. Is
it coincidence that we refer to the communists of Russia and China as
"REDS"? So are you beginning to get the picture here? Can you now see why I
said that understanding the history of how things got to be this way is so
important? It just goes on and on and on, and then of course you can throw
in all the cultural and religious differences. I am not going to go into
all of that, but it all goes back to the same thing and I think you can get
the idea.

So now I need to come back to the present and relate what has been going
on in the last year on the "other" planes. I have been doing a lot of
pretty important energy work over the last two years. Probably one of the
greatest threats to our very existence is the possibility of a breakdown of the
barrier between our "Matter" Universe and the "Antimatter" Universe, and
yes, it really does exist. I know that the barrier between those two
Universes is at its thinnest point here on Earth. Of course, the Changelings and
the Aryans are aware of that too. But they think that they can use that to
their advantage and safely tap into that antimatter energy to make use of
the awesome power that a matter-antimatter explosion would create. They
think that they can use that power to regain complete control of the Earth
and the entire Galaxy.

I know for a fact that they have already opened portals and tapped into
the Antimatter Universe on several occasions. But what they don't seem to
realize is that their technology would not be able to contain those
antimatter energies for very long. Also, eventually those portals would open up
and split wide open causing the greatest matter-antimatter explosion in the
history of this Universe. I have had to do some major work on at least 3
occasions, one just recently, to send all the antimatter that they had
collected back to where it belongs, and then close the portals. I cannot
possibly explain how I was able to do that, but just know that I did it.

I have always suspected that the vision that some people have had and
thought they saw an image of the entire Earth "Ascending" into the "Light",
was in reality a vision of this matter-antimatter explosion. I know we have
come close to it a couple of times. But that is NOT how we were meant to
truly "Ascend". But that would certainly end it all in one gigantic flash
of Light, and I suppose we would all be back with the Creator instantly,
where else would we go. But we would no longer exist in either
physical or spiritual form. I would like to think that we are past the
point where that could happen, but I cannot be sure about that. That
possibility still exists and they seemed to be very determined to tap into that
antimatter reservoir.

This has been just one of many ways that I have been battling the
Changelings on the "higher" planes. In December of 1999, I had been doing a lot of
work relating to some of the Reptilian races and also the Changelings.
Just before Christmas I had been asked to open the Wormhole in the Sun to
allow many of these races to pass through and got the message that they were
leaving the Earth. Why they were leaving all of a sudden I wasn't too
sure, but I sensed that many of them left. I had even sensed that many of the
Changelings had left as well. After all that I was feeling absolutely
ecstatic, and my energies were as clear as they had been in a long, long time.
But it didn't last very long. Later in the day, I started feeling a lot of
negative psychic energies again, couldn't understand where it was coming
from. Then I got an email from a friend who told me that he had also
escorted some ET's through the Wormhole. He said he later felt an attack and
realized that many ET's had come back through. When I read that, I nearly
broke down and cried because I knew it was the Changelings who had tricked
him into opening the Wormhole for them and they came through in droves. I
had had a dream about something like that a month before, and unfortunately
it came true. So I did a lot more work with them, and then in March of
2000, the Draco came to me and they made a peace offering to the Changelings
through me. But unfortunately the Changelings did not accept it. But I
continued my energy work and by the end of April, I thought things were
looking really good and felt really positive about the future.

That feeling lasted right up to the major planetary alignment that
occurred on the 3rd and 4th of May. I had gone to a favorite place of mine where
there is a major portal to do some energy work at that time. I had been
getting some really positive signs, and had gotten the message that a
dimensional window could open that would really facilitate the start of the
Ascension process. I had done a ceremony where my Guides and some of the
friendly ET's did some major energy work through me at sunset on the 3rd. Then
that night during my sleep I sensed what seemed like a ball of Light over
my head. The energy felt really good, but then it was gone almost as soon
as it appeared. When I woke up the next morning, I was wondering what it
really was, but I couldn't get a good reading on it. I felt a sense of
depression come over me, but still wasn't sure what to make of it. The energy
felt OK that day, but not great.

Then I did another ceremony that evening, again at sunset, and still felt
pretty good about everything. But then when I woke up on the morning of
May 5th, I felt totally shut down and had some major Dark Entities all over
me, and I just couldn't clear it. I felt more depressed than I have in a
long while, and I felt it on the entire drive back home. I kept asking my
Guides and my Higher Self what had happened, but I wasn't getting any
answers. Finally just as I turned into my driveway, I finally heard my 6th
Dimensional Soul Self tell me "The Window didn't open". So then I
understood why I felt so depressed, and I got the message that the Changelings and
the Illuminati had done some kind of ceremony early that morning or the
night before, to shut things down make sure that the "window" didn't open. I
continued to sense this very Dark and negative energy for the entire month
of May. Then finally on June 6th, my Guides asked me to do some more major
energy work. I did the work and definitely sensed the energies, but I
wasn't really sure about what they were doing. I just had the sense of some
kind of energy shield being put in place around the Earth, but I didn't have
a good feeling about it. But my Guides kept assuring me that it had to be
done and that it did serve the Highest Good. So I just let it go. But now
as I write this, I am getting the message that it wasn't the Changelings
and Illuminati who closed the "window", in fact they had tried to force
their way through it. It was the Higher Level Beings who had to close the
"window" to PREVENT the Changelings from going through. That simply could not
be allowed to happen because it would have adversely affected our entire

I have been a follower of the Mayan calendar for the last 3 years. But the
Calendar that I use is based on what is called the "Classic Mayan Count".
I do not understand what that is, I only know that it is quite a bit
different from Jose Arguelles's calendar. But any time that I would ask my
Guides or Higher Self if the energies of the calendar as my calendar showed
them were correct, I always got a very strong "Yes". But the Mayan calendar
has a 52 year cycle at the end of which they add in 13 days of "No Time",
to bring their calendar back into perfect alignment with the Solar cycle.
The 13 days account for the "leap year" days during that 52 year period.
So I have always wondered what the real starting date for the current 52
year period was and when it would end. So for some reason, that was brought
to my attention just before the end of the year last year (2000). I was
reading about a particular interpretation of the Aztec calendar which is
based on the same principles as the Mayan Calendar. But what I was reading
just didn't add up, so I was trying to figure some things out and was
getting kind of confused. So I asked my Guides and even asked to connect to
Tzolkin himself and asked if the days on my calendar were correct, and I got
the answer "No".

So then I was really confused because I had always gotten that it was
right before. Then it hit me that the calendar had just recently hit the end
of the cycle and had started over. Then I heard Tzolkin tell me "Yes, your
calendar is off by 13 days." So I started going back to see when the last
date was where the calendar had reached the end of the 260 day cycle. It
turns out that according to my calendar, June 7th, 2000 was day 13 Ahau, or
Day 260 of the Calendar. So I wondered about that, and asked if that was
the end of the last 52 year cycle and got "YES". So then I added the 13
days of "No Time" and got June 20th, which just happened to be the Summer
Solstice. I found that most intriquing, but was a bit puzzled by it because I
had always just assumed that it would be the Spring Equinox that they
would use to mark the first day of a new cycle. So I asked "Why the Summer
Solstice?", and Tzolkin said, "Why not?"

Then the more I thought about it the more it made sense. Of course it
would be much easier for the Maya to mark the time of the Summer Solstice than
it would be to mark the Equinox. You just had to mark the day when the
shadows were the shortest. Then I thought about our clock and how 12 o'clock
is high noon. So of course, the Summer Solstice would be the "high noon"
of the year. Also, just like on the clock the first full day would be the
day AFTER the Solstice, just like 1 o'clock is the first hour of the
afternoon. I also knew that this particular timing would only happen once every
52 years, just because of how the calendar is set up. So then it made
perfect sense that June 21st was indeed the first day of the next 52-year
cycle. There is also what I would call the Great Cycle of twenty 52-year
cycles, which is 1040 years. That is the cycle that everyone thinks is going to
end in the year 2012. So I asked Tzolkin if that was also the end of the
1040 year Great Cycle and I got "YES".

Then I remembered back to the planetary alignment on the 4th of May, and
how they were expecting a dimensional "window" to open up. Several days
before that I got the message from my Guides that there was something very
important about the Mayan Calendar that I needed to know. I finally got the
message that the Mayan Calendar day for May 4th, and the planetary
alignment that occurred that day was exactly the same as when the Maya made their
Ascension several hundred years ago. But at that time I wasn't looking
ahead to the Solstice so I hadn't noticed that the 260 day cycle ended at
that time. So then I knew what was so special about the end of the 1040 year
cycle. That was when the Ascension "Window" was supposed to open, only it
didn't happen.

Then I got the message that this "Window" should have remained open until
the end of the Calendar cycle on June 7th. That is why the next 13 days
would be a time for celebration. Then I remembered the work I did on the
night of June 6th, and I got the message that what had really happened that
night was that the dimensional "Window" was sealed closed. Even though it
had never really opened as intended, they had to bring it to its final
closure, and seal it. So believe it or not, but it looks like the great event
that everyone has been so anxiously waiting for has come and gone and we
all missed it. That is certainly the message that I keep getting. Of
course, the fact that everyone had the date all wrong is no surprise to me at
all. Of course, the Changelings would have planned it that way to make sure
that no one was prepared to do the energy work that it would have taken to
open that window. Oh, some of us tried, but without a majority of people
holding the energy for that, it was fairly simple for them to do their work
to make sure the window didn't open. So what happens now? I have no idea.
But don't expect any miracles to happen in December 2012, because nothing
is going to happen, of that much I am sure.

So anyway, I continued to do a lot of work related to the Changelings for
most of the summer. It started reaching a critical peak in September after
the Stargate opening at the Equinox. No big surprise there either, because
at every Stargate opening in the last 4 years a tremendous amount of Dark
energy has come through. Of course, that was also the time when the
situation in the Mid-East started flaring up. Coincidence? So I was asked to do
some more major work, and some of it related to the antimatter
energies again. I had come to realize that the Changelings would rather
destroy the Earth than risk losing control of it to any other race,
particularly to the Reptilians. They had done some things that would allow them to
do just that. So I had to do some things to neutralize it. Of course, I
came under some very intense psychic attacks because of what I did.

Then in early December, I was doing some work with a friend over the phone
that related to the Changelings and the Amphibian race. The Amphibians
were wanting their freedom from the Changelings and were threatening to
revolt and go to war against them, if that was what it took. But I have gotten
the message lately that we have to avoid a major war on this planet or
anywhere else for that matter, because if the Earth is destroyed, then the
whole space-time fabric would collapse into a Black Hole or there could be
the major matter-antimatter explosion. Either way, it would be the
beginning of the end of this whole Creation cycle. So we were doing some work with
them and also working with the Changelings to get them to set the
Amphibians free. The end result was that the Changelings did finally agree to set
them free, partly because I had told them that a large percentage of them
would still voluntarily serve them, just like before. There were also some
other concessions that the Changelings were given to arrange the deal.

Then shortly after we did that, the Alcyone Reptilians came to us, saying,
"Hey, you helped free the Amphibians, what about us?" So again we worked
with them and basically they were shown a way to free themselves from their
addiction to the "White Powder of Gold". Of course before we did that, I
made them give me their word of honor that they would not turn around and
attack the Changelings once they were free. I told them that would not be
allowed. So they agreed. That of course was always the Changelings' biggest
concern, that they would be left defenseless against the Reptilians. But I
had also gotten the Draco to give them their word of honor that they would
never attack the Changelings again either. So we were making some good
progress. Then of course, the Anunnaki Reptilians showed up wanting their
freedom as well. So we started doing some work with them as well during one
of our phone conversations. The Anunnaki thanked us for considering how to
help them and they left. But they came back a few minutes later and I got
the message that I was about to come under attack. So we immediately got
off the phone and I prepared for the assault.

When I am under attack like that, I call on my Guides and also connect to
the Blue Crystal Portal in Andromeda to bring the energy through to fend
off the attacks. It was definitely the Changelings who were attacking, and
it was one of the worst attacks I had experienced in a long time. They
kept coming at me over and over. It would let up for a few minutes and there
would be another major attack. After the 4th attack all of a sudden I had
the thought that they were going to "blow the planet". I immediately
connected back to the Blue Crystal and was guided to do some major work to
prevent that from happening.

Then when the attacks finally ended, I realized that this wasn't just an
attack on me. The Changelings had launched an all-out assault on the
Amphibians, the Alcyones and the Anunnaki and several other races, like the
Capellan Draco and the Taygetan Pleiadians. I got that there had been heavy
casualties on both sides, but that the Changelings had definitely gotten the
worst of it. Then I thanked the Anunnaki Being for basically saving my
life. Because if I had not been prepared for that, I am not sure that I would
have survived it. So I asked the Higher Angelic Beings, that if it served
the Highest Good, to send a thought-form through me to the Anunnaki to
show them how to free themselves from their addiction. I felt the energy come
through and I relayed it on to the Anunnaki. He left and then came back a
bit later and told me that what they were shown would work, and he thanked
me for that.

That all happened on December 14, 2000. But that was only the beginning,
the attacks on me would continue several times a day, every day for the
next 5 weeks. I had the sense of it being an all-out war. During that time I
came under attack from a couple of different races who were allies of the
Changelings, including the Greys. One of the races was a race that I got
the message were Crocodile Beings. They were also from Orion, and were like
the SS Troups or Secret Police of the Changelings. I also got the message
that they were what some people have called "The Men in Black".

During that time, I would try to talk to the Changelings and these other
races and show them the truth of what would happen if they ended up
destroying the Earth. I also tried to show them what would happen if they agreed
to a Peace Agreement and would work together with all the otherraces in
harmony. Finally after the 4th week, I started getting through to some of
them. The Greys finally agreed to peace, and finally one of the other races.
Then the Changelings said they would agree to peace too. So I was
overjoyed with that, but when I checked with the Andromedans, they didn't seem to
sure about it. They said it might be a trick. Then sure enough less than
24 hours later, they attacked again. They just wanted me to drop my guard,
and it almost worked. The attacks continued for another week, then finally
they came to me one more time. I talked to them and this time they finally
agreed to truly settle for peace. I later got confirmation from the
Andromedans and Pleiadians that they did in fact sign a peace accord. So again I
was elated, but did not drop my guard this time.

Then during the next two days, several other races would show up asking me
to show them what I had showed the Changelings that finally convinced them
to agree to the peace agreement. So I worked with all of them. There were
races that I didn't even know existed. Then some Aryan races began showing
up asking for the same thing, and I worked with them too. But then after 2
days of this, I came under attack again from one of the Aryan races. I got
the message that they were from Bellatrix in Orion. So I had to go back on
the defensive one more time. But the attacks would intensify, and then I
started realizing that some of these attacks were coming from the
Changelings again.

