She had known ever since she was really young that she was different from other girls her age. And it never dawned on her that she could be gay until a gay relative took her to a party, and she met a wonderful girl did she realize that she was gay. The whole man-woman relationship never appealed to her, but she wasn't about to come out and tell everyone she knew, all of them were homophobic. And she didn't need to be a outcast right now.
The cold wind bit her like blast of cold ice as she rounded the corner and walked up onto the porch. The lights were still on which meant her mom was still up, probably worrying about her, and if she was ok, if she would get home on time, the usual parent stuff. She turned the cold knob, walking into the warm house,removing her jacket as her mom walked out of the kitchen and into the livingroom.
"Hey Lisa, have fun tonight?" she asked taking a drink of coffee.
"Yeah mom, great. They had a great dj."
"That's good. So I'm guessing they had great music?"
"Yep, excellent stuff."
She walked into the livingroom, and sat down on the couch to watch some tv. Lisa followed her, not wanting to be suspicous, but she did want to avoid any questions that her mom would ask about boys, which she knew was coming. Her mom was such a predictable person. And she always asked about guys when she got back from dances, or parties.
"Dance with any nice guys?"
Bingo,"A few. But we didn't have a lot in common."
"You'll find someone you click with sooner or later." she said channel surfing.
"I hope so." she silently prayed that she wouldn't ask anymore questions.
"Are you gonna go out any this weekend?"
"Maybe, why?"
"I was just wondering so I know if I have to fix dinner and leave it for you or not."
"If I go out, I'll probably just buy something out."
"Ok, well there is always something to heat up in there if you don't. I'm gonna get going to bed. I'll see you in the morning." she said hugging me before walking up the long stairs. Lisa walked into the kitchen, and made herself a sandwhich before she went upstairs to her room. She turned her tv on, and then her computer in which she checked her email on. She had gotten a few from people she had met online the night before, just wanting to say hi. She replied and headed into a Lesbian chatroom to chat with her 'friends'.
Before she knew it, it was already 2:30. Which was late for her. She said goodbye to everyone, and got ready for bed. But first, she pulled out her journal and began to write:
Dear Journal
I had the worst time ever tonight. I had to party with guys and act like I had fun. Which I didn't. I dance with Chad, who was trashed before 9p.m., and then I danced with Craig, who was such a player, he kept trying to grab my ass. Finally I said, get the hell away from me, and walked off to go sit on the couch with Kacie, we talked awhile before she said she was tired of this and was going home. I agreed and we walked with eachother until we got to her house. I walked the rest of the way by myself. And to top it all off, it's freezing outside! It's unbelievable the things we do when we are on the verge of going crazy. I'm just glad that I got out of there. I came home to mom's 20 questions, and then I made a sandwhich and came upstairs to the solace of my computer and online friends. Atleast all of them know how I feel at times. No one else does, and that sucks. Well I better be going to bed because I want to go to mall today, and hang out, later.
She placed her journal on her nightstand, turned out the light and went to sleep.
She woke up in the morning with the sun shining in her face. She pushed her pillow into her face, blocking the sun, but she couldn't breathe, so that idea was quickly rejected. She got out of bed, found some clothes that looked interesting to her, and headed into the bathroom to take a nice long shower. She dried her hair, dressed, brushed her teeth and headed downstairs to eat breakfast.
Her mom was fixing waffles and eggs, running back and forth between the fridge and stove. And the dog who kept begging for little bits of food here and there. Sometimes she would give him some, and sometimes she wouldn't.
"Good morning. Ready for a nice day?"
"I hope so." I said groggily. "I hope I have a good time at the mall."
"Well you should," she said filling up my plate,"It's going to be a beautiful day, no rain until tomorrow. But we do need rain." she said smiling as she fixed her breakfast.
"How can you be so cheery this early in the morning?"
"Early?Dear it's 9:00 am!"
"It's early to me."
The mall was not crowded, which was unusual for a Saturday. Once and while a group of teenagers would pass by, but not constantly like usual.
She headed to the record store, and bought a few cds that she had been wanting. Her next stop was the clothing store where she got a rainbow shirt and new pair of shoes. By the time she was done, she headed to the food court to get something to eat. She had to wait in line for ages, while she did, she checked out a few cute girls that walked by. None of them noticed thank god, but she really wouldn't cared if she had gotten caught. Finally it was her turn to order, so she got a burger, fries and a shake. She sat down at a table in the far corner, hoping not to be noticed, but it didn't work, before she knew it, Kacie plopped down in front of her.
