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Last update: 08.16.2002 18:23


Imperial Navy Members Area. Member_AA-15832636

I agree with Miranda , I like this font too . This should be like a profile so here we go:

Real First Name : Alejandro Enrique

Real Last Name : Araujo Fajardo

Birth Date: 11-09-1982

ID (in Venezuela it is CD): 15.832.636 

Officially join IS_N in: July 7, 1997

Last rank : Admiral , since 1999 (after playing all games 24/7) 

Attached to : Fleet 222 (Admiral)


Admiral's log , stardate 200024. , ED_2002-08-15-11:16

I've a personal point of view about this. I do not like the idea of sharing it but I believe that the old IN is dying and Mendoza wanted to use the internet to keep IN alive with some new members ...people who joins IN thru internet should be fans of SW's Empire so that gives a guarantee of active presence. And he assigned Miranda (she insisted to be assigned with me), Martínez and me because we are among the most loyal members of the IN he didn't assigned Hidalgo because she 's helping he to admin the local division and...besides...I was available for any duty. The establishment of the internet division is a years long plan, we started by learning how zone works , who could be our allies and our enemies, Then we learned how much you can trust someone via internet and then the next phase is to build the site and start some serious recruitment, then we'll start some internal tournaments. Although ISN rhetorically still works, I think it'll be closed and if not, it only works for LAN, not for internet so we are forced to use temporally the BSC server and the zone. Many clans create a BSC club but I want to keep traditional IS_N organization so I will create several "Fleets" on BSC which will work to host our internet fleets like the fleet 2 ,3 and 4 . The Fleet commander will be the admin once we find him/her. I have in mind the plan of buying a server to host our fleets but that will be in the next two or 3 years. For the moment I don't have enough money for this campaign so I'll try to improvise but I must insist I feel like if I were the only IN here , hopefully the clan will not disband, if so I'll try to keep it no matter if I finish with a one man clan. Miranda tries to get some time to make presence on the zone, play, recruit and also help with the site but her vacations will not last forever and eventually she'll continue her career and her job, Martínez got promoted fast to the rank of lieutenant after starting playing on the zone (IS_N training allows him to beat some standard "zoners") but he has his own stuff to do as well as Amanda and MW , Poseidon will not help me and if so he does nothing, and I can't ask Emperor Palpatine for anything until I finish the site . Griffin is too prideful to return ...but would be a good idea to ask him since seems to be that the recruitment is easy for him. Unfortunately Griffin have an individual point of view of the Empire, in fact while he was on IA he made a site but he added a section with the Myth while giving almost anything to IA. Neither IA nor IN (or IS_N  whatever you want to call it) are a particular people's empire. We are the Galactic Empire and if we are about to say that we are the official Empire, at least we should try to keep standards, in fact that's why I don't upload any MIDI nor SW empire's images (except the Imperial Seal) IS_N a merely functional organization, there's no chance for decorative stuff ....that's why I'm moving Miranda's links and my logs to another place because IS website must keep it's style. The best simulation about something like the Empire comes when you try to make it functional. And no one nor in the movies neither the games saw a part of the imperial holonet with images , pictures and gay MIDIs (or will the imperials spend resources in decorative stuff?). For me it is like a role game. Better look at the clan as a gaming organization with a philosophy and stuff. After finishing all this things I'll quit from the navy. I've played enough this RPG , I have to dedicate my time to my career and my life. I have played enough SW games. And it's time to shut down the Laila or to give it another commander. 

So it's up to me and the recruits Nathalye found . I'll have free time until September 23 ...I'll try to finish the site, create the BSC fleets, upload the modifications on XWA, XvT and SWR, add more message boards, work on the fleet's BSC site and recruit. Also I'll try to study some stuff about my career. Hopefully I'll succeed ...otherwise IS_N will wait another year until I have enough free time. Ah just another thing: I have the idea of putting my logs into a message board so I'll not take care of establishing what logs are classified all logs could be classified and the people interested (not many I guess and I hope) should e mail me for the pass.


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