I didn't understand that at first, but then I started getting the message
that the earlier attacks had been from the Changelings from Betelgeuse,
and that the Changelings who were attacking me now were from Bellatrix. I
got the message that these were two entirely different factions, and didn't
always agree with each other. I got the message that the Betelgeuse
Changelings had indeed signed a peace accord and were still honoring it, but the
Bellatrix group was still bent on control. Then a little later another
Aryan group began attacking me as well. I got that they were from the star
system Alpheratz in the constellation Andromeda at the junction with
Pegasus, which is how I first became aware of them. These attacks began on the
21st of January, and continued every day for the next couple of weeks. Then
attacks let up somewhat, but have not ended completely.

Then I started thinking about how all this related to what was going on
down here on Earth. I realized it had all started right about the time that
it was officially announced that George W. Bush had won the election. Then
it was just a day or two before his inauguration that the Betelgeuse
Changelings had finally agreed to peace. Then the attacks from the Bellatrix
group began the day after he took office. Coincidence? I don't think so. I
also remembered reading an email where someone who had been around
President Clinton had claimed that he had said that he wasn't going to leave
office. They had asked him how he would manage to to do that, and he supposedly
said, "World War 3". So is it coincidence that the Betelgeuse Changelings
started an all-out war on the higher dimensions right about that time? But
with all the work I and probably many others were doing, that war never
manifested itself down here on Earth. But yet, all during that time, the
Mid-East situation was very close to exploding into a war. Again, I ask you,
coincidence? Then is it also coincidence that Prime Minister Barak of
Israel agreed to open peace negotiations with the Palestinians at just about
the same time that the Betelgeuse group settled for peace? Then there is
the recent Israeli election about this same time. Is it coincidence that the
military hard-liner Sharon won the election? I don't think so.

I have always wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are both
controlled by the Illuminati and the Changelings, why are they so
different in their beliefs and attitudes? Then I began to realize that when
Clinton and the Democrats were in control, it was the Betelgeuse Changelings
that I had always been dealing with. But now that Bush was in office and the
Republicans were in control, all of a sudden the Bellatrix Changelings
come to the forefront. Then I was thinking how the Democrats are considered
to be the "Left" of the political spectrum, and the Republicans are
considered to be the "Right". Well, take a look at Orion some night. Betelgeuse
and Bellatrix are the two brightest stars at the top of Orion, and guess
what? Betelgeuse is on the Left, and Bellatrix is on the Right. Coincidence?
I doubt it.

Then take a look at the two parties in Israel. Just another coincidence?
So recently I have come to realize many things about the Bellatrix
Changelings and I get the message that they are the ones who are really the most
powerful of all the Changelings. They are the REAL Illuminati, and they are
the ones at the top of the Illuminati "pyramid". They are the true masters
of mind control. That is why 2 years ago, I got the message that the
"Orions" were at the bottom of the "pyramid". Because at that time, the
"Orions" that were here at that time were the Changelings from Betelgeuse, and
they were not the top of the totem pole. So everything all began to make
sense to me. So now the real head honchos are in full power, both here and in
Israel. Already Bush is talking about re-building the military, and Sharon
has said basically the same thing. So will we ever really have peace here
on Earth, and will the Bellatrix Changelings everfinally come to truly
accept a Peace agreement like the Betelgeuse group did? I truly hope so, but
I suspect that this planet is in for some rough times in the coming years.
I only hope and pray that they will all come to their senses real soon and
end this madness once and for all.

The only solution is to come to truly accept one another, and honor them
for who they are. We have to forgive each other for all of the past
transgressions. Then we can all work together in Peace and Harmony. Just about
every other race in this Galaxy has come to realize the importance of a true
Peace. So now it is truly up to the Bellatrix Changelings. So will they
choose peace and harmony, or will they continue their ways of war and
destruction. Up until now they have relied on death and destruction to maintain
their control. When they started losing control they would destroy the
planet and move on. But this time there is no way out, there is no where else
to go. We can't Descend any further, we are already at the end of the
line. The only way out from here is UP, to Ascend back to the higher
dimensions. But that is not possible unless we can forgive and bring our energies
back into Harmony. Of course, they still think that they can destroy this
place and still escape. But I have shown them over and over that all the
interdimensional portals, Stargates and Wormholes have been sealed off so
that they can no longer access them, and I know that is true. If they choose
to destroy this planet, then they will end up destroying themselves as
well. So what will they choose, Life or Death? Because those are really the
only choices.

So now you say, that is all very fine, but so what, what can we do about
it? Well, the answer to that is that we can't really do anything to change
them or the way that they think and operate. But we can learn to forgive
them and have compassion for them and send them Unconditional Love. We
canalso learn some effective techniques to clear all their mind control
thought-forms and energies, and "YES" you had better believe that that is
exactly how they keep things under their control. They use etheric
implants and are constantly using different techniques to blast us with
energies designed to shut down our spiritual connections and psychic
abilities, and to keep people from truly waking up. I know that they are using
some kind of sonic devices much like sonar to constantly bombard us with
their energies.

What do you suppose the real purpose of all that sonar testing on the
whales was? Whales communicate with each other telepathically. They are being
bombarded with very harmful psychic energies. Is it coincidence that they
would beach themselves to commit suicide? Is it also coincidence that
there have been so many mass murders and suicides amongst us recently? I know
that they are transmitting these energies through transmitting antennas
and "dishes" and also from the satellites in orbit around the Earth. I know
because I have felt these energies many times, and I get messages as to
where it's coming from. But I can't stop them from doing it, I can only
become aware of it and what it is doing to me, and then use the energetic
clearing techniques that I have learned to clear myself of these energies and
thought-forms. It is not easy by any stretch of the imagination, but it
works and I can prevent them from trying to shut me down and controlling me.
So that is all that I can recommend.

This message has become too long as it is, so I won't go into the many
different techniques that I have learned. But the key is to find a way to
connect to your Higher Self and your Guides and allow them to teach you. That
is truly the only way. No one can do the work for you and no one can "Save
You", except yourself. Other people can help you and share with you and
teach you how to do the work, but they cannot do it for you. You have to do
the work yourself. So don't wait around for Jesus or Sananda to return to
"Save you", or for some friendly ET's to come down here and take you away
from here. It isn't going to happen, and besides we are much too dense for
that. Also, don't expect some "planetary Ascension" miracle to happen in
2012, because that isn't going to happen either.

Those beliefs and thought-forms are simply part of the Changelings mind
control program. Because they know that if you sit around and do nothing,
then that is exactly what is going to happen, NOTHING. Of course, that is
exactly what they want. Do you really think that they don't know how
dependent many people have become on "Channeled" information? Do you not know how
easy it is for them to do that and to convince people that they are really
some "Higher" Spiritual Being? Of course they can, and they have. If you
wish to truly break free of all the Changeling control and truly "Ascend",
then you have to do the work for yourself. You have to be able to raise
the frequency of your energies, and raise your levels of Consciousness. You
have to be able to connect to your OWN Higher Self, that is the ONLY place
where your real truth lies. But once you can raise your Consciousness and
your energy levels, then perhaps the ET's can help you, but I don't think
that any of us are going to be "beamed up" any time soon.

I will be glad to share some of what I know with those who ask, for as
long as I am able. But there are many good teachers out there, all you need
to do is seek them out. Find a way to connect to your Higher Self and your
Guides through meditation and ask them to lead you down the Path that YOU
need to follow, and know that your Path may not be like anyone else's.
That is what I have been doing for many years now, and that is how I have
come to know all the things I know. It is time for the TRUTH to rise from the
depths of our Consciousness. That is what is meant when people have
visions or dreams of Atlantis or Lemuria rising from the oceans. They will
not physically rise from the oceans of Earth, because those original
continents were never ON the Earth, they were on MU. But the memories of our
lives on those continents are rising from the "Sea of Consciousness".
Perhaps that is why my Higher Self and Guides wanted me to write this story, and
why so much of the information only came through as I was writing it. This
is meant to be a trigger to help you all REMEMBER. One of my spiritual
teachers, Robert Love, used an _expression in one of his classes that is very
appropriate. He said, "Those who Know, will always Know. Those who
Believe, will always Wonder." Of course, true Knowing only comes from the Soul.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I know that this has been a very
long and most difficult and painful journey for all of us. But I stand in
the possibility that you will begin to see the truth in this story, and
that it will trigger something in your own awareness so that you will begin
to realize your own role in all of it. Then perhaps you can begin the
process of letting go of all the emotional pain, suffering, turmoil and
anguish, and of all the judgement and all the hate, anger and rage that comes
with that, so that you can truly heal all of it. For it is only through true
healing that you can raise your Consciousness and truly Ascend to your
rightful place. I only ask that you forgive me and all the others who took
part in this Mission for all the pain and suffering that we may have caused.
I apologize to all of you for the role that I have had to play. But deep
down in my heart, I know that it all had to Be, exactly the way it was. It
was the ONLY WAY.

Love and Peace,
Roger Kerr


  I have to add a few infos to "Heart Arrows - Cosmyk Serpent" :

  1) Accordin' to Edgar Cayce (who was a freemason, too - accordin' to the
"Stargate Conspiracy"), Saul - the first king of jewish - was a
"reincarnation" of Seth.
     As you know, Seth aka Sutekh managed, helped by 72 accomplices, to
trick and seal Osirys into a sarcophagus specially cut to fit him and that
way Osiris got thrown into the Nil.
     And, Saul was a Benjamin (the trybe merovingyans came from).
  2) The sumeryan myth of Enlil and Enki version presented here is a late
version of the primordyal hyperborean myth of Apollon and Al-Myris :
Apollon got shot by the arrow (the "bow and arrow" means "action from
distance"...) and failed from the tree he was in.
     Just notice the symbols involved : tree = fraktal, failin', "bow and
arrow"... Later, the event was imagined as the "crucyfiction".
     Get my drift ?
     And, let' s not forget Zecharia Sitchin' s version of the story
(already distortioned) where the strange Bil-Ilu appears out of nowhere (just
like Azazel into the "nephilym' - Enoch affair...
     Well, that' s it - for now.


  World of the strange - Newsletters

History Of The Counsil of Six [Part 3 of 3] by: Roger Kerr

Over the last several years I have had lots of chronic low back problems,
and I suffered from mercury and aluminum toxicity due to my dental
fillings. As a result I have had a lot of holistic healing work done on me, both
physical and energetic. With the help of my Spirit Guides, I have done
lots of meditative and energetic work on myself, slowly clearing all my
Chakras and Auric layers. But I soon discovered that this was a dual edged
sword, as I found myself being wide open to other people's energies and to
psychic attacks. A psychic I had consulted one time told me that I should
stop doing what I was doing because I could not be protected. But this was
the Path that my Guides and Higher Self were leading me down, so I
continued. Quite a bit later, and after lots of help from several spiritual
healers, I finally realized that I do not have a protective layer around my Auric
energy field like most people. One lady I consulted called it a "Ring Pass
Not". She explained that everyone has one, but at the end of our session,
she looked at me and said, "You really don't have one, do you." So my
energy field is wide open and there are no boundaries to it. Also, my 10th
Chakra is like an interdimensional portal that other Beings and Entities can
seemingly access at will. This condition leaves me wide open to psychic
attacks from many different Beings, Reptilian, Humanoid, and in particular
the Changelings, many of whom are Black Magicians. I have been affected by
Dark Entities almost continually for the past 4 years or more.

I have come to realize that I have always been this way in all of my
incarnations. It was necessary for me to perform the work that I would have to
do in my many lives on this Mission, including this one. This condition
gives me the ability and the power to access and do energy work on any
portal or energy vortex on the Earth, just by my conscious intent. I have come
to realize that this is the same ability my Reptilian "Sun God" Selves
had, which is why they came to be known as a "Sun Gods" in the first place. I
had used those powers in those lives to help give the Reptilians power
over the Changelings, to help break their hold on all the other races. Now I
was learning to use those same powers to end all the conflict that I had
helped to create, and to work for Peace and help bring things back into
Balance. This was my gift from the Creator, from Great Spirit, that has been
both a curse and a blessing, truly the Duality in action. The work that
this lady and I had been doing was all part of the process of learning to
access and develop those powers. Little did we know when we first began what
we were being prepared for, and how those powers were to be used.

The first major event occurred in late September of 1997, shortly after
the Stargate opening at the Fall Equinox. We had done some important work
with a couple of our Past Selves, in particular our Warrior Aspects. One
day, I did a meditation where I called in the Female Warrior Aspect of my
friend, and one of my own Warrior Selves. I allowed both of their energies to
merge with my own. This was symbolic of Balancing the Male and the Female
Warrior energies. Then that night as I began drifting off to sleep, I was
shown brief scenes from several of my Draco lives. It was like everything
was being shown to me in "fast-forward" motion, one after the other, all
connected in a string of important events. It basically had to do with me
leading the Draco to this Solar System and to the Earth. I was shown some
of the destruction that resulted along that Path, including Maldek or
Malona. But the message was clear that this had all been part of the Plan, that
many different races had to be drawn here to the Earth for a "showdown" of
sorts. Of course the intention of that showdown was to be able to restore
the Balance between the Changelings, Humanoids and the Reptilians. But at
that time, I was not aware of who the Changelings really were, or the role
that they had played. Then as all this was being shown to me, I heard a
voice say, "Oh my God, Roger." Then the next morning, September 25th, I got
the message that the Capellan Draco had finally realized that I was
Sansiruous, one of their "Sun Gods", and had finally realized the truth of this
whole Plan. So it was they who had been tuned into me the night before
during my past life review. Because of what they had seen, they told me that
they would be willing to fight for me and our cause.

Then a little later I tapped into a major higher dimensional battle that
was taking place between a hostile group of Draco from Auriga and the
Taygettan Pleiadians and the Andromedans. I had sensed some ships being blown
up and many Beings being killed. When I asked about what was happening, the
Andromedans told me that the war with the Draco had begun. I got the
message that the Capellan Draco, whose Warriors were mostly female, had decided
to join the Pleiadians and the Andromedans in the fight against members of
their own race. Later I was told that the Draco had suffered a major
defeat, and they had retreated. I got the message that it was the Capellans who
had turned the tides in this battle. So the realization by the Capellans
the night before that I was Sansiruous had been very important in the
outcome of this battle. Another important determining factor in that battle was
that the Ciakar from Rigel had decided to stay out of the battle. But I
had nothing to do with that.

