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Wonders Mod PRE ALPHA

NOTE: This is a pre alpha version of the mod, it has NOT been tested very much, in theory the AI works but i don't think it's fully functional (i'll try to improve the AI on future updates, but i suck at AI modding... :(... ), anyway the mod is not intended to be played against the AI, it's mainly to be played on PBW or PBEM against other humans.

The idea behind this mod is that one player controls an empire called the Trans-Dimensional Beings (yes, i know it's not very creative....) who is veryyyyyy powerfull, i'm trying (i say again TRYING) to create some race like the Antarans from MoO but under control of a human, there are new technollogies and ships (for the trans-dimensional beings) the rest of the mod remains the same except for some modification on a attempt to make fighters a bit more usefull and some other modifications.

You'll need Image Mod to use these MOD! download it from here (if my memory don't fails)


If you have any suggestions i'll be happy to read them! post them on the Intel forums or send me a email thanks for your time!