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Guardians of Paradise
Only the worthy shall enter...


Of course, like any group, there are a set of rules that must be followed in order to keep things under control , while having fun at the same time. I have listed the rules below, and they MUST be followed. Failure to abide by the rules can end in termination from the clan. Falling from the ranks of a guardian is shameful, and chances of getting back in are slim, but still there. Read them carefully before joining the clan.

  1. Code Of Conduct
  2. -RESPECT is a major symbol of {=GOP=}. Members must respect other members, as well as members from other clans. There will be zero tollarence for disrepecting anyone!

    -Keep swearing to a minimum. While you are allowed a few good words, refrain from puting other people down with them. This will affect your over-all outlook when it comes time for a promotion consideration, and you will make the clan look so much better by toning down a bit.

    -This clan will have it's allies, and enemies, but in no way are we to bash either of them. Having allies helps out a lot, and enemies... well, they are just competition! Any sign of disrespect towards them is just poor sportsmanship, so watch what you say!

  4. -Cheating causes many problems between players and even clans themselves. This also creates a major disadvantage for the other team, and is said by the Guardians that a game won by cheating is no victory at all, but a shameful act of cowardness. If it is reported to me or any of the high guardians that you have used a cheat while wearing the {=GOP=} tag, disiplinary actions will be taken (demotions and ultimately, termination). Scrimms and matches, however, will be done on a punkbuster server anyway, so hopefully that will eliminate the match problems.
  5. Attendance
  • -How Often Should I be on?
    Lucky for you, we are not too strict with this rule. HOWEVER, if you want to be promoted from a new recruit to a Guardian (the first step in becoming a TRUE member) you must meet with one of the High Guardians, the co-leader, or myself, at a convenient time and show us what you have. Due to on the spot membership after contacting me, it will take a meet or two of proof in order for you to earn your Guardianship. After that, when you get on and how often you do is up to you, just as long as you prove to be an active member!

    -What if I never get around to meeting with you in order to get a promotion?
    Simple... you wont get promoted until that happens, and if too much time passes without sight of you, and there is lack of effort for communicating with me, the co-leader, or one of the High Guardians, as to when we can meet, termination will be the only option.

    -Do I HAVE to play with the clan everytime I get on?
    No. However, an effort to act as part of a team on any given server is encouraged.

    -What about practices?
    Well, if you have decided to be a part of the clan, then of course! Make every practice you can! If little or no effort is given, then there is no place for you amongst the Guardians!

    -I see we have a clan forum... do I have to post there?
    It is in the best interest of the clan that you do post at the forum. This tells us who is active and who is not. It will also be a good place to plan tactics and exchange information about yourself and how you play. So please do post as often as possible in the forums! If you do not at least post a reply to the roll calls, you will be sent a notice questioning your status with the clan. It is always a good idea to let the clan know of your absence before it takes place.

For now, all these rules apply as they stand! I do reserve the right to change rules to better fit the clan, yet I will NOT change them to go against a member of the clan. HOWEVER, if a member gives me the reason to make any ammendments to the rules, it will be done!