The next day, the 26th, my friend and I did some major healing work on me
and the issue that came up involved Sansiruous, one of my pivotal Draco
"Soluruous" Selves. We released and healed a lot of his hate and anger. Then
later that day, I was asked to escort the Spirits of the many Beings who
had died in that battle up to the higher Astral realms. I had done a lot of
this kind of Spirit "Escort" service most of that year. When I tuned into
them, I realized that many of them were the Draco. Then when I finished
doing this, Sansiruous just took over me and made contact with the leader of
the hostile group of Draco. He knew that they were in a vulnerable state
after losing the battle, and he wanted to take advantage of it to get a
message through to them. He told their leader to let go of his own rage and
anger and to see the truth of the situation, and the need for Peace. The
energy that was released from this nearly blew me away, literally. I
collapsed on the floor and my Guides had to rush to my aid to clear my energy and
bring me out of it. I got the message that I had nearly died as a result
of the energy that went through me then, probably because I still had lots
of implants in my etheric bodies. Just a short while later, I sensed a lot
of excitement from the Andromedans and Pleiadains and kept hearing someone
say, "My God, what did you do?" Then the Andromedans tole me that this
Draco leader had approached them and had offered to negotiate a peace
settlement. The previous June I had been given the message that part of my
Mission was to get the Draco to come to the Galactic Peace Conference that was
going on, and I thought "how in the world am I supposed to do that?" So a
major part of my Mission had been completed in a flash, literally, without
any prior planning, it just happened.

But the real climax of our work was still to come. In mid November of '97,
I was taken on another Astral journey where they showed me how I, as one
of the Draco High Command, had been involved in the conquest of the Home
World in the Andromeda Galaxy. There was a huge Pyramid on the planet, that
contained a huge interstellar and intergalactic portal or Stargate. This
was the Blue Crystal Portal that I had been shown earlier. The Draco sent
telepathic messages to someone on the planet who was in charge of the
operation of the Stargate. They had convinced this person that they were "God"
or Angelic Light Beings coming to help the people of the planet. They
directed this person to open the Stargate to allow them to come onto the
planet. When the Stargate was opened their fleet of ships swarmed through,
overpowered the defenses of the planet, and took control. They then used this
portal to come here to the Milky Way Galaxy. So again it had all been part
of the Plan. But my Guides sent me a strong message that now the same
thing was about to happen again here on Earth with the Great Pyramid Stargate
at Giza in Egypt. This Stargate was scheduled to be opened by a group
under the leadership of Chandara on December 20, and the Draco and the other
Reptilian races were preparing themselves for another
major assault on the Earth. They were planning to come through the Pyramid
Stargate to completely take control of the planet. Of course, what I
didn't know at the time was that if that had happened, another major war would
have broken out between the Changelings, who were already pretty much in
control of the Earth, and the Reptilians. Had that happened there would
have been a very high probability that the entire Earth could have been
destroyed, and the space-time energy grids of this solar system and the entire
Galaxy would have collapsed. That was what Shandrasi had seen in her
vision, and I had to prevent that from happening.

So for the next month, my friend and I ended up doing a lot more work with
Lucifer and the Draco, and also with the Aryan Sirians, who played a major
role in all that was going on at the time. As a result of this work we
were able to bring the Sirians and the Draco together to come to their own
peace agreement. Also one of the most important things that resulted from
all of our work, was that Lucifer finally made his Ascension. I had been
invited on an Astral journey to the Draco Home World for a celebration of the
new Peace agreement. They were acknowledging and honoring me for the work
I had done to make this possible. Lucifer presented me with a special
gift, a necklace with several small Blue Crystals and some kind of medalion on
it. During her captivity with the Draco, Shandrasi had met Lucifer and had
given him the necklace as her promise to him that one day we would meet
again. That meeting would signal the completion of his part in this Mission.
Now he was returning it to me as that promise had been fulfilled. Then I
watched him shed his Dark Reptilian skin and he transformed into a Golden
Angelic Being. Archangel Michael joined him and they looked like twins.
Then I saw Michael lead him up a Golden beam of Light back to the Higher
Realms of Creation.

We were also Guided to do some clearing work on several major Earth
Portals, releasing and tranforming Dark Entities that were blocking the flow of
energy. We also had a couple of meditation sessions where we
connected to John Armitage, one of our Council members, as he too was to
be involved in this Pyramid Stargate work. All this preparation culminated
in our work on the Great Pyramid Stargate Portal a few hours after
Chandara opened it. We released many Dark Entities from the Portal and balanced
its energies. I had come to realize that I had been a portal operator at
the Great Pyramid in a life many thousands of years ago, when it was first
built. John had also been a portal operator in that life. These operators
would "tune" the frequency of the Portal to match the frequency of the
Beings wishing to access it to come through into this world. So we called on
those Other Selves and they showed us what to do to "re-tune" the Stargate.
We "tuned" the frequency of the Portal to the frequency of Unconditional
Love and Pure Divine Consciousness. This would preclude any hostile ET's
such as the Reptilians, the Sirians or the Changelings from being able to
access the Great Pyramid Stargate, which is the most important of all the
Earth's Stargates. Detailed write-ups of all of this work and all of the
happenings from the September battle to our final Stargate work are available
on the following web site:

After the Pyramid Stargate work we turned our attention inward to
complete the healing on ourselves. Then in March of 1998, my friend and I did a
meditation where we called in all the Council members. I honored each one
for their role in this Mission and thanked them and sent them my Love. Then
I released them all from any further obligations and oaths that they had
taken. I stated that we had completed what we had come here to do and I
officially disbanded the Council. So we thought that our Mission was really
complete. However some events occurred a bit later as a result of the Machu
Picchu Stargate opening at the Spring Equinox that was to change
all of that.

There was some unexpected interference from some very "Dark" Beings who
came through the Stargate that had just been opened at Machu Picchu. They
were a race that I was not familiar with, and I no idea where they came
from. We both experienced a pretty horrific psychic attack from these Beings.
Our Spirit Guides did not know what was going on, and couldn't tell us
where these Beings and this energy was coming from. So once we were able to
clear their energies, we did a meditation where we tried to find out for
ourselves. We were able to tune into their energy signature and trace it
back to its origins. Our journey led us to Alcyone, and then out to the edge
of the Galaxy. Then all of a sudden I could sense my Astral body stopping.
There was a strange totally Black object, sort of like a cloaked ship. We
started getting a nervous feeling and then all of a sudden a very black
horrific looking Being appeared to me from inside this ship. It was a Being
that looked a lot like the creature in the movie "Alien", and was not like
any Being I had never encountered before, at least not in this life. It
gave us a pretty good scare, so we high-tailed it out of there. At first I
thought they were some kind of Reptilian-like Beings, that were somehow
related to the Alcyone Reptilians, because some of them had also showed up
about the same time. At the time I had gotten the message that it was some
of the higher level Alcyone Reptilians who had brought them through from
one of the other Local Galaxies. But I have since gotten the message that
these Beings were not really Reptilian, and it wasn't the Alcyone Reptilians
that they were connected with. I have now come to realize that the Alycone
Reptilians have been under the control of the Changelings since the time
of the Orion Wars. See the "Truth ..." message for more on that. So it
wasn't the Alcyone Reptilians who brought here, it was the Changelings who
apparently also reside in Alcyone that connected to them and brought them
into this Galaxy and then here to Earth. I am still not sure what kind of
Beings they were, but they were pretty mean and nasty, that much I know for
sure. So that event set the stage for some major interdimensional battles
with these Beings, that Jack O'Brien would soon be involved in and has
described in some of his messages on his web site:

... from the Alcyone Reptilians, and also from those Beings from
that other Galaxy. Then in early May of '98, one of those strange Beings
attached itself to me and just sort of took me over, like a possession of
sorts. I had called Shakura Rei (, a
spiritual/psychic healer who has done much work with me and has helped me
considerably, to have her remove it. She called in Archangel Michael to remove it,
but was told that it could not be removed. So I lived with this Entity or
Being attached to me for over a week. I tried to work with this Being,
trying to educate it about human life. But it was slowly draining my energy
and I was beginning to weaken. One day I felt a major attack from these
Beings and I just got very angry and decided to blast them with every ounce
of energy that I had left. I had blasted a few of these Beings and had
followed them back to one of their ships and was going to blast the whole
ship. But my Guides told me to take it easy, and to back off, as I was about
to get in over my head. Then about an hour later, my friend called to tell
me that Carol Hathor, ( who also does a lot of
spiritual/psychic healing work and Entity removal, had just called her. She
said that my Higher Self had come to her asking for her help in removing
this Being that was attached to me. So she removed it and I could feel the
difference almost immediately.

I had been living in North Carolina temporarily, not far from my friend at
the time, but had been planning on returning home to Colorado at the end
of May. But Shakura had gotten the message from Archangel Michael that I
needed to leave right away. Michael had told her that something very
important would happen on my way home, that they had a major surprise for these
Beings. But I could not be told what would happen or when or where it would
occur. I was told to just follow my Guidance and my instincts, to do
whatever occurred to me. So I packed up and started my journey home. I was led
to several major Earth portals along the way that I cleared of Dark
Entities and re-tuned their energies to resonate with Divine Consciousness and
Unconditional Love. One of these was a major connecting point or hub for
many different Earth portals and ley lines. This site was fairly close to
New Madrid, Missouri, the site of the infamous 1812 earthquake. I had
planned to stop and visit Jack O'Brien, who lived in northwestern Arkansas,
since I had gotten the message that I needed to clear the portal on the
mountain where he lived. I had met Jack in the summer of '97 and had
corresponded with him quite a bit regarding some of his and my work. It was while I
was at Jack's that the "surprise" took place.

I had gotten the message that I needed to clear the portal there on a
particular day. It seemed strange that it would be that particular day, as I
follow the Mayan calendar and according to it, the following day was a
much better day energetically to be doing portal work. Well, that morning I
had another attack from these "Dark" Beings from that other Galaxy, as they
were trying to prevent me from clearing this portal. I called Shakura to
have her clear me and asked her about doing the portal work that day, and
she got the message that I should do it the next day. Then later that
afternoon a major higher dimensional battle took place in which the
Andromedans, the Taygetan Pleiadians, Capellan Draco and a few other races joined
forces to turn back an attack by these "Dark" Beings. This battle is
described in detail in the message "Roger and Jack's Last Stand" on Jack O'Brien's
web site: . After the battle was over,
Jack and I both got the message that these Beings had been soundly
defeated and had retreated.

Several days earlier, six of the Aurigan Draco High Command had paid me a
visit. These were the same ones who had been defeated in the battle back
in September, and that Sansiruous had contacted then. I had done a lot of
work with them over the next 3 months to help them transform themselves. So
they came to me to tell me that they would help fight to protect the Earth
against these Beings from the other Galaxy. Well, after the big battle, I
got the message that the Draco had indeed played a major role in this
battle, as they had fought side by side with the Pleiadians, the female
Capellans and all the others. In fact that it was mostly due to their help that
those Beings were defeated. So I thanked them and honored them for being
willing to sacrifice themselves to help the Earth people. They had told me
earlier that Earth Humans were not exactly their favorite race, but they
knew how important this battle was for the future of the entire Galaxy. So
all of my work with them had truly paid off, and I was one step closer to
seeing my Mission come to its final completion. Of course, what I didn't
know at the time was that it was really the Changelings who were behind
that attack in the first place, so it made sense that the Draco would help
fight against them.

A few days later, I continued my journey back home to Colorado, and did
some more important portal clearing along the way. But there would still be
much more work to do, more Reptilian races to deal with, and more battles
to be fought with the Changelings and some of their Aryan allies. I would
learn about the existence of a Wormhole in the center of the Sun, and
would do a lot of energy work related to that. I would also do a lot more
portal and Stargate work, all related to bringing about Peace and Harmony and
bringing all the energies back into Balance. But probably the most
significant work that I did related to a Parallel Antimatter Universe, that I had
talked about earlier in this message.

My difficulties with the Changelings would begin to escalate after my work
with the antimatter portals in July of 1999. I have come under attack from
them many times since then, and it has continued right up to the time of
this writing in February of 2001. I discuss a lot of the important aspects
of all that in my message "Truth About Orion Lizards", so I will not go
into all that here. But the one thing that I have always tried to do with
any race that I have ever encountered is to honor them for the role that
they played in this whole Descension process, and to find a way to make my
Peace with them. So far I have been able to make my Peace with just about
every race I have met, except the Changelings. They are by far my biggest
challenge, but I have had some limited success even with them. I have come
to realize that there are basically 2 separate groups of Changelings, one
from Betelgeuse and one from Bellatrix, both in Orion. I had a major
breakthrough with the Betelgeuse group in the middle of January of 2001, and
they finally accepted my offers of Peace. But the Bellatrix group still seems
bent on control, and have continued their attacks on me, in spite of my
attempts to try to communicate and work with them. So only time will tell if
they too will eventually realize that Peace and Harmony is the only
solution to all of our problems.

So the path of our Council of Six has certainly not been an easy one. My
lady friend and I started out together, and then we separated. I went deep
into the world of the Reptilians, and became one of their Supreme Lords.
She went into the world of the Humanoids, and played an important role
there as well. In the recesses of her mind she would always remember the
horrors of the war with the Draco, the sacrifices she had to make and the Love
that she lost as a result. Our paths crossed many times, and with each
crossing, on some level we would recognize each other and be reminded of what
we had set out to do in that Council life. She always seemed to have Love
and Compassion for the Reptilian Being that I was, as she remembered who I
really was beneath that Reptilian skin. That helped me remember that I had
to make my way out of the Reptilian worlds and return to the world of the
Humanoids. Each time we were brought together we would be reminded of our
true Mission, which was to bridge the gap between the Reptilians and the
Humanoids and also the Changelings, and slowly bring them back together to
be able to live in Peace and Harmony. We knew that someday we would be
able to finally put it all into perspective. Well that someday is NOW. Our
reconnecting triggered these memories and helped us remember what we had set
out to do so long ago, to remember our real purpose for being here now.


