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Last update: 08.27.2002 22:15


Imperial Navy XWA Extra ships Version 2.15

Hi it's me again Wing Commander Nathalye Miranda...or just Cherry Lips. We collected many opt files from several OPT makers like Flavid, Ace Antilles, Darksaber, and Araujo OPT files and we installed them into XWA. Credits for each ship will be posted in our Encyclopedia as well as a detailed description of each vessel from the Empire, the Republic and other factions . Of course WE ARE GIVING ALL CREDITS TO LUCAS ARTS the creators of this cool game =)

The whole ship pack is 300 MB ,after compressing into zip file the file is 51 MB long, Angelfire sites can't hold more than 20 MB for free and neither me nor any of the IN local members can't be online long enough to upload 51 megs . You know things aren't as easy as people thinks. Admiral Araujo having in mind that I have a copy of the ships and I have a better conn and a little of money, decide that I'll upload the ships. The only thing I said is "entendido mi almirante"  So that's what I did:

I used the File Splitter to separate the into small pieces of 5 MB each one to make upload a little faster =).There's 11 pieces , the last one is only a 1,92 MB long one so I'll put the first four files into an angelfire website (hopefully they'll not close the site), then I put the next four ones into another angelfire website , the next 3 ones with the OPTFiles.Bat file will be uploaded into yet another angelfire website plus the XWAMain.Zip file. Finally I'll put an index in this last site ..ok this is the index is just that I'm thinkin what I'm gonna do while I make the index itself lol. The index will have the links to download the files . Now here's what you must do written by admiral Araujo - he made the original index but my experience on the zone tells me that I should explain a little more. I remember when I tried to make a guy understand what to do...a WHOLE HOUR!. So here's what Araujo originally wrote:


1) Download all the OPTFiles.XYZ files (where XYZ is the original OPTFile piece's number ). I mean download all pieces.

2) Download the program OPTFiles.Bat file.

3) Put all downloaded files on same folder.

4) Execute the program OPTFiles.Bat.

5) The program should rejoin all the files you downloaded in order to recreate the original OPTFiles.Zip.

6) Now , unzip all the files compressed in the OPTFiles.Zip file in the \Flightmodels folder inside your XWA main folder. If you installed the game with the default patch then the directory should be "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\XWingAlliance". So the directory to unzip the files should be C:\Program Files\LucasArts\XWingAlliance\Flightmodels . There you will put the decompressed files . If the program ask you to overwrite any files just say "yes" to all. Make sure to have backups of the LST files (such as Equipment0.LST).

7) Now we will proceed with the binary file and the txt files:

     File                                  Function  

     XWingAlliance.Exe                     Binary File for X Wing Alliance

     Strings.txt                           For XWA engine standard messages

     Specdesc.txt                          File that contains the description for each ship

     Shiplist.txt                          The most famous file in the zone. First thing thing                                      everybody learns to modify. It works as a database database                                   for some slot stats.   

  If you modify XWA to add ships and/or weapons and you want to give the mod to someone you should give the custom OPT files (if any) and this files . OPT files are containers for the 3d model . The file for the ship itself. an OPT file have a 3D DXF (the shape of the ship) plus the hardpoints coordinates plus the engine glow coordinates. The 3D DXF can be modified with a CAD program such as autocad (which I love cuz I'm in engineering =D). The hardpoints and engine glows can be edited with ACE_Dxf or OPTech or another OPT utility that can be found at darksaber's opt station or Ace Antilles site or in our encyclopedia (when we finish it). There's 3 types of ship stats:

Internal Ship Stats (such as speed, roll, pitch, hull integrity) : This ones are inside the XWA Binary file and cannot be modified without hacking programs such as Mxvted or BinHexEdit (with an adequate module) or UGE (with a module like BHE ofc). The data about a ship (internal variables) and the place to find additional data for the ship is stored in slots. Mxvted is easy to use but when you try to modify weapons it mess the stats in the binary and then when you fire ion cannons you fire a concussion missile. that's why I like to use BHE instead of Mxvted. Rhetorically you can use UGE to modify XWA but I don't know if someone made the modules ...and I'm not so good making UGE modules. And that's not so easy to use as Mxvted believe me I 've been working with UGE for a long time makin SWR games more hard for me by puttin imp ships more weak and/or rebel ships more strong and cheap just for practice (according to IS_N_T-AlphaSigma_15)and modify SWR with UGE takes time.

