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Last update: 08.31.2002 18:33


Imperial Starfleet Navy Fleet Organization

Imperial Navy Fleets are a mix up of army, air space force and armada officers, crew, troopers and pilots. For internet gaming purposes we are assigning several fleets to the many different gaming sites. One Fleet covers one game, each ship in the fleet has several squadrons named in two ways: the external one is the squadron name , the internal one is the name given inside the ships. Internal names are one letter -one number names, letter is the same in squadrons composed of the same class of fighter, the difference comes with the additional number in the squadron name  i.e. squadron A1 and A2 should be two squadrons with the same fighter class assigned to their pilots. Each squadron has two flight groups designed with Greek letters i.e. Alpha , Gamma. Each squadron have 12 fighters and each flight group have 6 fighters.

In the Army, each regiment have a certain number of units depending in the type of the unit . The unit type can be trooper, light mech , mech, heavy mech , transport , blizzard, etc . Ten regiments make a some rpg books 10 battalions make a regiment which matches SWR about the army organization: troops comes in regiments. This has yet to be established. But we will take car about it after having a decent amount of recruits.

However , we have a "pilot group" in this experiment of having internet fleets. The fleet 3 is assigned to XWA and it's duty roaster is:


Fleet 3


Commanding Staff:

                                            Vice Admiral.

                                                                   Component : Armada.

                                                                   Status : available.



                                                                   Component : Air Space Force.

                                                                   Status: available.


                                              Wing Commander.

                                                                     Component : Air Space Force.

                                                                     Status : Available.

VSD: Protector of People

                    Squadron Assignment:

                            450th             Squadron A1:

                                                                           Flight Group Alpha:              6 TIE Fighters

                                                                           Flight Group Beta:                6 TIE Fighters

                             451st            Squadron B1:

                                                                           Flight Group Gamma:          6 TIE Interceptors

                                                                           Flight Group Delta:               6 TIE interceptors



                    Squadron Assignment:

                            452nd             Squadron A1:

                                                                           Flight Group Iota:                  6 TIE Advanceds

                                                                           Flight Group Talon:               6 TIE Advanceds

                             453rd            Squadron B1:

                                                                           Flight Group Alpha:              6 TIE Fighters

                                                                           Flight Group Beta:                6 TIE Fighters

 ESC: Sixhu

                    Squadron Assignment:

                            454th             Squadron A1:

                                                                           Flight Group Alpha:              6 TIE Fighters

                                                                           Flight Group Alpha:              6 TIE Fighters

                             455th            Squadron A2:

                                                                           Flight Group Beta:                6 TIE Fighters

                                                                           Flight Group Beta:                6 TIE Fighters


                             456th            Squadron B1:

                                                                           Flight Group Zeta:                 6 Preybird Fighters

                                                                           Flight Group Zeta:                 6 Preybird Fighters

                             457th            Squadron C1:

                                                                           Flight Group Mu:                   6 Assault Gunboats

                                                                           Flight Group Nu:                   6 Assault Gunboats


Usually fleets are attached to a planet, system, base ,etc. We have introduced the concept of Deep-Space Fleet which aren't attached to any base and are ready to deploy anywhere in imperial space. ASF, Armada and Cargo Division facilities can provide support to this fleets i.e. ammo, personnel , mechs, etc. Internet Fleets are Deep Space Fleets (DSF)

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