  Edgar Cayce :

  "As I said it before, and others said it too, - Arcturus is what we
could name as the center of the Universe,through which the individuals pass
while the period of their choice  ("choice" in Matrix, or what ?... - my
note), and there they have to choose, also, where they have to get back for
gettin' their length of service complete - meanin' our solar system, our
Sun,with our Earth and his planets systekm... Or, whather they will pass to
other systems."
  "What started on Earth has to end on Earth. The solar system to whom the
Earth is owned is just part of the entire. 'Cause concernin' the number of
the planets who gravityes in the same system with the Earth, these planets
make a whole and they' re linked to each other. This is the complete
system which means to be completed, you un'stand ?"
  "Time, Space and Patience are the meanings which permitt to the Man, as
"limited spiryt". to become constient about the infinyte.
   Patience doesn't mean simply waitin', but it' s the attitude of those
who accord their nature/character to the "laws of nature"."
  "An entity doesn' t enter in its "material trip" by chance, but 'cause
the entity -as part of the entire - is meant to occupy the place that any
other soul is not supposed to occupy this darn good."
  "Any entity was, is to become the comrade of this Creatyve Force known
as GOD. This way, any entity is a child of this GOD and part of thr whole.
(...) Therefore, the soul gets to express more and more better through and
by the help of the matter, manifestin' better and better its spirit.
Instead that the body is dependin' on all the materyal influences, he can be
controled, just like emotions as well, through the mental. And the mental is
meant to be guided by the spirit. The spirit is this tiny little part of
the prymal cause,who finds its _expression in all that last, in our mental
and in matter, too."
  "HE wants any soul to perish."
  "The free will was ment to "waste'/"casualty" us (while the soul lives )
in contact with GOD."
  "GOD didn' t prevent anythin' after HE gave to the souls the free will.
'Cause, even from the beginnin', HE created individual entityes aka souls.
And the beginnin' of the "sin", for these ones, was the searchin' of their
own express in the outer of the plan ment by GOD for 'em.So, it was a
mistake of the individuals, you un'stand ? (...) 'Cause when the soul - which
is part of GOD _ operates the "Choice", GOD only knows how it' s gonna end
  "We have to end the cycle of this solar system."
  Atlantyda, courtesy of Edgar Cayce :
  Those who were completely human as form got splet in two factions. The
Children of theONE' s Law and Sons of Belial.
  Sons of Belial were ruled by only an idea : "satisfyin' their own ego-s,
usin' of the materyal stuff onto personal satisfaction, no consideration
for the Divine origin (of these pleasures) or even for anybody else' s
sufferin'. or, in other words, what we could call today, morally lawless
humans. Sons of Belial were rulin' on a single principle : enlargin' their own
  The conflykt got Atlantyda to an end.
   There were also "the things", which we might call today "clones".
  The "Sons of Belial" became over-consumers, profoundly engaged in the
ride of comfort which "they were lovin' most than anythin' else.'
  "These humans got like "daily life" a stade more higher than it' s today
in materyal life - meanin' so-called "civilisation". But, in their case,
the materyal was gettin' over the spiritual."
  "(...) the Sons of Belial had energy sources of infinyte power, which
they turned in ways of destruction."                                                                   


  KOALA is but one small part of a very large and complex scenario that
ultimately links to the Greater Sacred Mystery. We have compiled all the
information we currently have on KOALA and that which directly relates to it
in this article, in response to those seeking further information from
having read the book by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon entitled Encounter In
The Pleiades: An Inside Look At UFO’s’. But to truly understand the nature
of what is involved in KOALA and other projects like it, one must begin to
expand their consciousness to encompass some rather involved
spiritual-scientific concepts and information. We have worked to produce an article
that has simplified terminologies to some degree to facilitate the reader in
more easily comprehending what may be difficult concepts to grasp anyway.

Wherever this was not possible we have marked the word with a single
asterisk (*) denoting that there is a more in depth explanation of the word
available in the Glossary of Terms at the end of the article. In addition,
much of this information is intricately linked to other information that
comprises a Sacred archive developed over the 28 years that Maia Shamayyim
has been translating information from the Akashic records, Ultra /
Inner-Terrestrials and from Thoth / Tehuti. For the individual that is interested
in exploring the Greater Mystery related to KOALA and all that it
represents, we have footnoted the appropriate locations with bibliographical
references to other publications we have available, and what page they can be
found in our catalog.

We have also included other bibliographical information for the reader to
pursue outside of our Mystery School publications. At the end of the
article we have compiled all of the bibliographic references listed in the
footnotes alphabetically arranged by topic matter to facilitate easy re-access
to the information.

There are some very basic concepts that need to be revealed prior to the
main body of information in this article. First is that according to Thoth
/ Tehuti there are two basic types of Light, the Oritronic* or half-Light
spectrum, and the Metatronic* or full-Light spectrum. These two different
spirals of Light are synonymous with the fallen universe’ and the pure
universe’ respectively. The world we know is actually in a space where the
two overlap, with the planetary consciousness strongly oriented towards the
Oritronic spectrum. We are as a planetary consciousness however, evolving
towards what is commonly being called a planetary ascension, into the
Metatronic Light.

It is important to understand that there are varying gradients of
realization of each of these Light spectrums, and that the Oritronic spectrum is
not bad, it is simply not complete. An individual can have a very powerful
experience in Oritronic Light, and not know that is what it actually was.
An experience of this sort could serve the greater purpose of that
individuals evolution towards Metatronic Light, if they are open minded enough to
be able to acknowledge the truth of it whenever that is presented to them,
through whatever source avails itself for this purpose.

Now this takes us to the topic of Extra-Terrestrial beings*,
Ultra-Terrestrial beings* and Inner-Terrestrial beings*. This is an area that is
greatly misunderstood by many, and not completely understood by a great deal
more. Briefly, the greater portion of Extra-Terrestrials found interacting
with Earth’s life wave are from the Oritronic Light spectrum. The Grey’s,
Lizzies and Insectoids are all born of this realm, some have adopted
full-Light agenda’s, but these are rare. Currently their Oritronic universe is in
a state of collapse, and this is actually a part of the normal evolution
of the universes associated with the Precession of the Equinoxes’*.

These beings have an incredible intellect and great knowledge of subtle
energy sciences, but they are not ensouled beings, nor do they have a heart
seed or emotional body. Thoth / Tehuti says if they are able to align
their incredible intellects with the true path of Metatronic Light evolution,
they can be granted the opportunity to become ensouled beings and take
embodiment in planetary worlds where they may work their way up the
evolutionary spiral as all humans are doing. Some have done so, but many others
have not and their agenda with the abductions and cattle mutilations, among
other not so well known tamperings, is to attempt to gain access to genetic
knowledge that will allow them to mutate their genetics in a way that will
give them instant access to the Metatronic Light spiral.

Thoth / Tehuti indicates it is not likely they can succeed, but that even
in the trying they are making things a bit more difficult for others who
are attempting to move into Metatronic consciousness via the correct path.
It is important to note that these beings hail from every known
constellation visible from Earth, there are no good’ and bad’ star constellations.
All constellations have both an Oritronic and a Metatronic dimension to
them, and so good guys and bad guys all hail from all constellations. Those
beings from the Oritronic Light spiral many times have specific purpose in
telling humans that they are here to help humanity and that the bad guys’
come from wherever.

Now for the Ultra-Terrestrial and Inner-Terrestrial beings. All Ultra
beings are working with some gradient of realization of the Metatronic
full-Light spiral. Nearly all Inner-Terrestrial beings are also. There are some
factions of beings that inhabit isolated pockets of the Inner Earth near
the surface that are Oritronic in nature, but their presence has not been
felt in surface interactions to any great degree. Most of the true
Metatronic Ultra and Inner-Terrestrials have nearly human looking features, as they
are of the same essential divine genetic template called the Adam Kadmon*
(Hebraic originated term) as are we. It is these beings that are working
with the Inner Light Network* (ILN) and thus KOALA for the protection of
the true evolution of the planet to succeed.

Another concept is that of the Kali Rift’, which is a tear in the fabric
of time-space and separates the Earth reality from the greater reality
within what he calls the Ranna Time Flow’*. There are many different points or
nodes’ of interface between the Kali Time Rift and our linear time
reality, but in actuality they all exist simultaneously in the greater continuum
(see Figure 1 on page 3).

The Eye of Ra* is a term Thoth / Tehuti uses to refer to the
inter-dimensional passage from one side of the Kali Rift to the other, and this is
linked to another energy structure that he refers to as the Telos-Aarkhara,
which is intricately linked to the Cydonia complex on Mars*.

With these basics we can now proceed to the main body of information on

Thoth / Tehuti on KOALA

This is code name for an Inner Light Network (ILN) research center located
in 8885 A.D. in Australia. We will start with the meaning of the code name
KOALA, which is an anachronism, as given by Thoth / Tehuti:

Kemesos Ordis Alsais Leduc Alkemestra

Kemesos: Universal law of harmonic integration; all sentient beings
respecting each other’s individual harmonic of existence.

Ordis : Any Order’ under Hierarchal authority

Alsais: A Mystery Order of the 13th century in Southern France. KOALA
communes through time with this Order, and applies some of its innermost
sacred knowledge.

Leduc: A geographic definition or pattern used for time integration,
strongly connected to the Mysteries of Alsais and Rennes le Chateau of France.

Alkemestra: The sacred alchemy of the Atlanteans and early Egyptians.

This center was established by the ILN in our current time frame, and
projected through a time tunnel to the future. The ILN are people of Outer and
Inner Earth working for divine order in government and other arenas, many
of whom are receiving direct guidance from Ultra-Terrestrials.

The KOALA operates on two main levels. The first is human health and
ecology to benefit current time, the second is to devise a code germ’ to be
entered into the matrix which the Extra-Terrestrials and One World League
(OWL) have created to manipulate our time grid via such projects as Montauk.
This germ if successful, would disrupt the gridlock and allow the Metatron
to be restored in our reality. The ILN would be looking to have this germ’
in place around the year 2000. The real-time black box’ controlling the
KOALA time lock is near Golden, Colorado. KOALA is the counter-balance of
Montauk, keeping it in check for now, and eventually rendering such dark
time manipulations powerless on Earth. There are other balancing nodes for
Montauk, such as the Atlantis time implosion, Cydonia (the pyramid / face
complex on Mars) etc., one of which is under the Pentagon called the
Ram-Set, and the other at Easter Island. KOALA sits energetically on the other
side of the Kali Rift’, or tear in time created by the incidents at Cydonia,
Atlantis and Montauk.

Its black box’ control threshold is within this dimension at Golden,
Colorado approximately 250 feet underground in a small complex. While Montauk
upper echelon control is aware of KOALA and their efforts, they are
powerless to do anything directly about it. KOALA sits in a dimension that is not
accessible to them.

It is important to understand that KOALA exists in the future Earth
reality referred to as the New Earth Star by Tehuti. The actual base of dark
operations at Montauk will not be transported into this reality at the time
of LP-40* (the great transitionary ascension moment, or hundredth monkey

There will be a portion of that area going into the New Earth Star Reality
but it is quite small in relation the entire Montauk region. This area
that is going has had its sacredness perpetuated throughout the centuries so
that it remains intact today.

The KOALA has been instigated through the Telos Aarkhara Capstone on the
Eye of Ra, the Universal Time Tear. The beings that are guardians and
facilitators of the Telos Aarkhara are the Sirian Sun Lords. The stellar
vectors which align the KOALA in time come from several constellations,
including the Pleiades and Orion.

The inner workings of KOALA cannot be revealed to persons in this current
time frame, for they are classified’ information, containing certain seals
and codes inserted within its matrix to keep the Timewalkers’* of the
fallen Oritronic universe from penetrating this knowledge. The information
that can be given forth is as follows.

KOALA is a complex spread out upon 38.6 acres of land in Australia,
existing from 8885 to 9012 A.D. In that time frame what is now Australia’ is
topographically somewhat different than it is in our current time. KOALA is
located on a floating island’. Floating islands are terraforms* created and
cultivated with especially fertile First Pure Matter’ enriched soil.

Everything growing on a terraformed floating island was originally
specifically placed there. However, after the original creation’, the high devas
(higher elemental beings) were given co-creative sanction. The shamans of
that century are in close communion with the elemental kingdom, and thus
the terraform upon which KOALA exists is a paradise of natural beauty and
harmony. It is called a floating island because it is anchored into the sea
by powerful cords that are part vegetal matter and part hyperform.
Hyperforms are elemental creations re-arranged atomically to be somewhat out of
time and space. These cords protect floating islands from the time
anomalies that are naturally present in their (and our) reality.

For KOALA, this hyper-cording extends into the etheric dimension in minute
fractal geometrics.

The Ultra beings who work with the mortals’ of KOALA are also joined by
those human relations from the Inner Earth. In the age of KOALA both Ultra
and Inner-Terrestrials join forces with outer-Earth inhabitants in the
development of planetary consciousness through physical communication and
shared knowledge.

One of the major hierarchical commands overseeing the planetary spectrum,
both in this present time and in the future New Earth Star age, is a
Seraphimic angelic multi-dimensional merkabah* comprised of nine units of
intelligence which Thoth calls the Ennead’. KOALA is very much interactive in a
conscious, and at times physical way, with the Ennead. The Ennead comes
from our future but also our past. They are divine time travelers, and their
mission is Light Redemption’*; not through conversions to any religious
doctrine, but at a cellular consciousness level. They apprise where and what
Light mathematical formulas and codes are registering in the many
multi-dimensional time zones of this Earth, and then they set into motion specific
programs of redeeming the trapped Light’* of the original Pure Sun* from
the atomic and genetic coding of the Worlds within the Earth spectrum.
KOALA is one of these types of programs.’

Those from this time plane who seek to connect with the Ennead and offer
their heart-light’ to planetary Light Redemption, may visualize the symbol
of three interlocking circles on the top of a winged staff (see Figure 2
to the right), with a sapphire set in the center where the circles conjoin.
The radionic* number to insert into this sapphire (mentally or
energetically) is 4444.259.

Crystals could be employed as focusing tools for this linking, especially
those containing Prima Matra* or First Matter consciousness, such a
moldevite, and those crystals which contain various levels of resonance with
First Matter, such as selenite and all lithium-based crystals. Some obsidian
is composed of First Matter, and other deposits are not, but all obsidian
is highly resonate with Prima Matra. The Earth-glass crystals we call the
Andara’ would be especially good for this service, since they are First
Matter and were created out of linear time’. (These crystals are available
through Maia and Simeon of Johannine Grove / Crest In The Stone Mystery
School @ 719-256-4057)

We now take this article into some information written previously by Maia
with input from Thoth / Tehuti. This material has been edited to narrow
it’s focus somewhat more to the topic at hand, but still accomplishes a
diverse coverage of related topics. This first segment is excerpted from a
letter Maia wrote to Preston Nichols and Peter Moon after reading their book
The Montauk Project’, which led to Maia originally connecting with Peter

Dear Mr. Nichols;
I am beginning this letter by giving you a brief bio on myself:
I was born in Caripito, Venezuela in 1949. From a very young age, I have
had conscious memories of communing and working with’ what I now call
Ultra-Terrestrials’. At the age of 18 I began to understand it all and have
been continuously working with them, source translating’* (channeling)
ancient sciences and other knowledges which I publish through my Star of Isis
Mystery School’ (now the Crest in the Stone Mystery School) in a Doctrine of
Mysteries’ called Temple Doors’, originally called The Source’. The Ultras
that work with me identify themselves as coming from the star Rigel in
Orion, with connections also to Sirius and the Pleiades.

But I must stress, that these are ULTRA-Terrestrials, not
Extra-Terrestrials. As they have explained it to me, the Ultras operate in a much higher
divine spectrum of being than those who claim to be from the Orion, Sirius
and the Pleiades who are less than spiritual in their agendas. I say
claim’, as they actually vampirize the lower zones of these star regions, but
they are not part of the true Metatronic Spiral’ of those same regions.
They come instead from the Oritronic, or half-Light continuum.