Strings.Txt  stats are the messages the game shows when an event related with a craft occurs i.e "6 TIE Fighters from FG Alpha entering area at 3 Km." and mission goal desc like "66% arrive in region". This file is the one that put a limit for the number of extra craft that can be added to XWA . The stuff can't be write for anything beyond slot 217 I believe that slots with a number bigger than 217 are the containers for XWA "garbage" this is the series of objects that simulates ship wreckage after the ship is destroyed ones mainly. Mxvted doesn't allow to write above 217 as well as BinHexEdit. and if you modify strings.txt files beyond 217 the game crashes so I'm thinking in modify the game engine to add more ships or create several versions of XWA with ships that corresponds with an specific time in the SW story . Like Daikatana with the weapons ...a different shipset for a different mission pack.

Shiplist.txt holds extra data about the ships like if the craft is flyable or not, available in skirmish or not ,etc , as you may well know , by modify this file with any text editor you can change the settings for this section of the ship data.

Specdesc.txt holds the text about the description of the ship that shows on the ship database and a some other info. Can be modified like shiplist.txt . I'm asking my friend Nathalye to upload the necessary XWA files to allow you to use our modifications instead of making an installer like NCA because I've some weapon data modified and the easiest way to install it is just copyin the files instead of using BHE to insert the data...wait that's easy too... no, nevermind but I'll upload the weapon stats if you like to use BHE. I've modified a lot XWA and made a lot of test. On LAN there's no latency but the game crash if you use this patch and you use a custom ship while the others doesn't have the patch. Still you can use the standard ships but be sure that the other players have the same stats for the standard ships. I remember a n00b that choose a CORT ...and after my comp hangs and I reentered the zone he asked "do you have Mxvted? cuz I changed the corellian transport lasers for missile launcers...I have an special ship!!!".Game crash also if two players are flying same ship but the ship has different stats for each player...I don't have the CORT modified so that's y my comp hanged. As you can see with my example you will have same problem with the zone unless the other plyers use non-modified standard ships or they download the stuff or you pass it via email...but 20 megs via email..when almost every1 has hotmail??? lol I remember another n00b that asked me for the files I told him "do you have an email with big space for files???"  he said yes then he gave me a hotmail address....brb. Darksites and Vampirefreaks have 6MB for free so you can use them if ya want. Or just dl the stuff from this site

Back to the instructions :

8) Download the file and unzip all files in the XWA main folder. If the game was installed in the default folder then you should unzip to :

                     "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\XWingAlliance"

The contents of the file are the binary file and the txt files that I explained so now you should have a little idea of what I want to do =).

9) If the program ask you to overwrite any files then say yes.

You should be done. If you don't see any extra ships , select one ship then when start the game it crashes (cuz there's no OPT file for the ship) or anything else just mail me to " (notice..admiral's email not mine ,mine's "no I'm not doing this cuz I want someone mail me ....I've lots of mail I just want to know if you have any trouble and your feedback about this ship collection. This collection will be very helpful to make the mission pack we are creating. In fact some stuff that happened in the zone inspired us to make new mission /battles. So this next step will take several months, making a mission isn't an easy stuff. Until then have fun blasting things with the Whitestar (of course I'll include my own opt files!!)."

This is the index of files, click on the name and then the download will start...I guess brb hope this works or admiral will kill me .


         OPTFiles.001    OPTFiles.012    OPTFiles.024    OPTFiles.036    OPTFiles.048

         OPTFiles.002    OPTFiles.013    OPTFiles.025    OPTFiles.037    OPTFiles.049

         OPTFiles.003    OPTFiles.014    OPTFiles.026    OPTFiles.038    OPTFiles.050 

                  OPTFiles.004    OPTFiles.015    OPTFiles.027    OPTFiles.039    OPTFiles.051 

                  OPTFiles.005    OPTFiles.016    OPTFiles.028    OPTFiles.040    OPTFiles.052

                  OPTFiles.006    OPTFiles.017    OPTFiles.029    OPTFiles.041    OPTFiles.Bat  

                  OPTFiles.007    OPTFiles.018    OPTFiles.030    OPTFiles.042    XWAMain.Zip   

                  OPTFiles.008    OPTFiles.019    OPTFiles.031    OPTFiles.043 

                  OPTFiles.009    OPTFiles.020    OPTFiles.032    OPTFiles.044   

                  OPTFiles.010    OPTFiles.021    OPTFiles.033    OPTFiles.045

         OPTFiles.011    OPTFiles.022    OPTFiles.034    OPTFiles.046  

                         OPTFiles.023    OPTFiles.035    OPTFiles.047


Our last update is the shadow ship's laser here's the opt file of the weapon plus the equipment0.lst file them in your flightmodels folder


Ok wanta see what you are downloading?. This is the Whitestar...I installed XWA then the mod and I was playin after reinstalling the Modified SC and I've noticed that the M/SC was far more stronger that I recall, when I checked the stats with Mxvted I discovered that the hull integrity was 40000 and the shield strength was 85600 lol a super modified strike (what a name also). So before gettin the stats back to 1200 of hull and 1500 of shields I decide to fight this stuff ...I put it into the skirmish, called it Wiley (like that cute and nice WTF that try always to be like Badtz Maru) and then I took a only 3 min I did take the screenshot.

