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Ok Lmao DeEz Be Ma Fanzzz(ppl Dat Is Haten) Y U Haten???? Lmao


Friday 10/24/2003 4:54:17pm

Naim: none of ya gawkdamn business

Ya Web SpOt:

Ya E-Mail Addy:

How U Dun Got Hea:Just Cuz N Stay Outa MA AzZ HomeZ ;P

Where U Be?:um its the fucckin internet bitccccccccc

Fill Me N...:YOu need to stop being a hater.. and um u think your blocks stop people from takin shit ... plz bitch those are so childish and easy to get around stop trying to be something you are not.. and oh u say you are are not racist but yet you make racial comments .. so what the fucc is it either you are or you are not... fuck you bitch and the horse you rode in on

Congratulations U Da First Hata Lmao Y U Hatten??? First Off I Ent Racist Ma Bro N Law Is White N Im Coo Wit Him n I Neva Said That Those Blockz Can Stop ppl From Steelin Shit Cuz if They Was Smart Enuff They Would Drag It Off Duh N I Dunt Kno Wat u Talkin About Cuz I Dunt Have That On Ma Page Duhhhhhh Hahhaha  N Wa U Cant State Who U Is??? Lmao Talkin All Dat Shit But Ent Put Ya Name Heehee

Monday 10/27/2003 6:33:20pm

Naim: 13itch

Ya Web SpOt:

Ya E-Mail Addy:

How U Dun Got Hea: Droped Out Da Sky



Ok So Ya Naim Iz Bitch??? Lmao Talkin About Ebonicz Bitch Meanz A Female Dog N U Ppl Sure Have Adopted It As Yallz Naimz N Proud To Call Yallz Selvez "Bitchez" So Is That Wa Yall Think Of Yallz Selvez?? And It Dunt Really Matta How I Speak Dis Crapy Language Cuz Im Not English Im Black N Native American And Sorry But Dis Language Wasnt Ment Fa Us HAHAHAAnywayz Hmmmmm WTF R U Talkin About????? Thinken Im Betta Then Errywun???? Lmao

Watz her Name XxSeXxIl3ytChxXx

Watz Da Deel Wit Her: Imen Meh wit her issuez Bout Me Lettin Erry Body Kno Wa Da Celebz Look Like 4real N Plus She A Plain Hata I Was Tryna Put Da Convo Up Hea But I Accidentally Closed Out Da Im I Was Like Noo Lol  But Anywayz She A Hata Lmao She Imed Me Den Gonna Say Speak Rite Lol Im Like Hun u Imed Me Duh

Watz Her Name xOxkOrtneyxOx

Naim: Kortney
Ya Web SpOt:
Ya E-Mail Addy:
How U Dun Got Hea: Just Cuz N Stay Outa MA AzZ HomeZ ;P
Where U Be?: Umm.. my house.
Fill Me N...: Okay first off, your lame. Type like you have some form of education k? Whats up with all the ebonics? And you act like your not racist, but say racist comments... poor guy =[

Lmao Iz It Ya Bizznass If I Speak Ebonicz???? Lmao U Da Wun Dwellin Ova It Hahaha N Im Not Rasict As I Said B4 Ma Bro N Law Iz White n We Pretty Coo Aitez?? N Lmao Did U Have Ta Post it 3 Tymez Lmao Who Is U Tryna Convince Me Or U?? Haha 

OOOOOOOOOk Now Y Do Pplz Feel As Thought I Care Wa Dey Think If U Dunt Like It Den Y Da Hell Did U Read It ????Anywayz If Youd Dunt Like It Then Rhas Ya Problem Ok 99% of American Girlz R Hoez N Erry Body Knoz It Juss Cuz U American Dunt Mean Im Talkin To U Cuz Im American 2 but Im Talkin About The Majority Of American Girlz R Hoez N das A Knowen Fact Erry Body Haven Sex N Not Married Wat Do American Girlz Have To Affore???I Mean NoBody Wantz Sum Girl Dat Lookz Used N ABused Das Smokez N Is On Drugz Sorry I Wasnt Raised Hea So Sum Ppl Dunt Consider Me American But I Am Im Black/Native AmericanSo B4 Imen Me Thinken Im Iraqi IM NOT ARAB PERIOD

SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  hahah
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  whuts up wit yah webpage? lol that shyt aint co0l
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  HeLlO?
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  wat ent coo??
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  ur liddl comment bout american grlz
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ok
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  puttin us out there like we r straight up h0es n shyt
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  na that aint even riite .. 
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  well most of them r
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  n yall put yallz selfes out there
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  its jus the way ppl r
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  y does it gotta b "american gurls" r h0es .. 
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lol cuz dey da only wunz hoen
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  lol u serious ..
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  yea i am
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  u got the wrong impression then
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  i do??
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  u from iraq?
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  no im not
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  not tryin to bust ..
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  did u not read da about me side??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  im blAck/native american
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  dam why u gettin all hype?
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  im not hype
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  ok
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  thats REAL ignorant tho
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  it is??
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  yeh it is .. how is sum1 gonna stoop so fuccin low and type that shyt in a webpage where every1 and any1 can go n see it
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  looooooool how sumwun gonna walk down da street n booty shortz so erry body can see it
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  n a video??

I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ppl didnt see that??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  but u mad cuz i typed sumthin o ma page??

I Oh SoO PurDi I:  on*
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ent a shame ta dress n act like a hoe but wen sumbody call yall hoez all hell brake loos
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  what r u sayin?? thats the people in the viedos and ppl walkin down the street .. they r makin themselves look like that
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  well watz the problem then??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  das wa dey wanna be das wa dey gonna be called
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  ur jus talkin shyt tho .. its like u gettin on camera and sayin that in a viedo and then ppl watch it
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  loool
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  yea wa eva america is the only place where girlz r so hoey
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  its makin no sence .. ur jus stoopin as low as u think american girls r
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lol i am???
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  yeh u are
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  how is that??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  did i put on a mini skirt n walk down da street all loud acten like a hoe??

I Oh SoO PurDi I:  all ova erry boy on da block??
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  thats puree fuccin racism
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lol it is???
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  how is that??
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  would u stop wit the :lol:
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  racist against who??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao u not maken sense hea
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao i am AMERICAN
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  ok then ur a h0e too?
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  cuz ur am american
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  and ur sayin american girls r h0es
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  so ur a h0e rite?
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao no cuz i kno im not like that n if u wasnt like that den i dunt see the problem
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  yeh and alot of american girls r gonna look at ur page and be like "no i aint a h0e cuz i kno im not like that n if i aint like that i dun see the prob"
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao 99 percent of american girlz r not virginz n was not married wen dey messed around u tellen me das not a hoe??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  hmm cuz according to the bible itz bein a whore
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  ok where u find ur facts at?
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  huh
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao look n ya hood duh
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  errybody god babiez ent nobody married
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  ok u jus looked in ur hood and was like YEAH 99 PERCENT OF AMERICAN GIRLS R WHORES AND WERE MARRIED
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  whose not makin sence?
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  4real
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  tell me
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao u
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  cuz im not only lookin n ma hood
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  cuz it looks like u were the 1 who was not makin sence at all
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  u a fuccin human calculator?
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lol hun u look n deez hoodz taday look at da videoz erry girl is hoen 
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao hun if u not a hoe den watz da problem??
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  na but im sayin im a pure american girl
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lool oo o k
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  that shyt is stupid postin that on ur page dissin americans
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lol ok das nice ta see u think so
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  now r u dun??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  cuz i was bizzy
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  dun??
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  hahahhaha
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  im glad u got a laugh outa dis to
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  lol i deff. did ..
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  lmfa0 .. u ever check out pages of ppl hatin on muslims
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  no cuz i really dunt care to
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  i REALLY suggest that u go on 1
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  realllyyy
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  ud be imin ppl in the blink of an eye
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  4 wa??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  i will??
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  theres like 5939 million of them
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  no i juss dunt pay it no mind
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  lol holdd...
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  it doesnt hurt me like it hurtz u
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  u dun pay no mind?
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  no i dunt i dunt pay dem sitez no mind
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  na it dun HURT me .. it MAKES ME SICK  to kno that muslims hate americans
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  its jus sooooo fuccin funnie
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  loool i am american as i jusss said
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  lol Y R U HATIN DEN
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  damm
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  thats whut i wanna kno
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lol im not haten 
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  watz ta hate on??
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  every thing
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  girlz wit lil mini skirtz sowen errybody wa dey got??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao like??
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  american girls qot way more to offer hunnie
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  straight up FACT .. 
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lol like??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  all da dudez already had yall
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  from many ppls prospectives ..
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  HAHAH
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  yo
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  listen
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  das y da american men joined da army went to iraq and married an iraqy girl
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  i NEVER EVER EVER saw a muslim chick on the tv .. lookin as pretty as us americans ..
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  did u?
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  im sure u didnt?
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  all AMERICANS ..
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao really??
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  i never see muslim chicks on the tv
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  pretty as american girlz??

SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  cept for that iraq shyt
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  yeh fo0l u herd riite
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  tv hunny american girlz on tv r all fake n made up
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  LMAO
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  but yerr mad
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  make up all on der facez
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  dunt even kno wa dey really look like
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  cuz u cant get made up like dat so u can look purdii
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  wake up hun
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  whut eva ..
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  i made my point tho
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  itz iite
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  loool im already pretty 5'5 carmel skin curly hair n alll
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  keep hatin yo0 .. but it aint makin  ya purdi
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  hun i ben dun wit u
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  lol
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  aiite den
SeCkSi xO ShOrDi:  pcc
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  finally bye

IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  HEY!
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  hey
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lol i was doin sumthin
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  wat???? how many bannaz u want???
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  gurl u werkin me 2 much
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  girl?"
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  no i spell it gurl
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  im not a gurl or girl thats the point
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  wat r u??
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  a maLe!!!
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  looool
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  lmfao
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  u bout stupid..
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  i thought u knew that when i told you my name was lamar
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  loooool no i thought u was a girl gettin a tag fa a dude
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  no the first tag was for my friend
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  and the second one was for me
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  how old r u??
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  lol, i cant tell you
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lol u cant??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  y not???
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  yeah because im young
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  so how old??
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  ~~~~~~~~^
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  14
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  yea thas young lol u 2 yearz younga den me
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  lol shuddup
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ok not tryna be mean but u have that font witch is a girl font:-\
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  nuh uh
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  yea huh
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  i got this idea from a boy named danny
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao is he gay??

IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  no
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  it was a really bad idea
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  not that i know of
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  how is it a girl font?
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  y dunt u download tagsxtreme or bringthanoize
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  itz heartz
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  heartz
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  hey is that danny person an aol member??
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  whats that
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  what are u talkin about
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  yeah his screen name is d roc bk
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  he go to my school and stay in my neighborhood
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  but he not on
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  oh i thought it was str8 out da less
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ok the font has heartz on it
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  download tagzxtreme or bring the noize
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  what has hearts on it
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  download what, for what?
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ok ur font has heartz on it
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  do u see ma font??
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  yeah
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  i dont see hearts
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  omg u dont????????
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  no
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  where at?
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  on the font lil heartz
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  itz a font i downloaded and u have the same wun
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  i didnt download this its on my computer
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  i, dont think u too much HAVE IT ALL
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lol ok go to my page n go to the haterz page n look at the font with the heartz
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  the page is called ma fanz
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  ok
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  hold up
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ok
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  i wenty to yo page and that font isnt the samr one its arial
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  same*
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  u dunt see a font with heartz???
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  no
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  how the fuck can a fotn have hearts on it?
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao lemme show u
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  ok
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ok i sent u sumthin
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  maybe u can see it niow
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  now*
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  itz juss like the font a made ur tag like that exept that font has girlz on it
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  what
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ok do u understand anything???
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  bitch i understand alot and i UNDERSTAND MY FOTN AINT GOT NO FUCKIN HEARTS ON IT
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  bitch??

I Oh SoO PurDi I:  bounce ya gay ass offa ma screen HOE
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  holup
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  n ya banna is goin up fa takez fag
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  bitch u tha one tellin me about yo gay ass font got hearts on it bitch
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  bounce
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  i dont givea fuck what that shit got on it i aint got it hoe
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  bounce
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO:  and u bounce da fuck up out my im box NAPPY HEAD BITCH
IiXpLiiCiiTeCkO signed off at 4:57 PM

lmao ok ok ok first off he a freeloadin fag second i dunt got no nappy hair hun im baggin wit curly hair carmel skin pretty brown eyez i mean come on da fag got quotez on his page quotez i said n girl dollz???? wtf is he doin wit girl dollz on his page???? first it was on a boy named danny gave me this idea den wen i told him it was gay all da sudden he ent got it???? lmaooooo i mean i ent wanna hurt da lil boyz feelinz but had ta let him kno heartz ent cute fa dudez im sorry n red ent ethait lookz gay to me ok im wearin read y the hell is u wearin red to????? damn now dudez wearin pink watz next huh??? u gonna put on a bra to????? now this whole tyme i was talkin to dis dude i mean the whole 2 weekz dis dude gettin smart n shit but the funny thing is i thought he was a she hahahaha talkin like a bitch yo now das a tru bitch rie dere tru to his pplz (female dogz) haha so funny he called ma nappy headed he neva even saw me b4 bitch u see me n u will grow chest hairz hahaha prolly a d*ck to haha lmao anywayz im dun wit da lil gay peepee boy haha

