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Last update: 08.12.2002 10:39


Imperial Starfleet Navy Armada Organization Chart.


Fleet : group of ships that work or travel together for general purposes.

Task Fleet: regular group of ships that work in regular task and/or assignments.

Strike Force: Group of ships that combine their efforts to perfom one or more military strike operations.

Task Force: non regular task fleets

War Fleet: group of ships that works together in any theater of operations.

Regular Fleet: group of ships that works together for regular purposes like patrol ,interdiction, etc.

Deep Space Fleets  : Fleets which aren't attached to any base and are ready to deploy anywhere in imperial space. ASF , Armda and Cargo Division facilities can provide support to this fleets i.e ammo, personnel , mechs,etc. Internet Fleets are Deep Space Fleets (DSF).


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