And now background as to why I am writing you. A series of events of
amazing synchronicity has developed, bringing this letter into your hands.
Since I feel you will most likely appreciate the mystical application of
serendipity, I will try to place some of these coincident happenings in logical

1) For several years, my Ultra sources (headed by Thoth / Tehuti - the
Thoth who was the architect of the Great Pyramid) have been involving me as
channel, with a group in the Michigan - Wisconsin, area primarily, known as
The Shekhinah Grove Matrix’ (SGM). They are a synergy’ group headed by an
old friend and colleague of mine who is a retired navy man, William
Buehler. Very basically, his group, or actually several groups, create their own
time machines’ by positioning their physical bodies in complex geometrics,
where they mentally and spiritually perform certain functions and elicit
specific activations and controls. Thoth / Tehuti has been upgrading their
work this last five or six years to a highly developed level. The work is
intended only for the highest spiritual good, that is planetary
transformation within the Divine Plan.

This last month William came across some material on Rhombic forms, and
going to Thoth /
Tehuti with this through me, Thoth told him that the Rhombic dynamic was a
manifest, in which time waves could be tripped and manipulated, and matter
could be created
through mental configuration of the Rhombic field. He instructed William
to handle it very carefully, and to not enter the Rhombic field directly.
He gave him and thus the SGM group beginner techniques, informing them that
they must follow his warnings about this, or they could create something
disastrous. However, he encouraged them to become involved, but only on the
levels Thoth / Tehuti initiated.

2) I experienced three connective dreams these past two months, the second
one just days before your book came into my hands. Understand that I had
not heard of the Montauk Project until after I had these dreams. I knew
about the Philadelphia Experiment, but never actually read a book on it,
although I did see the movie. I have not thought about it or seen anything on
it for several years.

Dream One: I was in a car with several of the Isis Templars (a name for a
group I do planetary transformation work with). We were driving, or being
driven up a mountain path on a dirt road. We came to a building tucked
away in the trees that was barely visible. It appeared to be no more than an
old house. As we approached the building, we noticed that the land had
been landscaped considerably to camouflage other connecting buildings, which
appeared newer. These edifices were built low and rectangular. The whole
scene resembled train box cars partially buried in a derailed fashion
(well, not quite, but that’s as close as I can come to describing it).

A greater part of the dream is fuzzy, but we entered the building very
cautiously. It was obvious
we were sneaking in. At some point, security men in business suits were
chasing us around. One of the Isis Templars, whom I will refer here to as
Lillie, and I came to the room’ we were searching for. It was very medical
in appearance, in that it had a little glass window in the door, as in a
hospital. Lillie put on a long white coat, similar to one a doctor would
wear. She also donned surgical gloves, telling me that she was the one who
should go in to retrieve it’, since she was stronger and taller than I was.
I remember no more, but I feel much more did happen.

Dream Two: I was back at this place again, but was alone and had been
brought into another building by someone who was pretending to work for them’,
but was really a mole’ on our side. I never saw this person. They were
always behind me or just out of my vision. I don’t even know if it was a man
or a woman. They obviously did not want me to see them. I was lead
(somehow) into a room containing a pedestal draped with a cloth upon which a cube
was placed. This cube was open on all sides. It was about the size of a
small microwave oven. There was a light shining underneath the pedestal
which caused the cloth to glow a fluorescent-like blue. I was aware that the
open sides’ of the cube contained a strong force field. Inside the cube
were several natural (apparently) quartz crystals.

But these crystals were along the sides. Nothing that I could see, sat in
the center. Then there appeared a thin band of vertical light, It came
from the upper side’ of the box and met a similar laser-like beam from the
bottom. As these two forces met, I sensed a powerful presence fill the room
coming from the box. I do not scare easily, but I felt as if the Beast
were being unleashed upon the Earth. It created a profound urgency in me to
get out of there - as far away as I possibly could. I am accustomed to
mystical dreams, visions, Out Of Body Experiences, and Ultra-Terrestrials
walking around in my bedroom, but at that moment standing before the beautiful
little box with all the pretty crystals and almost flower-like lights (so
attracting and harmless-looking), I felt very unprotected and unprepared
for what was to come. I remember thinking that it was like a fireman’s
pole. Someone or something was coming down the pole, and I didn’t want to be
there when it arrived!

I asked my guide’ how I could get away, and he / she told me which door to
exit. I went out into
some trees, down a little rock gully, and then came the dogs. Dogs seem to
come out of nowhere at me, and I awoke.

After this second dream, I went to Thoth / Tehuti. He told me that those
were the only two dreams I remember now, but much more has been going on.
He said that myself and to some degree, the other Isis Templars are working
on the inner-planes dimensions to block’ what was going on in this
research center’. He told me that it was located in New Mexico, somewhere not too
far from Taos. The square box was a devise to manipulate time and reality
matrices, and it was being used with very little caution... and the Greys’
and other Extra-Terrestrials were behind it, and what he calls the OWL’
(One World Legion) comprised of those who are in all governments to control
the world were also. Thoth / Tehuti said that OWL was working with this to
create controls and power for their system, but that the
Extra-Terrestrials had their own agenda - an even darker one.

He said that they were vampirizing’ this reality spectrum; moving energy
around so that they could take it from us to build their own reality. Since
I am not really into Conspiracy Theories I was shocked. Although I
acknowledge their truth, the truth is hard to find sometimes. You could become
paranoid sifting through the reams of misinformation. I also wondered why my
Ultra- Terrestrial benefactors’ were lending me to this cause, when
generally they keep me away from such things.

In response to my questioning Thoth / Tehuti stated that our work with the
Rhombic dynamic was essential to changing the diochromy’ of the Earth.
When this was accelerated into its higher facilitation, the
Extra-Terrestrials could no longer use the old diochromy codes to do their burglarizing of
this dimension. I will include Thoth’s definition of diochromy as follows:

"Magnetic pattern acting as universal chromosomes, phase-matching time
references to create a one-signal unity within that specific ultra-field of

Thoth likened diochromy to the magnetic grid of Earth, and our third
dimensional real time reality
was like the migrating fowl, who use their integrated magnetic lodestone
sensors (ie chromosomes) to follow the correct course and not become
confused. Our bodies are time streams’ unto themselves Thoth / Tehuti explains,
being constantly re-calibrated through our chromosomes. Without this
continuous adjusting, we would be everywhere at once and consequently, also
nowhere. We would all be dead zones’. By zeroing in on the planetary real
time diochromy, we are able to follow our course.

Thoth also said that the humming driving people crazy near Taos is coming
from the central sun
atoma (in the center of the planet). This is a natural revving up as we
approach the switch to another consciousness grid, which is something they
have been giving me information on for years and is too complex to go into
here. However, it is being heard in that region because of what is going
on in the nearby research center. They are eroding the Earth’s sonic shield
that protects us from such profound sounds. And further, that it is
harmful for people to be exposed to this frequency for long periods of time.

3) This is where your material comes into the picture. Just days after
receiving this info from Thoth / Tehuti, an Isis Templar informed me about
your book, and that they were going to your seminar. Another Templar, who
had also spoken with the first about the book, told me that his
ex-father-in-law who is now deceased, had actually been there and saw the U.S.S.
Eldridge disappear. Yet another Templar had been in the town of Montauk in 1970
or 71 when much of your story was ongoing.

When I read the book all kinds of bells went off. The description of the
room’ fit the feeling I got about the room I approached. I didn’t see
inside, but when I read about the Montauk room, I strongly identified it with
the one Lillie was entering in my dream. Lillie is currently on an Isis
Templar journey in the flesh to Greece and Turkey, where she is being used as
a tool to re-open some old Rhombic portals. Once this energy is released
the Templars and the SGM can begin to create new Rhombic patterns, altering
the planetary diochromy.

I began to remember other things as I read along - certainly I have
experienced’ the Golden Horse (as appeared on the book The Montauk Project’ by
Peter Moon and Preston Nichols) Thoth tells me after having read your book,
that the horse is a time marker’ placed in a dead zone’, a place where
several time waves intersect. He tells me that the Capricornians, those time
travelers from the age of Capricorn (I have known about the Capricornians
for at least 15 years) have placed these markers in the dead zones. They
are energetic devises containing incredible energy fields, allowing those
whose spiritual force is attuned to the Metatronic Light Spiral to enter’
the marker. Thoth says they are liken to chess pieces, in that they contain
the moves, and the codes of game playing’ in the universal continuum.

Dream Three: Last night, two days after having read your book, I had my
third dream in this series, but this time I was in Australia. There was such
a difference in the atmosphere, both physically and spiritually from what
we have in our current reality. This center was a product of the
Ultra-Terrestrials working with the ILN. They have a small building in Colorado
(KOALA). From there they create a time vortex connecting them to some future
time in Australia. It is here where the larger complex is, the one I saw.
They gave me a glass of water to drink, and the experience was very real.
The water tasted and felt so wonderful, so energetic and loving, it was as
if I were taking a living consciousness that was the source of love and
creation into my bio-system. When I awoke this morning, I could barely bring
myself to swallow ordinary water. The taste was very unpleasant.

Since the dream, Thoth has told me that this ILN research center is
working on two levels: 1) human health & ecology to benefit our Now’ time 2) to
devise a code germ’ to enter into the matrix which the Extra- Terrestrials
and OWL have created to manipulate our time grid. This germ if successful,
would terminate the complete gridlock, but the trick is to program it in
just right so it would be controlled correctly and not pull our Now’ into
the time warp blender. This is why it is so important the diochromy be
changed. Once a new pattern of reference is in place the germ can kick in,
because Earth will then have a new glue’ that does not identify with the old
diochromy time codes.

Another Synchronicity:

Thoth has had both the SGM and the Isis Templars working with the Mars
Pyramids for about a year now. Actually, we are working more with the Telos
Aarkhara (TA), which he defines as a structure capping the universal tear
caused originally in the Big Bang’. The TA was created by good guy’
Orionians who also built the Mars pyramids and face near Cydonia
-Ultra-Terrestrial Sirians operate it all, although the Niphilim’ (biblical term for
fallen angels and lords of Light) who call themselves and their prototype
creations Orionians and Sirians, have control of an artificial moon of Mars,
but they can’t get inside the sealed pyramids.

There is so much on this, I won’t attempt to go into it now, but we have
been assigned to re-activate a level of the TA that had been shut down,
calibrating it to a more evolutionized frequency. The operations for the TA
(the structure itself is inner-planes) is somewhere in the pyramid complex
on Mars! I assumed that this part of the TA had been out of whack for eons
- I had no idea it was turned off retroactive to 1943!

Of important note:

The Extra-Terrestrials purposely want Earth people to think that they are
the only Sirians, the only Orionians etc., When actually they are only
thieves in the night. There is so much we could get into on this subject that
might be of help to you, if you would wish a line of communication to be
established. On one hand, I am not anxious to get involved in such a
dangerous service, but on the other hand, it seems as if my Higher Self has
already drafted me.

Thoth / Tehuti has also indicated:

The OWL research center in New Mexico is known by code name OZ.

He confirms ongoing activity at Montauk, and says the code name is

The ILN Australian center is KOALA. The facilitator’ in Colorado is near

The code names each exist on various access levels. Thoth indicates that
on other access levels they are different. These are the three that can be
used through psychic concentration to enter the highest levels of
operation. Although each is coming from a separate source, such as OWL versus ILN,
they must set up similar programs to follow the current diochromy. They
solve this problem by programming block codes that can only be interfaced by
the correct code breakers, and by someone who has had an interfacing
implant. Such implants are not hardware’ but software’. So you must not only
know the code word, and have psi abilities, but contain the right software

The North/South poles of the planet maintain the diochromy.

The most advanced of these three research centers is the ILN’s KOALA. In
second place is OZ, an evolutionary by-product of REDHAWK. However, REDHAWK
at Montauk is the primal node for the initial time link established for
the OWL’s work through both centers.

In 1634 at the location of the town / base / area of Montauk, Long Island,
a major standing’ time glitch developed. This was caused by a series of
inner-planes happenings not discussed here, but what it created was a fill’
of confluent incomplete time streams. Many people then in the area
witnessed this. It was thought to be a product of the Devil. There is quite a
story surrounding this whole scenario that Thoth has only intimated at this
point, but the bottom line is that the ground was set, or rather loosened’,
for the sinister events that would follow at Montauk. Understand that when
you are looking at time waves, meta-time fields etc., you must also
include retroactive soul balancing or karma in the picture. The 1634 Montauk is
karmically linked as well as inter-dimensionally linked to Montauk up to
and inclusive of current time.

The following are questions placed to Thoth / Tehuti after I wrote the
above letter. I felt it would be best to do it this way, so that I could
explain the above more objectively. This is also included in this article as
we felt it highly pertinent to the reason Maia was receiving information on
this in the first place.


Both Lillie and I suspect that at the least the two of us, and possibly
more of the Isis Templars were some of the little children put into the time
warp somewhere along the line at Montauk. Is this correct? If so, who else
of the Isis Templars, if any, were involved?

Thoth / Tehuti:

This is so, but neither of you were originally from the 1980’s side of the
time tunnel. Lillie was taken from Germany in 1941, and you from New
England 1916, the past life you remember (having died in an auto accident in
1948). You were retrieved along with other children, by the ILN. Lillie was
not. She was finally placed by REDHAWK in the body she is in now, but it
was not accomplished without a great deal of trauma. Understand that there
are those with REDHAWK that are trying to aid displaced subjects’ (they do
not understand enough about what they are doing to accomplish this safely

Four other Templars were all subjects’ as well. They were all girls, but
coming from the other side’ of the time tunnel also. You Maia, were the
only one of this group that was brought back to finish your life in the
original body and time frame. You have been concerned for awhile that you have
had such an abundance of past lives. Many of these subjects’ have also.
When riding the time tracks, there is often a radial influence along the
meta-grid of time, creating a shower’ of spirit overlays with the traveler’s
soul forming different experiences’ within the grid. In addition to the
abduction, you are also a Capricornian time traveler, so you are
continuously creating these realities from your Capricornian future. This is a
complex weave. One we are not prepared to discuss in detail with you at this

The other Templars have all had time travel experience in some form,
although they were not directly involved with REDHAWK or OZ. They have been
working with KOALA, as all of you have, but this is done with your consent,
and it is Light years’ away from the dangerous and traumatizing mode of
operation carried out by OWL through its Extra-Terrestrial connection via
REDHAWK and OZ. There are many forms of time travel, some far more advanced
than REDHAWK / OZ, but they require spiritual grounding, something
unattainable within the OWL agenda.

Maia: Will you tell me more in regard to our being jostled around in time?
Are you saying that the other Templars were force-fed into their current
incarnations? What happened to their original bodies? Were they killed in
the project?

