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Last update: 08.15.2002 11:00


Imperial Navy Members Area.


The idea of this section is to provide the members with an url to post their web sites so if someone wants to know a little more about IS_N members this is the right place. Mendoza's ISN server and IN are well established and IN is one of the biggest clans in Venezuela (with 515 members) but here on the internet Miranda and me , Araujo, are the only IN members with an active presence. Hopefully this will change with the recruitment of new troopers and pilots. So for the moment there's two links : one for Miranda's site and one for my site. Lt Martínez did a good job by helping me with the site building. I don't have enough money to buy a domain or a server like Mendoza did and Mendoza ordered me to proceed with minimal resources that means ...start from zero. I don't know why and perhaps I'll never know why so I just follow orders. Since Miranda's on Switzerland, Martínez and me did most of the IS_N organization , anyway take a look, seems to be that Miranda found some pics of mine in the CD I gave her before she leaves . And in my site I'll post my logs. Yes, this logs aren't a secret stuff, the really important ones aren't written on my comp I'm not so fool ...just in case one of our enemies are reading this.


Araujo's site

Miranda's site 