"Hi Lisa."
"Kacie, hey."
"How are you this afternoon?"
"Great, and you?"
"Good. I just wanted to say hi, and that I had a great time talking to you last night."
Lisa stopped chewing as she heard that comment. Kacie gay? No way, she didn't even seem like the person to be bisexual, but you never know."Yeah, so did I." she blurted out before she even had a chance to think. But it was true. In all honesty, she had a crush on Kacie, she was cute, friendly, charming, and nice. Pretty much perfect to her.
"Lisa, whatcha thinking?" her thoughts were interrupted by Kacie moving her hand back and forth in front of her face.
"Nothing, nothing."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yeah, I'm sure."
"Ok then. Do you wanna go see a movie after you are done? I mean, you don't have to if you don't want."
Lisa thought for a second, if she went, she would have a change to hang out with Kacie, and see if she was gay, or whatever, if she didn't, she would lose that whole oppurtunity."I'd love to."
"Great, finish eating, and we'll go. I really don't care what we see, I just want to see a movie."
"Same here."
The line for the movie theatre was long. By the time they got there, only a few movies were not sold out. So, both of them decided on the movie Ice age. Sure it was more of a kids thing, but it did look funny, and hey, she could use a laugh right now. The both got a soda and some candy to eat. Chocolate rather, which is a must have at a movie. They were rather early for the movie to start so they walked in, found seats way in the back, got comfortable and talked until the previews began.
Lisa had to admit that the movie was funny, that damn squirrel popped up everytime to get everyone rolling. Every once and awhile, Kacie would lean over and make a comment to Lisa, making her laugh nervously. If Lisa was mistaken, Kacie was flirting with her, but afterall, she could be just wanting it to be true, so she thinks she is, but she really did think she was flirting.
The movie ended and the two filled out of the theatre with the rest of the crowd. Kacie walked ahead of Lisa before she turned around abruptly.
"Are you going home yet?" she asked pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Can I have a ride to my house. My ride isn't here yet."
"Sure, I'll drop you off, I mean it's on my way."
"Great," she said smiling from ear to ear.
The two walked out to Lisa's car, not speaking at all. Lisa unlocked the car, and both of them got in. Kacie seemed to be thinking about saying something, she could tell by the look on her face. Lisa was about to tell her to just say whatever she wanted to, but Kacie beat her to it.
"Listen, there is something that I've been wanting to ask. And, you don't have to tell me if you don't want, you don't have to go in great detail, but I just want to ask you before it drives me crazy."
Lisa turned to face Kacie while she was stopped at a stop light."Sure, ask me."
"Well, I just wanted to know, are you a lesbian, or bisexual?"
Lisa's jaw dropped. Could everyone really tell that much about her. She took a deep breath and said, "Yeah, I'm a lesbian."
Kacie smiled, "I thought you were. I'm cool with it, and I won't tell anyone."
"Can I ask why you wanted to know?"
"Well, she the thing is, I think I'm a lesbian, and I had such a great time talking to you last night, I really liked hanging with you. I just got this vibe from you, like I thought you were gay. I just had to ask you."
"Well I am."
"Thanks for being honest with me."
"Well it's about time that I told someone I was anyway. That party last night drove me mad, I hated dancing with all those guys. UGGGHH!" she said making a strange face. Kacie started lauging at her. "What is so funny?"
"Oh, so I'm funny."
"Yes, in fact you are."
Lisa pulled into Kacie's driveway and came to a complete stop. Kacie looked at Lisa, "Thanks for dropping me off. What are you doing tomorrow?"
"Nothing I believe."
"Well, maybe I'll stop by your house." She said stepping out of the car.
Lisa watched her walk into the house before she drove on the down the road to her house. Her mind was racing with the days events. Maybe everything would start going her way for once.And even if her and Kacie didn't go out, but remained really good friends, atleast she would know someone in person that she could relate to. She pulled into her driveway, shutting the car off, and walking into the house to the smell of cookies baking in the oven. She walked right upstairs to write in her journal with a smile on her face.