5 minutez lata it still goes on with a notha e-mail lmao heas wa was said

the subject:STupid ass ho


ok ok ok now hea is his bannaz lmao lookz like a lil kid did them wait i 4got he is a lil kid haha in if my bannaz was ugly ppl wont be comen caq for anotha wun like u n how many timez u gonna say bitch as ho fuck?? lmao n u usen dem wrong look at the highlighted n red lmao ugly ass fuck ho hahaha

ok now errybody heaz the banna that i made 4 him itz up 4 takez u can have it


how da fuck ima love bein a fag but you thought i was a girl....? YEAH HO YOU LYIN AND IF OUR BANNERS WAS KIDS SHIT WDF YOU MAKIN EM HO

Ok Fa Wun I Thought He Was A Girl Cuz The Way He Is Im Sorry But I DUnt Care If U Behinde A SCreen Or Not A Dude Actz Like A Dude And  A Girl Actz Like A Girlz Thatz That N I Didnt Say Bannaz Was Kidz Shit This IS Wa I Said "lmao fa wun ya bannaz look like a lil kid did dem lmao wait u is a lil kid"

Thats Wa Was Said i Said Ya Bannaz I Didnt Say Bannaz Is Kidz Shit Lmao 

E-mail #2 Afta That Wun Lmao


Ok Lmao 4 Wun U Ent Gonna Chump The Hell Outa Nobody U DUnt Even Kno Me Lmaoooooo N 2 I Didnt Say Go Play Hide N Seek Cuza Ya Age Itz Cuz u Act Like A Lil Kid Lol So Hey Y Dunt U Go Play Hide N Seek or Do Sumthin Wit Ya Life  Haha Besidez E-mailen Me Childish E-mailz

 UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  yo
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  yea
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  why u thinkin ur all that>?
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  y do i think im all that??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  how do u kno i think that??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ????
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  look at ur webpage
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ok wat about it??
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  talking about americans and shytt
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  well since i am american i think i can do that now if u dunt like it i dunt care i gotz freedome of speech
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  ur stupid cause ur american and ur callin them hos
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  thats nice
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  r u dun??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  i meen look at ur profile watz that??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  i dont mind and ur girlfriend dont matter??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao how hoey is that??
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  soo am i hoe now?
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao well u tell me i dont mind and ur girlfriend dont matter no if u was n his girlfriendz position u would be sayin oh that hoe 
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  now*
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  lmao no i wouldn't be
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  yea u would
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  nah
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  n das str8 up triflin to be messin wit sum otha girlz man anywayz
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  lol well if another gurls b/f is messin around wit sumone esle his gurl must not be pleasin him right
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  so wa das str8 up unclassy
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  cuz if he dunt like it den he should leave her
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  its tha truth
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  u would be like da side hoe n she da #wun if he ent leave her yet
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  but i'd kno i was doin sumthing right
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao u is??
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ok im dun wit u u ent got it all
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  ugh
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  ur tha one dissin people like ur all that
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  lmao judgen by da shit u sayin i am all that compared ta u
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  nah i don't think soo
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  ok thats nice bye
UnFoRg3tAbLeLeE:  wutever
I Oh SoO PurDi I:  bye

Ok As If i Eva Said I Was Betta Then Anybody But Her Now Fa Wun If U Is Hoen Around Wit Sumbody Elsez Man Den Hun Wa U Think u Is An Angel???? I Meen Wa Do U Think Whorez R For????? Cuz He Picked U Ta Be His Side Hoe Cuz His Wife/Girl Must Not Be Doin Da Triflin Stuff Da U Doin N Umm U Trippin Cuz I Called AMerican Girlz Hoez Look AT Ya Profile "Always remember it's mind over matter..
.I don't mind and ur gurlfriend don't matter
" Hmmmm Ya GirlFriend Dunt Matter How HOey Is Dat?? Das So Triflin N Ta Tell Me Da Messin Wit Sumbody Elsez Man Ent Triflin Is Messed Up Den Gonna Say Dat It ent?? n Dat If She Was His GirlFriend N Sum Chick Was Messin Wit Her Man Den She Wouldnt Call Da Chick A Hoe Lmao Obviously U Hoen Around Ya Self HaHA N ANywayz Dunt Getz Mad At Me Cuz If U Is A Christian Den ya Bible Callz U A Whore So Oh Well


Wall Of Shame

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