Welcome to MakeTap's first MakeTap box concept of illustrations and retrospection. Your purpose is organization of thought to examine rhythm from the past into a future concept. This is an exercise to prepare your art literacy to respect your own creativity.
From the antiquities, this representation of a color system by Aristotle's semi-circle is seen in the row of images at that page on www.colorsystem.com.
You are to click to ColorSystem.com to visit images of the concept by Pythagoras at Universe by Pythagoras. Use your browser's back button to come back to this page. Then visit the image of the concept by Aristotle at Aristotle's Universe. Click your back button to return.
Chapter 1 - MakeTap Task 1 MakeTap Task 2 MakeTap Task 3 MakeTap Task 4 MakeTap Task 5 MakeTap Task 6 |
Chapter 3 - MakeTap Task 7 |
Chapter 4 - MakeTap Task 8 MakeTap Task 9 |
Chapter 7 - MakeTap Task 10 |
Chapter 8 - MakeTap Task 11 MakeTap Task 12 |