Thoth / Tehuti: Their bodies were absorbed into the force fields, allowing
them to integrate several lifetimes and move into their current
incarnations. However, in time travel perspective is everything. They still lived
those lives in-between, but from the relativity of their current embodiment.
This is quite difficult to explain to minds that only operate in linear
dimension. It is not important that you understand it entirely. What is
important is the Now. This is always your kingdom. By working through the Now
and linking it into the past / future as guided by Chariot of the Sun
(Thoth’s inner planes merkabah group), you, the Templars and SGM will be able
to facilitate the development of the Rhombic forms needed to alter the

The KOALA complex is not just in the future, but in a slightly alternate
dimension, thus it is shielded from any one point along the diochromy of
your Earth Reality time frame. In this way, it cannot be removed’ by REDHAWK
or OZ programs. The year of the KOALA location is 8885 A.D., which is
after the diochromy transfer and well into the New Earth Star’ reality.
However, the old diochromy pattern can be traced into the new unless it is
altered from the time break in 1941. This alteration would not be the New Earth
Star template, but a slightly different version than it is now, keeping
the Extra-Terrestrial and OWL forces from interfacing through REDHAWK and
OZ. By the time they figure out the new template, the diochromy will have
completely transferred into the Metatronic Spiral and will be New Earth Star
where it cannot be mutated nor tampered with.

The false Orionians, Sirians, Pleiadeans - which are all created by the
Nephilim - cannot work through the full-Light Metatronic Spiral. This means
that their evolution, both physically and more importantly spiritually, is
trapped, contained in the bottle of the Oritron. They are a product of the
Luciferian Fall, having displaced themselves in the Universal Continuum.
Thus, they must have those who contain Earth genetics and thus Earth
chromosomes, to carry out certain functions that interfere with the Metatron
(therefore the tamperings that go on).

Tomorrow is August 12th, 1993, exactly fifty years since the disappearance
of the U.S.S. Eldridge. I did not realize this synchronicity until it was
pointed out to me when reading this information and letter today to an
Isis Templar.

Later information given me by Thoth / Tehuti discussing the care which
needs to be taken in employing archetypal synergy to interact with the TA, so
as not to allow the Niphilim access.

The Major Mechanics of the TA / Tryphoid* Function

The Tryphoid now active, guides the Metatron into a synapse with the
Oritron. This creates a Time / Energy Gate’ which is highly guardianed by
strong Metatronic force fields. If it were not guardianed in this manner, the
Nephilimic forces could at that junction access the Metatronic Light
mathematical codes from the Oritron. This is a delicate procedure, as this
synapse enables certain higher Oritronic functions to become entrained to the
Metatron at an accelerated rate, thus speeding the alteration of the
diochromy, and therefore the evolution of the planet. Understand that the
Metatron is naturally in the process of absorbing the Oritron, but the Tryphoid
of the TA is accelerating this process in order to prevent the dark forces
from vampirizing Metatronic energy as this natural process occurs.

There is an overlap’ of energy fields where they can siphon the Metatron
as it absorbs the Oritron, but by creating a clear synapse and gate
function with a higher Metatronic force field, a shielding is placed in effect.
However, if the Nephilim find a way to interface with the new Rhombics the
Isis Templars and SGM are creating, they will have a means to open the
gate, not only stopping the diochromatic alteration, but entering the very TA
itself! Their whole obsession for millenniums has been to get inside the
TA to the Core Beam, which is drawn from the Eye of Ra.

While we wish to impress upon you the seriousness of the situation, we
will also state that the Templars and SGM are not the only operators in this
cosmic nintendo for control of the universe by any means. There is a great
deal more going on, authority being in other hands than yours.
this point in time your two groups have major roles. It only takes one
person tripping over a wire to set up a chain reaction of grave dimension.

A note of interest here, is that as things unfolded over time one of the
reasons these groups were disbanded was because of direct Nephilimic
intrusions that made it impossible to continue at the level of evolution the
participants were working with.
There is another aspect of the Montauk scenario, which some of you entered
in your sessions last night. All this did not begin with the U.S.S.
Eldridge mishap in 1943. As we have previously said, it can be traced back to
1634 in the Montauk area; but there are other points in time as well that
this cracking or rift in time has run. Its starting point’ was in 1923, with
an experiment gone awry involving several key Nazi occult figures as well
as a few peripheral participants, including Aliester Crowley.

Through Dietrich Eckhart and the Thule Group, who were grooming the
Niphilimic Messiah Adolf Hitler, for his Satanic role, and Aliester Crowley’s
Lodge, the Astrum Argentinum, a hybrid project was created called the
Phisummum (PHI). The order’ that controlled the PHI was the Order of the Black
Sun (OBS). The whole purpose of the OBS was project PHI, whose focus was
time travel and originally for the purpose of retrieving the Holy Grail*
from a past century and into the hands of the groomer of the Anti-Christ
(Hitler). But once a small distorted window in time was opened to them, they
began to feel the overwhelming power of such an operation. The Spear of
Longinus was used as a magic power source to achieve the window, along with
drugs and sexual perversion. The OBS largely stayed out of these antics
themselves, but controlled the results.

Aliester Crowley and some major Nazis did participate, as their psi power
was strong, and they craved the increased perverted power such acts gave
them. Ultimately of course, it eroded their astral bodies to the point
where their souls were shattered. From that time on, they operated brain dead’
in terms of higher mind, and without a soul.

In 1923, they made a grave mistake with the time portal that sent a
discharge that was out of phase lock with the planetary diochromy. This set off
a series of events, including Bannock Hill in Merlin’s time, as well as
the 1634 Montauk rift. This is all too extensive and meta-scientific to
address here. It was in 1923 that the master’ of the PHI project, Eckart,
died. After his death that same year, those with lesser understanding of the
Beast they had created, caused the time rift to spill out in the
occurrences of the Philadelphia Experiment and Banncok Hill, and other key locations
in time.

It was during the confusion right after the time explosion’ that a German
scientist working on PHI, Dr. Karl Obermeyer, stole the core chamber of
dio-X crystals. These crystals had been created in a long and arduous
process of separating elements, not unlike nuclear fission, only the diochromy
of the atoms involved had been manipulated into a black hole inversion.
These dio-X crystals as they were contained in their core chamber
accelerator, were the chargers’ of the whole system. This is a system far advanced
from the Montauk work of the 1950’s, but very much a part of the OZ project
in New Mexico in an even more advanced form.

When Dr. Obermeyer absconded with the core chamber and crystals, he did so
as a true ILN agent. He set up a new projection in the Ural Mountains, and
his work proceeded along the basis of healing the damage done to the
Earth’s time grid, and also following the original purpose of connecting to,
but in this case not stealing, the Holy Grail’. His plan was one of
unification of all spheres in time. He gathered unto his fold the likes of Rudolph
Steiner and Nikola Tesla, among others in the ILN. He cloaked his project
under the title of the Prometheus Foundation.

This Foundation is still active, and is the basis for KOALA and other ILN
time travel networking.

It was Tesla who brought the Ultra-Terrestrial connection into Prometheus,
and Steiner the angelic connection. It is important to focus on the ILN’s
active participation in healing and restoring the Earth’s time grid and
it’s Grail Mystery connections via the Angelic and Christic realms.


What is the Order of the Black Swan that I kept receiving last night?

Thoth / Tehuti:

It is a Guardian Order of the Holy Grail. A Swan representing
transformation upon the (akashic) waters’ of time. The Black denotes the need for
concealment and discrimination... the veiled, the hidden, as in the Black

Prometheus was in contact with this Order in the 11th Century. They lost
this time window in 1933 with the ascension of the Niphilim Anti-Christ
into power in the embodiment of Adolf Hitler. A great deal of Satanic
empowerment that was ongoing at the time closed the portal access between the
Black Swan and Prometheus.

Closing thought from Maia:

We are treading upon a very ancient enemy - one whose very genetics are
intermingled with ours through genetic manipulation eons ago. But we also
have the Blood of the Shepherds within us. We must find the thread that
leads us out of the Labyrinth of the Beast to the Breast of the Shepherds,
those whose Oath to the Metatron is emblazoned within our chromosomes.

Glossary of Terms

Adam Kadmon, page 2
This is the Divine template of creation for all higher evolutionary
species. It is a direct
projection of Divine Hue-mon form from the mind of God.

Cydonia complex on Mars, page 2
The Cydonia complex was discovered by a NASA space probe named Viking
Orbiter 1 in 1976 on orbit number 35, at about 41 degrees Latitude above
the Martian
equator on the Northern Hemisphere. The probe flew by Mars and took
of what have been shown to be several three sided pyramids and a face’
that looks
upwards from the surface of the planet. Richard Hoaglund has books and
videos on
this, complete with actual photos and film footage from NASA. We recommend
Monuments on Mars’ by Richard Hoaglund for further reading.

Extra-Terrestrial beings, page 1
Extra-Terrestrial beings are life forms from other planetary worlds that
are of a lower
evolution referred to as Population I life systems by J.J. Hurtak in his
excellent work
entitled The Keys of Enoch’. We as a human race are also currently in a
I life system as they are defined as those systems with only one star. The
race however differs from the Extra-Terrestrial life forms (as defined
here) in that we
have the genetic braiding which will enable us to move into Population II
life systems
and beyond, where the Extra-Terrestrial’s do not. While they have superior
knowledge of subtle energy sciences, and can display what we consider
abilities, these are no indication of true Metatronic evolution, nor the
ability to access
the Metatronic Light spiral within their consciousness. These beings are
inter-dimensionally but usually use a metallic type craft that can be
quite advanced
by our standards. They can many times communicate things that ring true in
persons heart, but will usually have their own agenda modulated on the
so that the unwary or undiscerning will have a wonderful experience’ with
them, but
then be subtly under their control through some means of energetic, or
perhaps even
metallic implant.
In addition, most of the Extra-Terrestrials interacting with Earth at this
time are not
ensouled, but rather they are thought form entities created by the
Nephilim (fallen
Angels of Lucifer) and have since populated every star system within
Earth’s viewing
range. They can be given the opportunity to move through the evolutionary
spiral with
an ensouled embodiment if they can align their incredible intellect with
the geometric
thought form projections of the Metatron.

Eye of Ra, page 2
The Eye of Ra is a term that Thoth / Tehuti has used to describe an
portal that exists in the midst of the Universal time tear he refers to as
the Kali Rift.
The Eye of Ra is a higher Light mathematical gate function that allows
passage of
the pure Metatronic Light into the Oritronic universes. Likewise, this
gate allows
acceleration, and absorption of the Oritronic universe into the Metatronic
as an ongoing evolutionary movement. The Eye of Ra is very closely linked
structure and function to both the Telos.Aarkhara and the Tryphoid
function. It is
called the Eye of Ra, as it is the sourcing for the Pure Sun.

Holy Grail, page 12
The Holy Grail is physically represented by the chalice that Christ and
his Apostles
drank from at the last supper, and was also used to collect the blood of
Christ at the
time his side was pierced by Longinus as he hung from the cross in his
moments of earthly life as Jesus. The physical object certainly holds a
charge, but is only representative of the Grail’ consciousness. The grail
consciousness is that of the Christed Oversoul being present to a very
high degree
in the conscious personality mind of the individual.
On another train of thought, meta-physician and physics master Dan Winter,
amongst others, has shown that when the human consciousness is in a mode
absolute self-awareness, and resonating with the frequencies of the heart
that the waveforms generated on their measuring equipment are recursive
and form
what looks like a Grail Cup’ repeating in ever reducing size on into

Inner Light Network, page 2
The Inner Light Network is composed of many factions of beings working
in harmony and synergy for the betterment of the planet Earth and the
human race.
Many of these beings are from the Inner Earth dimensions, some are from
Ultra-Terrestrial realms, and many are surface born upon, and of the
Earth, but are
operating at a high enough degree of awareness that they are able to
communicate with the Hierarchical beings that are in control and oversee
and with each other. Some of these Inner-Terrestrials and
Ultra-Terrestrials have
actually embodied on the surface of the Earth also. This can occur through
either the
normal birthing process, walk-ins or by simply projecting a form and it’s
reality into this dimension. It would be very difficult for most humans to
discern the
difference between these various embodiment types, although something
seem’ different.
The Inner Light Network coordinates many programs of Light work
in order to achieve the maximum effect. They also monitor the operations
of the
Nephilim and their consorts, taking appropriate counter measures when

Inner-Terrestrial beings, page 1
Inner-Terrestrial beings are of the Inner Earth. Most have star genetics,
but have
chosen to take embodiment within the sacred hollow of the Earth to assist
in the
redemption of this planet as part of their service. There are a vast array
of different
genetic mixes within the Inner Earth, many are holding certain genetic
Light patterns
in place within the Earth dimension. Most of the Inner-Terrestrials are of
the Adam
Kadmon divine template and linked to the Metatron accordingly. There are a
isolated pockets of Oritronic beings in resident within the Inner Earth,
but they reside
in caverns close to the surface rather than in the sacred hollow in the
center of the

Light Redemption, page 4
Light Redemption is the process of bringing all Oritronic Light, and
trapped Light’
(also see trapped Light this glossary) into the folds of the Metatronic
Light Spiral.
These processes entail the evolution of consciousness in a way that is
aligned to the

LP-40, page 3
LP-40 stand for Light Principle Forty. In Thoth / Tehuti’s words:

"It is the frequency at which the elektic current of the Earth will become
aligned to the etheric body of it’s atoma (the central sun in the center
of the Earth). A delineation of the whole constant
or time creation, which can be pictured as a sphere, its greatest density
on the
surface rather than it’s center. Time, or the electrical fields that
perpetuate it’s
illusion, are a whole dynamic. There is a sequence of Light mathematics
that equate
to this wholeness, which registers entirely in the Now’. When the Time
Sphere is divided through sentient entropy, the missing fractions are
replaced by
logic synthesis. This is a process of higher intellect, which will create
informal reality
where division cannot be equated, as within the whole dynamic of the Time
Sphere. It is a memory of the missing fraction. LP-40 is the Light
moment when the logic synthesis finds it’s constant, i.e. the missing
fraction, and
reclaims the true principal of it’s equation.

"At the time of LP-40 a harmonic will rise upwards from the center
(central sun
atoma) of the planet and gather force on the surface shell. This will
create a powerful
electric current that will cause the Earth to jump from it’s frequency
pattern of the
current time to a much higher field of resonance. This will not be a
escalation but a skipping from one energy field to the next. This dynamic
will create
a tremendous surge of power through the crystalline grid of the planet and
electrocute all living things not in synchronization with the highest
frequency bands
of consciousness of the time just prior to it’s release. Only 20-40% of
the population
upon the Earth at that time will be within the appropriate consciousness
bands at the
appointed time...they will ascend into the New Earth Star...the remaining
souls will
go through a reprogramming and they will enter a lower realm in order to
rebuild their
Light bodies."

The period of time where the ascension occurs will actually span a period
of about 15 days of linear Earth time.

merkabah, page 4
Divine Light vehicles created through recursive patterns of heart
resonance. These
are formed as a sentience or gathering of sentiences creates sacred
patterning between their heart seed or center of heart beingness’ and the
state of Oneness. These patterns are defined through Divine Mind and
developed by
Divine Heart to conform to specific imprints of Divine Awareness, or I Am’
As such, a Merkabah is a transport containment field for a specific
celebration of
unity with the God-Source. This is a description of merkabah formed in
with the Metatronic Light.

