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Last update: 08.18.2002 19:14


Imperial Starfleet Research and Development Division.


This Starfleet division is in charge of the development of new technology and /or modifications and patches for the games we play as well as programs for a variety of things. For the moment we have two shipsets for X Wing vs. TIE Fighter and X Wing Alliance.

Click Here for an explanation about how to install the XWA shipset , to see pictures of both XvT and XWA patches and to download the XWA shipset.

Click Here to download XvT shipset.

Click Here to download Mxvted , a X Wing Alliance ship editor.

Click Here to download Allied, a X Wing Alliance mission editor.

Click Here to download New Horizons Editor, a X Wing Alliance mission editor.

Click Here to download XvTED, a X Wing vs. TIE Fighter mission editor.