See the big hole??? I shoot first at the engines, then the "Wiley" stopped ..I took some E Wings and K Wings then turned back and made the hole ..and the shields were still holding!!!.When I turned again to take some more distance the time finished and I took the pic...ofc I did it, that hole looks awesome =D. With normal stats the m/sc wouldn't survive a first pass ...only 10 or 12 Whitestar's shots. Whitestars have also a great fire range...I've taken out fighters at 8 km of distance! of course they need special skills due to the ship stats and hardpoints location aww enough technological shit...that's Alex work not mine .....ok sometimes I work on the stuff but right now I want to enter the zone and play with my innie vs anything or just a tf.Here's another pic..I played again the mission with a MIS (unarmed) and normal settings for the M/SC...this is when the M/SC explodes

Here's another pic

Laila's phasers are extremly powerful ...btw Araujo also find a way to "easily" add ships on XvT so this is a pic of the Whitestar in XvT.....he made a mission with me...ok just added my Whitestar in the custom dogfight.


 here's another xvT pic

yet another one...this one looks like if it came from XWA but this one's from XvT

This pic quite cool I'd like to have it as the Whitestar Squadron Seal.


or maybe this with our mother ship : the Imperial III Class Star Destroyer Laila (Admiral Araujo's Fleet 222 flagship). He made the OPT file to tell the others how special was Laila for him. I guess that that is "love turned into firepower" gotta ask him. This one 's from XWA

Can you see the ISD3?

Yet another one

When Lord N00b ..srry Griffin said that whitestars sucks just cuz he was mad bc of Emperor Palpatine then I decide to play a little game Whitestars vs Pinooks....poor Pinooks


This is one I made capturing a Harkners Balix 903 (one of Flavid's OPTs).. the famous Etherway (no , this isn't a Ferengi Marauder) and puttin it into the Laila's hanger

This is Darksaber's version of the TIE Defender. Araujo and me tried hard to convert XWA's version of the TD into the XvT OPT format but the file seems to be damaged or the tools we use aren't able to convert it even to dxf or ace Araujo decide to use Darksaber's model while we find another TD model since we have both models in XWA ..the original one plus darksaber's one as the "T/DII" a more powerful fighter developed in the time of the Vong invassion. 

Araujo loved the idea of addin the TIEX1 into XvT still don't know y but one thing is sure I like the ship too.

We successfully added XWA's model of the ISD. Lucas Arts use same model for both the Class I and Class II Imperial Star Destroyers ...ok we agree to put the ISDII as a 2.0 km long ship but to use that model for the class I??? almost all the RPG books and the Stele Chronicles says that the ISD is 1600 (1.6 Km) long . Araujo took the model, reduced the scale then assigned a different name and made the proper modifications on XWA but the ship shows the engine glow far from the engines .That's a bug we still don't know how to fix so I told Araujo about using XvT model of the ISD as ISD class I on XWA.....Stuff almost worked ..ISD  on XvT shows as 3.2 km long but ppl knows that there's a bug on XvT related with size measurements (about twice) so the real size was...1,6 km!!! exactly what we were looking for..and it looks different from the XWA's OPT file .

Unfortunately the stuff didin't worked Ace DxF didint loaded the XvT can convert XWA models to XvT but not XvT models to XWA. So We added the XWA's OPT of the ISD into XvT as the ISDII. Here's a pic


ok not enough to notice differences so here's another pic This time Monica's flagship, the Allende, was targeted 


the nearest one is the ISDII Allison ..see the difference? the lights, the command tower , the shield generators. Enough small differences to say there's two versions of the same ship the ISD-I & II should be . Here's another pic to allow you see the differences. The nearest one 's the ISDII:Allison


This is a pic of Rebellion.. with the star destroyers Yessyka, Benedict and Dauntless (attached to Fleet 222), graphics aren't soo cool but I know that Araujo wanted to post it (still don't know y) I'm just predicting what my commander wants that's something we learn in the academy to save time with common orders and /or when you learn to know well your superior officer. So here it is Alex

This is a pic of the NCA's Blade 33 is a mission in which Araujo enter into an adumari facility to investigate some stuff (not usual that an imperial admiral get involved but that's his style) then he stole a Blade 33 when the Laila dropped from hyperspace to rescue him ...The player (Major Tovar) was with Araujo too and he took another Blade 33 .

These are pics of flavid's (not sure I think it was him) atmospheric patch. One in the night and the other on the day but the sky doesn't show brb I choose a bad angle.

Hard to believe you are playin XWA with an imperial craft eh?

This is the Laila at a close view while flyin a TIEX1 in XvT