It must also be understood that merkabah can be created in the Oritronic
field of
consciousness as well. The earmark of Oritronic merkabah creation is over
on mental projection or imagery and mental knowledge of the sacred
involved in the Light mathematics of the merkabah.

Metatronic, page 1
The Metatronic Light Spiral is the whole focus of our spiritual pathing in
the greater
evolution. It extends us beyond our forms as human beings into the spirit
of Universal design (Adam Kadmon), from which our truest selves find their
The Metatronic Spiral emanates from the Great Archangel Metatron, the
creator of
the outer Light. The Metatronic Light is a complete full spectrum Light
that has all of
the necessary Light mathematics and codes that allow a soul to take it’s
all the way to the Great Central Sun, or Kolob.

Oritronic, page 1
The Oritronic Light Spiral is a half spectrum Light that has been the
conduit for our
energy system since the Luciferic Fall’. This spiral of energy receipt has
supplied the
atomic and cellular realms to the utmost reaches of our inspirited human
design. This
Light spiral has been necessary to allow the souls within it’s domain to
evolve to
state whereby they can be re-introduced to the full Light spectrum of the
While the Oritronic spiral is born of the fallen elements, it is in itself
not evil, it is
simply incomplete in it’s spiritual issue, and must be consumed by the
Spiral for full spiritual realization to occur.

Precession of the Equinoxes’, page 2
The Precession of the Equinoxes is the greater stellar movement that is
indicated by
much larger cycles in our understanding predicated upon linear time. Our
System is revolving around another system with it’s Central Sun being
Alcyone in the
greater Pleiades system. The Alcyone system rotates around yet another
and so on until we arrive at the center of our Galaxy. The Galaxy then
rotates around
yet another system and so on. In our immediate experience there is a
26,000 year
cycle broken onto two 12,000 year cycles and two 2,000 year cycles. The
devised physical systems of tracking these movements. The Mayan calendar
is one
such system, the Eastern Hindu system that Kali Yuga is a part of is
It is known by the sages and seers that at certain points in these larger
periods of great transition occur, whereby entire star systems are moved
inter-dimensionally into new places within their more immediate greater
systems. The
movement of the Earth towards it’s ascension time at LP-40 is one such
event, and
actually represents a movement of many systems at once.

Prima Matra, page 5
Prima Matra means literally Prime Matter. Esoterically this term has been
used to
describe very sacred substances that have naturally occurred or have been
produced by priest-scientists in the ancient Temples. There was
considerable work
also done in the medieval ages by alchemists to produce Prima Matra
such as the white powder of gold, or occult gold as it was also called.
When this creation was still an entirely spiritual creation, as it slowed
it’s vibration
down, the very first matter to coalesce from the ethers was the original
Prima Matra.
It was imbued totally with the divine essence, not yet being polluted by
any negative
human thought / feeling energies.

There are many different forms of Prima Matra on the planet today, all of
represent differing octaves, or gradients of the original Prima Matra, and
considered yet to be extremely sacred.

Pure Sun, page 4
The Pure Sun is equivalent to the Great Central Sun, or Kolob as it is
called in the
Hebraic tradition. This is the Central Source of all omniscience and
being, and lies
energetically at the center of the Multi-Verse. It is the One Divine
connecting all Spirit; a symbolic term for the essence of the Unfallen

radionic, page 4
Radionics is a meta-science that has produced numerous electronic devises
over the
years. The basic principle is that a radionics devise can be tuned to a
frequency, or combination of frequencies through programming number
into them. They can be used for numerous applications including anything
healing to increased crop production and insect control. In a higher
spiritual sense,
the number sequences can be programmed through consciousness to effect
results. The radionic sequences that Thoth / Tehuti imparts to us can not
be used
for any ill purposes as they are harmonically linked to an Inner Earth
computer called
the Pymander. The Pymander is intimately linked to Divine mind and heavily
shielded, so any thing that approaches it harmonically with less than pure
intent will
experience rapid return of the energy karmically. The effect will be felt
profoundly by
those with conscious mis-intent, while it would be much milder for those
conscious pure intent, but sub / unconscious mis-intent.

Ranna Time Flow, page 2
The complete hologram of Time as it flows uninterrupted through the
dimensions of the Multi-Verse.

source translating, page 5
Thoth / Tehuti’s term for channeling through a specific process aligned
with Source.’
He considers this form of channeling’ to be more accurate than most other
pathways. Source Translation actually involves an active co-participation
with the
source of the information coming from other dimensions of reality. The
consciousness must be adequately prepared to meet the vibrational level of
incoming signal, and then move into that envelope of compact consciousness
translate the energy / information into our language system. Many times
information will be forthcoming from other culture frames of ancient
times, and
therefore a double, or sometimes triple translation must occur in or order
for the
information to be brought into our culture frame and language.

terraforms, page 4
Land masses created artificially, yet employing natural substances. Our
sources tell
us that many planets themselves have been created by terraforming.
can be accomplished on many differing levels of reality. The lesser
Extra-Terrestrials would accomplish such a task by a more physical means,
still employing technologies that are far more advanced than our own. The
Ultra-Terrestrials would approach such a project from a more consciousness
orientation. When we say natural materials, this does not mean moving them
as we would here on Earth, but by means of molecular transport, and pure
manifestation from elemental substances.

Tryphoid, page 11
A gear’ or guidance geometric that guides the Metatronic Spiral into
synapse with
the Oritronic. It allows a bridging between these two Light Spirals, yet
it also protects
that access from intrusion by those sentient beings who do not contain the
coding, so they do not gain entrance into the Metatron. Visually the
Tryphoid would
appear somewhat like an open sided Tetrahedron with no base, where the
three lines
protruding down from the peak would spiral around the structure rather
than running
straight down, and they dissipate into nothingness without a definitive

Ultra-Terrestrial beings, page 1
These are ensouled beings on various levels of physical manifestation who
from Population II life systems, meaning they have two or more stars
within the solar
system. They exist only within the Metatronic Light Field of the Unfallen
These beings are here to assist Earth and humanity in the transition
through LP-40.

Their presence is much more covert than that of the Extra-Terrestrials, as
they have
an intrinsic understanding of the human emotional system, and themselves
have fully
functional heart seeds. There are some of these Ultra beings that have the
job of
monitoring the cellular evolution of the human race, such as DNA
etc., and therefore have agreements on a soul level with some souls
embodied here
on Earth to be able to take certain tissue samples etc. These events are
confused with the abductions’ of the lesser evolved Extra-Terrestrials.
The primary
reason for this is that the memory banks of those who are under contract’
are altered
so as to hopefully not cause any trauma due do the remembrance of
something that
the individuals belief system simply couldn’t handle. Many times these
memories do
surface however, and if the individual starts to move into a fear space
around this,
they will then be sucked into the powerful fear consciousness stream that
emanated from the abduction scenarios. At this point from the Earth
perspective, it
would be nearly impossible to discern what truly had occurred.

These beings generally travel in ships of Light and consciousness
however there are some of them still in the lower evolutionary stages of
Population II consciousness bands, that use very advanced types of
metallic /
organic ships. Most individuals having a conscious interaction with these
beings will
have a good, or at least non-threatening experience, which doesn’t mean
they might
not experience some personal fears rising from the deep, but alongside the
they will feel the deep love from these beings which balances the fear. If
they were
to perceive that an individual were moving into too deep a fear space,
they will simply
leave and wait for them to evolve a bit further, perhaps even another
lifetime before
contact is attempted again.

trapped Light, page 4
Divine Light’ or energy which, having been released into the Oritron with
the Fall
of Lucifer’, is now trapped in the realm of matter. There is also Light
trapped in other
star systems within our local Universe, a primary system that is a key in
this is Sirius.
The Light that is trapped in the fallen aspect of Sirius must be redeemed
in order for
the completion of the next cycle to occur.

Bibliographical Compilation of All References in Footnotes

Bannock Hill - pages 9-14 issue 4-87 Temple Doors’ listed on page 29 of
our catalog

ET’s, UT’s & IT’s - Issue 2-89 & 1 / 2-93 of Temple Doors’ listed on page
29 & 30 of our catalog respectively

Inner Earth Dwellers, positive and negative - issue 1-83 of The Source’
listed on page 27 of our catalog

Kali Rift - issue 3/4-93 of Temple Doors’ listed on page 31 of our
catalog. Please note that much of the information in this article comes from this
issue, and so therefore there is redundancy involved

LP-40, Golden Taya Allotments - the article The Golden Taya Allotments’ in
issue 1 / 2 -95 Temple Doors, listed on page 31 of our catalog

Luciferian Fall and related events - pages 3,4,5 in issue 2 / 3 -85 of The
Source’, pages 9-10 in issue 2-86 of The Source, in issue 2-89 of The
Source, pages 54-61 in issue 3 / 4 -94 of Temple Doors’. The above are listed
in our catalog on pages 28, 29 &31 respectively.

Maia’s Story with ET’s & UT’s - see page 5 Temple Doors issue 1 / 2 - 93.
This issue appears on page 30 of the catalog

Metatron / Oritron - issue 2-89 of Temple Doors’ listed on page 29 of our

New Earth Star reality - issue 4-85 of the Source (Altheria article) &
2-91 of Temple Doors’ listed on pages 28 & 30 of our catalog respectively

Prima Matra - issues 3 / 4 -95 & 1-96 of Temple Doors’ listed on page 31
of our catalog

Ram-Set - page 23 of issue 1 / 2 -95 of Temple Doors’ listed on page 31 of
our catalog

Rennes le Chateau, France - Refuge of the Apocalypse’ by Elizabeth Van
Buren, and GENISIS’ by David Wood for research on the Sacred Mystery of
Rennes le Chateau, and issue 1-84 of the Source’, issues 1-91, 2-91, 3/4-91 & 1
/2-92 of Temple Doors’ listed on page 27 & 30 of our catalog respectively

Rhombic Dynamics - pages 6 &13 in issue 3 / 4 -94 of Temple Doors’ listed
on page 31 in our catalog. Please note that much of the information in
this article comes from this issue, and so therefore there is some redundancy
involved, although not on the Rhombic forms information.

Sirian Sun Lords - issue 1 / 2 -93 of Temple Doors’ listed on page 30 of
our catalog

Spear of Longinus - The Spear of Destiny’ by Trevor Ravenscroft, and on
pages 5-7 issue 3-90 of Temple Doors, pages 25-28 issue 1 / 2 -93 of Temple
Doors’ listed on page 30 of our catalog

Telos.Aarkhara / Cydonia - issue 1 / 2 -93 of Temple Doors’, listed on
page 30 in the catalog

Thoth / Tehuti - issue 4-81 of The Source’ listed on page 26 of our

As there is information relating to various aspects of the information
presented in this article appearing all throughout The Source’ and Temple
Doors’ from their inception in 1980 to present, we strongly recommend the 3
Volume Set we have to offer listed on page 32 in our catalog, in addition
to all back issues of Temple Doors from 1993 to current. This will give the
reader substantial insight into the deeper Mystery of all that
inter-connects to the body of information in this article, and much more.

In addition, if the reader has not already read the books previous to
Encounter In The Pleiades: An Inside Look At UFO’s by Peter Moon and Preston
Nichols, we strongly suggest that you do as they contain a lot of
background information we have assumed the reader already knows from these sources.

We have listed these books below for your convenience.

The Montauk Project - Experiments In Time; by Moon / Nichols (ISBN

Montauk Revisited - Adventures In Synchronicity; by Moon / Nichols (ISBN

Pyramids of Montauk - Explorations in Consciousness; by Moon / Nichols
(ISBN 0-9631889-2-5)


rom: Nicky Molloy <>
Subject: IUFO: KOALA, Montauk and Inter-Dimensional Time Travel
Date: 6 Nov 2000 01:25:11 -0500
To: IUFO <>

->  IUFO  Mailing List

Subject: KOALA, Montauk and Inter-Dimensional Time Travel

For the esoterically minded.

KOALA, Montauk and Inter-Dimensional Time Travel
% William Buehler, Simeon and Maia per Thoth/ Tehuti..

KOALA is but one small part of a very large and complex scenario that
ultimately links to the Greater Sacred Mystery. We have compiled all the
information we currently have on KOALA and that which directly relates to
in this article, in response to those seeking further information from
having read the book by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon entitled Encounter
The Pleiades: An Inside Look At UFO's'. But to truly understand the nature
of what is involved in KOALA and other projects like it, one must begin to
expand their consciousness to encompass some rather involved
spiritual-scientific concepts and information. We have worked to produce
article that has simplified terminologies to some degree to facilitate the
reader in more easily comprehending what may be difficult concepts to
anyway. Wherever this was not possible we have marked the word with a
asterisk (*) denoting that there is a more in depth explanation of the
available in the Glossary of Terms at the end of the article. In addition,
much of this information is intricately linked to other information that
comprises a Sacred archive developed over the 28 years that Maia Shamayyim
has been translating information from the Akashic records, Ultra /
Inner-Terrestrials and from Thoth / Tehuti.

For the individual that is interested in exploring the Greater Mystery
related to KOALA and all that it represents, we have footnoted the
appropriate locations with bibliographical references to other
we have available, and what page they can be found in our catalog. We have
also included other bibliographical information for the reader to pursue
outside of our Mystery School publications. At the end of the article we
have compiled all of the bibliographic references listed in the footnotes
alphabetically arranged by topic matter to facilitate easy re-access to
There are some very basic concepts that need to be revealed prior to the
main body of information in this article. First is that according to Thoth
Tehuti there are two basic types of Light, the Oritronic* or half-Light
spectrum, and the Metatronic* or full-Light spectrum.

These two different spirals of Light are synonymous with the fallen
universe' and the pure universe' respectively. The world we know is
in a space where the two overlap, with the planetary consciousness
oriented towards the Oritronic spectrum. We are as a planetary
however, evolving towards what is commonly being called a planetary
ascension, into the Metatronic Light.
It is important to understand that there are varying gradients of
realization of each of these Light
spectrums, and that the Oritronic spectrum is not bad, it is simply not
complete. An individual can have a very powerful experience in Oritronic
Light, and not know that is what it actually was.

An experience of this sort could serve the greater purpose of that
individuals evolution towards
Metatronic Light, if they are open minded enough to be able to acknowledge
the truth of it whenever that is presented to them, through whatever
avails itself for this purpose.
Now this takes us to the topic of Extra-Terrestrial beings*,
Ultra-Terrestrial beings* and
Inner-Terrestrial beings*. This is an area that is greatly misunderstood
many, and not completely understood by a great deal more. Briefly, the
greater portion of Extra-Terrestrials found interacting with Earth's life
wave are from the Oritronic Light spectrum.

