These links, hue, Chroma (saturation), and value go to the website.
HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness and HSV stands for hue, saturation, and value. These acronyms are the most common cylindrical-coordinates for points representing color space values used in color-pickers and image editing software. Developed in the 70s, they are better than plain RGB.
If it was not for Albert H. Munsell, color properties attribution, hue, value, and Chroma, may not have come into existence when it did. These properties did not exist in color theory before Albert H. Munsell attached significance to color attributes."Hue, value and Chroma can be varied independently so that all colors can be arranged according to the three attributes in a three-dimensional space. The neutral colors are placed along a vertical line, called the "neutral axis", with black at the bottom, white at the top, and all grays in between. The different hues are displayed at various angles around the neutral axis. The Chroma scale is perpendicular to the axis, increasing outward. This three-dimensional arrangement of colors is called the Munsell color space" (
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