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Chapter II


The history of our race


200,000 years before episode 4


The Taungs , an ancient race , begin to control the planet Coruscant for many millennia, prior to the dawn of modern humans . They conquered the other people of the planet , including the Zhell, in a series of bloody conquests. They were know throughout history as the Dark Warriors , after a volcano erupted during their final battle with the Zhell. The ash from the explosion wiped out the Zhell city , and the Taung adopted the name “Dha Werda Verda” , or “The Warriors of the Shadow”, when the ash cloud filled the skies for two years , casting a shadow over their lives. So darkness is a part of the humans from the beginning. This was a very important moment and the Taungs made it even more important by settin this year as zero in their time measurement.


The sky over Coruscant is finally free of ash two years later .


The Taungs (it is unknown if they developed space travel by themselves or with the help of other race like the First Ones) sent several colonies to several planets in different galaxies and then they envelop into several different races depending on the planet .

Many of the Taungs envelop to the modern Humans , others envelop into several different humanoid races

The Humans are expected to be the creators of huge empires to rule the galaxies.

  They were supposed to be trained by two ancient races : the Shadows (their real name it’s a 12,000 letter long name too complex for humans so they called them the “shadows”) and the Vorlon  , but the Vorlon after a time , mysteriously disappeared and the Shadows left the Humans alone at Coruscant just because they were too primitive for the Shadows .


c. 100,000 BSW4

  The ancient Sith race begins to develop their distinct culture and civilization. Only later, as these people spread across the galaxy did the term Sith become associated more with their teachings and philosophies than with the species itself. Though the Sith held great power, they were not united, preferring to remain in tribal "circles", bands of Sith led by one or more sorcerers who were responsible for the safety and protection of their charges.

  Also Galactic City, later known as Republic City and Imperial City covers all of the natural land on Coruscant. One remaining piece of land, Coruscant's tallest mountain remains and is enshrined in what will be known as Monument Plaza. The city is built on an old battlefield between the ancient Taungs and the Battalions of Zhell.

Many millennia after the shadows left Coruscant, the Humans develop space travel

  29,000 years before sw4 

  The Kashi Mer Dynasty, a civilization located in the Phellem Sector, reaches its height. The culture discovered ways in which to control and manipulate the Breath, or the Force. The culture was wiped out when the primary star supporting the planet Kashi went supernova, and destroyed the entire system.


28,000 BSW4

  An isolated planet within what would be later known as the Pentastar Alignment, Criton's Point is located far from any major hyperlanes. Its arid, desolate surface is covered with ruins that date from before the foundation of the Republic. Among the many ruins is the mysterious Library of Xer, an ancient storehouse of information that has thus far resisted all attempts at translation.


27,500 BSW4

  The first human colonists arrive at Alderaan after many centuries of travel, and discover the remnants of the lost Killik civilization. The early colonists included miners, but most were retired businessmen or wealthy dignitaries searching for a beautiful world on which to spend their lives. The earliest colonists refused to pave their new home with ferrocrete - one Coruscant was enough for them. Instead, cities were built into canyon crevasses, beneath the polar ice, and on stilts in the shallow saline seas.


 500 years later.

 The invention of the portable power cell and the discovery of high - energy gasses leads to the development of the first energy weapons, known as beam tubes.


26,000 BSW4

  The ancient Nikto brotherhood called the Cult of M'dweshuu is formed shortly after the Nikto race discovered the existence of the M'dweshuu (meaning "untrustworthy stepbrother") Nova. Many Nikto believe that the powerful ability of the Nova to affect life on Kintan is worthy of admiration, and develop a cult formed on the basis that they were as powerful as the Nova. The Cult, which worships M'dweshuu as a death god, rises quickly to power in a blood-soaked inquisition, and controls much of the planet in the years leading up to the arrival of the Hutts in the Si'Klaata Cluster. With the arrival of the Hutts and their conquest of the planet Kintan, the Cult lost much of its control, and was thought to have been disbanded.

25,032 years before Yavin

A cannibalistic sub-humanoid species called the Cthons begin to devolve in the bowels of Coruscant's undercity.



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