The Grey's, Lizzies and Insectoids are all born of this realm, some have
adopted full-Light agenda's, but these are rare. Currently their Oritronic
universe is in a state of collapse, and this is actually a part of the
normal evolution of the universes associated with the Precession of the
Equinoxes'*. These beings have an incredible intellect and great knowledge
of subtle energy sciences, but they are not ensouled beings, nor do they
have a heart seed or emotional body. Thoth / Tehuti says if they are able
align their incredible intellects with the true path of Metatronic Light
evolution, they can be granted the opportunity to become ensouled beings
take embodiment in planetary worlds where they may work their way up the
evolutionary spiral as all humans are doing.

Some have done so, but many others have not and their agenda with the
abductions and cattle mutilations, among other not so well known
is to attempt to gain access to genetic knowledge that will allow them to
mutate their genetics in a way that will give them instant access to the
Metatronic Light spiral. Thoth / Tehuti indicates it is not likely they
succeed, but that even in the trying they are making things a bit more
difficult for others who are attempting to move into Metatronic
consciousness via the correct path. It is important to note that these
beings hail from every known constellation visible from Earth, there are
good' and bad' star constellations. All constellations have both an
Oritronic and a Metatronic dimension to them, and so good guys and bad
all hail from all constellations. Those beings from the Oritronic Light
spiral many times have specific purpose in telling humans that they are
to help humanity and that the bad guys' come from wherever.

Now for the Ultra-Terrestrial and Inner-Terrestrial beings. All Ultra
are working with some
gradient of realization of the Metatronic full-Light spiral. Nearly all
Inner- Terrestrial beings are also. There are some factions of beings that
inhabit isolated pockets of the Inner Earth near the surface that are
Oritronic in nature, but their presence has not been felt in surface
interactions to any great degree. Most of the true Metatronic Ultra and
Inner-Terrestrials have nearly human looking features, as they are of the
same essential divine genetic template called the Adam Kadmon* (Hebraic
originated term) as are we. It is these beings that are working with the
Inner Light Network* (ILN) and thus KOALA for the protection of the true
evolution of the planet to succeed.

Another concept is that of the Kali Rift',which is a tear in the fabric of
time-space and separates
the Earth reality from the greater reality within what he calls the Ranna
Time Flow'*. There are many different points or nodes' of interface
the Kali Time Rift and our linear time reality, but in actuality they all
exist simultaneously in the greater continuum (see Figure 1 on page 3).
The Eye of Ra'* is a term Thoth / Tehuti uses to refer to the
inter-dimensional passage from one
side of the Kali Rift to the other, and this is linked to another energy
structure that he refers to as
the Telos-Aarkhara, which is intricately linked to the Cydonia complex on
With these basics we can now proceed to the main body of information on

Thoth / Tehuti on KOALA

This is code name for an Inner Light Network (ILN) research center located
in 8885 A.D. in
Australia. We will start with the meaning of the code name KOALA, which is
an anachronism, as given by Thoth / Tehuti:
Kemesos Ordis Alsais Leduc Alkemestra
Kemesos: Universal law of harmonic integration; all sentient beings
respecting each other's
individual harmonic of existence.
Ordis: Any Order' under Hierarchal authority
Alsais: A Mystery Order of the 13th century in Southern France. KOALA
communes through time
with this Order, and applies some of its innermost sacred knowledge.
Leduc: A geographic definition or pattern used for time integration,
strongly connected to the
Mysteries of Alsais and Rennes le Chateau of France.

Alkemestra: The sacred alchemy of the Atlanteans and early Egyptians.
This center was established by the ILN in our current time frame, and
projected through a time
tunnel to the future. The ILN are people of Outer and Inner Earth working
for divine order in
government and other arenas, many of whom are receiving direct guidance
The KOALA operates on two main levels. The first is human health and
to benefit current time, the second is to devise a code germ' to be
into the matrix which the Extra-Terrestrials and One World League (OWL)
created to manipulate our time grid via such projects as Montauk. T

his germ if successful, would disrupt the gridlock and allow the Metatron
be restored in our reality. The ILN would be looking to have this germ' in
place around the year 2000. The real-time black box' controlling the KOALA
time lock is near Golden, Colorado. KOALA is the counter-balance of
keeping it in check for now, and eventually rendering such dark time
manipulations powerless on Earth. There are other balancing nodes for
Montauk, such as the Atlantis time implosion, Cydonia (the pyramid / face
complex on Mars) etc., one of which is under the Pentagon called the
Ram-Set, and the other at Easter Island. KOALA sits energetically on the
other side of the Kali Rift', or tear in time created by the incidents at
Cydonia, Atlantis and Montauk.

Its black box' control threshold is within this dimension at Golden,
Colorado approximately 250 feet underground in a small complex. While
Montauk upper echelon control is aware of KOALA and their efforts, they
powerless to do anything directly about it. KOALA sits in a dimension that
is not accessible to them.
It is important to understand that KOALA exists in the future Earth
referred to as the New
Earth Star by Tehuti. The actual base of dark operations at Montauk will
be transported into this reality at the time of LP-40* (the great
transitionary ascension moment, or hundredth monkey effect).
There will be a portion of that area going into the New Earth Star Reality
but it is quite small in
relation the entire Montauk region. This area that is going has had its
sacredness perpetuated
throughout the centuries so that it remains intact today.

The KOALA has been instigated through the Telos Aarkhara Capstone on the
of Ra, the
Universal Time Tear. The beings that are guardians and facilitators of the
Telos Aarkhara are the
Sirian Sun Lords. The stellar vectors which align the KOALA in time come
from several
constellations, including the Pleiades and Orion.

The inner workings of KOALA cannot be revealed to persons in this current
time frame, for they
are classified' information, containing certain seals and codes inserted
within its matrix to keep the Timewalkers'* of the fallen Oritronic
from penetrating this knowledge. The information that can be given forth
as follows.
KOALA is a complex spread out upon 38.6 acres of land in Australia,
from 8885 to 9012
A.D. In that time frame what is now Australia' is topographically somewhat
different than it is in our current time. KOALA is located on a floating
island'. Floating islands are terraforms* created and cultivated with
especially fertile First Pure Matter' enriched soil. Everything growing on
terraformed floating island was originally specifically placed there.
However, after the original creation', the high devas (higher elemental
beings) were given co-creative sanction. The shamans of that century are
close communion with the elemental kingdom, and thus the terraform upon
which KOALA exists is a paradise of natural beauty and harmony.

It is called a floating' island because it is anchored into the sea by
powerful cords that are part vegetal matter and part hyperform.
are elemental creations re-arranged atomically to be somewhat out of time
and space. These cords protect floating islands from the time anomalies
are naturally present in their (and our) reality.
For KOALA, this hyper-cording extends into the etheric dimension in minute
fractal geometrics.
The Ultra beings who work with the mortals' of KOALA are also joined by
those human relations
from the Inner Earth. In the age of KOALA both Ultra and
join forces with outer-Earth inhabitants in the development of planetary
consciousness through physical communication and shared knowledge.

One of the major hierarchical commands overseeing the planetary spectrum,
both in this present
time and in the future New Earth Star age, is a Seraphimic angelic
multi-dimensional merkabah*
comprised of nine units of intelligence which Thoth calls the Ennead'.
is very much
interactive in a conscious, and at times physical way, with the Ennead.
Ennead comes from our future but also our past. They are divine time
travelers, and their mission is Light Redemption'*; not through
to any religious doctrine, but at a cellular consciousness level. They
apprise where and what Light mathematical formulas and codes are
in the many multi-dimensional time zones of this Earth, and then they set
into motion specific programs of redeeming the trapped Light'* of the
original Pure Sun* from the atomic and genetic coding of the Worlds within
the Earth spectrum. KOALA is one of these types of programs.'

Those from this time plane who seek to connect with the Ennead and offer
their heart-light' to planetary Light Redemption, may visualize the symbol
of three interlocking circles on the top of a winged staff (see Figure 2
the right), with a sapphire set in the center where the circles conjoin.
radionic* number to insert into this sapphire (mentally or energetically)
Crystals could be employed as focusing tools for this linking, especially
those containing Prima Matra* or First Matter consciousness, such a
moldevite, and those crystals which contain various levels of resonance
First Matter, such as selenite and all lithium-based crystals. Some
is composed of First Matter, and other deposits are not, but all obsidian
highly resonate with Prima Matra.

The Earth-glass crystals we call the Andara' would be especially good for
this service, since they are First Matter and were created out of linear
time'. (These crystals are available through Maia and Simeon of Johannine
Grove / Crest In The Stone Mystery School @ 719-256-4057)
We now take this article into some information written previously by Maia
with input from Thoth
/ Tehuti. This material has been edited to narrow it's focus somewhat more
to the topic at hand, but still accomplishes a diverse coverage of related
topics. This first segment is excerpted from a letter Maia wrote to
Nichols and Peter Moon after reading their book The Montauk Project',
led to Maia originally connecting with Peter Moon.

Dear Mr. Nichols;
I am beginning this letter by giving you a brief bio on myself:
I was born in Caripito, Venezuela in 1949. From a very young age, I have
memories of communing and working with' what I now call
At the age of 18 I
began to understand it all and have been continuously working with them,
source translating'*
(channeling) ancient sciences and other knowledges which I publish through
my Star of Isis Mystery School' (now the Crest in the Stone Mystery
in a Doctrine of Mysteries' called Temple Doors', originally called The
Source'. The Ultras that work with me identify themselves as coming from
star Rigel in Orion, with connections also to Sirius and the Pleiades. But
must stress, that these are ULTRA-Terrestrials, not Extra-Terrestrials. As
they have explained it to me, the Ultras operate in a much higher divine
spectrum of being than those who claim to be from the Orion, Sirius and
Pleiades who are less than spiritual in their agendas.

I say claim', as they actually vampirize the lower zones of these star
regions, but they are not part of the true Metatronic Spiral' of those
regions. They come instead from the Oritronic, or half-Light continuum.
And now background as to why I am writing you. A series of events of
synchronicity has developed, bringing this letter into your hands. Since I
feel you will most likely appreciate the
mystical application of serendipity, I will try to place some of these
coincident happenings in logical order:
1) For several years, my Ultra sources (headed by Thoth / Tehuti - the
who was the
architect of the Great Pyramid) have been involving me as channel, with a
group in the
Michigan - Wisconsin, area primarily, known as The Shekhinah Grove Matrix'
(SGM). They are
a synergy' group headed by an old friend and colleague of mine who is a
retired navy man, William Buehler.

Very basically, his group, or actually several groups, create their own
machines' by positioning their physical bodies in complex geometrics,
they mentally and spiritually perform certain functions and elicit
activations and controls. Thoth / Tehuti has been upgrading their work
last five or six years to a highly developed level. The work is intended
only for the highest spiritual good, that is planetary transformation
the Divine Plan.
This last month William came across some material on Rhombic forms, and
going to Thoth /
Tehuti with this through me, Thoth told him that the Rhombic dynamic was a
manifest, in which time waves could be tripped and manipulated, and matter
could be created
through mental configuration of the Rhombic field. He instructed William
handle it very carefully, and to not enter the Rhombic field directly. He
gave him and thus the SGM group beginner techniques, informing them that
they must follow his warnings about this, or they could create something
disastrous. However, he encouraged them to become involved, but only on
levels Thoth / Tehuti initiated.

2) I experienced three connective dreams these past two months, the second
one just days
before your book came into my hands. Understand that I had not heard of
Montauk Project until after I had these dreams. I knew about the
Philadelphia Experiment, but never actually read a book on it, although I
did see the movie. I have not thought about it or seen anything on it for
several years.
Dream One: I was in a car with several of the Isis Templars (a name for a
group I do planetary
transformation work with). We were driving, or being driven up a mountain
path on a dirt road. We came to a building tucked away in the trees that
barely visible. It appeared to be no more than an old house. As we
approached the building, we noticed that the land had been landscaped
considerably to camouflage other connecting buildings, which appeared

These edifices were built low and rectangular. The whole scene resembled
train box cars partially buried in a derailed fashion (well, not quite,
that's as close as I can come to describing it).
A greater part of the dream is fuzzy, but we entered the building very
cautiously. It was obvious
we were sneaking in. At some point, security men in business suits were
chasing us around. One of the Isis Templars, whom I will refer here to as
Lillie, and I came to the room' we were searching for. It was very medical
in appearance, in that it had a little glass window in the door, as in a
hospital. Lillie put on a long white coat, similar to one a doctor would
wear. She also donned surgical gloves, telling me that she was the one who
should go in to retrieve it', since she was stronger and taller than I
I remember no more, but I feel much more did happen.

Dream Two: I was back at this place again, but was alone and had been
brought into another
building by someone who was pretending to work for them', but was really a
mole' on our side. I never saw this person. They were always behind me or
just out of my vision. I don't even know if it was a man or a woman. They
obviously did not want me to see them. I was lead (somehow) into a room
containing a pedestal draped with a cloth upon which a cube was placed.
cube was open on all sides. It was about the size of a small microwave
There was a light shining underneath the pedestal which caused the cloth
glow a fluorescent-like blue. I was aware that the open sides' of the cube
contained a strong force field. Inside the cube were several natural
(apparently) quartz crystals. But these crystals were along the sides.
Nothing that I could see, sat in the center. Then there appeared a thin
of vertical light, It came from the upper side' of the box and met a
laser-like beam from the bottom. As these two forces met, I sensed a
powerful presence fill the room coming from the box. I do not scare
but I felt as if the Beast were being unleashed upon the Earth. It created
profound urgency in me to get out of there - as far away as I possibly
could. I am accustomed to mystical dreams, visions, Out Of Body
and Ultra-Terrestrials walking around in my bedroom, but at that moment
standing before the beautiful little box with all the pretty crystals and
almost flower-like lights (so attracting and harmless-looking), I felt
unprotected and unprepared for what was to come. I remember thinking that
was like a fireman's pole. Someone or something was coming down the pole,
and I didn't want to be there when it arrived!

I asked my guide' how I could get away, and he / she told me which door to
exit. I went out into
some trees, down a little rock gully, and then came the dogs. Dogs seem to
come out of nowhere at me, and I awoke.
After this second dream, I went to Thoth / Tehuti. He told me that those
were the only two dreams I remember now, but much more has been going on.
said that myself and to some degree, the other Isis Templars are working
the inner-planes dimensions to block' what was going on in this research
center'. He told me that it was located in New Mexico, somewhere not too
from Taos.

The square box was a devise to manipulate time and reality matrices, and
was being used with very little caution...and the Greys' and other
Extra-Terrestrials were behind it, and what he calls the OWL' (One World
Legion) comprised of those who are in all governments to control the world
were also. Thoth / Tehuti said that OWL was working with this to create
controls and power for their system, but that the Extra-Terrestrials had
their own agenda - an even darker one. He said that they were vampirizing'
this reality spectrum; moving energy around so that they could take it
us to build their own reality. Since I am not really into Conspiracy
Theories I was shocked. Although I acknowledge their truth, the truth is
hard to find sometimes. You could become paranoid sifting through the
of misinformation. I also wondered why my Ultra- Terrestrial benefactors'
were lending me to this cause, when generally they keep me away from such