Karuna Reiki Imara Reiki Shamballa Reiki SKHM Reiki I am also a Lightworker Counselor Minister Ascension Teacher Course in Miracles Lifetime Student My mission in life is to show you that you are ALL LOVE. I have travelled to many locations around the world to provide healing and spiritual counseling and speaking engagements for organizations, companies, groups, health facilities, Ascension groups, Course in Miracles groups, families and private individuals. I also do missionary work for those who need these services and cannot afford to pay. I hold classes in various modalities of Reiki as well as Ascension and A Course in Miracles. I am available for private consultation and healing and can be available for short or long term assignments in person. I will come to your church, group. company or family if you have a crisis or need a teacher. I work with God to heal every part of your spirit, mind and body. Nothing is impossible. I can help you find the way back to heaven. Namaste Please feel free to send an email to magnoliaz101@yahoo.com