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Last update: 08.08.2002 13:18




While other clans like DS have images and squads with both rebel alliance and US images....we have here our sources of inspiration too. Not to be bad guys , never, just to bring some real justice and harmony to the people in the world.

First credit should be to Alí Primera . He inspired a lot of people and helped us keeping our mind clear :the battle for justice will not finish until the goverments learn to bring hapiness to the biggest amount of people as possible.

and to one person who teached us to love everyone , have no enemies,always searching for justice ,equality and real liberty. Someone who never surrender and brought a new hope to our countries . Many people says that Bolívar returned from the death to rescue América and his new name is Hugo Chávez =).So thank you Mr. President for teachin us to love our country , our culture and to defend the people's will... now like ppl says: "ˇAlerta , alerta que camina , la Espada de Bolívar por América Latina!".

Tengo fé de que juntos saldremos adelante con trabajo y amor =D

Our Empire is the empire of Law , Democracy, Justice, Order , Equality, Harmony , Respect and Love and we will do our best to help having a better world to live. Because this revolution is beyond one man, one country. This revolution is in everyone's heart. Cuba is just the vanguard. América is waking up. Take a look at Venezuela, Brazil , Argentina , Bolivia ,Peru and United States itself!, the people doesn't want more war . And this time we will not allow the shadows to touch us, we will do the things in the right way!!!!.